FrankStellainhisstudio — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Frank Stella, Spectralia , Lithograph, etching, aquatint, relief and screenprint, Comp and sheet 67.8 x 81.8 centimeters, Publisher: Kenneth Tyler, 1994, National Gallery of Australia , Kamberri/Canberra
Tags: FrankStella , lithography , etching , aquatint , reliefprinting , screenprint , PrinterKennethTyler , NationalGalleryofAustralia , Kamberri/Canberra , NYTimes , forests , foliage , palmtrees , Brazil , landscape , CanMoreForestsBringMoreProfits? , Amazonrainforest , cattlerancheshaveruledAmazonfordecades , newcompaniesselling , abilitytoslashplanet-warmingcarbon , Inmate'sDeath , HighlightsFailuresinMentalHealth , PrisonsStruggleinDualRole , JailerandCaregiverforThousandsofPeople , mentalhealthcrisis , MarkusJohnson , diedinprisonaftermentalcollapse , gravestone , flowersongrass , AsTrumpFanPastorSignalsLatinoShift , TrumpReturn? , AWaryCapitalTalksofEscape , "whatif" , RevisedFormonCollegeAidBringsChaos , FAFSA , FrankStella1936-2024 , StarofMinimalism , MasterofReinvention , FrankStellainhisstudio , "MichaelKohlhaasCurtain" , painting100feetlong , She'llHaveOrangeJuiceontheRocks , HoldtheSippyCup , CraftMocktailsAttract(Much)YoungerSet , nonalcoholiccocktails , ashowerearly , anothereveningshower , sunny