Paul Kos, The Sound of Ice Melting, Two 25-pound blocks of ice, eight standing boom microphones, amplifier, and speaker, Dimensions variable, 1970, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , California
Tags: PaulKos , installation , ice , microphones , sculpture , SFMOMA , California , NYTimes , "Parasite" , BongJoonHo , director , BestPictureOscar , firstfilmnotinEnglishlanguagetowin , winners , stage , blacktuxedos , goldenstatue , celebration , 'Parasite'Win , MakesHistoryAtOscars , AcademyAwards , 92yearsofOscarhistoryshattered , SouthKoreanhit , class-strugglethriller , "Weneverwritetorepresentourcountries" , BestOriginalScreenplay , HanJinWonBongJoonHo , wincameinwakeofprotest , OscarsSoWhite , Wuhan , China , InsideTheOutbreak , ContagionRipsThroughaFamily , 3GenerationsSickened , DesperateforCareinWuhan , coronavirus , Hazmat , DisinfectingShanghaioffice , Virusconcerns , forcedsomeChinesecitiestoshutdown , DesMoines , Iowa , BadApp , JustaLink , InIowa'sChainofFailure , WeakOversight , RushedPlanning , CrippledtheDemocraticCaucuses , Shadow , "codingissue" , CEOofShadow , GerardNiemira , veteranof2016HillaryClintoncampaign , Hooksett , NewHampshire , SandersandButtigiegFaceOff , TryingtoWhittleaRacetoTwo , NewHampshireprimary , InternetDelusion , OozesOffline , IntoRealWorld , QAnon , pro-Trumpconspiracytheory , "deepstate"traitors , plottingagainstthepresident , PoliticiansandCrimes , LinkstoQAnon , Korat , Thailand , 18DeadlyHours , ShakeThailandtoItsRoots , ShootingsBeganOverRealEstateDispute , cloudy , periodicrain , breezy , notaschilly
Jean-Marc Bustamante, Lava I , Steel and Perspex, 170 x 4380 x 8965 millimeters, 2003, Tate , U.K.
Tags: Jean-MarcBustamante , Lava , sculpture , steel , perspex , orange , TateUK , NYTimes , silverwhite , greyrubble , green-goldlandscape , yellowochre , brown , dirt , site , NorthwesternSyria , raid , aerialphotography , LeaderOfIslamicState , DiesInRaid , U.S.Says , World'sMost-WantedTerrorist , BuiltISISIntoGlobalThreat , AbuBakral-Baghdadi , seatedportrait , videostill , sonofpiousSunnifamily , parlayedreligiousfervor , hatredofnonbelievers , powerofInternet , WashingtonDC , PresidentKnewofHunt , HisSyriaWithdrawal , MadeItHarder , intelligenceofficials , al-Baghdadi'sdeathinraid , occurredinspiteof , notbecauseof , Mr.Trump'sactions , TrumpHeraldsSuccessofMission , Seekingal-Baghdadi , daringAmericancommandoraid , five-yearinternationalmanhunt , "Hediedlikeadog" , "Hediedlikeacoward" , Mr.Trumpsaid , OnCamera , Theannouncementofraid , gavePresidentTrump , made-for-televisionmoment , hehaslongcraved , decentralizedIslamicState , encouragedfollowersandfranchises , tocarryoutideology , PresidentTrumpatpodium , redstripedtie , StrategiesDeridedbyPresident , FuelaTriumph , andaDebate , nighttimeraid , vindicatedthevalue , threetraditionalAmericanstrengths , robustalliances , faithinintelligenceagencies , projectionofmilitarypoweraroundtheworld , Fieryredlandscape , glowingembers , roadway , Kincadefire , forcedmandatoryevacuation , 180000people , NorthernCalifornia , FireandWind , FlailCalifornia , StrewingChaos , Petaluma , California , PacificGasandElectric , cutpowerto2.7millionpeople , largestintentionalblackout , inCaliforniahistory , BeforeCrashes , Boeing , PushedToUndercut , F.A.A.Oversight , craftlegislationtotheirliking , FederalAviationAdministration , "notbeinthebestinterestofsafety" , Boeing737Maxjet , cloudyskies , somesunshine
Leonilson (José Leonilson Bezerra Dias), The Penelope , Fabric, 2220 x 830 millimeters, 1993, Tate , U.K.
