cloudsandsunshine — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Unidentified artist, Ethiopian, Prayer Scroll for Healing , Leather, ink and pigment, 3.5 x 70 inches, between 1850 and 1900, Detroit Institute of Arts , Michigan
Tags: Artistunidentified , Ethiopia , Africa , PrayerScrollforHealing , leather , ink , pigment , DetroitInstituteofArts , Michigan , NYTimes , SurvivingGaza , wounded , children , disfiguration , IsraelHamaswar , MahmoudAjjour , portraiture , NYC , LoveandHateInHometown , Leans...Love? , DonaldJ.Trump , CityThawsforTrump , GuyFromQueens , President-electDonaldJ.Trump , keepingsecret , TransitionFundForTrump , KeepsDonorsCloaked , RiskOfEthicsBreach , Hasn'tSignedUsualPactRequiringDisclosures , politicaldonations , ImmigrantsSeekingSafeguards , ThreatofDeportationNears , FraudHuntersEarnWindfalls , TiedtoCovid , PrivateCitizensSetUpTheirOwnInquiries , Covid-19pandemic , federalgovernmentassistance , PaycheckProtectionProgram , loans , chasingpandemicrelieffraud , earnlargesumsofmoney , sportstadium , crowd , sportsfans , TheJetsandGiants , TakeDifferentRoutesTowardRockBottom , TheJetshavenotmadeplayoffssince2010 , NewYorksportsteams , cloudsandsunshine , morningrain
Shadi Ghadirian, Untitled from the Qajar Series , Silver bromide print, Image: 24.13 x 16.35 centimeters, Sheet: 25.08 x 16.35 centimeters, 1998, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: ShadiGhadirian , silverbromideprint , photography , portraiture , LACMA , NYTimes , Afghanschoolgirls , Herat , Girlsandwomen , Afghanistan , 40%ofcountry'spupils , schoolsareoftenTalibantargets , WithMuchtoLose , AfghanWomenFearStiflingReturntoPast , RightsWillSuffer , U.S.LeavesandTalibanAscend , "Allthetimewomenarethevictimsofmen'swars" , "Buttheywillbethevictimsoftheirpeacetoo" , RaihanaAzad , NewPoliceReformLaws , SeizeonCallsforChange , ActivistsPressforMore , Over140BillsArePassed , inU.S.CitiesandStates , creationofstrongcentralizedstateguidelines , setsbaselineforpoliceaccountability , behaviorandstandards , AScarredMinneapolis , BracesForaVerdict , Chauvin'sTrial , civilunrest , ledto$350millioninlosses , morethanathousandbuildings , destroyedordamaged , nearlyayearafterGeorgeFloydkilling , Minneapolis , consumedwithgriefandfear , Soccer'sRich , MakeaMoveToGetRicher , aftermonthsofsecrettalks , SuperLeague , allianceoftopteams , bringaboutsignificantrestructuring , ofeliteEuropeansoccersince1950s , WallStreetCandidate , Courts5Boroughs'Votes , McGuire'sMayoralBid , TriestoCatchFire , groupphoto , RepresentativeGregoryMeeks , Queens , endorsedRaymondMcGuire , PandemicBuoysOlderBooks , LeavingNewAuthorsinLimbo , pandemicshutdown , batteredphysicalbookshelves , bookstoreinterior , cardboarddividers , booksections , bookshelves , bookseller , stockingshelves , cloudsandsunshine , spottyafternoonshowers
Sandra Selig, heart of the air you can hear , Polyester thread, nails, synthetic polymer paint, 270 x 570 x 285 centimeters, 2011, National Gallery of Victoria , Melbourne, Australia
