
Monday's image: August 17, 2020

Sandra Selig, heart of the air you can hear, Polyester thread, nails, synthetic polymer paint, 270 x 570 x 285 centimeters, 2011, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, Australia

Monday's image: July 18, 2016

Gretchen Bender, People in Pain, (detail). Paint on heat-set vinyl and neon, 84 × 560 × 11 inches, 1988. Remade by Philip Vanderhyden, 2014. The Estate of Gretchen Bender. Via Whitney Museum, New York. 

Monday's image: June 27, 2016

Tony Feher, It Seemed a Beautiful Day, Mixed-media installation, Dimensions variable, 2002, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, California

Monday's image: January 25, 2016

Dorothea Rockburne, Drawing Which Makes Itself: Neighbourhood, Transparentized paper, pencil, colored pencil, and felt-tip pen on wall, 107 x 150 inches, 1973, Museum of Modern Art, New York