NewYork — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Public School NYC, Hat , Cotton twill, white embroidery, and plastic, 2017, The Museum at FIT , New York
Tags: PublicSchoolNYC , baseballcap , hat , designers , fashiondesign , TheMuseumatFIT , NewYork , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , TrumpsupporterwearingMAGAhat , rallyinMilwaukeelastsummer , Americanflag , patriotism , starsandstripes , portraiture , CracksinTrumpcamp , labormigration , Trumpsupportersdividedovermigrationpolicy , advocatedbymembersofhisadministration , ElonMusk , 'MakeAmericaGreatAgain' , Manyvoicesopposearrivalofhighlyskilledmigrants , Isanexistentialriftinthemaking? , "Proust'sQuestions" , LukWyns , Belgianactoranddirector , "Mydiabetesturnedouttobeablessingindisguise'' , DidonebirdcauseFlight2216tobecomefatal? , Manyquestionsaboutdeadlyairdisaster , SouthKorea , ThomasDeGendt , CyclingRetirement , sports , 'Ihavetimetomakeupforthechildren' , Theftplague , BelgianPigeonMilers , 'Everythingindicatesthatthereisagangbehindthis' , birthdays , GettingOlder , cloudy , chilly , overcast
Tags: PhilipWeintraub , oiloncanvas , landscape , portraiture , AmericanFolkArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , Syrianfamily , refugees , bordercrossing , leaving , Al-AssadToppledBySyrianRebels , After13-YearWarCitizensEruptInJoy , TemperedbyLoss , DamascusFalls , Al-AssadReportedInMoscow , FramedportraitofPresidentBasharAl-Assad , brokenglass , abandonedofficeinHamaSyria , FightingInUkraineCostsKremlininSyria , PutinForcedtoWatchFallofRegime , HeSworetoDefend , WashingtonDC , TestofLoyaltyForApplicantsToTrumpJobs , U.S.Navy , TOPGUN , FlyingAtExtremes , MayHurtNavyPilots'Brains , ProjectOdin'sEye , depression , Fighterpilotjacket , Navypilotpatches , CriminalWithTiestoChina , PoliticalSwayinN.Y. , JohnChan , cloudy , periodicafternoonrain
Tags: CliareFalkenstein , floatingstructure , iron , sculpture , installationart , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , NewYork , AYear-OldWarEnduresandThreatenstoSpread , crowd , nightvigil , TelAviv , Israel , IsraelisandPalestiniansleftinlimbo , InTownsAttackedonOctober7 , GhostlyExistence , FewResidentsReturn , SurroundedbyHarshRealties , IsraelHamaswar , IsraelandHamasDashHopesforCompromise , SCOTUS , ForNowTermIsShapingUpAsMildOne , ButJusticesCouldBeThrustIntoElection , TrumpReignitesQuestionOfAgeWithRamblings , IncreasingStridency , AnalysisandObserversNoteChangesinHisSpeechPatterns , FormerPresidentDonaldJ.Trump , campaigntrail , MayorEricAdams , BriberyInquiryMarstheRiseOfNewYork'sBanksBrothers , PhilipB.BanksIII , DavidC.Banks , CapturingDevastationatHome , NorthCarolina , Afteryearsofdocumentingclimatechange , photographerinpathofhurricane , DisinformationIsHamperingHeleneRecovery , OfficialsWastingTimeFightingFalsehoods , HurricaneHelene , earlyshower , cloudsgivingwaytosun , breezy
Charles Demuth, My Egypt , Oil, fabricated chalk, and graphite pencil on composition board, 91.3 x 76.2 centimeters, 1927, Whitney Museum of American Art , New York