Tags: Leonilson , fabric , sewing , textiles , repair , TateUK , London , NYTimes , turquoisebluewall , hospitalroom , patient , nurse , windowshades , light , transparency , oxygentank , blankets , pillows , Léogâne , Haiti , hospitalhadtodecide , whetheritcouldspareoxygen , GislaienMilord , strokepatient , AllbutPovertyandDespair , IsataHaltinHaiti , AmidtheBarricades , EvenOxygenIsn'tAlwaysaGiven , Haiti'spoliticalcrisis , strugglebetweenPresidentJovenelMoïse , surgingoppositionmovement , demandinghisouster , violentdemonstrations , weekofunrest , Emboldened , ErdoganSeeksNuclearBomb , TurkishLeader'sGoals , GoFarBeyondSyria , portrait , RecepTayyipErdogan , redblue , Qamishli , Syria , FormerU.S.Ally , WarnsOfDanger , ToKurdsInSyria , EthnicCleansingFear , Turkish-BackedMilitias , PlantoDeploy , AfterCease-FireEnds , MazlumKobani , commanderofSyrianDemocraticForces , "Americaneedstoworktorebuildthetrustwithitsally" , About-Face , PresidentTrumpsaid , infavorofleavingsometroopsinSyria , SanFrancisco , California , CannabisOilAndVaping , HazyHazards , e-cigarettes , vapedTHC , hasleft1479peoplesick , 33dead , AnchorsTopLate-Night , A-List , JakeTapper , CNNhost , "TheLateShowWithStephenColbert" , Stormynewscycles , audiencethirstyforcommentary , changedwhatworksonTV , 11:35p.m. , CondemnationbyRepublicans , DroveReversalonMeetingSite , TrumpNationalDoral , Groupof7summit , ChrisChristie , "Hehadnochoice" , FortWorth , Texas , InFortWorth , AHistoryofResidents , SorryTheyCalledthePolice , largelyblackandHispanicneighborhood , AtatianaJefferson , shotandkilledinherbedroom , bywhitepoliceofficer , standingoutsideherwindow , Rev.KyevTatum , "Thisisnotanisolatedincident" , sunnytopartlycloudy , seasonable
Fazal Sheikh, Qurban Gul Holding a Photograph of Her Son Mula Awaz, Khairabad, Northern Pakistan , Toned gelatin silver print, 40.6 x 40.3 centimeters, 1998, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: FazalSheikh , photography , gelatinsilverprint , portraiture , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , NYTimes , womanathome , patterns , multicolor , radio , flashlight , banister , yellowochre , SajaBegum , spenthours , roadblocks , desperatesearch , medicalhelp , forherson , AmirFarooqDar , photoi.d. , brownwhiteblackcarpet , Heevan , Kashmir , RacingAgainstDeath , WithBothFeetTied , TheSickPaythePrice , IndiaShutsDownCommunicationsinKashmir , cellularnetworkblackout , shuttingdowninternet , WashingtonDC , LookingAfarToInvestigate , RussiaInquiry , Barr'sMission , GuidedbyTrump'sTheories , conspiracytheory , "deepstate"enemies , AttorneyGeneralWilliamP.Barr , triptoItalygeneratedcriticism , SecondPersonBlowsWhistle , LegalTeamSays , TrumpAndUkraine , 'FirsthandKnowledge' , CouldSupportCase , forImpeachment , RockHill , SouthCarolina , WarrenIsCourtingBlackVoters , SheHasaLotofWorktoDo , SenatorElizabethWarren , rally , ClintonCollege , historicallyblackinstitution , signs , "BlackIssuesAreAmericanIssues" , NoCellphone , NoRecording , NoAudience? , JoshuaHenry , star , "TheWrongMan" , OffBroadwaymusical , tookphoneawayfromaudiencemember , stopcapturingperformancewithphone , Anne-SophieMutter , stoppedmid-concerto , askedwomantostopmakingvideoofher , womenin19thCenturycostumes , woodenhouse , BorschCook-Off , barbecuesmoke , bluelight , FortRoss , historicRussiansettlement , SonomaCounty , California , receiveddonations , ViktorF.Vekselberg , SofteningRussia'sImage , WithArtandCash , mostlycloudy , morningdrizzle , afternoonshowers , warmer
Isidore Pils, Young Man Leaning Forward with Outstretched Arms (Study for Soldiers Distributing Bread to the Poor) , Oil, brown oil wash or ink wash, and black crayon on light brown wove paper, 33.8 x 26.9 centimeters, 1851, The Cleveland Museum of Art , Ohio
Tags: IsidorePils , portraiture , outstretchedarms , oilwash , inkwash , wovepaper , study , TheClevelandMuseumofArt , Ohio , NYTimes , Matamoros , Mexico , migrantswaiting , acrossRioGrande , Brownsville , Texas , clothingdistribution , womenandchildren , pointingfingers , hands , crowded , 'SwimAcross' , MigrantsUseRiskierTactics , blockedfromseekingasyluminU.S. , escalatingrestrictions , prospects , slimtonearlyimpossible , Anaheim , California , MovingArtfully , InKeyDistricts , OnImpeaching , DemocratsPrepare , PossibleBacklash , RepresentativeMikeLevin , "thetimeshavefoundus." , RepresentativeHarleyRouda , warnedDemocrats , notto"sitonourlaurels." , WashingtonDC , TrumpEmbracedShamConspiracy , FormerAideSays , NoUkraineRoleIn2016 , G.O.P.TriestoRedirectScrutiny , OntoBiden , CracksShow , ThomasP.Bossert , profile , Ukraineconspiracytheory , "completelydebunked" , HongKong , streetscene , protest , policebrutality , chaos , silverumbrella , DualThreatsLooming , OveraNeutralGround , HongKongPinched , byBeijing'sCrackdown , U.S.TradeWar , thousandsofpro-democracydemonstrators , engulfedinthickclouds , teargas , accusations , HongKongpolice , lackaccountability , Chineseterritory , governedbylegalsystem , inheritedfromtheWest , intertwined , globalfinancialsystem , Bangui , CentralAfricanRepublic , TheRussianPlaybookinAfrica , WinHearts , ReapDiamonds , hopingtowrestcontroloverdiamondtrade , piececountrybacktogether , governmentturnedtonewpartner , Russia , centralfigure , YevgenyV.Prigozhin , confidantofPresidentVladimirV.Putin , accusedoffinancing , "informationwarfare" , White-CollarJobs , WereSupposedtoGoOverseas , TheyDidn't , globalization , economistswarning , offshoring , mostlycloudy , lowertemperatures
