Monday's image: December 2, 2024
Charles White, Soldier, Tempera on masonite, 30 x 25 inches, 1944, The Huntington Library, Art Museum and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California
Monday's image: August 12, 2024
David Maisel, KYDOIMOS: The Din of Battle, Single-channel HD (1:1) video projection, with surround sound, 31:38 minutes, Dimensions variable, 2017, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California
Monday's image: July 29, 2024
Monday's image: July 22, 2024
Rose Mandel, Waiting For Godot (Window Series - Pleated Curtain), Gelatin silver print, 11.7 x 9.21 centimeters, 1957, Los Angeles County Museum of Art, California
Monday's image: June 24, 2024
in Monday'simage, museums, news, frontpages, currentevents, Art
Unknown artist, Female Street Player with Guitar, Dummy board (life size), Oil on wood panel, British, 167 x 92 x 2.5 centimeters, circa 1780, Victoria and Albert Museum, London, U.K.
Monday's image: May 6, 2024
in Monday'simage, Art, contemporaryart, currentevents, frontpages, museums, news, NYC
Frank Stella, Spectralia, Lithograph, etching, aquatint, relief and screenprint, Comp and sheet 67.8 x 81.8 centimeters, Publisher: Kenneth Tyler, 1994, National Gallery of Australia, Kamberri/Canberra
Monday's image: January 29, 2024
in Monday'simage, Art, currentevents, frontpages, museums, news
Carl-Henning Pedersen, Flying Bird, Oil on canvas, 47.5 x 40 inches, 1951, Buffalo AKG Art Museum, New York
Monday's image: November 20, 2023
in Monday'simage, Art, currentevents, frontpages, museums, news
Mehrdad Rashidi, untitled, Ballpoint pen on wrap paper, 32.2 x 27.2 centimeters, between 2006 and 2013, Collection de l’Art Brut, Lausanne, Switzerland
Monday's image: October 30, 2023
in Monday'simage, Art, currentevents, frontpages, museums, news
Olin Dows, Bread Sellers, Woodcut on paper, 17.5 x 11.4 centimeters, 1933, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C.
Monday's image: October 25, 2021
in Monday'simage, Art, currentevents, museums, news
Mary Beams, Whale Songs, 16 millimeter film, 8 minutes, 1979, Museum of Modern Art, New York. Note: Video is hyperlinked via artwork title.
Monday's image: August 12, 2019
in Monday'simage, Art, currentevents, news
Carl Andre, Crowding, Cut-and-pasted printed paper on board, 28.3 x 14 centimeters, 1965, Museum of Modern Art, New York
Monday's image: June 24, 2019
in Monday'simage, Art, currentevents, news
Susan Rothenberg, Blue Head, Acrylic and vinyl based paint on canvas, 114 x 114 inches, 1980-81, Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, Richmond, Virginia
Monday's image: June 17, 2019
in Monday'simage, currentevents, news, Art
Quentin Massys, Portrait of a Man with a Pink, Oil on panel, 43.2 x 28.4 centimeters, 1504 - 1514, The Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois
Monday's image: May 6, 2019
in Monday'simage, Art, currentevents, news
Monday's image: March 25, 2019
in Monday'simage, Art, currentevents, news
Eric Cameron, Alarm Clock (3295) (from the series “Thick Paintings “, 1979 - 1994), 3295 layers of acrylic medium on an alarm clock, 43 x 46 x 17 centimeters, 1979-1994, The Musée d'art contemporain de Montréal, Canada
Monday's image: August 6, 2018
in Art, Monday'simage, currentevents, news
Jannis Kounellis, Untitled, Steel bedsprings, metal hook and paint on wall, 2670 x 2300 x 100 millimeters, 1993, Tate Gallery, U.K. / National Galleries of Scotland, Edinburgh
Monday's image: June 25, 2018
in Art, Monday'simage, currentevents, news
Ana Torfs, Toast, Silver gelatin print, mounted on aluminum, 82.5 x 123 centimeters, 2003, M HKA, Antwerp, Belgium
Monday's image: March 19, 2018
in Art, currentevents, news