LeSoir — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: Ramah , Henri-FrançoisRaemaeker , EmileVerhaeren , LesVillagesillusoires , poetry , printmaking , etching , blackandwhite , MSKGent , Belgium , LeSoir , Masksoff , Francevs.Belgium , soccer , BelgianProLeague , KevinDeBruyne , TadejPogačar , professionalbicycleracing , Pogacaralreadyinyellow , Evenepoelwellontheway , RemcoEvenepoel , Soclosetopower , MarineLePen , JordanBardella , Frenchelection , LePenandBardella'sRNcomeoutontop , voting , NationalRally , 1stroundFrenchparliamentaryelections , aheadofleft-wingfront , Macroniecollapses , EmmanuelMacron , there'sstillaweektopreventfarright , fromobtainingabsolutemajorityinAssembly , periodbetweenpromisestobestormy , IsRepublicanfronttocounterRN? , Apopularcoronationthatcrucifiesthepoliticalclass , Frenchvote , showsbankruptcyofpoliciesfordecades , negligenceofthosewhoembodiedthem , legaldeadlines , BelgiumtodobetterbyCouncilofEurope , realestatepricescontinuetorise , showersleavingthesoutheast , changingskies , largerclearingsalongthecoast
Egypt, New Kingdom, Ramesside, Statuette , Dynasty19-20, Pottery, red and black paint, 24 x 9.3 x 0.4 centimeters, 1295-1070 B.C., Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Tags: statuette , Egypt , NewKingdom , Ramesside , pottery , paint , sculpture , AncientWorld , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , LeSoir , Brussels , Belgium , Gaza , Belgiumwantstoinfluencegenocideproceedings , Football , LeStandard , beatenbutsafe , Cycling , RemcoEvenepoel , happytohave'givenithisall' , TheTriumphof'Dalva' , LoveAccordingtoDalva , film , womeninfilm , EmmanuelleNicot , 13thMagritteAwards , Belgianfilmawards , groupportrait , winners , Magritteawardsstatues , Teambehind'Dalva' , winssevenMagritteawards , BestFilm , BestFirstFilm , BestEmergingTalent , ZaventemAirport , moreflightslessnoise , forpastyear , noisiestandmostpollutingaircraft , payingmorefortheirairtrafficcontrolcosts , decisionwithencouragingresults , Israel-Hamaswar , thesmallpoweroflaw , Justiceiscrucial , canonlyexistoncommonattemptattruth , LegislativeElections , Portugalturnstoright , thefarrightgainsground , SalahAbdeslam , lawyerdenounces'delusional'solitaryconfinementregime , Europeunpreparedforimpactsofclimatechange , rainyconditionsmostoftheday , colder , cloudy
Tags: MargaritaCabrera , mixedmedia , sculpture , ceramic , paint , metal , MuseumofFineArtsHouston , Texas , LeSoir , harassment , studentsfromBrusselsConservatory , breakthesilence , Football , Standardisstillnotsafe , Cycling , VismaandVanAert , strikefromthestart , FarmersReturntoPutPressure , AfterarowdyagriculturalshowinParis , severalhundredtractors , onceagain"descend"onBrussels , 4500emptyaccomodations , Researchersestimatednumberofemptyhomes , potentially"mobilizable"homesinBrusselsRegion , thelandregistermustenablemunicipalitiestoact , Electorallists , goodgovernancebeginsintheparties , Elections , SophieWilmès , undeniablenewfaceofMR , WesternersclingtohopeofUkrainianvictory , Liège , Nightdivewithpoliceinlivelyneighborhood , cold , cloudy , rainy
Pearl Perlmuter, Political prisoner , Terracotta, plaster, paint, 50.5 x 39 x 27 centimeters, 1951, Kröller-Müller Museum , The Netherlands
Tags: PearlPerlmuter , politicalprisoner , sculpture , terracotta , plaster , paint , Kröller-MüllerMuseum , TheNetherlands , LeSoir , Brussels , SurafromKoraninparliament , backgroundofthecontroversy , Cycling , RemcoEvenepoel , portraiture , firstwins , afterTourofAlgarve , Soccer , UnionandAnderlechtdowell , protesters , poster , #freenavalny , crowd , AlexeiNavalny , theworldinsearchofthetruth , manyquestionsremainunanswered , Navalny'sdeath , manytributesinRussiaandelsewhere , Autopsystillpending , Thecoalitionsystemisnolongerconvincing , Belgiumisnotimmunetopolarization , studybyULBandLeSoir , Votersaremoredivided , lessandlesssupportiveofpoliticalcompromise , Belgianshavelesssympathyfortheextremes , survey , measureslevelofsupportorrejectionofpoliticalpartiesbypopulation , VlaamsBelang , PTB , viewedwithgreatestdistrust , especiallyvotersforotherparties , ecologistsviewedpositively , FlemishmorepositiveaboutWalloonsthanviceversa , Theeternal"usversusthem"threattodemocracy , Theconclusionsarecrystalclear , whoeversowsdivision , byshoutingtheloudestreapsdistrust , cloudyskies , cold , rainshowers