Tags: Egypt , 4thcentury , fragment , textile , wool , linen , plainweave , tapestry , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , NYTimes , tan , black , leaf , smoke , aerialphotography , desertsatelliteimage , SaudiArabia , blacksmoke , Saudioilplant , Iran-backedHouthirebels , Yemen , claimedattacks , U.S.BuildingCase , IranHitSaudiSites , 'LockedandLoaded' , WarningbyTrump , 17pointsofimpact , Saudienergyfacilities , drones , cruisemissiles , CushioningBlow , stockpiles , makesevereoilmarketshockunlikely , 50000WorkersOnStrike , GeneralMotors , AfterTalksFail , LaborDealExpires , WalkoutIsUnion'sFirst , Since2007 , Industry'sChallengesMount , UnitedAutomobileWorkersunion , Jerusalem , Israel , UglyBreakup , Israel'sOddCouple , CouldTurnAnElection , BenjaminNetanyahu , AvigdorLiberman , climacticdenouement , Netanyahu'sFate , MayBeInHandsofFormerDeputy , KamalaHarris , profile , portraiture , SanFrancisco , California , HarrisRevealed , EarlyKnackForJugular , TheLongRun , ABrawlerFromtheBeginning , Birmingham , Alabama , JosephR.BidenJr. , BidenHasEdge , OnBlackVotes , ButNotaLock , passionateaddress , 16thStreetBaptistChurch , 56thanniversaryofthebombingin1963 , foldingchairsandtables , redandwhitecheckeredtablecloths , Agentsandcustomers , Rudy'sCountryStoreandBar-B-Q , McAllen , Texas , "Iknowalotofguysjustwanttoleave" , saidoneformeragent , 'PeopleActivelyHateUs' , InsidetheMoraleCrisisontheBorder , OneBorderPatrolagentinTucson , wascalled"asellout" , "kidkiller" , Agentscalledslow-motionspecialty , "layingin" , hidingindesertandbrushforhours , waitandwatch , immigrationcrackdown , cloudsandsunshine , showers , lightwinds
Tags: UrsulavonRydingsvard , cedar , sculpture , installation , wood , SFMOMA , California , NYTimes , PrimeMinisterBorisJohnson , Britain , PresidentTrump , Groupof7summit , Biarritz , France , twomeninsuits , maroontie , lightbluetie , curvingstaircase , ornatebanisters , Trump'sThreatsOfTariffs , WorrySummitLeaders , FrayedNervesAtG7 , IncreasinglyToughTalk , TowardChina , LeavesPresidentIsolated , tradewar , "secondthoughts" , rhetoricalwhipsaw , deepnervousness , tipglobaleconomyintorecession , Alarm , widearrayofbusinessleaders , warnofconsequences , tit-for-tat , tariffs , DiplomaticDance , Leaderspresentcollegialfront , Groupof7 , Perrysburg , Ohio , DrugtoTreatRareDisease , CostsMillions , PricingCreatesCrisis , forHealthPlans , Strensiq , multimillion-dollardrug , inthefridge , pharmaceuticalcompanies , turningtorarediseases , genetherapies , nextprofitengine , Pfizer , Novartis , WashingtonDC , Trump'sAlliesScourInternet , ToPunishPress , conservativeoperatives , discreditnewsorganizations , deemedhostiletoTrump , publicizedamaginginformation , aboutjournalists , CNN , TheWashingtonPost , TheNewYorkTimes , ElizabethWarren'sAwakening , toaWorldofDesperation , bluesuit , microphone , speech , audience , formercolleague , UniversityofTexasSchoolofLaw , teaching , shewasonce"savagelyanti-consumer" , thensomethingchanged , "roadtoDamascus"moment , academicresearch , consumerbankruptcy , averageworkingAmericans , admittingtheywerefailures , portraiture , AndrewLuck , Coltsquarterback , retirementat29 , BatteredFromHeadtoToe , AStarSaid:Enough , N.F.L. , profootball , yearsofpain , rehabilitation , injuries , Logo , TrumpInternationalHotelandTower , Manhattan , PlayingDownNamesake , CentralParkIcon , crownjewel , familybusiness , overhaulsignage , removeTrumpbranding , newaddress , OneCentralParkWest , morningclouds , someafternoonsunshine
Anthony McCall, You and I, Horizontal , Computer, computer script, video projector and haze machine, 50 min. cycle in six parts, Dimensions variable, 2005, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California
Tags: AnthonyMcCall , multimedia , installation , computer , videoprojector , hazemachine , SFMoMA , California , NYTimes , portraiture , inthedark , smartphone , screenlight , plant , plaidshirt , mobilephone , profilewithlightonface , blueblack , ReneeHolland , trustingandimpulsive , spentthousandsofdollars , onafriend , shemetonFacebook , FakeMilitaryRomances , HowScammersUseFacebook , ToTrickLonelyWomen , OutofMoney , FortPierce , Florida , blossomingonlinefriendship , "WelcomeHome" , writtenoncarwindows , Shespentfamily'ssavings , phantomsoldier , "There'snowayIcangohomeandtellmyhusband" , imposteraccounts , usedstolenphotos , DanielAnonsen , fakeaccounts , risento120million , Facebook , lookingforbufftatooedman , GulfContactsByTrummpAlly , FaceScrutiny , FederalInquiry , FocusesonForeignLobbying , Mr.Trump'senergyspeech , Rashidal-Malik , Emiratibusinessman , ThomasJ.BarrackJr. , topcampaignfund-raiser , closefriendofMr.Trump , "Areyourunningthisbyourfriends?" , PaulManafortasked , FedIsClosingIn , FirstRateCut , Since2008Crisis , PrecautionaryMove , Recalibrating , FaceofTradeWar , GlobalSlowdown , FederalReserve , interestratecuts , GreatRecession , USeconomygrowing , unemploymentat50-yearlow , "TheFedactedtoosoonandtooviolently" , Mr.Trumpsaid , CuomoandtheM.T.A.'Complex' , ThatGreasesHisPoliticalGears , GovernorAndrewCuomo , HauglandGroup , constructionfirm , $23milliondollarcontract , clearcloggedsubwaydrains , politicaldonations , Cuomo'sreelectioncampaign , "transportationindustrialcomplex" , publicpark , Brooklyn , Brownsville , plasticchairs , policetape , fence , ShootingatBrooklynBlockParty , Violencestruck , OldTimersDay , leavingonedead , 11hurt , WashingtonDC , SpyChiefQuits , TrumpTapsFierceLoyalist , DanCoats , departure , directorofnationalintelligence , RepresentativeJohnRatcliffe , Waukee , Iowa , ClashofDemocraticPriorities , ChangePresidents? , orChangetheParadigm? , IsbeatingPresidentTrumpenough? , OrshouldDemocratsshakethepoliticalsystem? , likeasnowglobe , DemocraticParty , identity , ideologicalschism , hot , humid , sunshine , withamixofclouds
Peter Doig, Untitled , Oil paint on paper, 505 x 685 millimeters, 2008, Tate , U.K.
