
Opening: October 1, 2018 / The Drawing Center, New York / 2018 Benefit Auction

Dear friends,

I have contributed a work to The Drawing Center for their 2018 Benefit Auction. Please join us Monday night, October 1, 2018, in support of one of New York’s most groundbreaking museums and their future programming! View the list of participating artists and works here: CATALOG

The Drawing Center's
Date: Monday, October 1, 2018
Time: 6:30-8:00PM
Location: The Drawing Center | 35 Wooster Street

The Drawing Center, a museum in Manhattan's SoHo district, explores the medium of drawing as primary, dynamic, and relevant to contemporary culture, the future of art, and creative thought. Its activities, which are both multidisciplinary and broadly historical, include exhibitions; Open Sessions, a curated artist program encouraging community and collaboration; the Drawing Papers publication series; and education and public programs. It was founded in 1977 by curator Martha Beck (1938–2014).

Time eclipsed, Charlottesville: August 18, 2017

Meet me at the Mason Dixon/On artistic practice, complex geographies of disunion and reconciliation.
Thierry de Duve, Lisa Blas in conversation / Slought Foundation / Philadelphia 2011

Flashback Friday, or, into the future.

After the recent events in Charlottesville, I am posting a partial image from Meet Me at the Mason Dixon: A project in painting, photography and installation that I realized during the years 2003-2009, while living and teaching in Washington, D.C.

The project in its entirety was exhibited at Schmucker Art Gallery at Gettysburg College in 2011, with a catalog and accompanying texts by Shannon Egan and Miguel de Baca. In brief, this project examines the contested legacy of race and identity from the American Civil War onward, and the sign systems that point to those fraught subjectivities and histories. It is uncanny that my initial intuition about the repressed issue of race relations before and after 9/11 was confirmed by the growing civil unrest in American cities throughout these past years. 9/11 turned the collective consciousness elsewhere, namely to a foreign invader, becoming the country’s addressee in a long, protracted war while the social fabric of American society was itself coming undone. The ongoing dispute over heritage and removal of Confederate monuments from public space highlights that the familial and cultural attachments to history are ephemeral, and subject to change with each new generation. This is the space that Meet Me at the Mason Dixon occupies. As Erika Doss wrote in a special issue of Public Art Dialogue, The Dilemma of Public Art’s Permanence, 2016, “Public art is processual, dependent on various cultural and social relationships and subject to the volatile intangibles of multiple publics and their fluctuating interests and feelings”…“Public art is not, in other words, forever.”

Lisa Blas
Meet Me at the Mason Dixon
Installation view, Schmucker Art Gallery, Gettysburg College
Gettysburg, PA, 2011

Lisa Blas
Meet Me at the Mason Dixon
Installation view, Mixed-media, 9.5 x 15 feet approximately
Schmucker Art Gallery, Gettysburg College
Gettysburg, PA, 2011

Lisa Blas
(Day for night) Battle Scene, v. 11
Gettysburg Cyclorama, Gettysburg National Military Park, Pennsylvania
Archival pigment print, 2011

Opening June 10, 2017: "Drawing Practice" Whatcom Museum, Bellingham

Opening today! A national survey on contemporary drawing practices.

Drawing Practice/Bellingham National 2017
June 11 - September 10, 2017 / Whatcom Museum, Bellingham, WA

Juried by Catharina Manchanda (Jon and Mary Shirley Curator of Modern and Contemporary Art, Seattle Art Museum)

Juror tour of the exhibition: Sunday, June 11, 2017, 1:00 pm
Whatcom Museum, Lightcatcher Building, 250 Flora Street, Bellingham, WA: 360.778.8930

Please join us!

Lisa Blas, Four Corners, Acrylic, watercolor pencil, interference color, gesso and watercolor paper on Arches paper, 102 x 102 inches, 2017