paint — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Egypt, New Kingdom, Ramesside, Statuette , Dynasty19-20, Pottery, red and black paint, 24 x 9.3 x 0.4 centimeters, 1295-1070 B.C., Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Tags: statuette , Egypt , NewKingdom , Ramesside , pottery , paint , sculpture , AncientWorld , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , LeSoir , Brussels , Belgium , Gaza , Belgiumwantstoinfluencegenocideproceedings , Football , LeStandard , beatenbutsafe , Cycling , RemcoEvenepoel , happytohave'givenithisall' , TheTriumphof'Dalva' , LoveAccordingtoDalva , film , womeninfilm , EmmanuelleNicot , 13thMagritteAwards , Belgianfilmawards , groupportrait , winners , Magritteawardsstatues , Teambehind'Dalva' , winssevenMagritteawards , BestFilm , BestFirstFilm , BestEmergingTalent , ZaventemAirport , moreflightslessnoise , forpastyear , noisiestandmostpollutingaircraft , payingmorefortheirairtrafficcontrolcosts , decisionwithencouragingresults , Israel-Hamaswar , thesmallpoweroflaw , Justiceiscrucial , canonlyexistoncommonattemptattruth , LegislativeElections , Portugalturnstoright , thefarrightgainsground , SalahAbdeslam , lawyerdenounces'delusional'solitaryconfinementregime , Europeunpreparedforimpactsofclimatechange , rainyconditionsmostoftheday , colder , cloudy
Tags: MargaritaCabrera , mixedmedia , sculpture , ceramic , paint , metal , MuseumofFineArtsHouston , Texas , LeSoir , harassment , studentsfromBrusselsConservatory , breakthesilence , Football , Standardisstillnotsafe , Cycling , VismaandVanAert , strikefromthestart , FarmersReturntoPutPressure , AfterarowdyagriculturalshowinParis , severalhundredtractors , onceagain"descend"onBrussels , 4500emptyaccomodations , Researchersestimatednumberofemptyhomes , potentially"mobilizable"homesinBrusselsRegion , thelandregistermustenablemunicipalitiestoact , Electorallists , goodgovernancebeginsintheparties , Elections , SophieWilmès , undeniablenewfaceofMR , WesternersclingtohopeofUkrainianvictory , Liège , Nightdivewithpoliceinlivelyneighborhood , cold , cloudy , rainy
Pearl Perlmuter, Political prisoner , Terracotta, plaster, paint, 50.5 x 39 x 27 centimeters, 1951, Kröller-Müller Museum , The Netherlands
Tags: PearlPerlmuter , politicalprisoner , sculpture , terracotta , plaster , paint , Kröller-MüllerMuseum , TheNetherlands , LeSoir , Brussels , SurafromKoraninparliament , backgroundofthecontroversy , Cycling , RemcoEvenepoel , portraiture , firstwins , afterTourofAlgarve , Soccer , UnionandAnderlechtdowell , protesters , poster , #freenavalny , crowd , AlexeiNavalny , theworldinsearchofthetruth , manyquestionsremainunanswered , Navalny'sdeath , manytributesinRussiaandelsewhere , Autopsystillpending , Thecoalitionsystemisnolongerconvincing , Belgiumisnotimmunetopolarization , studybyULBandLeSoir , Votersaremoredivided , lessandlesssupportiveofpoliticalcompromise , Belgianshavelesssympathyfortheextremes , survey , measureslevelofsupportorrejectionofpoliticalpartiesbypopulation , VlaamsBelang , PTB , viewedwithgreatestdistrust , especiallyvotersforotherparties , ecologistsviewedpositively , FlemishmorepositiveaboutWalloonsthanviceversa , Theeternal"usversusthem"threattodemocracy , Theconclusionsarecrystalclear , whoeversowsdivision , byshoutingtheloudestreapsdistrust , cloudyskies , cold , rainshowers
Dylan Mortimer, The Ceiling Can’t Hold Us , Cut paper, paint, glitter, panel, 48 x 96 inches, 2018, Spencer Museum of Art , The University of Kansas, Lawrence
