MoMA — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Erik van Lieshout, Untitled , Conté crayon, Synthetic polymer paint, felt-tip pen, and vinyl on paper, 149.9 x 274 centimeters, 2014, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: ErikvanLieshout , drawing , painting , mixedmedia , portraiture , MoMA , NewYork , protest , protestsigns , PVV , ThePartyforFreedom , masks , TheNetherlands , DutchElections , Verkennerisalreadydiscredited , Muslimscountontheconstitution , BurgerKing , citizensinoppositiontohamburgers , "DoIhavetopickupthelitterbecausetheywanttomakeaprofit?" , smoker , Portugalburieditswarondrugs , "Finesforusersareworthless" , Ocad , warnsofanti-semitisminBelgium , TheconflictintheMiddleEast , leadingtoincreaseofanti-semitisminBelgium , Thereisnervousnessintheair , politicalprofiling , "WenolongerwearsymbolsthatshowthatweareJewish" , ULB , student , "suchasayarmulkeoranecklacewithaStarofDavid" , "RefugeesWelcome" , "NoManIsIllegal" , rainyconditionsmostoftheday , windgusts , DeStandaard , Brussels
Sofía Gallisá Muriente, Celaje , Original score by José Iván Lebrón Moreira,16mm and Super 8 film transferred to HD video, 40:57 minutes, 2020, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: SofíaGallisáMuriente , 16millimeterfilm , Super8film , HDvideo , originalscore , JoséIvánLebrónMoreira , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , PacificOcean , sandbarriers , sanddunes , tropicalstorm , hurricanepreparation , bluelifeguardshack , HilaryDrenchesSouthernCalifornia , Beachgoers , LongBeachCalifornia , awaitingfirsttropicalstormineightdecades , Ukrainewar , UkraineTroopsOnFrontLinesLaudOffensive , UpbeatDespiteIssues , CommandersSayForcesAreinBetterShapeThanMonthsAgo , greennightvisionphotography , silhouette , Ukraine's128thMountainAssaultBrigade , Zaporizhzhiaregion , NewIberiaLouisiana , NotJustHeatButHumidity , PlaguesSouth , Mauiwildfires , FireHighlightsHawaii'sHistoryofWaterFights , AttemptstoLimitUseofScarceResource , CauseConflict , Laha , WashingtonDC , HowPleaDealWentOffTrack , ForBiden'sSon , HunterBiden , GroundShifted , DataFromI.R.S.Emerged , SpainLiftsWorldCupTrophy , HopesofGirlsBackHome , SummitOfSoccer , SpaindefeatedEngland1-0 , Women'sWorldCuptitle , orangeyellowuniforms , womenssoccer , Atlanta , Rapper'sRICOCaseinGeorgia , HintsatHowTrump'sMayGo , YoungThug , racketeering , partlysunnyandhumid , thundershower
herman de vries, The Face of War—Silent , Colored pencil on paper, 48.9 x 68.6 centimeters, 2003, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: hermandevries , TheFaceofWar--Silent , text , worksonpaper , coloredpencil , drawing , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , handwriting , dirtroad , greenery , landscape , body , militaryuniform , militarydesertboots , Russiansoldier'sremains , Staromaiorske , villagerecapturedbyUkrainiantroops , ZaporizhzhiaRegion , Ukrainewar , GrindingCounteroffensive , HandsUkraineaFlashofSuccess , F.B.I.FinancedUseofSpyTool , OutlawedbyU.S. , HuntingDownCulprit , AgencyNabsItself , RivaNetworks , Landmark , TrumpFarAheadInG.O.P.Race , DespiteCharges , 1stTimes/SienaPoll , GovernorRonDeSantis , FailstoMakeDentinNearlyEveryCategory , DonaldJ.Trump , haslargeedgeinalmosteveryregion , pointingfinger , portraiture , ExtremeHeatIsCostlyDrainOnProductivity , EncinitasCalifornia , Rentinge-bikes , concerngrowingaboutsafety , especiallyforminors , Teenagers'AccidentsExposeRisksofE-Bikes , BoomingTechnology , OutpacingFederalandStateLaws , ExcavationinRome , TurnsUpWhatMayBeNero'sTheater , archaeologicaldig , Italy , partlysunny , west-northwestwind
