Anoldworldhasfallen — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Eko Nugroho, La rue parle , Textile, Set of 24 embroidered pieces nailed to a painted black cloud painted on the wall, each embroidery approximately 30 x 40 centimeters, 2011, Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris , France
Tags: EkoNugroho , textile , embroidery , installation , Muséed'ArtModernedeParis , France , LaStampa , Venice , Italy , Parisstreetscene , crowds , Frenchelection , Frenchflag , redwhiteblue , 'Noonehasmajoritytoformgovernment' , rightwingleader , 'ourvictoryonlypostponed' , RejectedLePen , MarineLePen , Frenchchaos , Lefttriumphs , resurrectsMacron , EmmanuelMacron , overcomesRassemblement , Jean-LucMélenchon , MélenchonchallengesPresident , 'ThisistheendoftheDeGaullemodel' , CharlesDeGaulle , Marine'seternalmirage , Anoldworldhasfallen , 'nothingcanstopapeoplewhohavereturnedtohope' , Applauseandafewflags , Emmanuel'shalf-heartedvictory , Aregencytrinket , ageofturbid , gallantasever , thatwouldhaveenchantedLaRochefoucauld , TaylorSwift , childprodigyat11 , 'Ifeltlikeadiva' , attackonvaccines , stopgreenpasses , stophurtingourhealth , IdaletsonAntonioDelgrado , ClownIdà , children'sclown"beatenupbyracists" , JacquesAttali , "mycountryisnolongergovernable" , AnnaTorretta , "anarchitectofclimbs" , summerawakensthevolcanoes , Etna , Stromboli , Solfatara , cloudy , Hotandhumid