PrincessCharlotte'seyes — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Emily Clayton Bishop, Group Showing the Present Condition of the Country , Carved limestone, 131.3 x 19.3 x 14.5 centimeters, circa 1907-1910, Smithsonian American Art Museum , Washington D.C.
Tags: EmilyClaytonBishop , figurativesculpture , stonecarving , limestone , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , LaStampa , Venice , Italy , DonaldTrump , assassinationattempt , U.S.SecretService , protectionofficers , Thehyperrealitythatsurpassesreality , Ortherealthatlookslikearealityshow , OraNetflixscript , Thepunchthatchangeshistory , Trump-BidenappealtoAmerica , phonecallbetweentworivals , 'It'stimeforunity' , ThomasMatthewCrookshadexplosives , couldhavebeenamassacre , Melania:'amonster' , Tycoon'sstillwoundedscream , urginghispeopletofightgoesviral , fistpunch , "Fight-Fight-Fight" , TheU.S.hascrossedtheir"red-line" , YamalandWilliamsfoldEngland , SpainbackontopofEurope , TriptoRocafonda , "SavedbyLamine" , KateMiddleton , Wimbledon , PrincessCharlotte'seyes , Hatredrisesinthecountryfullofguns , "NowtheDemswillreplaceJoe" , thekillerescapedfromsecurityservices , whoclearedverbalviolence? , Inthefreespacesoftheskyconflictnolongerexists , Paris , BastilleDayparty , myfriendNensi , ParliamentdefendsConstitutionalCourt , IftheprisonrevoltisorganizedonTikTok , Hotandhumid