EndedinaNightmare — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Dan Halter, Rifugiato Mappa del Mondo (Refugee Map of the World) , Stitched-together new and used plastic-weave shopping bags, edition: 7 (unique) from a series of 8, 72 x 150 inches, 2016, Buffalo AKG Art Museum , New York
Tags: DanHalter , RefugeeMapoftheWorld , mixedmedia , textiles , sculpture , BuffaloAKGArtMuseum , Buffalo , NewYork , NYTimes , SeekingRefuge , shelter , KhanYounis , Gaza , Israel'schief , seesnopostwarroleinGazastrip , forPalestinianAuthority , fatherandchild , resting , blankets , bed , community , ClaimofHamasTunnelsUnderHospital , FacesTest , IsraelPressesInonFacility , ItSaysSitsAtopVastCommandComplex , AlShifaHospital , tents , campofdisplacedpeople , aerialphotography , plastictarps , TwoYoungDemocratsatOdds , OverIsraelandDemocraticParty'sFuture , RepresentativeAlexandriaOcasio-Cortez , RitchieTorres , millennialNewYorkers , BylasArizona , PlantoHelpNativeAmericansGetSober , EndedinaNightmare , sober-livinghouses , JohannesburgSouthAfrica , WhereLackofJobsIsSpurringDesperation , OldWorldYoungAfrica , AGenerationFeelsLeftBehind , highyouthunemployment , OchopeeFlorida , AmySiewe , snakehandler , teachespeopletofindandeuthanizeinvasivesnakes , FloridaEverglades , She'sLessThanCharmingtoEvergladesPythons , Burmesepythons , nightlandscape , MayorEricAdams , FocusOnTurkeyInAdamsInquiry , F.B.I.andfederalprosecutors , AsksifMayorDidFavorforConsulate , publiccorruptioninvestigation , sunnyandwarmer , asouthwestwind