Waldemar Cordeiro, Gente Ampli*2 , Computer output on paper, 134.5 x 72.5 centimeters, 1972, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: WaldemarCordeiro , computeroutputonpaper , photography , abstraction , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , yellow-green , Brazilianflag , architecture , OscarNiemeyer , thousandsofsupporters , Brazil'sformerpresidentJairBolsonaro , EsplanadadosMinistérios , Brasília , InBrazilCapital , AFrenziedMob , StormsCongress , AkinToJan.6Attacks , SupportersofBolsonaro , ClaimVoteRigging , WithoutEvidence , FacingCriticism , PresidentBidenVisitsMexicanBorder , SurgeInImmigration , BidenSetforSummitonCrossingsandTrade , AfterElPasoTrip , U.S.MexicoBorder , G.O.P.Rules , FaceLogjam , FrozenTight , WashingtonDC , SpeakerKevinMcCarthy , negotiatedwithhard-rightrebels , inexchangefortheirsupport , FightingforUkraine , toTakeRevengeonRussia , InspiredbyEnmityfortheKremlin , EthnicGroupsRaiseArms , Kyiv , snowylandscape , Chechenbattalion , trainingwithnewrecruits , whitecamouflage , warmemorial , blackgranite , soldierinuniform , blackandwhitephotography , etchednames , whiteroses , KoreanWarMemorial , RiddledWithErrors , misspellednames , ImperfectRecords , FederalMissteps , KoreanWarProject , BolsteredbyNetanyahuDeals , Ultra-OrthodoxPushAutonomy , Jerusalem , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , rainandsnowearly , somesunshine
Alexander Calder, Cow , Wire, wood, and string, 14.6 x 20.6 x15.2 centimeters, including base, 1926, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: AlexanderCalder , cow , mixedmedia , wire , wood , string , sculpture , MoMA , NewYork , IrishExaminer , Skibbereen , Ireland , Eatwell , humanfoods , poisonoustopets , Work-lifebalance , fightforthefour-dayweek , missingasummerWorldCup , Haveyouherdthegoodnews? , AnnaandRoseMurphy , Millstreet , Cork , ClaraAnguslivestock , CorkSummerShow , CorkShowgrounds , Curraheen , returnofshow , firsttimesince2019 , shiftinprofile , sexcrimeoffendersinprisons , youngeroffenders , difficulttoengagewith , sayspsychologists , IrishPrisonService , increasingconvictions , maskmandate , onpublictransport , PaulReid , concernoverCovidtransmission , nursinghomes , HSE , spikeinCovid-19hospitalizations , testpositivityrate , doubled , disbandingofNationalPublicHealthEmergencyTeam , Nphet , leftgapinserviceprovision , 'SuicidepandemicamongTravellers' , Travellercommunity , mentalhealth , Extra24-hourbus service , newroutes , Corkcity , NTA , €600millionplan , BusConnectsCork , busservices , willruninpreviouslyunservedareas , UpperGlanmire , Waterfall , KerryPike , somebrightandsunnyintervals , perhapsfewlightshowers
Simon Periton, Smoke Screen I , Cut colored and black paper, 222.5 x 149.9 centimeters, 2003, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: SimonPeriton , smokescreen , cutpaper , coloredpaper , blackpaper , landscape , abstraction , MoMA , NYTimes , soot , ashes , ashesinwinter , snow-coveredsuburbs , afterwildfireragedthroughsuburbs , Colorado , residents , facinglongroadtorecovery , ExtraChildBenefitEnds , AsCovidExplodesinU.S. , ProgressivesExpectedAidtoBeExtended , butOpponentsQuestionedtheCost , ThePaycheckProtectionProgram , portrait , DemocratStaceyAbrams , abilitytobridgepartyfactions , crucialinherrunforGeorgiagovernor , LeftandMiddleClaimAbrams , Who'sRight? , HowSheIsDefinedIsKeytoGeorgiaRace , voting-rightschampion , symbolofherstate'schangingdemographics , shadows , reflection , doubling , CivilianDeathsDismissedByU.S. , BasicInternetSearches , BypassedbyPentagon , IraqiSpringMediaCenter , Facebookpost , Siha , GoogleMaps , Wikimapia , SerbNationalist , PresidentMiloradDodik , PutsMatchNearFuseinBosnia , BanjaLuka , "peacefuldissolution"ofBosnianstate , forgedin1995inDaytonOhio , oxygenforCovid-19patients , meantforuseinindustrialmachines , ATribalPurge , ARareCallForFederalAid , Everson , Washington , NooksackIndianTribe , beingdisownedbytribe , bitterdisenrollment , InaPandemic , BrightStoriesOfResilience , MarkFinazzo , OhioStateUniversity , highereducation , hopingtobecomeresearchscientist , variablycloudy , breezy , cold , someshowers