Tags: SandraSelig , mixedmedia , artinstallation , red , polyesterthread , paint , architecture , space , corner , flow , NationalGalleryofVictoria , Melbourne , Australia , NYTimes , redwhite , flag , protesters , crowd , Belarus , loudercalls , forLeader'sExit , tensofthousands , stagedbiggestprotestyet , Minsk , opposefraud-taintedpresidentialelection , Trump'sCampaignCoffers , LowonBig-DollarChecks , UltrawealthyRepublicans , DelayDivertReduceTheirGifts , PresidentTrump , superPAC , AmericaFirstAction , TheTrumpVictoryFund , LindaMcMahon , portrait , runsTrumpsuperPAC , donated$4million , Fearing'Twindemic' , ExpertsPushforFluShots , OfficesandPlantsClosed , SearchIsOn , forOtherSites , newsurge , Covid-19 , severefluseason , C.D.C. , orderedadditional9.3milliondoses , ChildMigrants , HeldAtHotels , PrivateSecurityFirm , ShadowPolicy , hoteldetentions , aggressiveborderclosurepolicy , coronaviruspandemic , blueskyandcloud , greywall , names , underlined , UniversityofVirginia , memorial , listsenslavedworkers , records , oftendidn'tprovidenames , Charlottesville , Where'HorribleCruelties' , CanNoLongerHide , University'sMemorial , EnslavedLaborers , IsabellaGibbons , postCivilWar , formerlyenslavedBlackwoman , ownedbyuniversityfacultymember , SpeakerNancyPelosi , CurtailRecessforVote , OnPostalRelief , mail-inballots , integrityofNovemberelection , MourningLossofConvention , DemocraticNationalConvention , Milwaukee , FiservForum , WisconsinCenter , hotelsclosed , restaurantsempty , barseerilybarren , America'smostbeer-lovingcity , cloudsandsunshine , warm , eveningshowers , thunderstorms
John Cage, Dramatic Fire , Aquatint and embossing on smoked paper, 46 x 58.1 centimeters, Edition of 25, Published by Crown Point Press, 1989, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: JohnCage , DramaticFire , aquatint , embossing , paper , limitededition , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , smoke , clouds , grey , taupe , landscape , military , harbor , FireStrikesNavyShip , SanDiego , 17sailors , 4civilians , injuredinblaze , explosion , U.S.S.BonhommeRichard , FrackersFail , ExecutivesReapMillions , Taxpayers , CouldBearHighCleanupCosts , MDCEnergy , oilandgascompanies , hurtlingtowardbankruptcy , asbusinessescollapse , millionsofdollars , executivecompensation , WhitingPetroleum , ChesapeakeEnergy , DiamondOffshoreDrilling , AVulgarTape , JitteryAllies , TrumpEscape , TheLongRun , ThePresident'sCrisisPlaybook , DonaldJ.Trump , downandunwillingtogetout , sawonewaybackup , Golower , 15 , Tampa , Florida , 15000NewCasesInFlorida , InDay , BreakARecord , SurpassingNewYork , DozensofStates , AversetoRestrictions , SeeSharpSurges , outdoorscene , peoplegathering , pier , downtownSt.Petersburg , GovernorRonDeSantis , "IfyoucandoHomeDepot" , "ifyoucandoWalmart" , "weabsolutelycandotheschools" , LakeBuenaVista , DisneyWorld , OpensItsGates , PushtoProve , It'saHaven , leavingyourtroublesbehind , entertainingfamilies , BalancingAct , ForBlackAide , InWestWing , Ja'RonSmith , BlackRepublicanCongressionalStaffAssociation , highest-rankingBlackofficial , inTrumpWhiteHouse , Kabul , Afghanistan , groupofmen , whiteflagswithtext , desert , MembersoftheTaliban , Russiawasthoughttobesource , oftheirarms , SuspicionsAboutRussia'sOutreachtoTaliban , GoBackYears , bountiestoattack , U.S.andcoalitiontroops , cloudsandsunshine , showers , thunderstorms , possiblestrongwinds
Jeffrey Gibson, Freedom , Repurposed tipi poles, rawhide lacing, artificial sinew, buffalo hide, acrylic paint, wool, glass and plastic beads, sterling silver, turquoise, and quartz, 104 x 233 x 60 inches, 2013, Denver Art Museum , Colorado
Tags: JeffreyGibson , freedom , multimedia , sculpture , installation , abstraction , painting , DenverArtMuseum , Colorado , NYTimes , youngwoman , armsoutstretched , rainbowflag , multicolored , stripes , rainystreets , crowd , 50YearsofPride , Peoplecelebratedmilestone , Pride , pouringrain , festivities , ObamaDrawnBack , PoliticalBattlefield , HeWantedtoQuit , TougherLineonTrump , MarksNewPhase , UniqueRetirement , BarackObama , CashDiscovery , TippedOffSpies , AboutBounties , Warnings , Early2020 , RussianPlotIsSuspected , atLeastOneU.S.MilitaryDeath , shadowwar , Afghanistan , SpeakerNancyPelosi , "RussiahasnevergottenoverthehumiliationtheysufferedinAfghanistan" , "andnowtheyaretakingitoutonusourtroops" , Houston , Texas , HoustonSurge , FillsHospitalsWiththeYoung , RacetoFindBedSpace , BeforethePeakHits , coronaviruscasesrisingquickly , HoustonMethodistHospital , portrait , KimVictory , Tennessee , AsBodyFights , VirusSplintersPatients'Minds , Delirium , nightmarishvisions , 3-weekhospitalstay , severerespiratoryfailure , WashingtonDC , MichaelT.Flynn , Flynn'sLawyer , EnlistedAllies , InHighPlaces , SidneyPowell , firebrandlawyer , privatecorrespondence , AttorneyGeneralWilliamP.Barr , directeddepartmenttodropthecharge , undercuttingRussiainvestigation , specialcounselRobertS.MuellerIII , twomenembrace , interior , creamcoloredsuit , surgicalmask , "IT'STIME" , sticker , RetiringaFlag , Mississippi , Statesenators , passingabill , removeemblemoftheConfederacy , DoesN.Y.P.D.GetTooMuch? , PerhapsIt'sAskedtoDoTooMuch , MoneytoFightCrime , toChaseDeer , citygovernments , turntodepartment , catchallfix , society'sills , deployingforce , 36000officers , paramilitaryapproach , protests , GeorgeFloydkilling , "defundthepolice" , CityCouncil , speakerproposesbudgetcut , $1billionfromdepartment's$6billionbudget , cloudsandsunshine , thunderstorms
Gordon Matta-Clark, City Slivers , Super 8 film transferred to video, color, silent, unlimited edition, 15 minutes, 1976, Museo Nacional Centro De Arte Reina Sofia , Madrid, Spain (Note: Video excerpt is hyperlinked via artwork title).
Tags: GordonMatta-Clark , Super8film , color , silent , videotransfer , cityslivers , MuseoNacionalCentrodeArteReinaSofía , Madrid , NYTimes , womanholdingphoto , mauveruffleshirt , hands , portraiture , LivesLost , 2CruelDays , LevesterThompsonJr. , inaphotoheldbyhiswife , oneof1550NewYorkers , diedofvirus , April6and7 , InsideNursingHome , Where17BodiesPiledUp , TroubledFacility , WesternNewJersey , StruggledEvenBeforeContagion , AndoverSubacuteandRehabilitationCenterII , coronavirusoutbreak , chronicallyshortofstaffandmasks , poorgrades , fromfederalandstateinspectors , FinalFourlogo , whiteflag , bluebackground , Leaguesin$71billionindustry , facemanyobstacles , SportsYearningForaComeback , DespitetheRisk , MajorLeagueBaseball , N.B.A. , Americansportsindustrialcomplex , Moscow , OfficialSilence , AbetsOutbreakInPutin'sRussia , 7x7Komi , independentonlinejournal , revealedoutbreakathospital , coronaviruspetridish , CityDwellers , WeighSayingGoodbyetoAllThat , CrisisIgnitesDesire , OpenSpacesandCheaperRents , NinaBrajovic , "PartofitfeelslikewhyamIevenlivinginNewYork?" , NewYork , LosAngeles , Chicago , eachcitylostpopulation , overpastseveralyears , subwayplatform , BroadwayJunction , Brooklyn , Chicago'sdowntown , freewaysofLosAngeles , FlawsHinderingAntibodyTesting , ProcedureIsCrucialTool , ReopeningU.S. , firstrolloutofbloodtests , coronavirusantibodies , F.D.A. , allowed90companies , toselltestswithoutgovernmentvetting , WashingtonDC , AProvocateur , WhoPuttheWords , 'ChinaVirus' , inTrump'sMouth , YoungLeader , FudgingFacts , FuelstheRight , Twitter , cloudsandsunshine
Tags: KarooAshevak , whalebone , stone , figure , IndigenousArt , NationalGalleryofCanada , Ottawa , NYTimes , redfootballuniforms , footballfield , coaches , SuperBowl , AWin50YearsintheMaking , QuarterbackPatrickMahomes , Chiefs , beatthe49ers , firstSuperBowlchampionshipsince1970 , Wuhan , China , AFeverof104 , HourstoWait , AndNoRelief , BedSpaceandHopeDwindle , coronavirus , outbreak , panic , illness , impossibletogethealthcare , manyresidentssay , PandemicLooms , Rapidlyrisingcaseloads , alarmingresearchers , fearthevirusmayspreadacrossglobe , Panicked , Travelersscramble , fewremainingairlineticketsoutofChina , quarantines , TradeNetworks , FaceNewMenace , InACoronavirus , ChinaInCrossHairs , WithDominanceComesRisks , DwarftheImpactofSARS , Apple , Starbucks , Ikea , temporarilyclosedstoresinChina , shoppingmallsdeserted , InternationalairlinescancelflightstoChina , economicgrowthexpectedtoslipthisyear , Newton , Iowa , DemocratsPitchedaHugeTent , It'saHiveofAngst , pre-primarycampaign , lowgradeanxietyattackforDemocrats , presidentialcampaignsigns , PETE , SouthBend , supporterscheeringPeteButtigieg , BernieSanders , CedarRapids , ElizabethWarren , GetOuttheCaucusrally , Indianola , JosephR.BidenJr. , townhall-stylerallyinDubuque , IowaPopulationAptlyReflects , GrayingofAmericanEconomy , mirrorsnation'seconomyanddemography , state'srapidlyagingpopulation , IntheEnd , ClashofGiantEgos , TriumphedOverSubwayRepairs , AndyByford , scorchingletterofresignation , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , complaintsofmicromanaging , U.S.BanSundersFamilies , SlamsDooronMuchofAfrica , livesthrownintodisarray , PresidentTrump , expansionofimmigrationban , sixnewcountries , includingNigeria , "Americahaskilledme" , "Wearefinished." , IkennaNwegbe , cloudsandsunshine , breezy
Kirsten Hawthorne, Untitled from Found Masks 1975-1978 , One from a portfolio of 29 photocopies, Edition of 15, 27.9 x 20.2 centimeters, Published by the artist, 1978, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: KirstenHawthorne , photocopy , masks , artistedition , printing , portfolio , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , nightscene , witness , vigil , crowd , cameras , mobilephones , candles , LosAngeles , KobeBryant , spent20-yearcareerwiththeLakers , wonfiveN.B.A.titles , HelicopterCrashKillsN.B.A.Star , KnowntoAllasKobe , AGiantoftheSport , RecognizedinBeijingorBeverlyHills , momentofnationalmourning , coasttocoast , BlackMamba , aquietforceofnatureonthecourt , LosAngelesLakers , basketball , WashingtonDC , MoneyToUkraine , TiedToInquiries , BoltonBookSays , PresidentRebuffedTopCabinetOfficials , WhoUrgedHimToReleaseAid , formernationalsecurityadviser , JohnR.Bolton , G.O.PSeesKyivSideshow , DemocratsSeeRussia'sHand , SecretaryofStateMikePompeo , "DoyouthinkAmericanscareaboutUkraine?" , impeachmenttrial , Ukraine , whetherMr.Trumpsolditout , fora"domesticpoliticalerrand" , exteriorsceneathospital , whitehazmatsuits , redblueblackorangesilver , Chinesecharacters , tickertape , HospitalsinWuhan , China , epicenterofthecoronavirusoutbreak , remainintenselycrowded , DiseaseSurges , LockdownMayNotHaltIt , deepeningglobalfears , "Theepidemicisnowenteringamoreseriousandcomplexperiod" , MaXiaowei , directorofChina'sNationalHealthCommission , Beijing , NovelVirusTestsChina'sAuthoritarianBargain , XiIsUnderPressure , ToTameGrowingCrisis , gravepublichealthcrisis , killedatleast80 , sickenedthousandsinChina , spreadaroundtheworld , BernieSanders , ForSanders , anInternetArmy , ThatHitsCriticsClosetoHome , KamalaHarris , "Dowehaveaproblem?" , prominentSanderssupporters , flamingMs.Harrispublicly , aspreferredchoice , ofcorporateDemocraticestablishment , cloudsandsunshine , breezy , mildforlateJanuary
Ian Howard, Enola Gay , Black wax crayon rubbing on three sheets of paper (274 x 361 centimeters), two black and white photographs (99 x 116.7 each sheet), 1975, Art Gallery of New South Wales , Sydney, Australia
Tags: IanHoward , EnolaGay , rubbing , crayon , paper , photographs , ArtGalleryofNewSouthWales , Sydney , Australia , NYTimes , VeteransDay , banners , orangebluewhite , crowd , portraiture , supporters , AndryRajoelina , presidentialrun , Madagascar , Russianoperatives , supportedhiscampaign , RussiaImportsElectionTricks , InterferingAbroad , InfluenceandProfit , Antananarivo , electionmeddling , operationapprovedbyPresidentVladimirV.Putin , FormerVicePresidentJosephR.BidenJr. , TriedtoButtressUkraine , SubplotBecametheStory , "Youhavetobewhiterthansnow" , "orthewholeworldwillabandonyou" , BidentoldUkraine'snewlyelectedpresident , PetroO.Poroshenko , NewClaim , AGiulianiassociate , sayshedeliveredawarning , onBidentotheUkrainians , FewerBillionsforBillionaires , UnderWarren'sTaxProposals , SenatorElizabethWarren , revisedtaxpackage , "sixcentsoneachdollar" , DoingTheMath , Howtopayfor$30.5trillion , policyplans , Bolivia'sLeaderResigns , HeedingProtesters'Call , 'TheEndOfTyranny' , Morales'sPopulistLegacy , IsMarredbyAttempttoKeepPower , PresidentEvoMorales , partofleftistwave , sweepingLatinAmerica , admittednowrongdoing , insistedtheywerevictimsofacoup , "Iwanttotellyoubrothersandsisters" , "thatthefightdoesnotendhere" , Mr.Moralessaid , portraitofEvoMorales , KentuckyVote , DrewOutTrolls , In2020Omen , Twitteraccount , @Overlordkraken1 , suspended , postedmessage , "justshreddedaboxofRepublicanmail-inballots" , "Bye-ByeBevin" , PilgrimageofWarriors , Onhonorflightsacrossthenation , privateandcommercialplanes , haveferriednearlyaquarter-millionveterans , tothecapital , freeofcharge , toseethemonuments , KoreanWarVeteransMemorial , VietnamVeteransMemorial , statues , greenery , trees , visitors , overlappinghands , names , U.S.LawEnforcers , SetPriority , CombatingDomesticTerrorists , OakwoodVillage , Ohio , cloudsandsunshine , milder