Tags: CharlesDemuth , mixedmedia , painting , MyEgypt , WhitneyMuseumofAmericanArt , 1920s , NewYork , NYTimes , BigStorm'sHeavyToll , HurricaneHelene , wreakedhavocinAsheville , NorthCarolina , hundredswererescued , tropicalstorm , damage , IsraeliStrikeonNasrallah , YearsintheMaking , SpyAgenciesExpandedResources , TrackHezbollah'sPlansandLeaders , Escalation , IsraelfiredonYemenLebanonGaza , Inchingclosertoregionalwar , FierceDebateinIran , HowtoAnswerIsrael'sAttacks , OutcryOverCity'sWelcomeMattoRefugees , EauClaireWisconsin , FearsofChangetoMidwestWayofLife , BlackChurchesandGenZAreNotConnecting , RiskingKeyElementofPoliticalPower , churchinterior , community , G.O.P.FilingDelugeofLawsuitsOverElections , voterrights , After85YearsFixingaTypo , TheBrontësWould’veHated , WestminsterAbbey , Poets'Corner , punctuatedtheirplaquelastweek , mostlycloudy
Tags: AudreyFlack , Queen , stilllife , paintingoncanvas , objects , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , NYTimes , WashingtonDC , NewYork , Americanflags , boxes , votereligibility , ChathamCountyGeorgia , GaryWilliams , voterregistration , updatingaddress , votingmachines , How3WomenTackleDoubtsOverElections , CullingGeorgiaVotersorRegisteringThem , GeorgiaNerds , TrumpUnharmedAfterShotsFired , Floridagolfcourse , SuspectArrested , F.B.I.CallsanAssassinationAttempt , LimónCostaRica , DrugDealersEndanger'PuraVida'ofCostaRica , DenseRainforestsPairWithLaxOversighttoLureTraffickers , parkrangeronpatrol , binoculars , beach , MayorEricAdams , Adams'sCrisesMuddleAgendaAndRe-election , stilllifecomposition , ArrangementsAndEyeRollsInT.S.A.Line , "Havingfunisthepoint" , PiperTaichgraphicdesigner , OnceConsideredEnemies , Iran'sProxiesAreEmbracedinIraq , mostlysunny
Martin Johnson Heade, Brazilian Forest , Oil on canvas, 51 x 40.6 centimeters, 1864, RISD Museum , Providence, Rhode Island
Tags: MartinJohnsonHeade , nineteenthcenturypainting , landscapepainting , Amazonrainforest , forest , oiloncanvas , RISDMuseum , ProvidenceRhodeIsland , NYTimes , NewYork , EugenioSánchez , scalingatreeinAmazonrainforest , Colombia , scientificresearch , forestscaptureandlockcarbondioxide , teamdiscoveredrarespecies , animals , nature , insects , ClimbingTreesToFindCluesOnWarming , TryingtoGraspCarbonStorageinAmazon , globalwarming , PollFindsRaceForWhiteHouseNeckAndNeck , NewYorkTimes/SienaPoll , VotersStillUnsureAboutHarris , Trump'sBaseHoldsFirm , DonaldJ.Trump , KamalaHarris , presidentialelection , ElonMusk , Musk'sAbilityToSwayTrumpCarriesPitfalls , governmentefficiencycommission , Tajikistan , PunishedforBeardsandHijabs , PushtoStopExtremismAfterRussiaAttackMayFomentIt , U.S.Open , tennis , WinningandDashingAmericanHopes , No.1JannikSinner , afterbeatingTaylorFritzinmen'sfinal , China'sWomenLooktoReclaimRightfulPayout , GuangdongProvince , landrights , women'srights , "married-outwoman" , sunshine , mixingwithclouds , warmer