Tags: MaryBeams , animation , 16millimeterfilm , whalesongs , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , ocean , clouds , bluewater , whalesharks , maninboat , 'TheyWillLeaveifWeDon'tFeedThem' , Conservationistsdecry , hand-feedingofwhalesharks , tourist-relianttown , Philippines , AFalteringShadowWar , AgainstSomaliMilitants , LongAfter'BlackHawkDown'Disaster , U.S.BattlesOffshootofAlQaeda , landscape , Mogadishuruin , Somalia'scivilwarin1990s , destroyedbuilding , Amazon , FlawedSystemLedtoLostPay , Amazonshortchangingnewparents , patientswithmedicalcrises , vulnerableworkersonleave , GreatFalls , Montana , FalsehoodsMeddle , HumbleBidtoHonorPast , SowingDoubt , DerailCivicPlan , toSpurMontanaTourism , mountainlandscape , SquareButte , FirstPeoplesBuffaloJumpStatePark , nationallandmark , SeaIsland , Georgia , RussiaRestartsCyberoperation , DespiteRebuke , S.V.R. , WhiteHouseblamedforSolarWindshacking , TheyGaveUpAJob , toAvoidCovidVaccines , sizablecontingentacrosstheUnitedStates , resistancetothevaccines , givenupcareers , Boston , TheNationalPastime'sChallenge , ProveItsTimeHasn'tPassed , YoungBlackFans , KeytoBaseball'sGrowth , sunny , thencloudy , warmer , rainlate
Lee Bontecou, Untitled , Welded steel, canvas, fabric, rawhide, copper wire, and soot, 203.6 x 226 x 88 centimeters, 1961, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: LeeBontecou , mixedmedia , sculpture , installation , weldedsteel , rawhide , fabric , MoMA , NYTimes , Afghanistan , Afghans , groupofmen , wavingtheirdocuments , U.S.Marines , standingguard , walls , HamidKarzaiInternationalAirport , barricades , ChaosAtAirport , TalibanWorkOnCreatingState , FormerAfghanPresident , HamidKarzai , Russians , TakeOnMediatorRoles , BadOptics , Democratsfear , thepandemicorAfghanchaos , mayturnoffmoderateswingvoters , whohelpedthemwin , AlarmOverIsis , PresidentBiden'snationalsecurityadviser , warnedof"acute"threatofanattack , amidU.S.evacuationefforts , U.S.PassedonTalibanSurrender , 20YearsofWarFollowed , "Wedon'tnegotiatesurrenders" , SecretaryofStateDonaldRumsfeld , ScienceofVirus , KeepsEvolvingAndFrustrating , coronavirus , FDA , expectedtoformallyapprove , Pfizer-BioNTechvaccine , suburbanworkers , maynotwanttoreturntocommuting , DeltaCripplesFallRecoveryForNewYork , Septemberwassupposedtomarkreturntonormal , upendedbyDeltavariant , bigcompanies , postponedplanstocomeback , setbackforacity , 10.5%unemployment , Waverly , Tennessee , residentsdescribed"tidalwave"ofwater , overturnedcars , propertydamage , FloodingRavagesTennessee , KillingatLeast22 , 'NoOneCouldGetOut' , WaveofWaterHitVulnerableArea , HenriSlamsNortheast , stormpromptedfloodwatchesinseveralstates , RickeyLarkin , "Wecameaboutafootfromdrowning." , "Ithoughtweweregone." , HospitalData , RevealsSecretsBehindBilling , hospitalsarechargingpatients , wildlydifferentamounts , forsamebasicservices , sunshine , humid , showers
Nari Ward, Vertical Hold , Yarn and bottles, 271.8 x 76.2 centimeters, 1996, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: NariWard , verticalhold , yarn , bottles , mixedmedia , installation , sculpture , suspension , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , destroyedbyfire , storageroom , DarioSattui , winery , Calistoga , California , winebottles , rubble , burnedinterior , brown , black , "Wecan'tkeepgoinglikethis" , FireDroughtandHeat , ScorchtheLand , RedsandWhites , PuttingSunscreenonGrapes , DesperateNapaValley , St.Helena , wildfire , climatechange , vineyards , StruggletoProsecuteRapeEndures , Despite#MeToo , ChallengingCasesDroppedinManhattan , D.A.Faulted , DismissiveCulture , CammyDuong , "Ifeltlikenobodybelievedme" , TelAviv , Israel , SpywareReport , BringsScrutinyToIsraeliFirm , NSOGroup , Pegasus , surveillanceapplication , targetjournalists , dissidents , oppositionpoliticians , makeshifthospital , bluecurtains , ThePandemicHasANewEpicenter , Indonesia , suffering , deathssoaring , hospitalsoverwhelmed , oxygenrunningout , SoutheastAsia , ThrivingorNot , BlackColleges , SeizeMoment , donations , hirings , governmentmoney , chiefofstaff , RonKlain , portrait , reinstoWestWing , AfterDecades , It'sKlain'sTurnAsChiefofStaff , viewedasessentialconductor , administrationbusiness , surrogateforpresident , Seoul , FreeSpeech , PuttotheTest , inSouthKorea , APlantoCriminalize , ConspiracyPeddling , "GwangjuDemocratizationMovement" , conspiracytheories , spreadingquicklyinSouthKorea , politicaldivide , amplifiedonline , PresidentMoonJae-in , governingparty , rolledoutlegislation , stampingoutfalsenarratives , partlycloudy , seasonable , moderatehumidity