Tags: PeterDoig , TateUK , painting , paper , oilpaint , portraiture , solitaryman , NYTimes , dusk , corrugatedroof , trees , nightsky , whitegeese , porchlight , woodenfencing , metalfence , GrisaMuntean , lastsurvivor , Dobrusa , 19thCenturysettlement , oncepartofRussianEmpire , LoneSurvivor , HoldsDownVillageofOne , Moldova , liveswithtwocats , fivedogs , nineturkeys , fifteengeese , fortytwochickens , fiftypigeons , onehundredtwentyducks , severalthousandbees , "Thelonelinesskillsyou" , likemanysettlements , emptiedoutafterfallofSovietUnion , 1991 , JosephR.BidenJr. , blackandwhitephotography , 1974 , Capitolbuildinginbackground , Newport , Delaware , HowBidenBecame , Anti-BusingDemocrat , TheLongRun , ATurnabout , TurbulentTimes , raciallydivisivetopicinAmerica , headshot , PresidentTrump , FanningFlames , TrumpUnleashesATaunt , 'GoBack' , AnAssumption , ThatSpokeVolumes , Twitterharangue , attackonDemocraticcongresswomenofcolor , "goback"tothecountrytheycamefrom , us-against-them , politicalstrategy , ASlur , on4NonwhiteCongresswomen , FuelsOutrage , racisttrope , stokingracialdivisions , Trump'scomments , swiftlycondemned , NovakDjokovic , RogerFederer , WimbledonFinal , LikeNoneBefore , tennisuniforms , tenniscourt , net , crowd , officialsinblazers , fifth-settiebreaker , Djokovic's16thmajortitle , LosAngeles , California , Netflix , LobbyOffersFlash , andFreebies , Hollywood'sA-List , "lobbyexperience" , "creativegateway" , 80x12footvideoscreen , wallof3500plants , livingmural , redFlamingoLilies , knownforbigpistils , SanFrancisco , mentholcigaretteban , FDA , consideringnationwideban , billsetaside , BlackNewYorkers , LendaHand , CorporateLobbyistsPrevail , tofightbanproposedbyNewYorkCityCouncil , mostlysunny , warm , lowhumidity
Richard Marquis, Confetti Pyramid , Kiln-formed glass, 20.3 x 28.9 x 28.9 centimeters, 2007, The Corning Museum of Glass , Corning, New York
Tags: RichardMarquis , sculpture , glass , murrine , kiln , TheCorningMuseumofGlass , Corning , NewYork , NYTimes , Americanflag , confetti , yellow , blue , redwhiteblue , hands , celebration , trophy , champions , U.S.women'ssoccer , WorldCup , 2-0victory , overNetherlands , fanschanted , "Equalpay!" , blurrycrowd , banners , BurdensBorne , ByaU.S.Team , WithNoEqual , Lyon , France , fewathletesexpectedtolead , equalpay , gayrights , socialjustice , swaggerofpopstars , Americanwomen , clinchingsecondconsecutiveWorldCuptrophy , LasVegas , Nevada , WomenMakePrimaryFoes , StarttoSweat , "IwantsomeonewhoIknowillstandup" , "thathasabackbone" , SenatorElizabethWarren , Massachusetts , SenatorKamalaHarris , California , "They'rebothveryverystrongwomen." , IranAnnouncesPlans , ToBreachEnrichmentCap , Violationof2015Deal , PressuringU.S.andEurope , IntoOfferingSanctionsRelief , uraniumenrichment , onpathtoproduceatomicbomb , Trumpadministrationblamed , forsettingoffthecrisis , byEuropeans , "Itisaback-to-the-futuremoment" , SanamVakil , ChathamHouse , researchinstitute , London , U.K. , portraiture , GeorgeMonroeJr. , gardenlandscape , whitepicketfence , ledgerwithhandwriting , bluebackground , windowframe , lightandshadow , ConnectedtoaPresident , bySlavery , 7GenerationsHaveLived , inShadowofMonroe'sPlantation , ancestors , enslavedbyPresidentJamesMonroe , amongfirsttocarryhisname , ledgeridentifyingslavesMonroesold , tocoverdebts , afterhispresidency , Charlottesville , Virginia , Monroetown , predominantlyAfricanAmericancommunity , "Itwasjustunderstoodthatwewereconnectedtothepresident" , "notbybloodbutbyslavery" , workingtogetherwithmuseum , tochangethewayslaveryispresented , formerpresidentialplantation , NewSexChargesforEpstein , FocusonManhattan , AccusationsofLuringMinors , toaMansion , billionairefinancier , JeffreyE.Epstein , sex-traffickingoperation , under-agegirls , Berlin , Germany , PoliticalMurder , FarRight , ShockGermany , HatefulNewReality , DredgesUpthePast , WalterLübcke , defendedrefugeepolicy , ChancellorAngelaMerkel , Germany'sfirstfar-rightpoliticalassassination , sinceNaziera , partialsunshine , lowhumidity
Benjamin Armstrong, Old Friends , Blown-glass, pigment, plaster, wax, 104 x 36 x 17 centimeters, 2004, Museum of Contemporary Art , Sydney, Australia