Diane von Furstenberg (Manifattura Tessile Ferretti, Saks Fifth Avenue), Dress , Cotton and rayon jersey, 109.2 centimeters, circa 1975, RISD Museum , Providence, Rhode Island
Tags: DianevonFurstenberg , dress , cottonandrayonjersey , wrapdress , ManifatturaTessileFerretti , SaksFifthAvenue , RISDMuseum , ProvidenceRhodeIsland , LeSoir , Brussels , DanySpreutels , portraiture , Ialwaysneedadrenaline , politicians , flag , investigation , tensions , cries , whenthetonerises , AdelineDieudonné , Belgianwriter , Deathisconcealed , whereasitispartoflife , theartofbreakingeggs , Nobodyknows , whatthesehumiliationsandcontempt , willsowandengender , Delhaize , thewarisfarfromover , fortheunions , SO , amythicaldress , auniquedestiny , Whythepersonalities , aremoretransparentabouttheirhealth , Paris-Roubaix , vanAert , hasarematchtotake , rainyconditionsmostoftheday
Bristol (British), Richard Champion Factory, Pair of sphinxes , Hard-paste porcelain, 20 x 19.4 centimeters, 1770-73, The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: Bristol , BritishArt , RichardChampionFactory , porcelain , sculpture , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , LeSoir , Brussels , Belgium , DiablesRouges , soccer , Lukaku , therecordhunter , portraiture , InstantTechno , Howtotakecareofyoursmartphonebattery , Interview , PierceBrosnan , "Theworldisinasadstate." , EliseMertens , womenstennis , tennis , Queenofthedoubles , U.S.Open , EliseMertensandBelarusianpartner , ArynaSabalenka , wonU.S.Openfinal , 9thdoublestitleincareerofEliseMertens , 1stinGrandSlam , Education , alreadyashortageofteachers , oneweekafterstartofschoolyear , lackofteachers , inbasicandsecondaryeducation , that'sjustthebeginning , secondaryandbasiceducation , 214inshortsupply , numberofrequestsforexemption , tohireprofessorswithunlistedtitle , increasingsharply , Editorial , CEOs , arealsoaccountable , tothegreatestnumber , Thebigbosses , andthe"people" , liveontwototallydifferentplanes , moreandmoredistant , VeniceFilmFestival , triumphantmarchofthe"Joker" , ToddPhillips , Weapons , AmnestyInternational , blamesthelackofvigilance , bysuppliersfromSaudiArabia , Automobiles , willhavetosellamillion , electriccarsorhybrids , in2020 , morningfog , thunderstorms , cloudiersky , weathershouldbedry , Of735teachingfunctionsidentified
Thomas Ruff, jpeg msh01, Chromogenic color print, 276.2 x 188 centimeters, 2004, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: ThomasRuff , photography , compositeimage , blackandwhite , pixelation , jpeg , MuseumofModernArt , NewYork , LeSoir , Brussels , Belgium , TheTeachersDemand , IncreaseTheirPrime , bytheendoftheyear , PoliticalReturn , CanOneMakeAGovernment , InCurrentAffairs , Muséejuif , pixelatedvideo , surveillancevideo , manwithgun , streetscene , thejurors , ofthetrial , MehdiNemmouche , designatedthisMonday , LeSoirrecounts , thepresumedterrorist , ontherun , afterattack , JewishMuseum , May242014 , penniless , improvisesescape , amateurisum , Congo , Uncertaintystilllooms , Afterpostponingelectionresults , behind-the-scenesbargaining , betweentopthreecandidates , FelixTshisekedi , Donottrust , electroniccounting , weintheopposition , requireamanualrecount , portraiture , Football , FredRutten , thechoicebydefault , Anderlecht , Cinema , LionKing , Dumbo , ToyStory , StarWars , 2019willbetheyearofDisney , PhilippeMalherbe , I'vedonethetouratRTL , Editorial , ColetteBraeckman , TheWindofHistory , Thetruthoftheballotbox , cannotbestolen , bargained , tamperedwith , TheDemocraticRepublicofCongo , mostlycloudy , rainanddrizzle