Tags: IsamuNoguchi , marble , sculpture , figure , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , NYTimes , RallyingTogetherInTexas , Houston , PresidentTrump , PrimeMinisterNarendraModi , India , "HowdyModi!" , metalbarriers , cheeringcrowd , securityguards , raisedhands , WashingtonDC , TrumpAdmitsHeSpokeToUkraine , AboutBiden , corruptionaccusations , againstformerVicePresidentJosephR.BidenJr. , GrowingPressureonDemocrats , toImpeach , PelosiWarnsof'Lawlessness' , inpublicandinprivate , Democratschangingcalculations , whethertochargehimwitharticlesofimpeachment , SpeakerNancyPelosi , profileportrait , pinksuit , demandedrelease , ofwhistle-blowercomplaint , fast-movingdevelopments , Cairo , Egypt , Self-ExiledAgitator , UrgesEgyptiansIntoStreets , MysteriousCritic , RivetsNation , WithTalesofStateCorruption , PresidentAbdelFattahel-Sisi , littledissentisallowed , MohamedAli , postingvideos , el-Sisiantagonist , whistle-blower , surgefromobscuritytoprominence , protest , CyberwarOption , NoEasyClick , U.S.AttackonIran , CouldWidentheBattlefield , UnitedStatesCyberCommand , SecretaryofStateMikePompeo , armscrossed , blacksuit , possiblecyberwarfareagainstIrandiscussed , DesMoines , Iowa , PoorSchoolsCan'tCompete , WithSuburbanRivals , ShouldThey? , HooverHighSchool , footballteam , kneelingplayers , greenyellowuniforms , footballfield , coach , sunset , blue-greysky , yellowgreengrass , stadiumlighting , whitelight , recentlosstoIndianola , schoolinneighboringcounty , MitchellMoore , coachatRooseveltHighSchool , "I'mabigbelieverthatsocioeconomicshasnothingtodowithcatchingafootball." , Pescara , Italy , Europe'sLawToAidPrivacy , GathersForce , AlessandroBiancardi , journalist , storyoftwobrothers , argumentledtoviolence , centerofdebate , overtheinternet'sfuture , growingreach , Europe's"righttobeforgotten"privacyrule , battlesoverspeechandprivacy , cloudsandsunshine , breezy , warm , humid
Tags: Egypt , 4thcentury , fragment , textile , wool , linen , plainweave , tapestry , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , NYTimes , tan , black , leaf , smoke , aerialphotography , desertsatelliteimage , SaudiArabia , blacksmoke , Saudioilplant , Iran-backedHouthirebels , Yemen , claimedattacks , U.S.BuildingCase , IranHitSaudiSites , 'LockedandLoaded' , WarningbyTrump , 17pointsofimpact , Saudienergyfacilities , drones , cruisemissiles , CushioningBlow , stockpiles , makesevereoilmarketshockunlikely , 50000WorkersOnStrike , GeneralMotors , AfterTalksFail , LaborDealExpires , WalkoutIsUnion'sFirst , Since2007 , Industry'sChallengesMount , UnitedAutomobileWorkersunion , Jerusalem , Israel , UglyBreakup , Israel'sOddCouple , CouldTurnAnElection , BenjaminNetanyahu , AvigdorLiberman , climacticdenouement , Netanyahu'sFate , MayBeInHandsofFormerDeputy , KamalaHarris , profile , portraiture , SanFrancisco , California , HarrisRevealed , EarlyKnackForJugular , TheLongRun , ABrawlerFromtheBeginning , Birmingham , Alabama , JosephR.BidenJr. , BidenHasEdge , OnBlackVotes , ButNotaLock , passionateaddress , 16thStreetBaptistChurch , 56thanniversaryofthebombingin1963 , foldingchairsandtables , redandwhitecheckeredtablecloths , Agentsandcustomers , Rudy'sCountryStoreandBar-B-Q , McAllen , Texas , "Iknowalotofguysjustwanttoleave" , saidoneformeragent , 'PeopleActivelyHateUs' , InsidetheMoraleCrisisontheBorder , OneBorderPatrolagentinTucson , wascalled"asellout" , "kidkiller" , Agentscalledslow-motionspecialty , "layingin" , hidingindesertandbrushforhours , waitandwatch , immigrationcrackdown , cloudsandsunshine , showers , lightwinds
Jean Baptiste Oscar Mallitte, Group portrait at the Governor Generals Camp , Albumen silver print, 20.5 x 24.7 centimeters, 1858-61, The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: JeanBaptisteOscarMallitte , nineteenthcentury , photography , albumensilverprint , portraiture , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , generals , soldierscamp , fourmen , militarybunker , tents , concreteblocks , window , sunlight , uniforms , weapons , tea , jackets , blankets , comraderie , BloodyShowdown , LoomsinSyria , Rebelfighters , IdlibProvince , preparingforgovernmentassault , worldfearing , humanitariancrisis , ElizabethIanelli , alumna , FamilyFoundationSchool , Hancock , NewYork , counts101deaths , womanatcemetery , trees , whitevirginmarystatue , treeheadstone , grass , OneSchool , DozensofAlumni , DeadBefore40 , AlarmingTrend , FromaFormerAcademy , forTroubledYouths , drugoverdoses , "Thisisouttacontrol." , WashingtonDC , U.S.CurbsVisas , PuttingSqueeze , OnHiringPlans , EmployersScrambling , JobsUnfilled , RedTapePilesUp , WorkersLookElsewhere , PresidentTrump , "BuyAmericanandHireAmerican." , MeghanMcCain , DaughterofaMaverick , GoestoBattle , eulogy , SenatorJohnMcCain , father'sdyingdirective , "Showthemhowtoughyouare." , ChiefJusticeJohnG.RobertsJr. , reliablyvotesconservative , HowNominee , CouldRedirectSupremeCourt , SwingVote , WouldFalltoChiefJustice , BrettKavanaugh , Hollywood , DailynRodriguez , television , writerproducer , EmbracingDiversity , butFindingIt , OutofReach , TVIndustrySweats , toHireFewWriters , inItsPipeline , OscarsSoWhite , HerxheimAmBerg , Germany , SwastikaintheSteeple , SetsOffVillageFeud , CitingHistory , MayorPledges , toKeepBell , InscribedbyNazis , "EverythingfortheFatherland" , AdolfHitler , cloudsandsunshine , warmer , humid , NYTimes
Helen Frankenthaler, Silent Curtain , Lithograph, Edition 14/25, 30 x 22.5 inches, 1967-1969, Albright-Knox Art Gallery , Buffalo
Tags: HelenFrankenthaler , painting , lithography , paper , printmaking , AlbrightKnoxGallery , NYTimes , Venezuela , MyChildHasDied , children , siblings , family , mourning , severemalnutrition , Thegovernmentknows , butwon'tadmitit , drapery , cross , burial , tan , green , bronze , stripes , multicolor , WashingtonDC , RobertMueller , PresidentTrump , FrictionRises , BetweenMueller'sTeam , andSomeTrumpLawyers , governmentbuilding , white , portraiture , photographers , photojournalists , cameras , Muellerdefendedoffice'stactics , EPAStaff , FearsEnvironmentalCatastrophe , GOP-LinkedFirm , HiredToTargetEmailsofCritics , MediaMonitoringService , DissentersViewasOminousSign , PresidentTrumpasAlly , ofthe'LittleGuy' , forgottenAmericans , "Youwillneverbeignoredagain" , InWords , NotActions , NewJersey , TaxBillLooms , LikeaDarkCloud , One-TwoFiscalPunch , CouldThreatenSuburbanDream , Republicanleaders , "They'recripplingus" , Toronto , Canada , IntrigueGripsElite , After2Deaths , Canadianbillionaireandwife , cloudsandsunshine , notascold