Christian Jaccard, Combustion 01.9.81 , Black candlewick and burn marks on paper, 100.4 x 70.2 centimeters, 1981, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: ChristianJaccard , combustion , blackcandlewick , burnmarks , drawing , workonpaper , CentrePompidou , Paris , NYTimes , NewYork , smoke , southernLebanon , Israel'spre-emptivestrike , againstthousandsofHezbollah'srockets , WarringSidesQuicklyTalkContainment , IsraelandHezbollahClaimVictoriesofSorts , predawn , IsraelExchangesHeavyAirstrikesWithHezbollah , Flare-Up , ThenAPause , FearsGrowConflictWithLebanonCouldSpreadinRegion , HezbollahdroneinterceptedbyIsrael , KamalaHarris , HarrisIsCallingOaklandHome , BerkeleyCanUnderstandWhy , TradingLiberalMeccaforCityThat'sNotQuiteSo...Rad , HowJailedMigrantWasFreed , AndChargedWithRapeAgain , FailureofCooperationBetweenICEandCityIsBlamed , FromWar'sCarnage , SpringsRenaissanceofUkrainianPoetry , Ukrainewar , Kyiv , open-micpoetryreading , ShevchenkoNationalPrize , Journalists'HotelIsHit , Reuters , journalistswoundedinstrike , Mpox-PlaguedCongoRequestedVaccineYearsAgo , ItStillWaits , globalhealthemergency , partlysunny , afternoonstorm
Faith Ringgold, Early Works #25: Self-Portrait , Oil on canvas, 50 x 40 inches, 1965, Brooklyn Museum , New York
Tags: FaithRinggold , selfportrait , womenartists , oiloncanvas , painting , BrooklynMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , SaratuDauda , abductedat16withherclassmates , BokoHaram , ChibokNigeria , KidnappedWith275Girls , SheFinallyEscaped , ScoresRemainMissingFromNigeriaSchoolaDecadeLater , ChibokGirls , BidenSeekstoStaveOffEscalationinMiddleEast , 2AdversariesWeighNewSetofRisks , IranretaliatedagainstIsrael , IsraelIsAdvisedNottoHitBackAfterRepellingIran , 300dronesandmissiles , Minneapolis , AProsecutor'sVow , MaryMoriarty , toChangeMinneapolisMeetsResistance , CrucialPlayersInTrumpBid , Jan.6Rioters , CampaignIsBuiltonRevisionistHistory , politicalfundraising , AsCourtSteels , ManhattanCriminalCourtsBuilding , TrumpBeckonsBedlamtoCity , AlvinL.Bragg , Manhattandistrictattorney , JusticeJuanM.Merchan , FaithRinggold1930-2024 , artistwhowoveBlacklifeintoquiltsandchildren'sbooks , sheexploredgenderfamilyandclass , studioportrait , paintingsandsculpture , doll , abstraction , multicolor , dappledlight , reddress , textiles
Joana Vasconcelos, Wedding Cake , Viúva Lamego ceramic tiles and ceramics, glass, metallized and thermo-lacquered wrought iron, galvanized and painted iron sheet, LED, optical fiber, power supply unit, hydraulic system, and iron, 12 x 13 meters, 2023, Waddesdon, The Rothschild Collection , Buckinghamshire, England
Tags: JoanaVasconcelos , weddingcake , mixedmediainstallation , sculpture , sitespecificinstallation , Waddesdon , TheRothschildCollection , Buckinghamshire , England , NYTimes , crowds , NewYork , ConfectionsAlongFifthAvenue , EasterParade , Manhattan'sEasterbonnetparade , drewthrongsofparticipantsandonlookers , St.Patrick'sCathedral , PotentialWitnesses , DrawTrump'sPraiseorWrath , MoreAggressiveTacticinFocus , CohenPreparestoTestifyinCriminalTrial , MichaelD.Cohen , suburbs , houses , driveways , housingcosts , economicanxiety , PhoenixArizona , ACrucialStateWhereHousingIsOutofReach , SmallInvestors , PlayStarRoleInDisneyFight , boardelections , political-stylecampaignmaterials , SaltLakeCity , DevastatingDiagnosisAgonizingChoices , TwoFamiliesTakeTwoDifferentPaths , toCareforBabies , trisomy18 , geneticabnormality , AsProtestsShakeIsraelTalksResume , Jerusalem , Jean-MichelSibelle , prizewinningfarmer , retiringamidhighcostsanduncheckedcompetition , ForFarmersinFrance , FierceBattletoSurvive , InEuropeFarRightSeesanOpportunity , "pouletdeBresse" , cloudywithrainanddrizzle