Oscar Bony, 60 metros cuadrados y su información (60 Square Meters and Its Information) , 16mm black and white film, silent, 3:30 minutes, 16mm projector, metal support, freestanding wall, wire netting, and text on paper, 237 x 393 inches, 1967, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: OscarBony , 16mmfilm , blackandwhitefilm , silentfilm , installation , wirenetting , 16mmprojector , MoMA , NYTimes , governmentbuildings , fortified , highalert , St.Paul , Minnesota , Lansing , Michigan , U.S.Capitol , WashingtonDC , Columbus , Ohio , fences , barbedwire , NationalGuard , policeinuniform , yellowjacketsblackpants , militaryuniforms , camouflage , Americanflag , protester , sign , AShowofStrength , No-ShowProtesters , RepublicansSpinCapitolAttack , BarrageofMisinformation , rhetoricalshift , FoxNews , thenetworkamplifiedlies , radicalizedTrumpsupporters , WeJustFollowedTrump'sCue , SeveralAccusedinRiotingSay , Trumployalists , shiftingblame , far-leftanti-fascists , BlackLivesMatteractivists , somesupporters , directlyimplicatedMr.Trump , "thepresident'sinstructions" , "answeredthecallofmypresident" , 400000DeathsinaYear , FailureatEveryLevel , WithNoUnifiedVirusPlan , StatesBattledExperts , Lobbyists , andthePublic , politicalpolarization , rejectionofscience , womanwithhat , holdingsign , "FreedomoverSafety" , streetscene , protestinglockdowns , HuntingtonBeach , California , lastMay , TheoryBuckles , ButQAnonFanHangsOnTight , conspiracytheories , memes , Facebook , Twitter , PardonSeason , EnrichesAllies , OfthePresident , accesspeddling , pardonlobbying , AlekseiA.Navalny , portraiture , photographers , journalists , cameraphones , Berlin , airplanecabin , greenjacket , masks , InBattleofWillsWithPutin , NavalnyIsJailed , MoscowReturn , "Iamnotafraid" , Mr.Navalnytoldreporters , Moscowairport , blustery , partialsunshine
Hélio Oiticica, P16 Parangolé Cape 12 “From Adversity We Live” , Jute, fabric, wood shavings, and plastics, 114 x 27 x 22 centimeters, 1965 (reconstructed 1992), Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: HélioOiticica , Parangolé , cape , jute , fabric , wood , plastics , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , sculpture , performance , womenandchildren , makeshifttent , streamingsunlight , textiles , clothes , bedding , bags , CasualtyofEthiopia'sWar , Childhood , thousandsofchildren , Ethiopians , fledtoHamdayetSudan , CongressReachesDealOnVirusAid , EndingAnImpasse , JoblessRelief , HelpforSmallBusinesses , StimulusChecksAreIncluded , $900billionstimuluspackage , economicdevastion , pandemic , funddistributionofvaccines , SpeakerNancyPelosi , SenatorMitchMcConnell , brokealengthystalemate , FederalFunds , ABalmforNow , ButComeTooLateforMany , injectionofmoney , tensofthousandsoffailedbusinesses , TrumpinGripofGrudges , Twitter-borneassault , Republicansnothelpinghim , overturnelectionresults , warningtoMitchMcConnell , "gettougheroryouwon'thaveaRepublicanPartyanymore" , Neo-Nazis , BurrowIntoRanks , GermanPoliceDepartments , ExpertsWarn , ThreattoPublicSafety , far-rightextremism , resurgentinGermany , BattleUnfolds , Who'sNextInVaccineLine , politicalhorse-trading , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , vaccineprioritization , Albany , NewYorkpolitics , "thebigfight" , I❤️LONDON , Londonstreetscene , rainystreets , dusk , Londonimplementedtighterrestrictions , afteramorecontagiousvariantofthevirusfound , TheVirusIsMutating , ShouldWeBeWorried? , HighlyInfectiousStrain , DrivesBritainIntoBiggerLockdown , InSouthAfrica , similarversionofthevirushasemerged , sharingmutations , seeninBritishvariant , mixofcloudsandsunshine , lightwind