Tags: BenjaminArmstrong , OldFriends , sculpture , blown-glass , pigment , plaster , wax , portraiture , eyes , MuseumofContemporaryArtAustralia , Sydney , PresidentTrump , KimJong-un , doubleportrait , bluesuits , redtie , securityguards , cameraman , bluerooftops , governmentbuilding , whitesteps , firstsittingUnitedStatespresident , tosetfoot , inNorthKorea , TwitterOverture , TrumpandKim , MeetOnNorthKoreanSoil , Seoul , SouthKorea , EyeingArms'Freeze' , EaseNewTalks , made-for-TV , spectacle , DemilitarizedZone , TwoLeadersAgree , RestartWorkonNuclearDeal , "Itisgoodtoseeyouagain" , Mr.Kimtoldthepresident , interpreter , "Bigmomentbigmoment" , Mr.TrumptoldMr.Kim , PleasantGrove , Alabama , CityUnmovedByIndictment , InFetusDeath , MarshaeJones , herunbornbabyfatallyshot , hatemailpouredin , "personhood"movement , fetusesrights , equality , rightsofmothers , BrooklynBound , TheWarriorssuperstar , KevinDurant , brightblueuniform , yellowtype , agreedtojointheNets , Denver , Colorado , Colorado'sMarijuanaExperiment , After5Years , NoRiseinTeenageUse , RacialDivideinArrestsPersists , blue-skyrhetoric , marijuanaindustry , sincerecreationalsales , morevisitstoemergencyrooms , NYC , PrideMarch , "IAmMe" , rainbowcolor , flags , celebration , women , "Thisiswheretherevolutionbegan" , PrismofPrideandRevelry , Born50YearsAgo , CelebratingStonewall , L.G.B.T.Q.Lives , FifthAvenue , GreenwichVillage , Berkeley , California , KamalaHarris , sisterandmother , home , 1970 , BusingThatDividedBerkeley , ShapedHarrisandHerPeers , Integration , segregation , Brownv.BoardofEducation , FormerVicePresidentJosephR.BidenJr. , oppositiontomandatorybusing , NYTimes , sunshine , someclouds
Artist unidentified, possibly Desire Parker, Wonderbread-Bag Rug with Ball of Twine, Plastic Wonderbread bags, 60 inches in diameter, Ledyard, Connecticut, Twentieth century, American Folk Art Museum , New York
Tags: Artistunknown , Wonderbreadplasticbags , rug , mandala , sacred , circle , abstraction , twentiethcentury , AmericanFolkArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , Kattankudy , SriLanka , mosqueunderconstruction , scaffolding , steps , architecture , concrete , white , grey , manascendingstairs , filteredlight , arches , AHometown , WhereIslamGrewRadical , Wahhabism , homesdecorated , delicateswirls , Arabiccalligraphy , EasterSundayattacks , "WearelivinginSriLankanotacaliphate" , MohamedIbraheemMohamedJaseem , vicechairman , urbancouncil , Poway , California , AfterSynagogueAttack , aSharedBelief , ProtectSacredSpaces , RabbiYisroelGoldstein , atimeofsolace , turnedintoadayofhorror , Akcakale , Turkey , LifeofPerilandPoverty , inHazelnutGoldMine , SyrianRefugees , ToilingatDangerousJobs , inVastTurkishFields , ShakarRudani , $10aday , "Wereturnedwithnothing" , seasonalhazelnutworkers , lacklegalprotections , aerialview , workerrakingnuts , bluewhitepatternedshirt , blueredwhitepatternheadscarf , shadow , seaofhazelnuts , orangebrown , Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania , Biden'sAppeal , TapstheVoters , HisPartyNeeds , KeySignalsofSupport , Must-WinState , appealingtotraditionalcoalition , WashingtonDC , BarrThreatens , NotToAnswer , CallToTestify , FacesRiskOfSubpoena , ImpasseIntensifiesFeud , BetweenHouseandTrump , onInquiry , AttorneyGeneralWilliamP.Barr , wantsonlypublicqueries , profileportrait , orangeblurredline , ChairmanHouseJudiciaryCommittee , RepresentativeJerroldNadler , DemocratofNewYork , HowVictim , WithHiddeniPhone , LedtoAbuseCharge , forDirector , SeanEscobar , secretlyrecordedconversation , sexualabuse , SterlingVanWagenen , founderSundanceFilmFestival , respectedfigure , inMormoncommunity , Conglomerates , mustoverlookissues , childlabor , lowwages , sunshine , increasingclouds , cool
Janine Antoni, Unveiling , Bronze bell, lead clapper, fabric tassle, Edition 3/3, 53.5 x 33 x 33 centimeters, 1994, Irish Museum of Modern Art , Dublin, Ireland
Tags: JanineAntoni , bronze , bell , tassle , sculpture , installation , IrishMuseumofModernArt , Dublin , Ireland , NYTimes , silhouette , manbehindscreen , gauze , screen , anonymity , black , grey , taupe , portrait , 'ItIsNotaCloset' , 'ItIsaCage' , ASilentCrisis , forGayPriests , FearingBlame , CatholicAbuseScandal , unspokenstories , FatherGreiten , Milwaukee , Wisconsin , "Ireallyamgay" , "Itwaslikeadeathsentence." , Munich , Germany , RiftinAlliance , LeavesEurope , FumingatU.S. , RussiaandChina , MayExploitStrainedTies , trans-Atlanticalliance , seniorGermanofficialsays , "It'sbroken" , Russianforeignminister , SergeyV.Lavrov , "weseenewcracksforming" , "oldcracksdeepening" , SanFrancisco , California , HackingofU.S.Networks , TracedtoChinaandIran , RenewedStrikes , onBanksandAgencies , SeenasReaction , toTrump'sPolicies , NationalSecurityAgency , FireEye , Boeing , GeneralElectricAviation , T-Mobile , recenttargets , Sanders'sTask , ForBlackVote , FixingDamage , SenatorBernieSanders , preparestoannounce , anotherrunfortheWhiteHouse , campaignstrategy , socialmedia , handscrossed , greysweater , MohammedKhalifa , narratedbrutalISISvideo , CanadianFace , BehindaVoice , PromotingISIS , Hasaka , Syria , facelessevangelist , anonymousnarrator , LosAngeles , streetscene , SunsetBoulevard , Hollywood , CravinganOscar , Netflix , TurnstoTirelessStar , ANewStrategist , LisaTaback , "thebestofthebest" , Roma , AlfonsoCuarón , artfilm , domesticworkerinMexico , Netflixspent , estimated$25million , topromote"Roma" , cloudy , morningshowers , cold