Egypt, New Kingdom, Ramesside, Statuette , Dynasty19-20, Pottery, red and black paint, 24 x 9.3 x 0.4 centimeters, 1295-1070 B.C., Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Tags: statuette , Egypt , NewKingdom , Ramesside , pottery , paint , sculpture , AncientWorld , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , LeSoir , Brussels , Belgium , Gaza , Belgiumwantstoinfluencegenocideproceedings , Football , LeStandard , beatenbutsafe , Cycling , RemcoEvenepoel , happytohave'givenithisall' , TheTriumphof'Dalva' , LoveAccordingtoDalva , film , womeninfilm , EmmanuelleNicot , 13thMagritteAwards , Belgianfilmawards , groupportrait , winners , Magritteawardsstatues , Teambehind'Dalva' , winssevenMagritteawards , BestFilm , BestFirstFilm , BestEmergingTalent , ZaventemAirport , moreflightslessnoise , forpastyear , noisiestandmostpollutingaircraft , payingmorefortheirairtrafficcontrolcosts , decisionwithencouragingresults , Israel-Hamaswar , thesmallpoweroflaw , Justiceiscrucial , canonlyexistoncommonattemptattruth , LegislativeElections , Portugalturnstoright , thefarrightgainsground , SalahAbdeslam , lawyerdenounces'delusional'solitaryconfinementregime , Europeunpreparedforimpactsofclimatechange , rainyconditionsmostoftheday , colder , cloudy
Tags: Carl-HenningPedersen , FlyingBird , oiloncanvas , BuffaloAKGArtMuseum , NewYork , DeMorgen , Belgium , USincreasingpressure , pauseinfightingisinsight , AccordingtoAmericannegotiators , dealisintheworks , IsraelandHamas , two-monthpauseinfighting , exchangeforreleaseofallhostages , Couldthatbesteppingstone? , toalonger-lastingtruce? , Palestinianfamily , landscape , fleeingfromKhanYounistowardsRafah , PresidentJoeBiden , haseveryinterestinensuring , thatconflictends , assoonaspossible , InBedWithMusicianChibiIchigo , ChibiIchigo , 'ThatIcanmakesomethingfromnegativeemotions' , 'Iseeasgrowth' , TheRealSpecialForcesOver'CampWaes' , 'Thisistwoweeksontheteeth' , 'ourtrainingtakessixmonths' , FlandersCountsItsBirds , 'Birdingformeisamomentofmindfulness' , op-ed , user-friendly , marriage , governmentbureaucracy , warmer , cloudy , sunny
Unidentified artist, Costume , Printed cotton and metal, Circa 1889, The Museum at FIT , New York
Tags: costume , Americanflag , printedcottonandmetal , late19thcentury , clothing , textiles , TheMuseumatFIT , NewYork , DeStandaard , FernandHuts , Hutsbowstocriticism , newdesign , Boerentoren , highrises , realestatedevelopment , theaters , concerthalls , museums , buzzinglikeneverbefore , RonDeSantis , AfterDeSantisexit , onelastchanceforNikkiHaley , politicians , microphone , Americanflagsweater , NewHampshire , presidentialelection , VlaamsBelang , warnsagainst'repopulation' , Vooruit , NewYearsreceptions , VlaamsBelangandVooruit , promisegrimelectioncampaign , TomVanGrieken , pullsoutallstopsagainst"massmigration" , Vooruitwarnsof"extremeright-wingnightmare" , holeinthehedge , enemynumberone , MelissaDepraetere , Depraetere'stargetwasclear:VlaamsBelang , VanGriekendidnotsayword , abouttheattackbythesocialists , verywindy , turningwarmer
Artist unidentified, Wreath of Flowers with Mourning Doves and Nest , Reverse painting and foil on glass, 18.5 x 14.5 x 1.5 inches, circa 1870s, American Folk Art Museum , New York
Tags: Artistunidentified , reversepainting , foilonglass , 1870s , AmericanFolkArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , wreathofflowers , mourningdoves , nest , foil , painting , funeral , wreathlaying , soldiersinuniform , AlonShamriz , oneofthreeIsraelis , killedbyIsraelisoldiersinGaza , kidnappedbyHamas , bouquetofflowers , wreaths , grave , sorrow , mourning , crowds , community , NetanyahuVowsToKeepUpFight , DespiteCriticism , 200TargetsInADay , ChangingTone , GermanandBritishOfficials , CallforCease-Fire , "sustainable"cease-fire , WarErasesFullBranchesofGazanFamilyTrees , AClanLosesOver100Members , IncludingDozensofChildren , funeralformembersofAstalfamily , CiviliansinGaza , havevirtuallynosafeplacestohide , VoterSupportForAbortionFacesLimits , SomeStatesTryingtoKeepIssueOffBallot , yardsigns , signsbeforeOhiovoted , tocodifytherighttoabortion , CampusAlliesofPalestiniansFeelMuzzled , collegecampuses , SolitaryConfinementPoisedtoEnd , DespiteAdams'sWishes , MayorEricAdams , NewYorkcityjails , Iran , viraldancecraze , It'sNotJustaSongandDance , It'saNationwideProtest , PublicOpinionRevoltsAgainstCrackdown , crowdofmen , fathersholdingtheirchildren , war , heavyraininmorning
Erik van Lieshout, Untitled , Conté crayon, Synthetic polymer paint, felt-tip pen, and vinyl on paper, 149.9 x 274 centimeters, 2014, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: ErikvanLieshout , drawing , painting , mixedmedia , portraiture , MoMA , NewYork , protest , protestsigns , PVV , ThePartyforFreedom , masks , TheNetherlands , DutchElections , Verkennerisalreadydiscredited , Muslimscountontheconstitution , BurgerKing , citizensinoppositiontohamburgers , "DoIhavetopickupthelitterbecausetheywanttomakeaprofit?" , smoker , Portugalburieditswarondrugs , "Finesforusersareworthless" , Ocad , warnsofanti-semitisminBelgium , TheconflictintheMiddleEast , leadingtoincreaseofanti-semitisminBelgium , Thereisnervousnessintheair , politicalprofiling , "WenolongerwearsymbolsthatshowthatweareJewish" , ULB , student , "suchasayarmulkeoranecklacewithaStarofDavid" , "RefugeesWelcome" , "NoManIsIllegal" , rainyconditionsmostoftheday , windgusts , DeStandaard , Brussels
Dan Halter, Rifugiato Mappa del Mondo (Refugee Map of the World) , Stitched-together new and used plastic-weave shopping bags, edition: 7 (unique) from a series of 8, 72 x 150 inches, 2016, Buffalo AKG Art Museum , New York
Tags: DanHalter , RefugeeMapoftheWorld , mixedmedia , textiles , sculpture , BuffaloAKGArtMuseum , Buffalo , NewYork , NYTimes , SeekingRefuge , shelter , KhanYounis , Gaza , Israel'schief , seesnopostwarroleinGazastrip , forPalestinianAuthority , fatherandchild , resting , blankets , bed , community , ClaimofHamasTunnelsUnderHospital , FacesTest , IsraelPressesInonFacility , ItSaysSitsAtopVastCommandComplex , AlShifaHospital , tents , campofdisplacedpeople , aerialphotography , plastictarps , TwoYoungDemocratsatOdds , OverIsraelandDemocraticParty'sFuture , RepresentativeAlexandriaOcasio-Cortez , RitchieTorres , millennialNewYorkers , BylasArizona , PlantoHelpNativeAmericansGetSober , EndedinaNightmare , sober-livinghouses , JohannesburgSouthAfrica , WhereLackofJobsIsSpurringDesperation , OldWorldYoungAfrica , AGenerationFeelsLeftBehind , highyouthunemployment , OchopeeFlorida , AmySiewe , snakehandler , teachespeopletofindandeuthanizeinvasivesnakes , FloridaEverglades , She'sLessThanCharmingtoEvergladesPythons , Burmesepythons , nightlandscape , MayorEricAdams , FocusOnTurkeyInAdamsInquiry , F.B.I.andfederalprosecutors , AsksifMayorDidFavorforConsulate , publiccorruptioninvestigation , sunnyandwarmer , asouthwestwind
Cypriot, Cypro-Archaic II, Terracotta statuette of a donkey and rider , Terracotta, handmade, 11.3 centimeters, 600-480 BCE, The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: Cypriot , Cypro-ArchaicII , terracotta , statuette , donkeyandrider , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , NYTimes , DouarTnirt , village , AtlasMountains , Morocco , mensearchingforsurvivors , caved-inhouse , rubble , mountainvillage , Azgour , MoroccanTownsStruckByQuake , CutOffFromAid , DebrisBlocksRoads , GovernmentHasOfferedLittleInformation , RescueEfforts , 6.8magnitude , earthquake , ForgingNewTiesWithAnOldFoe , VisittoVietnam , BidenSeekstoBluntChina , AnOceanFromGroundZero , APeacefulGrove , Recalls9/11 , September11 , KinsaleIreland , firefighterswhodiedonSept.112001 , RingfinnanGardenofRemembrance , plantingtrees , memorialgarden , ChiefSoccerOfficialofSpain , ResignsOverUnwantedKiss , LuisRubiales , FIFA , mapofUnitedStates , graph , bluegraypeach , AbortionsRoseDespiteBan , HaleyIsRunningasEnvoy , ForNewG.O.P.AbortionPath , GovernorNikkiHaley , SouthCarolina , mostlycloudy , showers , thunderstorms
Roman Empire, Eastern Mediterranean, Fish , Glass, 10.2 x 23.6 x 3.7 centimeters,100-199 AD, Corning Museum of Glass , Corning, New York
Tags: fish , blownglass , AncientRome , RomanEmpire , flask , transparentglass , TheCorningMuseumofGlass , NewYork , NYTimes , rainbow , BurningMan , festival , thousandsstranded , BlackRockDesert , Nevada , wetground , MuckDangerAndPartyingIntheDesert , CrowdatBurningMan , ShakesOffaDeluge , torrentialrains , mud , UkraineRemovesChiefofMilitary , WarDragsOn , Ukrainewar , SeeksNewDirection , MinistryUnderPressure , InvestigationIntoCorruption , OleksiiReznikov , RustemUmerov , Beijing , SeeingThreatsEverywhere , ChinaEnlistsPublicasSpyCatchers , StokingUneaseAbouttheU.S. , socialmedia , espionage , WashingtonDC , PresidentBidenonAttack , AsG.O.P.TalksofImpeaching , RepresentativeMarjorieTaylorGreene , townhall , Georgia , womencarryingbucketsofwater , ZelenodolskUkraine , LevelingofaDam , UnleashedSufferingThatHasLingered , DrainingofKakhovkaReservoir , drinking-watercrisis , deadfish , silverwhite , irrigationplight , farmers , farmland , sunandhot
