
Opening: April 23, 2023 | Lisa Blas "Pause (Play), Horizon" | 76,4 * Brussels

76,4 is pleased to announce





from 23/04 - 28/05/2023


Sunday 23 April, 16:00-19:00 

Lisa Blas, Bruxelles, April 2023

2020___suspended time___2023

Rue de Bosnie appears on Google maps at an angle. Walking north from 76,4 in Brussels, the street intersects with Rue André Hennebicq at the roundabout. Here, one finds the New Hollywood café. Point your imaginary compass due west, and Hollywood, California, will eventually appear in the mind’s eye – where the sun, horizontality of the landscape and light’s reflectivity are in constant oscillation. 

PAUSE (PLAY), HORIZON is the quadrant of two horizons, geographical and biographical — and two periods of time, April 2020 and April 2023. As if folding the page of a book you were halfway through, and finding it again three years later, the narrative is re-remembered. Meanwhile, the interstices of daily life played out. 

At 76,4, I exhibit a painting spanning 2 x 4 meters. The viewer encounters a tilted curvilinear form with an oculus at the center. Similar to the aperture of a camera, the oculus is the space linking interior and exterior, the spectator and the object in view. In March 2020, the oculus shape emerged for me while painting at dawn — the view through my apartment windows, weather conditions, the western sky meets the Hudson River, forming a horizon line with the New Jersey shoreline. Horizontal divisions of space eventually gave way to curvilinear forms with a lacuna radiating at the center. These daily viewpoints accrue in time and space, and in memory — color appears and disappears through an infinity zone. I define them as “afterchromes”.



24, rue de Bosnie

1060 Saint-Gilles, Brussels 

Permanently visible from the street.

Hosted by Michel François, Ekaterina Kaplunova, Juan Pablo Plazas and Richard Venlet.


October 2, 2019: Lisa Blas "Spectacular holes in clouds, spotted" | Artist talk | George Washington University, Washington, DC

Please join me tonight for my talk “Spectacular holes in clouds, spotted” at Smith Hall of Art, Fine Arts and Art History Department.

Wednesday, October 2, 2019
6:30 p.m.

George Washington University
Smith Hall of Art
801 22nd St. NW
Room: 114
Washington, DC 20052

Lecture organized by the Visiting Artists and Scholars Committee (VASC)
GWU contact:

Further information:
Fall Arts Guide: