crowd — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Unidentified artist, Ethiopian, Prayer Scroll for Healing , Leather, ink and pigment, 3.5 x 70 inches, between 1850 and 1900, Detroit Institute of Arts , Michigan
Tags: Artistunidentified , Ethiopia , Africa , PrayerScrollforHealing , leather , ink , pigment , DetroitInstituteofArts , Michigan , NYTimes , SurvivingGaza , wounded , children , disfiguration , IsraelHamaswar , MahmoudAjjour , portraiture , NYC , LoveandHateInHometown , Leans...Love? , DonaldJ.Trump , CityThawsforTrump , GuyFromQueens , President-electDonaldJ.Trump , keepingsecret , TransitionFundForTrump , KeepsDonorsCloaked , RiskOfEthicsBreach , Hasn'tSignedUsualPactRequiringDisclosures , politicaldonations , ImmigrantsSeekingSafeguards , ThreatofDeportationNears , FraudHuntersEarnWindfalls , TiedtoCovid , PrivateCitizensSetUpTheirOwnInquiries , Covid-19pandemic , federalgovernmentassistance , PaycheckProtectionProgram , loans , chasingpandemicrelieffraud , earnlargesumsofmoney , sportstadium , crowd , sportsfans , TheJetsandGiants , TakeDifferentRoutesTowardRockBottom , TheJetshavenotmadeplayoffssince2010 , NewYorksportsteams , cloudsandsunshine , morningrain
Tags: CliareFalkenstein , floatingstructure , iron , sculpture , installationart , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , NewYork , AYear-OldWarEnduresandThreatenstoSpread , crowd , nightvigil , TelAviv , Israel , IsraelisandPalestiniansleftinlimbo , InTownsAttackedonOctober7 , GhostlyExistence , FewResidentsReturn , SurroundedbyHarshRealties , IsraelHamaswar , IsraelandHamasDashHopesforCompromise , SCOTUS , ForNowTermIsShapingUpAsMildOne , ButJusticesCouldBeThrustIntoElection , TrumpReignitesQuestionOfAgeWithRamblings , IncreasingStridency , AnalysisandObserversNoteChangesinHisSpeechPatterns , FormerPresidentDonaldJ.Trump , campaigntrail , MayorEricAdams , BriberyInquiryMarstheRiseOfNewYork'sBanksBrothers , PhilipB.BanksIII , DavidC.Banks , CapturingDevastationatHome , NorthCarolina , Afteryearsofdocumentingclimatechange , photographerinpathofhurricane , DisinformationIsHamperingHeleneRecovery , OfficialsWastingTimeFightingFalsehoods , HurricaneHelene , earlyshower , cloudsgivingwaytosun , breezy
Tags: DominiqueBlain , Village , sculpture , installation , mixedmedia , light , Muséed'artcontemporaindeMontréal , Canada , NYTimes , Rwandans , armsoutstretched , looktothesky , commemoration , 30thanniversaryofgenocide , 800000peopledied , KigaliRwanda , RwandaJoinsToRecallPainOfGenocide , IsraelPullsItsLastTroopsFromCityinSouthGaza , ForcesRemainElsewhere , MediatorsPushCease-Fire , War's6-MonthMark , KhanYounis , crowd , rallyinJerusalem , calledforHamastoreleasehostages , MillionsEagerlyAwaitMarvelofEclipse , AlongPathofTotality , ontheMovetoTakeInaRareView , historicalphoto , blackandwhitephotography , totalsolareclipse , AviewinginTimesSquareJuly91945 , GazansTurntoWildPlantToCombatWartimeHunger , khobeza , foraging , ForTrump'sManhattanJudge , JusticeJuanM.Merchan , LongCareerofNoNonsense , HowBigTechCutCorners , HarvestDataforTheirA.I.Models , SuppliesFromInternetSettoBeDepleted , OpenAI , Whisper , sunshine , someclouds , mild
Tags: CharlotteMaryFellowes , redpoppy , watercolor , paintingonpaper , earlynineteenthcentury , PhiladelphiaMuseumofArt , Pennsylvania , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , ElisabethLucieBaeten , writerandactress , 'Iwanteveryonetolikeme' , StressfulTimesforParentsandAdolescents , whichschoolinSeptember? , 'thesystem'decides , crowd , families , children , redandwhiteflowers , RussiaMournsAfterAttack , 'Thereisanillusionofsafety' , 'butthiscanhappenanywhere' , RikTorfs , createsbookanddocumentary , abouttheVatican , 'Betteramanwithoutempathythananenemyoftheruleoflaw' , threepediatrichospitals , specializedcentersforchildrenwithcancer , universityhospitals , GentLeuvenandBrussels , bestconcentrationofexpertise , willleadtobettercare , MadsPedersen , Cycling , WinsGent-Wevelgem , maniacaldawn , writing , manuscript , #morningroutine , cloudyandcool , afternoonrain
Pearl Perlmuter, Political prisoner , Terracotta, plaster, paint, 50.5 x 39 x 27 centimeters, 1951, Kröller-Müller Museum , The Netherlands
Tags: PearlPerlmuter , politicalprisoner , sculpture , terracotta , plaster , paint , Kröller-MüllerMuseum , TheNetherlands , LeSoir , Brussels , SurafromKoraninparliament , backgroundofthecontroversy , Cycling , RemcoEvenepoel , portraiture , firstwins , afterTourofAlgarve , Soccer , UnionandAnderlechtdowell , protesters , poster , #freenavalny , crowd , AlexeiNavalny , theworldinsearchofthetruth , manyquestionsremainunanswered , Navalny'sdeath , manytributesinRussiaandelsewhere , Autopsystillpending , Thecoalitionsystemisnolongerconvincing , Belgiumisnotimmunetopolarization , studybyULBandLeSoir , Votersaremoredivided , lessandlesssupportiveofpoliticalcompromise , Belgianshavelesssympathyfortheextremes , survey , measureslevelofsupportorrejectionofpoliticalpartiesbypopulation , VlaamsBelang , PTB , viewedwithgreatestdistrust , especiallyvotersforotherparties , ecologistsviewedpositively , FlemishmorepositiveaboutWalloonsthanviceversa , Theeternal"usversusthem"threattodemocracy , Theconclusionsarecrystalclear , whoeversowsdivision , byshoutingtheloudestreapsdistrust , cloudyskies , cold , rainshowers
Alexander Archipenko, Walking Soldier , 1917, Plaster, paint and wood, (enlarged cast executed ca. 1954), Albright-Knox Art Gallery , Buffalo, New York
Tags: AlexanderArchipenko , walkingsoldier , plaster , paint , wood , Albright-KnoxArtGallery , Buffalo , NYTimes , bluesky , windsweptsand , lightandshadow , golden , footprints , pattern , portraiture , MohamedouOuldSlahi , torturedatGuantánamoBay , nowlivesinMauritania , OneLegacy , September11 , ATorturePolicy'sStain , Nouakchott , Mauritania , nearly15yearsasadetainee , mind-numbingisolation , darkenedcell , withouthisQuran , G.O.P.Seethes , ButEveryStateRequiresShots , FuryatBiden , IgnoresaCenturyofRules , requireprivate-sectorbusinesses , withmorethan100employees , coronavirusvaccinemandates , California , ThrivingClaimsOfVoterFraud , EchoesOf'20InRecall , BaselessTheoriesBeforeElection , NewNormontheRight , Californiarecallelection , DemocraticGovernorGavinNewsom , LarryElder , leadingRepublicancandidate , AbortionRulingInflamesDebate , AmongMexicans , WellofPublicDissent , ProcedureIsNowLegal , butManyDoctorsWon'tProvideIt , MexicoCity , Mexico'sSupremeCourtruledabortionisnotacrime , Green-EnergyBoomTown , ButCantheGoodTimesLast? , Normal , Illinois , electric-vehiclemaker , Rivian , U.S.Open , SenseofRenewal , ontheCourtandintheCrowd , tenniscourt , net , crowd , blue , green , uniforms , tennisplayers , embrace , DaniilMedvedev , beatNovakDjokovicinthefinal , NovakDjokovic , ChrisEvert , "Thecrowdwasthethirdplayerthisyear." , partlycloudy , warm , humid
Evan Holloway, Dialectic , Cinder blocks, plaster, steel, brass, lighting, and lighting controller, 22.3 x 189.2 x 279.4 centimeters, 2006, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago , Illinois
Tags: EvanHolloway , dialectic , mixedmedia , sculpture , installation , MuseumofContemporaryArtChicago , NYTimes , Florida , crowd , neighborhood , LakeWorth , campaignsigns , lastdayofearlyvoting , battlegroundstate , longlines , Texas , IVOTED , stickers , Americanflag , votingcontinued , stateSupremeCourt , deniedefforttothrowout120000ballots , Wisconsin , polling , PresidentTrumpistrailing , inkeynorthernstate , hewonin2016 , women , raisedhands , cheering , ballotdropbox , VOTEHERE , KeySwingStates , SetUpShowdown , AsRaceNearsEnd , BidenPollingAhead , in4Battlegrounds , JosephR.BidenJr. , holdsclearadvantageoverPresidentTrump , bolsteredbysupportofvoters , whodidnotparticipatein2016election , Philadelphia , BothCampaignsVieforPennsylvania , nationalearlyvote , climbspast93million , Pennsylvaniahas20ElectoralCollegevotes , Pennsylvaniacrucialtovictory , chart , NewYorkTimes/SienaCollegepoll , ArizonaFloridaPennsylvaniaWisconsin , WashingtonDC , InEraofTrumpFictions , TrustLoomsasCasualty , "alternativefacts" , democracy , duringfinalweekendofcampaignrallies , Mr.Trumpsowsdoubt , aboutvalidityofelection , OnVenezuela , U.S.StrategyRunsAground , JuanGuaidó , youngoppositionleader , recognizedbyPresidentTrump , StateoftheUnionspeech , Florida'sLatinovoters , Venezuelanexpatriates , CubanAmericans , Trumpadministration'ssanctions , failedtooust , NicolásMaduro , ChineseRussianIranianinterests , morefirmlyentrenchedinVenezuela , ACityatOdds , OntheMoment , ToOpenSchools , SanFrancisco , thirdwave , coronavirus , debatehowtosafelyeducate , low-incomeandminoritystudents , Henderson , Nebraska , InNebraska , Seeking4MoreYearsofBelonging , Trump'sRuralBackers , SpeakofaKinship , peoplesay , PresidentTrumprepresents , theirdeepconvictions , stronglyheldbeliefs , goodversusevilframework , verywindy , gusts40to50m.p.h. , cold
Sandra Selig, heart of the air you can hear , Polyester thread, nails, synthetic polymer paint, 270 x 570 x 285 centimeters, 2011, National Gallery of Victoria , Melbourne, Australia
Tags: SandraSelig , mixedmedia , artinstallation , red , polyesterthread , paint , architecture , space , corner , flow , NationalGalleryofVictoria , Melbourne , Australia , NYTimes , redwhite , flag , protesters , crowd , Belarus , loudercalls , forLeader'sExit , tensofthousands , stagedbiggestprotestyet , Minsk , opposefraud-taintedpresidentialelection , Trump'sCampaignCoffers , LowonBig-DollarChecks , UltrawealthyRepublicans , DelayDivertReduceTheirGifts , PresidentTrump , superPAC , AmericaFirstAction , TheTrumpVictoryFund , LindaMcMahon , portrait , runsTrumpsuperPAC , donated$4million , Fearing'Twindemic' , ExpertsPushforFluShots , OfficesandPlantsClosed , SearchIsOn , forOtherSites , newsurge , Covid-19 , severefluseason , C.D.C. , orderedadditional9.3milliondoses , ChildMigrants , HeldAtHotels , PrivateSecurityFirm , ShadowPolicy , hoteldetentions , aggressiveborderclosurepolicy , coronaviruspandemic , blueskyandcloud , greywall , names , underlined , UniversityofVirginia , memorial , listsenslavedworkers , records , oftendidn'tprovidenames , Charlottesville , Where'HorribleCruelties' , CanNoLongerHide , University'sMemorial , EnslavedLaborers , IsabellaGibbons , postCivilWar , formerlyenslavedBlackwoman , ownedbyuniversityfacultymember , SpeakerNancyPelosi , CurtailRecessforVote , OnPostalRelief , mail-inballots , integrityofNovemberelection , MourningLossofConvention , DemocraticNationalConvention , Milwaukee , FiservForum , WisconsinCenter , hotelsclosed , restaurantsempty , barseerilybarren , America'smostbeer-lovingcity , cloudsandsunshine , warm , eveningshowers , thunderstorms
Tags: sculpture , onyx , rose-colored , FrançoisdeMalherbe , “ConsolationáM.Du Périer” , openbook , poet , France , text , egg , groupofwomen , landscape , shoreline , water , reflection , black , SubmerginganAncientTreasure , for'Prosperity' , Hasankeyf , Turkey , floodwaters , upriverdam , madeancientoutpostunlivable , RacialDisparity , CoronavirusCases , StretchesAllAcrossBoard , C.D.C.Data , ShowsAlarmingImpactofVirus , BlackandLatinoPeople , MirellaBentivoglio , NationalMuseumofWomenintheArts , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , throughouthundredsofcounties , acrossallagegroups , "Systemicracismdoesn'tjustevidenceitselfinthecriminaljusticesystem." , QuintonLucas , Blackmayor , KansasCity , Missouri , crowd , mourning , lightblue , balloons , signs , pictures , "EnoughisENOUGH" , vigil , SincereGaston , 1-year-old , hitbybulletincar , Englewood , ViolenceinChicagoSpikes , TakingTollonYoung , SinceStartofSummer , 9ChildrenKilledbyGunfire , "TheWindyCityisbecomingtheBloodyCity" , Rev.MichaelL.Pfleger , SaintSabinaChurch , ScientistsInsistAirborneSpread , Threat , W.H.O.Wavers , portrait , twogamblers , pinkyellowlightblue , glow , TheStrat , LasVegas , Expertsthink , viruslingersindoors , airbornetransmission , tinydroplets , smallerparticles , 'EverythingIsSensitive' , ChinaForcesHongKong , toReadjust , ForgingaNewReality , UnderBeijing'sLaw , territory'sdistinctculture , politicalactivism , freespeech , appearedtobeinperil , D.C.'sSwamp , HasNewAim , AnotherTerm , DavidUrban , best-connectedlobbyist , PresidentTrump'sWashington , Raytheon , SecretaryofStateMikePompeo , JosephR.BidenJr. , HowBiden , byTurnsGenialandBlunt , BuiltDiplomaticBridges , TheLongRun , ShapingForeignRelations , Mr.Bidenmadequick"personalconnection" , withChineseleader , XiJinping , partlysunny , hot
Jeffrey Gibson, Freedom , Repurposed tipi poles, rawhide lacing, artificial sinew, buffalo hide, acrylic paint, wool, glass and plastic beads, sterling silver, turquoise, and quartz, 104 x 233 x 60 inches, 2013, Denver Art Museum , Colorado
Tags: JeffreyGibson , freedom , multimedia , sculpture , installation , abstraction , painting , DenverArtMuseum , Colorado , NYTimes , youngwoman , armsoutstretched , rainbowflag , multicolored , stripes , rainystreets , crowd , 50YearsofPride , Peoplecelebratedmilestone , Pride , pouringrain , festivities , ObamaDrawnBack , PoliticalBattlefield , HeWantedtoQuit , TougherLineonTrump , MarksNewPhase , UniqueRetirement , BarackObama , CashDiscovery , TippedOffSpies , AboutBounties , Warnings , Early2020 , RussianPlotIsSuspected , atLeastOneU.S.MilitaryDeath , shadowwar , Afghanistan , SpeakerNancyPelosi , "RussiahasnevergottenoverthehumiliationtheysufferedinAfghanistan" , "andnowtheyaretakingitoutonusourtroops" , Houston , Texas , HoustonSurge , FillsHospitalsWiththeYoung , RacetoFindBedSpace , BeforethePeakHits , coronaviruscasesrisingquickly , HoustonMethodistHospital , portrait , KimVictory , Tennessee , AsBodyFights , VirusSplintersPatients'Minds , Delirium , nightmarishvisions , 3-weekhospitalstay , severerespiratoryfailure , WashingtonDC , MichaelT.Flynn , Flynn'sLawyer , EnlistedAllies , InHighPlaces , SidneyPowell , firebrandlawyer , privatecorrespondence , AttorneyGeneralWilliamP.Barr , directeddepartmenttodropthecharge , undercuttingRussiainvestigation , specialcounselRobertS.MuellerIII , twomenembrace , interior , creamcoloredsuit , surgicalmask , "IT'STIME" , sticker , RetiringaFlag , Mississippi , Statesenators , passingabill , removeemblemoftheConfederacy , DoesN.Y.P.D.GetTooMuch? , PerhapsIt'sAskedtoDoTooMuch , MoneytoFightCrime , toChaseDeer , citygovernments , turntodepartment , catchallfix , society'sills , deployingforce , 36000officers , paramilitaryapproach , protests , GeorgeFloydkilling , "defundthepolice" , CityCouncil , speakerproposesbudgetcut , $1billionfromdepartment's$6billionbudget , cloudsandsunshine , thunderstorms
Augusta Christine (Fells) Savage, Portrait Head of John Henry , Patinated plaster, 16.8 x 8.9 x 12.1 centimeters, 1940, Museum of Fine Arts Boston , Massachusetts
Tags: AugustaSavage , figuresculpture , portraiture , plaster , bronzepatina , head , MFABoston , NYTimes , Wendy's , signage , logo , womanpaintingportrait , woodpanel , redwhiteroses , mustardyellow , blue , AnotherKilling , AshleyDopson , paintinginprotest , outsiderestaurant , Atlantapolice , shotRayshardBrooks , PoliceChiefs , FindJobSecurity , HardtoComeBy , CaughtBetweenUnions , LocalOfficials , EffortsatReform , ErikaShields , "zero-chasepolicy" , protesterwithrainbowflag , multi-colorstripes , crowd , ProtectingTransgenderLives , ThousandsmarchedinBrooklyn , protestviolence , againstblacktransgenderpeople , MidlevelStaff , StiflesScienceAboutClimate , Effortstoundermine , climatechangescience , tryingtoprotectjobsandbudgets , federalgovernment , internalizedPresidentTrump'santagonism , forclimatescience , NewVirus , HastensSpread , OldPreventableIllness , BurdenedNationsShiftFocus , Diseases , MeaslesandPolio , Re-emerge , ChibuzoOkonta , DoctorsWithoutBorders , "anepidemicinafewmonth'stimethatwillkillmorechildrenthanCovid" , toddler , receivingmeaslesvaccine , SouthSudan , choleraontherise , ArenasEmpty , SportsFans , BetOnWallStreet , Robinhood , stock-tradingplatform , small-timeinvestors , openedtradingaccounts , coronaviruspandemic , TwoRetractions , HurtCredibility , OfPeerReview , NewEnglandJournalofMedicine , TheLancet , rushforresearchoncoronavirus , TwoLivesCollided , CentralPark , LeftaNationShaken , ChristianCooper , AmyCooper , racism , twoMemorialDayincidents , GeorgeFloyd , Minneapolis , policebrutality , partlysunny
Tags: ReeMorton , sculpture , painting , wood , installation , PAFA , Philadelphia , NYTimes , outdoors , crowd , protesters , LincolnMemorial , NationalMall , demonstrations , overkillingofGeorgeFloyd , armsraised , greenery , blueskieswithclouds , OtherMovementsHaveFaded , ThisOne'FeelsLikeHome' , CallsforRacialJustice , AchieveMomentum , NotSeeninYears , Denver , massivegatherings , streets , publicplazas , filledwithpeople , DelicateRestart , HasComeAtLast , NewYorkCity , 400000ToBeginWork , After100ArduousDays , HintofNormalcy , AmidtheUnrest , constructionjobs , manufacturingsites , retailstores , coronavirus , pandemic , NationalGuard , LeavingCapital , Ex-Commanders , RebukeTrump , onUseofForce , "Theywillbegoinghomebutcanquicklyreturnifneeded" , WashingtonDC , MayorMurielBowser , calledthedeploymentoftroops , "aninvasion" , BombChargeShocksFriends , Of2Lawyers , protest , building"solidaritymovements" , betweenpeopleofcolor , surprise , vandalizedpolicecar , StatesScramble , AsHackersEye , RemoteVoting , mail-inballots , voterfraud , baselessclaimbyPresidentTrump , expandonlinevoting , "highrisk" , balesofhay , dirt , SarahLloyd'sfarm , Wisconsin , receivedmoreinfarmaid , thanallbuttwostates , MoreBillionstoFarms , ThisTimeforVirusAid , PayoutsHaveExceeded , AnyActualLosses , TrumpAdministration , compensatefarmersfortradewars , tiltedtowardstates , politicallyimportanttoRepublicans , mostlysunny , seasonablywarm
Simone Forti, Huddle , Performance, 10 minutes, 1961, Museum of Modern Art , New York. (Note: Video of a live performance in 2012 is hyperlinked via artwork title).
Tags: SimoneForti , huddle , performance , participants , people , dance , shelter , MoMA , NYTimes , TwinCrises , SurgingAnger , ConvulseU.S. , clashes , streetscene , handsup , crowd , redorangeyellow , nighttime , Protesters , Brooklyn , policeinriotgear , blackbluegrey , smoke , Minneapolis , policemovingtodisperserally , showsofforce , lawenforcement , didlittletobringcalm , nation'scities , AOne-TwoPunch , PutsInequalityonDisplay , parallelplagues , ravagingAmerica , coronavirus , policekillingsofblackmenandwomen , chaoticprotests , deathofGeorgeFloyd , deepracialinequalities , BlackVoterstoDemocrats , NormalWon'tDo , ADemandforLastingChange , ProtestsSweepStreets , Columbia , SouthCarolina , JosephR.BidenJr. , on-cameraaddress , "Theangerandfrustrationandtheexhaustion" , DeveanMoon , participatedinpeacefulprotests , "I'mtiredoffeelingforcedtodoallthis." , VideosFromProtests , DeepenScrutiny , AggressivePoliceTactics , batons , teargas , pepperspray , usedonprotesters , bystanders , journalists , footagesharedonline , TrumpOffersNoCalmingWords , TumultReachesWhiteHouse , WashingtonDC , SecretServiceagents , rushedpresidenttoundergroundbunker , proteststurnedviolent , nearExecutiveMansion , NationalGuard , mayorimposed11p.m.curfew , hopesofavoidinglate-nightclashes , periodiccloudsandsunshine , breezy , cool
Doug Hall, The United States Cut Into a Continuous Strip , Oil stick on paper mounted on oil stick on bristol board, 20 x 26 inches, 1982, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago , Illinois