Tags: KitPaulson , lungs , glass , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , lungscans , 3-Dmedicalillustration , bluewhite , ViewofCovid'sDamageFromInside , rarelook , shrunkenairways , scarredtissue , Covid-19pandemic , healthyairwayslookliketreebranches , lungsofahealthyperson , lungsdamagedbyCovid , WagnerFuture , AsShadowyAsItsBusiness , Ukrainewar , GroupWithTentaclesBeyondItsFighters , YevgenyV.Prigozhin , GeorgiaDefendants , SparOverTrialDatesandSites , LawyersforTrumpandOthersTangleCase , SomeSeekMovetoFederalCourt , RealtorsChief , FacingClaimsofMisconduct , KennyParcell , presidentofNationalAssociationofRealtors , sexualharassment , JindiresSyria , AfterWarandQuakes , SyriansFeelForgotten , PoliticalTurmoilComplicatedEffortstoProvideRelief , makeshifthouse , rubble , Fatimaal-Mireeandfamily , livingintent , damagedhouse , moviegoerswithdogs , movietheater , EarsPerkUpAndTailsWag , AtShowTime , London , CurzonCinemas , 16locationsinBritain , dogsattendmoviescreeningswithowners , U.S.DrugLaws , ThreatenaSiteThatAidsUsers , OnPointNYC , EastHarlem , NewYork , partlysunny , dry
Sofía Gallisá Muriente, Celaje , Original score by José Iván Lebrón Moreira,16mm and Super 8 film transferred to HD video, 40:57 minutes, 2020, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: SofíaGallisáMuriente , 16millimeterfilm , Super8film , HDvideo , originalscore , JoséIvánLebrónMoreira , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , PacificOcean , sandbarriers , sanddunes , tropicalstorm , hurricanepreparation , bluelifeguardshack , HilaryDrenchesSouthernCalifornia , Beachgoers , LongBeachCalifornia , awaitingfirsttropicalstormineightdecades , Ukrainewar , UkraineTroopsOnFrontLinesLaudOffensive , UpbeatDespiteIssues , CommandersSayForcesAreinBetterShapeThanMonthsAgo , greennightvisionphotography , silhouette , Ukraine's128thMountainAssaultBrigade , Zaporizhzhiaregion , NewIberiaLouisiana , NotJustHeatButHumidity , PlaguesSouth , Mauiwildfires , FireHighlightsHawaii'sHistoryofWaterFights , AttemptstoLimitUseofScarceResource , CauseConflict , Laha , WashingtonDC , HowPleaDealWentOffTrack , ForBiden'sSon , HunterBiden , GroundShifted , DataFromI.R.S.Emerged , SpainLiftsWorldCupTrophy , HopesofGirlsBackHome , SummitOfSoccer , SpaindefeatedEngland1-0 , Women'sWorldCuptitle , orangeyellowuniforms , womenssoccer , Atlanta , Rapper'sRICOCaseinGeorgia , HintsatHowTrump'sMayGo , YoungThug , racketeering , partlysunnyandhumid , thundershower
Tags: MayStevens , portraitpainting , acryliconcanvas , figuration , WhitneyMuseumofAmericanArt , NewYork , NYTimes , politicalrally , starsandstripes , stage , Americanflag , FormerPresidentDonaldJ.Trump , graph , onlinedonations , IndictmentsBecameaPoliticalAssetforTrump , Fund-RaisingWindfall , BumpinPollingAftertheCharges , RoughTrip , GovernorRonDeSantis , tauntedandovershadowed , IowaStateFair , InsidetheEffortbyTrump , ToFlipTheGeorgiaVote , MajorCaseMayLoom , TwoMonthsofTactics , CrucialStateAfter2020Election , Mauiwildfires , DryHydrants , DoomedBattleWithMauiFire , LahainaHawaii , Town'sSystemStrainedbyDroughtinRegion , windturningstreamsofwaterintomist , MakingCounteroffensiveWork , MinusAirCover , F-16sWouldHelp , KyivDoesWithout , Ukrainewar , FastLife'sLure , F.B.I.SpyHunter'sRiseandFall , ConnectiontoOligarchLeadstoArrest , CharlieMcGonigal , TheMetropolitanMuseumofArt , “BélizaireandtheFreyChildren” , TheStoryofanEnslavedYouth , EmergesFromBehindthePaint , JacquesAmans , FrenchportraitistofLouisiana'selite , artrestoration , artconservation , periodicrain , thunderstorms