John Cage, Dramatic Fire , Aquatint and embossing on smoked paper, 46 x 58.1 centimeters, Edition of 25, Published by Crown Point Press, 1989, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: JohnCage , DramaticFire , aquatint , embossing , paper , limitededition , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , smoke , clouds , grey , taupe , landscape , military , harbor , FireStrikesNavyShip , SanDiego , 17sailors , 4civilians , injuredinblaze , explosion , U.S.S.BonhommeRichard , FrackersFail , ExecutivesReapMillions , Taxpayers , CouldBearHighCleanupCosts , MDCEnergy , oilandgascompanies , hurtlingtowardbankruptcy , asbusinessescollapse , millionsofdollars , executivecompensation , WhitingPetroleum , ChesapeakeEnergy , DiamondOffshoreDrilling , AVulgarTape , JitteryAllies , TrumpEscape , TheLongRun , ThePresident'sCrisisPlaybook , DonaldJ.Trump , downandunwillingtogetout , sawonewaybackup , Golower , 15 , Tampa , Florida , 15000NewCasesInFlorida , InDay , BreakARecord , SurpassingNewYork , DozensofStates , AversetoRestrictions , SeeSharpSurges , outdoorscene , peoplegathering , pier , downtownSt.Petersburg , GovernorRonDeSantis , "IfyoucandoHomeDepot" , "ifyoucandoWalmart" , "weabsolutelycandotheschools" , LakeBuenaVista , DisneyWorld , OpensItsGates , PushtoProve , It'saHaven , leavingyourtroublesbehind , entertainingfamilies , BalancingAct , ForBlackAide , InWestWing , Ja'RonSmith , BlackRepublicanCongressionalStaffAssociation , highest-rankingBlackofficial , inTrumpWhiteHouse , Kabul , Afghanistan , groupofmen , whiteflagswithtext , desert , MembersoftheTaliban , Russiawasthoughttobesource , oftheirarms , SuspicionsAboutRussia'sOutreachtoTaliban , GoBackYears , bountiestoattack , U.S.andcoalitiontroops , cloudsandsunshine , showers , thunderstorms , possiblestrongwinds
Simone Forti, Huddle , Performance, 10 minutes, 1961, Museum of Modern Art , New York. (Note: Video of a live performance in 2012 is hyperlinked via artwork title).
Tags: SimoneForti , huddle , performance , participants , people , dance , shelter , MoMA , NYTimes , TwinCrises , SurgingAnger , ConvulseU.S. , clashes , streetscene , handsup , crowd , redorangeyellow , nighttime , Protesters , Brooklyn , policeinriotgear , blackbluegrey , smoke , Minneapolis , policemovingtodisperserally , showsofforce , lawenforcement , didlittletobringcalm , nation'scities , AOne-TwoPunch , PutsInequalityonDisplay , parallelplagues , ravagingAmerica , coronavirus , policekillingsofblackmenandwomen , chaoticprotests , deathofGeorgeFloyd , deepracialinequalities , BlackVoterstoDemocrats , NormalWon'tDo , ADemandforLastingChange , ProtestsSweepStreets , Columbia , SouthCarolina , JosephR.BidenJr. , on-cameraaddress , "Theangerandfrustrationandtheexhaustion" , DeveanMoon , participatedinpeacefulprotests , "I'mtiredoffeelingforcedtodoallthis." , VideosFromProtests , DeepenScrutiny , AggressivePoliceTactics , batons , teargas , pepperspray , usedonprotesters , bystanders , journalists , footagesharedonline , TrumpOffersNoCalmingWords , TumultReachesWhiteHouse , WashingtonDC , SecretServiceagents , rushedpresidenttoundergroundbunker , proteststurnedviolent , nearExecutiveMansion , NationalGuard , mayorimposed11p.m.curfew , hopesofavoidinglate-nightclashes , periodiccloudsandsunshine , breezy , cool
Kirsten Hawthorne, Untitled from Found Masks 1975-1978 , One from a portfolio of 29 photocopies, Edition of 15, 27.9 x 20.2 centimeters, Published by the artist, 1978, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: KirstenHawthorne , photocopy , masks , artistedition , printing , portfolio , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , nightscene , witness , vigil , crowd , cameras , mobilephones , candles , LosAngeles , KobeBryant , spent20-yearcareerwiththeLakers , wonfiveN.B.A.titles , HelicopterCrashKillsN.B.A.Star , KnowntoAllasKobe , AGiantoftheSport , RecognizedinBeijingorBeverlyHills , momentofnationalmourning , coasttocoast , BlackMamba , aquietforceofnatureonthecourt , LosAngelesLakers , basketball , WashingtonDC , MoneyToUkraine , TiedToInquiries , BoltonBookSays , PresidentRebuffedTopCabinetOfficials , WhoUrgedHimToReleaseAid , formernationalsecurityadviser , JohnR.Bolton , G.O.PSeesKyivSideshow , DemocratsSeeRussia'sHand , SecretaryofStateMikePompeo , "DoyouthinkAmericanscareaboutUkraine?" , impeachmenttrial , Ukraine , whetherMr.Trumpsolditout , fora"domesticpoliticalerrand" , exteriorsceneathospital , whitehazmatsuits , redblueblackorangesilver , Chinesecharacters , tickertape , HospitalsinWuhan , China , epicenterofthecoronavirusoutbreak , remainintenselycrowded , DiseaseSurges , LockdownMayNotHaltIt , deepeningglobalfears , "Theepidemicisnowenteringamoreseriousandcomplexperiod" , MaXiaowei , directorofChina'sNationalHealthCommission , Beijing , NovelVirusTestsChina'sAuthoritarianBargain , XiIsUnderPressure , ToTameGrowingCrisis , gravepublichealthcrisis , killedatleast80 , sickenedthousandsinChina , spreadaroundtheworld , BernieSanders , ForSanders , anInternetArmy , ThatHitsCriticsClosetoHome , KamalaHarris , "Dowehaveaproblem?" , prominentSanderssupporters , flamingMs.Harrispublicly , aspreferredchoice , ofcorporateDemocraticestablishment , cloudsandsunshine , breezy , mildforlateJanuary
Conrad Marca-Relli, Sleeping Figure , Collage painted canvas, 132.4 x 197.3 centimeters, 1953-54, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: collage , painting , sleepingfigure , yellowochre , titanbuff , tan , offwhite , black , MoMA , NYTimes , womenandmen , marchingwithcoffin , drapedfabric , pinkribbon , greenleaves , redgreenorangeyellow , greenyellowflag , TheU.S.withdrawal , deadlyresultsforKurds , "Whentheymournwemournwiththem." , GeneralJosephL.Votel , AsU.S.TroopsDepart , KurdsForgeAlliance , WithSyrianAuthorities , PullbackBrokeTrust , BetweenPartners , BondedbyBattle , WashingtonDC , "Theytrustedusandwebrokethattrust" , oneArmyofficersaid , telephoneinterview , "It'sastainontheAmericanconscience." , Dohuk , Iraq , TurkishForces , PushIntoNorth , EndingFragilePeace , Kurdishforcesannouncednewdeal , withDamascus , swornenemyofWashington , backedbyRussia , landscapeofrooftops , SmokerisingfromSyriantown , TelAbyad , openhandwithe-cigarette , portraiture , OneVictim , manwhotriede-cigarettestoquitsmoking , mayhavediedfromthem , DecadeofDefiance , VapingIndustry , FoundRoomtoGrow , $7billionannualsales , youthuseskyrocketed , mysteriousvaping-relatedlunginjuries , Beijing , HardballWins , U.S.TitansBendtoChina , China'suseofeconomicclout , policeanypoliticalvalues , thatthreatenparty'slegitimacy , CommunistParty , UnderPressure , Politicalandeconomicworries , ledtointerimtradepact , twowomeninshelter , tanblanketsandmattresspads , DozensKilledinJapaneseTyphoon , Evacuees , TyphoonHagibis , burstlevees , floodedrivers , Ankeny , Iowa , HowWhiteGuilt , MaySwayDemocraticPrimary , JohnOlsen , enragedbyracialtension , registersvotersweekly , toatonefor"whiteprivilege" , FoxNews , PresidentialBooster , Isn'tExemptFromHisReproach , Irkedbytheirreporting , TrumptauntedFoxNewsanchor , ShepardSmith , whoresignedfromnetwork , "@FoxNewsdoesn'tdeliverforUSanymore" , Trumptweeted , TrumpcallingFoxNews , "HOPELESS&CLUELESS" , sunnytopartlycloudy , lightandvariablewind , ConradMarca-Relli
Carl Andre, Crowding , Cut-and-pasted printed paper on board, 28.3 x 14 centimeters, 1965, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: CarlAndre , words , language , collage , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , text , yellowhighlight , "invasion" , selectionof400newsbroadcasts , FoxNews , immigrationdescribedasinvasion , HowtheElPasoGunman , EchoedWords , ofRight-WingPundits , TheNewNativists , SharedVocabulary , TuckerCarlson , CentralAmericans , USborder , "borderjumpers" , AnnCoulter , RushLimbaugh , strikingdegreeofoverlap , wordsofrightwingmediapersonalities , identity , Americanculture , AtEnd , JeffreyEpstein , LeftAloneInHisJailCell , suicide , PrisonExperts , DerideBreakWithProtocol , MetropolitanCorrectionalCenter , Accounting , InquiryintoEpstein'sfinances , notlikelytoendwithhisdeath , BlastInRussia , OffersWindow , IntoArmsGoals , AtLeast7AreKilled , PossibleExampleofFlaws , Putin'sKeyNuclearWeapon , NenoksaMissileTestSite , USintelligenceofficialssuspect , blastinvolvedprototype , SSC-X-9Skyfall , cruisemissile , Moscow'sarmsracewithUnitedStates , ElPaso , Texas , InaCity'sGrief , BetoO'Rourke , FindsASecondWind , welcomedashometownhero , presidentialcampaignhadstalled , suddenlybackinspotlight , tragedy , personalandpoliticalidentity , Monaca , Pennsylvania , cranes , construction , likeagiantLegoset , red , orange , steel , manufacturingplant , Productionofplastics , isbooming , goodnews , forunionofficials , businessleaders , DelugedbyPlastics , BustlingtoMakeMore , RoyalDutchShell , riseofpetrochemicalsector , plastic'spopularity , versatileinexpensivematerial , J.D.Salinger , DetestedTechnology , NowHisBooksWillBeDigital , finalshortstory , "Hapworth161924" , J.D.SalingerLiteraryTrust , liftingcloudofsecrecy , NewYorkPublicLibrary , futureexhibition , Salinger'spersonalarchives , letters , familyphotographs , "TheCatcherintheRye" , sunny , partlycloudyskies , morehumid
Jacob Lawrence, They did not always leave because they were promised work in the North. Many of them left because of Southern conditions, one of them being great floods that ruined the crops, and therefore they were unable to make a living where they were, Casein tempera on hardboard, 18 x 12 inches, 1940-41, The Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: JacobLawrence , painting , landscape , blue , grey , yellow , white , brown , MigrationSeries , blueglowinglight , whitelight , motherandson , sleepingchild , night , Greyhound , CalebLopez , sleptinbackofbus , TuscontoNashville , FamilyleftGuatemala , crossedintoUS , 1600miles , 85hours , AMigrationbyBus , AfterDetention , andProcessing , Family'sJourneyContinuesonGreyhound , Dallas , Texas , "leavethedrivingtous" , Enteringthecountry , 5000arrivalseachday , Guatemala , Honduras , ElSalvador , departingbordertownsbybusload , Brussels , Belgium , FarRight , MakingInroads , AsEuropeVotes , ABlowForMainstream , PopulistsAreExpected , ToMakeModestStrides , inEurope'sParliament , populistsexpectedtoget , 25%of751seats , struggleoverfuturedirectionofthebloc , biggestimpact , likelyfelt , inhomecountries , France , Italy , disrupttraditionalpartysystems , anglingtogainpower , Louisville , Kentucky , ScientistsBalk , AtJuul'sOffers , OfStudyCash , JuulLabs , e-cigarettesmoke , research , AmericanHeartAssociationconference , lookingforpeopletocollaboratewith , offeringupto$200000 , Kathmandu , Nepal , 'LikeaZoo' , AtEverest'sTip , AsDeathsSoar , MountEverest , Climberspushingandshoving , totakeselfies , EdDohring , "Itwasscary" , oneofthedeadliestclimbingseasons , atleast10deaths , StarrHeldUp , InvisibleBridge , OfN.F.L.Eras , BartStarr , diedonSundayat85 , usheredinTheSuperBowlEra , twochampionships , GreenBayPackers , Mobile , Alabama , yellow-greenlandscape , grass , shrubbery , cemetery , headstones , ThelmaMaiben-Owens , photographedrelatives'graves , Africatown , community , TryingtoTurnVesselofEvil , IntoSymbolofPride , NeighborhoodWants , toDisplaySlaveShip , submergedwoodenwreck , lodgedinmud , MobileRiver , Clotilda , schooner , carried110kidnappedAfricans , toAlabama , 1860 , sunshineandclouds , notaswarm , lesshumid , NYTimes , MoMA , NewYork
Martín Ruiz de Azúa, Basic House (Prototype), Polyester, 200 x 200 x 200 centimeters, 1999, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: MartínRuizdeAzúa , sculpture , inflatable , polyester , gold , transparent , basichouse , prototype , MoMA , NYTimes , girl'sbedroom , Disneyposter , redandpink , lightfilteringthroughwindows , transparentcurtains , shoes , redt-shirt , lamps , MikailaBonaparte , 5yearsold , athome , TompkinsHouses , Brooklyn , bloodleadtest , showedlevels , rarelyseeninNewYork , portraiture , HousingAgency , BattledFindings , LeadHazards , DuelingTestsOfPaint , PoisonedChildren , FailedtoSway , NewYork'sTroubledSystem , NewYorkCityHousingAuthority , Landlord , To400000people , struggledtofulfillmission , strangledbudget , endemicpoliticalneglect , Denver , Colorado , SpoilerAlert , ActOneIsBrutal , BraceYourself , "Pleasebeadvised" , TheDenverCenterTheaterCompany , "Vietgone" , theatersacrosscountry , offeringspecifictriggerwarnings , Sydney , Australia , NationsDuck , U.S.andChina , BickeronTrade , HostilitiesOvershadow , PacificRimMeeting , tradesummit , PresidentXiJinping , VicePresidentMikePence , madecasestogloballeaders , dugin , refusedtocompromise , "Theentireworldisworried" , PrimeMinisterPeterO'Neill , Chico , California , ACityOfSurvivors , AutumnShepard , wildfireevacuees , campingnearWalmart , tent , blankets , clothing , bluegreenwhiteblack , purpleparka , motherandchild , homeless , WashingtonDC , JustOneVoice , ShieldsPrince , OnKhashoggi , PresidentTrumpDigsIn , AgainstMountainofEvidence , praisedSaudiArabia , "trulyspectacularally" , FoxNewsSundayinterview , "Willanybodyreallyknow?" , Tallahassee , Florida , VitriolOverVote-StealingCharges , SetsTroublingTone , for2020 , volunteersinPalmBeach , completedahandrecount , collaboration , greyblackorangelightblue , flashbacksamongelectorate , of2000presidentialelection , nation'smostcompetitivebattleground , candidatesfocused , onenergizingvoters , withvisceral , over-the-topmessages , DemocratsWhoOpposePelosi , AlsoResist , ARunAgainstHer , RepresentativeNancyPelosi , SpeakeroftheHouse , HouseDemocrats , quietrebellion , variablycloudy , strayshower
Mary Miss, Arrivals and Departures: 100 Doors , Hinged painted wood and mirrors, one hundred parts, 274.3 x 707.4 x 152.4 centimeters, 1986, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: MaryMiss , ArrivalsandDepartures , doors , wood , mirrors , sculpture , installation , offwhite , paint , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , whitedoor , goldsymbol , manpeakingout , SaudiConsulate , Instanbul , Turkey , journalist , JamalKhashoggi , surveillancevideo , lastseenonOctober2 , missingpersonsign , women'shands , policebarriers , fences , Saudigovernment , offerednoexplanation , ofhiswhereabouts , Beirut , Lebanon , ForKhashoggi , MixofRoyalService , andIslamistSympathies , CareerofCloseTies , CutbySaudiCrownPrince , MohammedbinSalman , WashingtonDC , BottomLine , SteersTrump , WithSaudis , RealpolitikCalculation , OutintheOpen , "Anypresident'sgoingtobestuckinthisawkwardplace" , StevenA.Cook , ShiftingNarrative , portraitofmodernSaudicrownprince , hasbeguntocrack , AsDebtGrows , SearsIsFacing , ABigOverhaul , LookingtoBankruptcy , andtotheHolidays , "It'sasaddayforAmericanretail" , FoundedshortlyaftertheCivilWar , SearsRoebuck&Company , builtacatalogbusiness , MexicoBeach , Florida , AmongStorm'sRuins , StandsOneHouse , Built'fortheBigOne' , FloridaPanhandle , HurricaneMichael , leftahouse , theSandPalace , almostunscathed , aerialview , flattenedhouses , neighborhood , wreckage , whitesand , bluesky , red , blue , silver , toppledpalmtrees , debris , Racine , Wisconsin , DemocratsCircle , inWisconsin , StrongEconomy , IsanObstacle , GovernorScottWalker , "FortydaysisnotenoughtotalkaboutalltheawfulthingsScottWalker'sdone" , RandyBryce , formerironworker , hopestoseizeseat , mockedthe"Scott-holes" , thatplagueWisconsin'sroads , Rebound , DrivingtoToppleaGovernor , Immigration , Republicans , haverecasttheissue , deployingfear-basedappeal , mostlycloudy , somebriefshowers , breezy
Tags: SheilaHicks , BlueLetter , textiles , wool , pattern , MoMA , NewYork , abstraction , portraiture , landscape , community , Berryville , Virginia , blue , green , neighborhoods , GarlandAshby , 'Acoupleofmonthsit'sinthenews' , 'andthenit'sgone' , RosieBanks , 'They'relookingforustogetbored.' , 'We'renotgoingtogetbored.' , GunControl , FallElections , MomentorMovement? , SilverSpring , Maryland , EagerRefugees , CourtedForJobs , InTightMarket , ChangingFaceOfWork , Undesirable , Low-PayingLabor , SnubbedbyManyinU.S. , Champions , women'sbasketball , 0:00.1 , Abuzzer-beater , ArikeOgunbowale , NotreDame , N.C.A.A.women'stitle , blueuniforms , namesandnumbers , elation , handsinmovement , joy , 'TheIceIsMelting' , DismantlingaPoliceState , Tashkent , Uzbekistan , JaredKushner , specialcounselinquiry , PoliticalPowerHasBackfiredForKushners , LiveNation , RosterofStars , LetsLiveNation , FlexTicketMuscles , world'sbiggestconcertpromoter , gridofrecordingartists , Jay-Z , Rihanna , portraitsinblue , WithBarelyAPuff , VapingFloodsSchools , ANewGenerationofNicotineAddicts , morningsnow , clouds , sunshine , cooler , NYTimes