excavator — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Jennifer Parker, Bloom or Bust , Video, 1:45, 2019, The Algae Society : Bio Art & Design Lab, Cameron Art Museum , Wilmington, North Carolina (Note: Video is hyperlinked via the artwork title.)
Tags: greenlandscape , flourescentgreen , water , reeds , agriculturalrunoff , greenalgae , toxicity , Florida , LakeOkeechobee , plaguedownstreamcommunities , RelyingonDesperateMeasure , ToSaveLifelineofEverglades , SomeWorryReservoirWon'tStemHarmFromPollution , toxicalgalblooms , climatechange , AsSpainVotes , FarRightPlansLeapForward , Party'sRiseUnderlinesEuropeanDiscontent , PopularParty , Voxparty , TreasurySecretaryJanetL.Yellen , Americanflag , Chineseflag , NoPolicyShifts , Yellen'sTripOpensADialogue , EconomicGiantsMeet , 10HoursofTalks , AimedatReducingTensionsWithBeijing , BrewingDefamationLawsuit , CouldBeFox'sNextDominion , ArizonaManNamedinConspiracyTheory , PushedbyCarlson , January62021 , assaultontheCapitol , TuckerCarlson , OfficesAbandoned , FurnitureFindsItselfOutofaJob , unwanteditems , landfill , excavator , HermanMiller , officefurniture , DangerousWorkbutLittleHelp , WomenSellingRealEstate , sexualharassment , thunderstorm , watchforflooding , JenniferParker , digitalvideo , bloomorbust , TheAlgaeSociety , BioArt&DesignLab , CameronArtMuseum , WilmingtonN.C. , NYTimes