Salvador Dalí, The Image Disappears , Pen and black ink on ivory wove paper, 647 x 508 centimeters, 1938, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: SalvadorDalí , prints , drawing , penandink , paper , TheImageDisappears , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , NYTimes , TabiatBridge , Tehran , bluesky , mountainrange , snow , mantakingphoto , womanwithballoons , viewovercity , streamoflights , dusk , redblackyellowballoons , TheRevolutionat40 , Thefervor , fourdecadesago , manyIranians , quietlyrebelled , againststrictrules , WashingtonDC , InCrypticHint , Mueller'sTeam , TipsItsHand , RussianSanctions , at'Heart'ofInquiry , PaulManafort , KonstantinV.Kilimnik , heavilyredactedtranscript , so-calledpeaceplan , forUkraine , persuadingU.S. , toendAmerian-ledsanctions , imposedtopunishMoscow , ShutdownLooms , AsBorderTalks , ReachAnImpasse , DiscordOnDetentions , TrumpMovestoDeploy , ThousandsofTroops , NearMexico , undocumentedimmigrants , BristlingOnBorder , ResidentsofElPaso , won'tallwelcomepresident'srally , Miami , Florida , Venezuela'sMoment , IsUpforGrabs , inMiami , AsDemocratsDither , G.O.P.SeizesCrisis , toEngageLatinos , showdowninCaracas , reshapingLatinopolitics , inSouthFlorida , Venezuelansralliedinsupport , ofoppositionleader , JuanGuaidó , Doral , yellowblueredstripes , whitestars , flags , cheeringcrowd , behindbarrier , SanFrancisco , California , HarrisResistsEasyDefinition , RecordasChiefLawyer , FacesChorusofCritics , KamalaHarris , TheLongRun , runningforpresident , "progressiveprosecutor" , againstdeathpenalty , KlobucharJumpsIn , SenatorAmyKlobuchar , joinedgrowingpresidentialscrum , Onancock , Virginia , InNortham'sYouth , CluestoHisViewsonRace , GovernorRalphNortham , "Wedidn'tseerace." , afriendfromchildhoodsays , Beirut , Lebanon , EmiratiPrincessTriedtoFlee , VideoSuggestsFailure'sPrice , SheikhaLatifa , "There'snojusticehere" , "Especiallyifyou'reafemale" , "yourlifeissodisposable" , portraiture , youngwomanwithsunglasses , reflectivemirroredsunglasses , orangerosecolor , ivory , tan , escape , freedom , mostlycloudy , overcast , abitofsnowlate
Mona Hatoum, Light Sentence , Wire mesh, electric motor, timer, light bulb, cables, electric wire, 198 x 185 x 490 centimeters, 1992, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: MonaHatoum , LightSentence , sculpture , installation , wiremesh , light , shadows , confinement , CentrePompidou , Paris , NYTimes , KhostProvince , Afghanistan , twomen , mountainlandscape , clouds , grey , blue , silver , lightfilteringthroughholeinclouds , barren , rocky , brownearth , UnitedNationsreport , accusedC.I.A.-sponsoredunits , operatingoutside , oflocallaw , C.I.A.-LedAfghanForces , LeaveGrimTrail , ofAbuse , CovertCampaign , AlienatesResidents , SpursAccusations , WarCrimes , raidingforce , "committedanatrocity" , RazoKhan , watchedhishome , goupinflames , portrait , childandman , AdelShah , 10yearsold , woundedinnightattack , bystrikeforce , NangarharProvince , Hisfatherkilledinraid , blueshirts , bluegreypattern , tanbackground , texture , lightpatches , manconsolingchild , grief , Vienna , Austria , PowerPointSlide , TangledMcKinsey , inU.S.BriberyCase , Boeing , 787Dreamliner , titaniumpartsshortage , threatenedproduction , sought"bestpractices"advice , consultingfirm , goldenpedigree , Ukrainianoligarch , DmitryV.Firtash , "characterduediligence" , bribingIndianofficials , minetitaniuminIndia , Westminster , California , CulturalShifts , SweepAway , CaliforniaBastionofConservatism , BolsaAvenue , signswritteninVietnamese , CalleCuatro , Latinoclientele , OrangeCounty , transformedAmericansuburb , intoDemocraticoutpost , StunningFall , Nissan'sBrashSavior , AccusedofHidingIncome , CarlosGhosn , (Again) , FacesJapan'sIre , portraiture , outdoors , porchonlake , trees , forest , mansittinginwoodenchair , CarlosGhosnjailedinTokyo , amidaccusations , financialwrongdoing , WhatsApp , grouptexttochildren , "GameofGhosns" , "GameofThrones" , "OnmywaytoTokyo!" , "Loveyouguys!" , TrumpDigsIn , DimmingHope , OfBudgetDeal , WashingtonDC , governmentshutdown , 800000federalworkers , affectedbyshutdown , SenatorLindseyGraham , saidpresidentwouldnotaccept , anydeal , withoutfundingforthewall , increasingclouds , afternoonrain