Tags: DylanMortimer , paper , paint , glitter , paintingonpanel , figurepainting , mixedmedia , SpencerMuseumofArt , UniversityofKansas , LawrenceKansas , NYTimes , Gaza , injuredchildren , rushedtohospital , Al-ShifaHospital , 21hospitalsinGaza , orderedtoevacuate , HospitalsFaceAnotherLayerOfImpossible , IsraeliOrder , Calleda'DeathSentence' , Jerusalem , BehindCurtains , TenseDiplomacyToCurtailSiege , FearsOfWiderWar , U.S.EgyptandOthersConfer , AidtoGazaPilesUpatBorder , fooddonations , displacedPalestinians , KhanYounis , community , DividedAttention , SomefearIsrael-HamaswarcouldtakefocusfromUkraine , ARave , ThenShatteringAwakening , IsraelIsTransformed , DrawingTogether , NationLosesItsComplacency , InBackRooms , TrumpTwistedPrimaryRules , presidentialprimary , BoardofPardons , Minnesota , meetstwiceayear , considersapplicationsforclemency , 10MinutestoPleadforGrace , AndaNewLife , SeekingPardonsinPublic , courtroom , hearing , Americanflag , Minnesotaflag , AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory , MuseumReckonsWithRemains , CollectedFromRacistResearch , 12000humanremains , Indigenousandenslavedpeople , NewYorkers , overhaulstewardship , cloudy , afternoonshower
Alexander Archipenko, Walking Soldier , 1917, Plaster, paint and wood, (enlarged cast executed ca. 1954), Albright-Knox Art Gallery , Buffalo, New York
Tags: AlexanderArchipenko , walkingsoldier , plaster , paint , wood , Albright-KnoxArtGallery , Buffalo , NYTimes , bluesky , windsweptsand , lightandshadow , golden , footprints , pattern , portraiture , MohamedouOuldSlahi , torturedatGuantánamoBay , nowlivesinMauritania , OneLegacy , September11 , ATorturePolicy'sStain , Nouakchott , Mauritania , nearly15yearsasadetainee , mind-numbingisolation , darkenedcell , withouthisQuran , G.O.P.Seethes , ButEveryStateRequiresShots , FuryatBiden , IgnoresaCenturyofRules , requireprivate-sectorbusinesses , withmorethan100employees , coronavirusvaccinemandates , California , ThrivingClaimsOfVoterFraud , EchoesOf'20InRecall , BaselessTheoriesBeforeElection , NewNormontheRight , Californiarecallelection , DemocraticGovernorGavinNewsom , LarryElder , leadingRepublicancandidate , AbortionRulingInflamesDebate , AmongMexicans , WellofPublicDissent , ProcedureIsNowLegal , butManyDoctorsWon'tProvideIt , MexicoCity , Mexico'sSupremeCourtruledabortionisnotacrime , Green-EnergyBoomTown , ButCantheGoodTimesLast? , Normal , Illinois , electric-vehiclemaker , Rivian , U.S.Open , SenseofRenewal , ontheCourtandintheCrowd , tenniscourt , net , crowd , blue , green , uniforms , tennisplayers , embrace , DaniilMedvedev , beatNovakDjokovicinthefinal , NovakDjokovic , ChrisEvert , "Thecrowdwasthethirdplayerthisyear." , partlycloudy , warm , humid
Beverly Buchanan, Three Families (A Memorial Piece With Scars) , Wood with paint, charcoal, and metal, Overall dimensions: 17 x 32 x 10 inches, 1989, Chrysler Museum of Art , Norfolk, Virginia
Tags: BeverlyBuchanan , wood , paint , charcoal , metal , sculpture , threefamilies , memorial , scars , ChryslerMuseumofArt , Virginia , NYTimes , women , domesticinterior , sandbags , pilesofwood , cots , bedding , Armenians , secludedinbasement , apartmentbuilding , Stepanakert , Nagorno-Karabakh , ResignationandDespair , StokeArmenianConflict , BattleWithAzerbaijanIntensifies , CallstoSuspendFighting , GoUnheeded , disputedterritory , CaucasusMountains , whereEuropemeetsAsia , brutalwarofattrition , Azerbaijanidrones , TrumpStaysUpbeat , CampaignTurnsGrim , SoberingView , SpreadsAmongStrategists , asElectionNears , thrice-a-dayrallyschedule , finalweeksoftherace , HowAgendasFill , LocalNewsVoid , ClientsPay , forFavorablePoliticalCoverage , MaineBusinessDaily , fast-growingnetwork , nearly1300websites , aimtofillvoid , vanishinglocalnewspapers , builtonpropaganda , voters , TheySpurnedClintonin2016 , ButLikeBiden , "IidentifymorewithBiden--" , ThomasMoline , independent , HillaryClinton , JosephR.BidenJr. , Haiti , FromanOrphanage , totheRoseGarden , AfterOrdeal , NewLifeforBarrettChildren , earthquakehitHaitiin2010 , childrenfromorphanage , boardedcharterplane , Americanhumanitarianeffort , tostartnewlives , inanewcountry , withnewfamilies , blackandwhitephotography , TheEastVillage , OldandNew , tourtheneighborhood , theRamones , rockband , wheremanyhaveheldcourt , Beijing , VirusinCheck , China'sEconomy , BouncesBack , Chineseeconomysurged4.9% , July-Septemberquarter , vigorousexpansion , settodominateglobalgrowth , mostlycloudy