Tags: DougHall , UnitedStates , cut , continuousstrip , fragment , oilstick , paper , MCAChicago , landscape , trees , grass , cluster , Americanflags , earth , HolyokeSoldiers'Home , oneofhighestdeathtolls , end-of-lifefacility , Holyoke , Massachusetts , VeteransWereLefttoLanguish , InHomeRavagedbyIllness , JamesLeachMiller , survivedWorldWarII , diedofcomplicationsfromcoronavirus , virushasspread , inmorethan40veterans'homes , WashingtonDC , portrait , WalterJ.SmileyJr. , retiredfromarmy , lieutenantcolonel , after25yearcareer , "It'sAmerica'smilitary" , "Whydoesn'tthisphotolooklikeAmerica?" , DanaPittard , retiredmajorgeneral , BlackTroops , FightattheFront , ButRarelyGetJobsattheTop , TrumpStaysQuietonToll , AsU.S.NearsaMilestone , VirusatItsDeadliest , inStrongholdsofDemocrats , staggeringAmericandeathtoll , 100000 , devastation , disproportionatelyfeltinblueAmerica , FindingTimetoGolf , andJabEnemies , protesters , sign , "IcaredoU?" , "100000dead" , socialmedia , embracingfringeconspiracytheories , FindingBliss , NewSchedule , WhenFamilyTimeIsAllDay , apartmentsarecrowded , crankykindergartners , sullenteenagers , alloverthecity , dancingeverynight , coronavirus , smotheredNYCeconomy , ForanAscendantChina , ReiningInHongKong , JusttheStart , crowd , handsraised , masks , streetaction , thousandsgatheredinHongKong , rejectBeijing'sinfluence , worlddistractedbypandemic , Chinahastakenagressiveactions , imposenewnationalsecuritylaws , earlyclouds , turntosunshine , bytheafternoon
Kirsten Hawthorne, Untitled from Found Masks 1975-1978 , One from a portfolio of 29 photocopies, Edition of 15, 27.9 x 20.2 centimeters, Published by the artist, 1978, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: KirstenHawthorne , photocopy , masks , artistedition , printing , portfolio , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , nightscene , witness , vigil , crowd , cameras , mobilephones , candles , LosAngeles , KobeBryant , spent20-yearcareerwiththeLakers , wonfiveN.B.A.titles , HelicopterCrashKillsN.B.A.Star , KnowntoAllasKobe , AGiantoftheSport , RecognizedinBeijingorBeverlyHills , momentofnationalmourning , coasttocoast , BlackMamba , aquietforceofnatureonthecourt , LosAngelesLakers , basketball , WashingtonDC , MoneyToUkraine , TiedToInquiries , BoltonBookSays , PresidentRebuffedTopCabinetOfficials , WhoUrgedHimToReleaseAid , formernationalsecurityadviser , JohnR.Bolton , G.O.PSeesKyivSideshow , DemocratsSeeRussia'sHand , SecretaryofStateMikePompeo , "DoyouthinkAmericanscareaboutUkraine?" , impeachmenttrial , Ukraine , whetherMr.Trumpsolditout , fora"domesticpoliticalerrand" , exteriorsceneathospital , whitehazmatsuits , redblueblackorangesilver , Chinesecharacters , tickertape , HospitalsinWuhan , China , epicenterofthecoronavirusoutbreak , remainintenselycrowded , DiseaseSurges , LockdownMayNotHaltIt , deepeningglobalfears , "Theepidemicisnowenteringamoreseriousandcomplexperiod" , MaXiaowei , directorofChina'sNationalHealthCommission , Beijing , NovelVirusTestsChina'sAuthoritarianBargain , XiIsUnderPressure , ToTameGrowingCrisis , gravepublichealthcrisis , killedatleast80 , sickenedthousandsinChina , spreadaroundtheworld , BernieSanders , ForSanders , anInternetArmy , ThatHitsCriticsClosetoHome , KamalaHarris , "Dowehaveaproblem?" , prominentSanderssupporters , flamingMs.Harrispublicly , aspreferredchoice , ofcorporateDemocraticestablishment , cloudsandsunshine , breezy , mildforlateJanuary
Tags: MarieWatt , sculpture , textiles , text , speech , wool , embroidery , CrystalBridgesMuseumofAmericanArt , Benton , Arkansas , NYTimes , Lisbon , EarningRiches , ByExploitingAPoorNation , AngolanEntrepreneur , BuildsShellEmpire , IsabeldosSantos , countryrichinoilanddiamonds , hobbledbycorruption , DeGrisogono , jeweler , CannesFilmFestival , partytheme , "LoveontheRocks" , winterlandscape , utilitypole , missingpersons , sign , reward , redbluewhite , trees , road , KayseraStopsPrettyPlaces , 18-year-oldgirl , fromHardinMontana , founddeadinAugust , daysaftershewentmissing , BigHornCounty , Montana , AnOutcryGrows , AsNativeWomenKeepVanishing , killingsanddisappearances , Indigenouswomen , nightvigil , mothers , children , gatheraroundthefire , RelativesofSelenaNotAfraid , teenagegirl , lastseenathighwayreststop , onNewYear'sDay , Democrats'PushToTapWitnesses , HasNewUrgency , AnEffortToFillGaps , SeekingToSwaySomeinG.O.P. , BeforeStartofPresident'sTrial , WashingtonDC , Democratsintensifydemands , moretestimonyanddocuments , WhiteHouse'sdecisionnottocooperate , Tensions , Journalistsareupinarms , aboutaccessrulesduringSenatetrial , Denver , Colorado , AsTrialNears , G.O.P.SenatorDodgesHisBase , toStayAfloat , SenatorCoryGardner , membersofcovetedgroupsinelectoralpolitics , suburbanwomen , "Idon'thearhimspeakingoutonthings" , JenniferGremmert , Baylor'sHandlingofRapeCases , StillDogsStarr , KenStarr , formerpresidentBaylorUniversity , LawyeronTrumpTeam , HadMixedRecordasSchool'sPresident , Starrignoredwomen'scriesforhelp , sexualassault , redwhitegolduniforms , footballplayers , stadium , crowd , abstraction , SuperBowl , MatchupIsSet , PatrickMahomes , ChiefsbeattheTitans , willmeetthe49ersinSuperBowl , Danville , Virginia , DemocraticCandidates , StruggletoWintheTrustofBlackVoters , WomenWithWarren , campaignsign , Supporterslistened , SenatorElizabethWarren , givespeechhonoringblackwomen , ClarkAtlantaUniversity , sunshine , breezy , Northerlywind , 12to25milesperhour
Tags: MartinBlank , torso , glass , sculpture , bluegreen , transparent , TheRinglingMuseumofArt , Sarasota , Florida , NYTimes , NewYork , crowd , mourning , CityFacesEchoofDarkerPast , vigil , TessMajors , studentatBarnardCollege , killedinMorningsidePark , Edinburg , Texas , StatesUnequalInPreparation , FortheCensus , PartyinControl , IsKeytotheDifferences , partheadcount , partpowerstruggle , SenatorChuckSchumer , Democraticleader , SchumerFramesFullSenateTrial , OnImpeachment , McConnellChallenged , CallingforSubpoenas , UkraineRecords , Trump'sTopAides , WashingtonDC , SenatorMitchMcConnell , "takingmycues" , fromtheWhiteHouse , InSecret , U.S.ExpelsEnvoysSentbyChina , espionagethreat , Seattle , Washington , PrimeLeverage , ARetailGiant'sHoldonTech , Amazon , DominanceintheCloud , Elastic , softwarestart-up , Amsterdam , trademarkviolation , Amazonusessamename , Elasticsearch , cloudcomputing , copyingsoftware , ClimateTalksEnd , WithU.S.CedingNothing , globalclimatenegotiations , rainbowflag , ephemera , nightscene , screens , photos , interimmemorial , 49peoplekilled , 2016Pulsenightclubshooting , Orlando , architecturaldesign , permanentmemorial , newmuseum , AtPulseShootingSite , PlantoRemember , RenewsPainforSome , ChristineLeinonen , "Myson'sbrutaldeathisnotatouristattraction" , clubowner , BarbaraPoma , creatednon-profit , onePULSEFoundation , "Thepurposeofthemuseumwillbetohonorthelifeofourchildren" , mostcloudy , snowandsleet
Jolanta Rudzka-Habisiak, Untitled Book , Folded paper, some ink printed, mounted on board, re-plied cotton cord, 1999, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: JolantaRudzka-Habisiak , textiles , book , paper , ink , bookarts , ArtInstituteofChicago , NYTimes , aerialphotography , multi-color , crowd , hundredsofthousands , protesters , filledthestreets , HongKong , march , HumanRightsDay , 'WeDon'tWanttoBecomeLikeChina' , RudolphW.Giuliani , HowanEx-Mayor , LedaPresident , totheBrinkofImpeachment , DeniedPost , GiulianiSettledforSpotlight , "Howaboutsecretaryofstate?" , bitterdisappointment , WashingtonDC , RightRejoices , AsBarrAssailsLiberalCulture , No-ApologiesStyle , FitsthePartyofTrump , wieldedmaximalistview , executivepower , Barrbelieves , thenationneeds , "moralrenaissance" , Trauma , moremigrantfamilies , mayfacedetention , atgreatcost , tochildren'swell-being , U.S.PlansToSap , W.T.O'sInfluence , InTradeBrawls , ErasingMediatorRole , Trump'sBidtoUpend , GlobalSystem , MayInciteTariffWars , curvingsteelrods , steelrust , W.T.O.ishearingchallenges , toU.S.tariffsonsteel , Tokyo , Japan , AtGatewaytoPowerinJapan , Only1in5Students , IsaWoman , UniversityofTokyo , Todai , Thedearthofwomen , byproduct , deep-seatedgenderinequality , InsultinClass , LeftaGunman , FuriousonBase , PensacolaNavalAirStation , derogatorynickname , CarollSpinney1933-2019 , BigBird , readingtoConnorScottandTiffanyJiao , tapingof"SesameStreet" , NewYork , yellow , green , red , orange , pink , brown , PuppeteerWhoMade , DaysSunnyasBigBird , OscartheGrouch , generationsofpreschoolers , vividplaymates , subtletutors , JimHenson , Muppetmenagerie , rainthroughouttheday , cloudy , mild
