Approximating, proximity (v. 1), American flag postcard stock on two sheets of Opalux vellum, over gold Momi paper, 22.25 x 28 x 2.25 inches, framed, 2020
Approximating, proximity (v. 2), American flag postcard stock on two sheets of Opalux vellum, over gold Momi paper, 22.25 x 28 x 2.25 inches, framed, 2020
Figure ground, Fautrier, Interference paint and watercolor pencil on two sheets of Opalux vellum, over silver Momi paper, 22.25 x 28 x 2.25 inches, framed, 2020
Golden fields, after Anna Atkins, Acrylic on watercolor paper on two sheets of Opalux vellum, 19.5 x 25.5 inches, 2014, Private collection, New York
Deepwater (horizon), Acrylic on watercolor paper on two sheets of Opalux vellum, 19.5 x 25.5 inches, 2014, Private collection, New York
Les Fleurs, after Adolphe Braun, (v. 11.8.13), Acrylic on watercolor paper on Opalux vellum, 19.5 x 25.5 inches, 2013, Private collection, California
“ “Miro’s papier collés and Arp’s papiers déchirés; Ernst’s collage-découpages and Hugnet’s poèms-découpages; the anatomical chart and the advertising slogan, the Romantic print alongside the sales catalogue, the telephone directory and the poem; Dali’s disguised collages, false collages, stone collages; the lugubrious game, the definitions game, the hypothesis game; surrealist journals and exhibitions, walks, letters and advertisements; Breton’s collage texts or Ernst and Ernst’s texts on Ernst; Magritte’s mental collages or Ernst’s painted collages; Eluard’s photocollages and Valentin’s photomontages; monsters, masks and machines; bachelor machines, hundred-headless women; disarticulated dolls; the meeting of a cardinal and a monumental nude, or corpses and a sewing machine on a battlefield; Loplop, Perturbation, Germinal and other exquisite corpses...” ”
Pictorial (grounds)Acrylic on watercolor paper on two sheets of Opalux vellum, 19.5 x 25.5 inches, 2014