Sandra Selig, heart of the air you can hear , Polyester thread, nails, synthetic polymer paint, 270 x 570 x 285 centimeters, 2011, National Gallery of Victoria , Melbourne, Australia
Tags: SandraSelig , mixedmedia , artinstallation , red , polyesterthread , paint , architecture , space , corner , flow , NationalGalleryofVictoria , Melbourne , Australia , NYTimes , redwhite , flag , protesters , crowd , Belarus , loudercalls , forLeader'sExit , tensofthousands , stagedbiggestprotestyet , Minsk , opposefraud-taintedpresidentialelection , Trump'sCampaignCoffers , LowonBig-DollarChecks , UltrawealthyRepublicans , DelayDivertReduceTheirGifts , PresidentTrump , superPAC , AmericaFirstAction , TheTrumpVictoryFund , LindaMcMahon , portrait , runsTrumpsuperPAC , donated$4million , Fearing'Twindemic' , ExpertsPushforFluShots , OfficesandPlantsClosed , SearchIsOn , forOtherSites , newsurge , Covid-19 , severefluseason , C.D.C. , orderedadditional9.3milliondoses , ChildMigrants , HeldAtHotels , PrivateSecurityFirm , ShadowPolicy , hoteldetentions , aggressiveborderclosurepolicy , coronaviruspandemic , blueskyandcloud , greywall , names , underlined , UniversityofVirginia , memorial , listsenslavedworkers , records , oftendidn'tprovidenames , Charlottesville , Where'HorribleCruelties' , CanNoLongerHide , University'sMemorial , EnslavedLaborers , IsabellaGibbons , postCivilWar , formerlyenslavedBlackwoman , ownedbyuniversityfacultymember , SpeakerNancyPelosi , CurtailRecessforVote , OnPostalRelief , mail-inballots , integrityofNovemberelection , MourningLossofConvention , DemocraticNationalConvention , Milwaukee , FiservForum , WisconsinCenter , hotelsclosed , restaurantsempty , barseerilybarren , America'smostbeer-lovingcity , cloudsandsunshine , warm , eveningshowers , thunderstorms
Alan Saret, Queen’s Mesh, Enamel paint on wire mesh, 43.5 x 73.75 x 28 inches, 1967, High Museum of Art , Atlanta, Georgia
Tags: AlanSaret , sculpture , wiremesh , paint , installation , HighMuseumofArt , Atlanta , NYTimes , hospitalroom , bluePPE , surgicalmasks , birth , mother , newborn , paleyellow , KimberlyMuñoz , diagnosedwithCovid-19 , preventedfromholdinghernewbornbaby , SouthTexas , AsRollsSurge , FindingRefuge , FoodStamps , AReliableBackstop , U.S.EconomyStalls , WashingtonDC , coronavirus , SNAP , universalsafetynet , AlliesOfTrump , StartToBreakRanksOnVirus , "ThisIsNotGoingAway" , PushingMasks , Distance , GuidanceofHealthExperts , public-healthguidelines , HandsAreOut , TalksBeginOnAddingAid , Housewants$3trillioninaid , Senatewants$1trillion , extendedunemploymentinsurance , liabilityprotections , shelfofGoyacans , TrumpfansarebuyingGoya , Beans , Boycotts , thePoliticsOfPantryItems , RobertUnanue , Goya'sCEO , appearedatWhiteHouse , rollout , HispanicProsperityInitiative , graph , statistics , AfterRecentSurge , CoronavirusCases , DeathsAreNowRisingToo , London , SureofPandemicReadiness , EuropeSawPride , LeadtoaFall , FacingVirus , CountriesFoundExpertise , ResourcesLacking , BehindTheCurve , AFalseSenseofSecurity , ProfessorChrisWhitty , Britain'schiefmedicaladviser , "wealthmassivelyhardensasocietyagainstepidemics" , Edinburg , Texas , 'AStraightUpTrajectory' , HitsAlreadyStressedBorderRegion , PoorHealthandPoverty , SpuraGallopingCoronavirus , RioGrandeValley , morethanonethirdoffamilies , liveinpoverty , uptohalfofresidents , havenohealthinsurance , hot , showers , heavythunderstormslate