Poklong Anading, Counter Acts , Chromogenic transparency in lightbox, four parts, approximately 90 x 48 x 5 inches each, 2004, Guggenheim Museum , New York
Tags: PoklongAnading , chromogenictransparency , lightbox , spotlight , Guggenheim , NYTimes , HongKong , nightscene , crowd , orange-yellowlight , buildings , poppingchampagne , Democracysupporterscheered , "Therehasbeenaverydeepawakening" , AlanLeong , headofCivicParty , ABannerDay , ForDemocracy , ProtestsMovetoPolls , inRebuketoBeijing , victoryinlocalelections , Vienna , Austria , RudolphW.Giuliani , WhyGiulianiEyed2Oligarchs , ToHelpDigDirt , AStrategytoEntangle , LegallyVulnerableUkrainians , DmitryFirtash , IhorKolomoisky , leveraginginformation , frompoliticallypowerful , legallyvulnerableforeigncitizens , federalbriberycharges , vastbankingscandal , NavalSecretary , ToldToResign , ByDefenseChief , AtOddsOverSealCase , HeAngeredTrump , SaidtoHaveTried , ToCutaSideDeal , WashingtonDC , DefenseSecretary , MarkT.Esper , losttrustinNavysecretary , RichardV.Spencer , portrait , maninbluesuit , Mr.Esperwas"deeplytroubledbythisconduct." , ChiefPettyOfficerEdwardGallagher , accusedofwarcrimes , Concord , NewHampshire , 'PublicOption' , DrawsVoters , WaryofMore , "Medicareforall"system , SenatorElizabethWarren , SenatorBernieSanders , WhenanIceFloe , IsYourOffice , redsnowsuits , orangecables , extremelight , snowbank , 300milesfromtheNorthPole , Ateamisstudying , theArctic'schangingclimate , 2ndLeak , ShowsSecretOrders , forChina'sCamps , governmentaccelerated , massdetentionsofMuslimminorities , guards , round-the-clock , videosurveillance , topreventescapes , St.Louis , Missouri , St.Louis'sUneasyMix , BlackWhiteandBlue , ImperfectUnion , AnOfficerShootsanOfficer , mostlysunnyskies , aseasonableday
Ian Howard, Enola Gay , Black wax crayon rubbing on three sheets of paper (274 x 361 centimeters), two black and white photographs (99 x 116.7 each sheet), 1975, Art Gallery of New South Wales , Sydney, Australia
Tags: IanHoward , EnolaGay , rubbing , crayon , paper , photographs , ArtGalleryofNewSouthWales , Sydney , Australia , NYTimes , VeteransDay , banners , orangebluewhite , crowd , portraiture , supporters , AndryRajoelina , presidentialrun , Madagascar , Russianoperatives , supportedhiscampaign , RussiaImportsElectionTricks , InterferingAbroad , InfluenceandProfit , Antananarivo , electionmeddling , operationapprovedbyPresidentVladimirV.Putin , FormerVicePresidentJosephR.BidenJr. , TriedtoButtressUkraine , SubplotBecametheStory , "Youhavetobewhiterthansnow" , "orthewholeworldwillabandonyou" , BidentoldUkraine'snewlyelectedpresident , PetroO.Poroshenko , NewClaim , AGiulianiassociate , sayshedeliveredawarning , onBidentotheUkrainians , FewerBillionsforBillionaires , UnderWarren'sTaxProposals , SenatorElizabethWarren , revisedtaxpackage , "sixcentsoneachdollar" , DoingTheMath , Howtopayfor$30.5trillion , policyplans , Bolivia'sLeaderResigns , HeedingProtesters'Call , 'TheEndOfTyranny' , Morales'sPopulistLegacy , IsMarredbyAttempttoKeepPower , PresidentEvoMorales , partofleftistwave , sweepingLatinAmerica , admittednowrongdoing , insistedtheywerevictimsofacoup , "Iwanttotellyoubrothersandsisters" , "thatthefightdoesnotendhere" , Mr.Moralessaid , portraitofEvoMorales , KentuckyVote , DrewOutTrolls , In2020Omen , Twitteraccount , @Overlordkraken1 , suspended , postedmessage , "justshreddedaboxofRepublicanmail-inballots" , "Bye-ByeBevin" , PilgrimageofWarriors , Onhonorflightsacrossthenation , privateandcommercialplanes , haveferriednearlyaquarter-millionveterans , tothecapital , freeofcharge , toseethemonuments , KoreanWarVeteransMemorial , VietnamVeteransMemorial , statues , greenery , trees , visitors , overlappinghands , names , U.S.LawEnforcers , SetPriority , CombatingDomesticTerrorists , OakwoodVillage , Ohio , cloudsandsunshine , milder