Tags: GustaveCourbet , nineteenthcentury , painting , oiloncanvas , thewave , NationalGalleriesofScotland , Edinburgh , Indonesia'sGrief , cryingman , embrace , rescueeffort , bluebackground , blueshirts , surgicalmask , portraiture , Amanisovercome , afteridentifyingrelative , amongbodiesofvictims , Carita , tsunamikilledmorethan280people , followingeruptionofvolcano , SundaStrait , Crimesurge , castsshadow , overreforms , TheCaliforniaExperiment , Databolstereffort , torollbackchanges , prisonandparolepolicies , Californiahaslednation , reducingprisonpopulations , Once-crowdedjail , hasemptybeds , ReformsinSanJoaquinCounty , bringstartlingresults , theMarshallProject , crimestatistics , bluelines , graph , Sacramento , California , Newsonandlegislators , innewpowerdynamic , Theysharewishlist , he'spreparedtosayno , Gov.-electGavinNewsom , speakingatpodium , intendstocollaborate , withlawmakers , onmajorpolicy , healthcare , financialprudence , GradeforBrown? , It'sano-brainer , GivehimanA , WashingtonDC , TrumpforcesoutDefenseSecretary , twomonthsearly , AngeredbyJamesN.Mattis'srebuke , Thepresidentnames , formerBoeingexecutive , PatrickShanahan , toleadthePentagon , adminstrationgrapples , withpartialgovernmentshutdown , plummetingstockmarket , president'smountinglegalwoes , MickMulvaney , "Idon'thinkthere'sconcern" , "thatthepresidencyisincrisis" , Mayordefends , dumpingcopfiles , Inglewoodofficial , TheRams , arebackontrack , Hollywood , setsbox-officerecord , steadyslewofhits , liftedticketsalesin2018 , forU.S.andCanada , DirectorJonM.Chu , discussesscenewithactresses , onset , MichelleYeoh , AmyCheng , SelenaTan , romanticcomedy , "CrazyRichAsians" , greenery , foliage , mostlysunny , LATimes
Betsabeé Romero, Border Memory (Recuerdo de la frontera) , Bas relief on rubber, nine Oaxacan black-clay tiles, Multiple dimensions, 2002, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: BetsabeéRomero , sculpture , bordermemory , basrelief , rubber , tire , blackclay , tiles , Oaxaca , LACMA , LosAngeles , NYTimes , EUflag , blue , yellowstars , circle , Britishflag , PrimeMinisterTheresaMay , Britain , muststillgetapproval , fromBritain'sparliament , E.U.'sLeadership , AgreesOnTerms , InBrexitDivorce , 27NationsAcceptDeal , VexedBritainIsWarned , RenegotiationIsNotAnOption , Brussels , BritainscheduledtoleaveEuropeanUnion , March29deadline , openlettertonation , Mrs.Maywouldcampaign , "heartandsoul" , "tocometogetheragainasacountry" , Dayton , Ohio , WhyDrugDeathsAreDown , InAnOpioidCity , TheTreatmentGap , DaytonResponds , "Theyjustbegantoabruptlydropoff" , MontgomeryCounty , hollowed-outmanufacturingcenter , 548overdosedeathslastyear , 54%declinethisyear , WashingtonDC , AmericanKin , Are'Collateral' , InChinaCase , WifeandChildren , AreHeldtoLureFugitive , VictorLiu , CynthiaLiu , exitban , Chinaholdingfamilyhostage , toforcefather'sreturn , LiuChangming , formerbankexecutive , $1.4billionfraudcase , WhiteHouseMutesAlarm , OverClimate , EnvironmentalReport , UnderlinesDisconnect , TrumpWhiteHouse , issuedscientificreport , directlycontradicts , itsownclimate-changepolicies , split-screenpoliticalreality , 1656-page , NationalClimateAssessment , firemaninforest , orangeuniform , CrewsfightingCampFire , clearedtrees , Magalia , California , Chico , WildfiresLeaveRetireesLittle , ToRebuildOn , Paradise , overone-quarterresidents , 65orolder , losteverything , lateinlife , muststartover , fromzero , DanielCayer , livingaloneintrailerpark , plannedtocelebratebirthday , plumeofblacksmoke , scotchedplans , Tijuana , Mexico , womenandchildren , running , Fleeingteargas , smoke , USborder , MigrantsinTijuana , RushBorder , RetreatinClouds , ofTearGas , USCustomsandBorderProtection , caravan , PresidentTrump , anti-immigrant , rallyingcry , cloudy , rain , clearing , passingeveningshowers
Martín Ruiz de Azúa, Basic House (Prototype), Polyester, 200 x 200 x 200 centimeters, 1999, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: MartínRuizdeAzúa , sculpture , inflatable , polyester , gold , transparent , basichouse , prototype , MoMA , NYTimes , girl'sbedroom , Disneyposter , redandpink , lightfilteringthroughwindows , transparentcurtains , shoes , redt-shirt , lamps , MikailaBonaparte , 5yearsold , athome , TompkinsHouses , Brooklyn , bloodleadtest , showedlevels , rarelyseeninNewYork , portraiture , HousingAgency , BattledFindings , LeadHazards , DuelingTestsOfPaint , PoisonedChildren , FailedtoSway , NewYork'sTroubledSystem , NewYorkCityHousingAuthority , Landlord , To400000people , struggledtofulfillmission , strangledbudget , endemicpoliticalneglect , Denver , Colorado , SpoilerAlert , ActOneIsBrutal , BraceYourself , "Pleasebeadvised" , TheDenverCenterTheaterCompany , "Vietgone" , theatersacrosscountry , offeringspecifictriggerwarnings , Sydney , Australia , NationsDuck , U.S.andChina , BickeronTrade , HostilitiesOvershadow , PacificRimMeeting , tradesummit , PresidentXiJinping , VicePresidentMikePence , madecasestogloballeaders , dugin , refusedtocompromise , "Theentireworldisworried" , PrimeMinisterPeterO'Neill , Chico , California , ACityOfSurvivors , AutumnShepard , wildfireevacuees , campingnearWalmart , tent , blankets , clothing , bluegreenwhiteblack , purpleparka , motherandchild , homeless , WashingtonDC , JustOneVoice , ShieldsPrince , OnKhashoggi , PresidentTrumpDigsIn , AgainstMountainofEvidence , praisedSaudiArabia , "trulyspectacularally" , FoxNewsSundayinterview , "Willanybodyreallyknow?" , Tallahassee , Florida , VitriolOverVote-StealingCharges , SetsTroublingTone , for2020 , volunteersinPalmBeach , completedahandrecount , collaboration , greyblackorangelightblue , flashbacksamongelectorate , of2000presidentialelection , nation'smostcompetitivebattleground , candidatesfocused , onenergizingvoters , withvisceral , over-the-topmessages , DemocratsWhoOpposePelosi , AlsoResist , ARunAgainstHer , RepresentativeNancyPelosi , SpeakeroftheHouse , HouseDemocrats , quietrebellion , variablycloudy , strayshower
Laure Prouvost, Eye Sting , Ceramic salt and pepper eyeballs. Salt: stoneware buff clay. Pepper: earthenware red clay. Edition of 25 copies + 10 A.P., 5 centimeters, 2016, M HKA , Antwerp, Belgium
Tags: LaureProuvost , sculpture , ceramic , saltandpepper , eyeballs , eyesting , earthenware , clay , blueeyes , limitededition , MuHKA , Antwerp , Belgium , NYTimes , portraiture , VladimirPutin , SergeiV.Skripal , weddingphoto , fatherdaughter , interior , exterior , lines , grid , architecture , doors , pinkblossoms , rockingchair , blackandwhite , red , white , Moscow , ATurncoatSpyWentFree , PutinNeverForgaveHim , Bothraisedtofight , againsttheWest , theywentoppositeways , asSovietUnioncollapsed , formerRussianspy , withhiswife , Lyudmila , anddaughter , Yulia , intelligenceofficers , SergeiV.Skripalwasalittlefish , Oneroseandonefell , LeslieMoonves , CBSChiefIsOut , MoreWomenCiteMisconduct , Executive'sSteepFall , SeverancePackage , CouldTop$120Million , CBSNetwork , sexualharassment , NewYorker , RonanFarrow , investigativejournalist , MeToo , Kingsport , Tennessee , RepresentativeMarshaBlackburn , FoeofAbortion , ChangesFocus , ForSenateBid , Shehighlightedwork , RepublicanHousemember , "getgovernmentoffyourback." , WashingtonDC , WhiteHouseMemo , WhoseSurgingEconomyIsIt? , 2PresidentsJoustOverCredit , PresidentTrump , boastingabouteconomy , "boominglikeneverbefore" , formerPresidentBarackObama , historicallegacy , theconomy'srecovery , afterplummet , newGreatDepression , blue , whitelines , tenniscourt , tennisracket , playeronground , elation , LastManStanding , KindOf , NovakDjokovic , men'ssinglestitle , U.S.Open , Sunday , addingtotriumph , atWimbledon , inJuly , Sacramento , California , NewStrategy , ToSaveLives , BulletControl , guncontroladvocates , newregulations , SenatorDanielPatrickMoynihan , DemocratfromNewYork , toldSenate25yearsago , "gunsdon'tkillpeople;bulletsdo" , Dirkou , Niger , DroneMissions , CurbedByObama , ExpandInAfrica , C.I.A.SetForStrikes , TargetingInsurgents , inLibya , FromRemoteAirBase , inNiger , satelliteimagery , surveillance , transparency , cloudy , breezy , rain
Roman, Republican or Early Imperial Period, Oval gem with head of man , Glass, 15 millimeters, 1st century B.C., Museum of Fine Arts Boston , Massachusetts
Tags: Roman , RepublicanPeriod , EarlyImperialPeriod , glass , portraiture , headofman , jewelry , AncientWorld , 1stCenturyB.C. , MFABoston , NYTimes , JohnMcCain , DailyNews , Maverick , AmericanHero , windowreflection , viewer , reader , tree , building , street , frontpages , newspapers , reportingdeath , SenatorJohnMcCainofArizona , Newseum , WashingtonDC , TwinBridges , Montana , Trump-McCainFeud , LivesOn , BattleforSeat , G.O.P.Hold , onSenate , MayHingeonPick , byArizonaGovernor , ALostLion , JohnMcCain'sdeath , leavesgapingvoidinSenate , ResoundingSilence , PresidentTrump , avoidednationalmoment , oftributetorival , SanDiego , California , DuncanHunter , wasagoodneighbor , APoliticalLife , FoiledbyBars , AndWalmart , McKinney , Texas , U.S.JobProgram , ComingUpShort , ForNeedyYouth , MajorReformsSought , ShieldedbyLawmakers , DespiteFailing , toEaseLaborShortage , "It'salittlebitlikeprison" , JobsCorp , iconicGreatSocietyprogram , SanFrancisco , InvestigatorsAsk , ifVapingAds , TriedtoHookTeenagers , forLife , PAXLabs , smallstart-up , electroniccigarette , Juul , "toJuul" , NeilSimon , 1927-2018 , ABroadwayMaster , WhoPavedtheWay , forSitcomExplosion , gotbiglaughs , "TheOddCouple" , "BarefootinthePark" , Thencameaculturalshift , IrvingPenn , photography , Broadwaycomedy , Mr.SimonruledBroadway , whenBroadwaywasstillworthruling , Dublin , Ireland , CriticofPope , InOpenRevolt , Vs.theVatican , AnArchbishopAccusesFrancis , ofCover-Up , PopeFrancis , CarloMariaViganò , formertopVaticandiplomat , claimedVaticanhierarchycomplicit , coveringupaccusations , CardinalTheodoreMcCarrick , sexualabuse , mostlysunny , warm , humid