Kurt Schwitters, The Autumn Crocus , Painted concrete, 806 x 298 x 305 millimeters, 1926-8, reconstructed 1958, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: KurtSchwitters , sculpture , concrete , paint , white , curvinglines , abstraction , TateUK , NYTimes , whitestonecrosses , geometricabstraction , cemetery , France , autumn , grass , trees , PresidentTrump , inrain , umbrella , outofstep , withmanyleaders , gatheredinFrance , centennial , endofWorldWarI , WashingtonDC , SaudisDiscussed , HiringAssassins , ToKillIranians , YearBeforeKhashoggi , BusinessmenMetWithPrince'sAide , AboutACommonEnemy , CrownPrinceMohammedbinSalman , portraiture , redwhiteblack , HiddenBases , InNorthKorea , SuggestDeceit , movingahead , withballisticmissileprogram , "Weareinnorush" , Trumpsaidoftalks , "Thesanctionsareon." , "Themissileshavestopped." , "Therocketshavestopped." , AMaxim , fortheNewMajority , PickYourBattles , StayFocused , NancyPelosi , minorityleader , ofCalifornia , Democraticlawmakers , strategysession , eraofdividedgovernment , Carsabandoned , alongmainroad , ParadiseCalifornia , fast-movingfireapproached , burnedcars , ashes , greyblackorange , firetruck , fireretardantonground , InFlightFromCaliforniaFires , HighwayBecomesADeathtrap , morningskies , turneddark , infernoraged , CampFire , deadliestinCaliforniahistory , missingpersons , Skyway , PacificCoastHighway , paralyzedbytraffic , JinzhouChina , InChina , theDesperate , MakeMedicineAtHome , WeakSafetyNet , KeepsLifesavingDrugs , OutofReach , makingcancerdrugs , athome , boughtrawingredientsonline , ZhangZhejun , "We'renotpicky" , agingpopulation , cannotfindorafforddrugs , 'AmericaFirst' , DrawsRebukeAtCeremony , MuchofEurope , EchoesTrump'sViews , leadersmarcheddownChamps-Élysées , insoakingrain , Mr.TrumpandMr.Putin , madeentrance , ArcdeTriomphe , Paris , armisticeanniversary , November11commemoration , ceremony , somesunshine , givingwaytoclouds
Mary Miss, Arrivals and Departures: 100 Doors , Hinged painted wood and mirrors, one hundred parts, 274.3 x 707.4 x 152.4 centimeters, 1986, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: MaryMiss , ArrivalsandDepartures , doors , wood , mirrors , sculpture , installation , offwhite , paint , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , whitedoor , goldsymbol , manpeakingout , SaudiConsulate , Instanbul , Turkey , journalist , JamalKhashoggi , surveillancevideo , lastseenonOctober2 , missingpersonsign , women'shands , policebarriers , fences , Saudigovernment , offerednoexplanation , ofhiswhereabouts , Beirut , Lebanon , ForKhashoggi , MixofRoyalService , andIslamistSympathies , CareerofCloseTies , CutbySaudiCrownPrince , MohammedbinSalman , WashingtonDC , BottomLine , SteersTrump , WithSaudis , RealpolitikCalculation , OutintheOpen , "Anypresident'sgoingtobestuckinthisawkwardplace" , StevenA.Cook , ShiftingNarrative , portraitofmodernSaudicrownprince , hasbeguntocrack , AsDebtGrows , SearsIsFacing , ABigOverhaul , LookingtoBankruptcy , andtotheHolidays , "It'sasaddayforAmericanretail" , FoundedshortlyaftertheCivilWar , SearsRoebuck&Company , builtacatalogbusiness , MexicoBeach , Florida , AmongStorm'sRuins , StandsOneHouse , Built'fortheBigOne' , FloridaPanhandle , HurricaneMichael , leftahouse , theSandPalace , almostunscathed , aerialview , flattenedhouses , neighborhood , wreckage , whitesand , bluesky , red , blue , silver , toppledpalmtrees , debris , Racine , Wisconsin , DemocratsCircle , inWisconsin , StrongEconomy , IsanObstacle , GovernorScottWalker , "FortydaysisnotenoughtotalkaboutalltheawfulthingsScottWalker'sdone" , RandyBryce , formerironworker , hopestoseizeseat , mockedthe"Scott-holes" , thatplagueWisconsin'sroads , Rebound , DrivingtoToppleaGovernor , Immigration , Republicans , haverecasttheissue , deployingfear-basedappeal , mostlycloudy , somebriefshowers , breezy