Gaza — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: DavidInshaw , November11sky , RemembranceDay , WorldWarI , oiloncanvas , RoyalWestofEnglandAcademy , Bristol , England , NYTimes , PrayersforVictims , IsraeliStrike , militarybombedhouse , Jabaliya , Gaza , burial , mourningthedead , community , grief , handsinprayer , UnionsGirdingforBlowbackofHarrisLoss , InPublicSector , WorryofBeingEliminated , SheddingUnionLabel , LatinosShiftRight , A.F.L.-C.I.O. , TrumpIsPulledToward2PathsOnRetribution , RevengeVersusUnity , PickForAttorneyGeneral , MayIndicateStanceOnAdversaries , ThreatofU.S.ReversalMuddiesClimateTalks , AsHeDidBefore , COP29meeting , BakuAzerbaijan , PuertoRico , Somos , AConsensus:BeatAdamsAndCuomo , NYCmayoralrace , MayorEricAdams , AndrewCuomo , HowtheTechThatConnectsUs , HasSettheStageforIsolation , RicherCommunicationandPausesHelp , socialmedia , lonelinessepidemic , JudithJamison1943-2024 , RadiantDancerforAlvinAiley , WhoLeapttoTroupeDirector , projected"superhumanpower" , autobiography"DancingSpirit" , partlysunny , breezy , mild
Beatrice Mandelman, Spectators , Lithograph, Publisher: Works Progress Administration / Federal Art Project-New York City, n.d., 40.3 × 49.5 × 2.9 centimeters, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art , Bentonville, Arkansas
Tags: BeatriceMandelman , spectators , lithography , printmaking , blackandwhite , workonpaper , WorksProgressAdministration , FederalArtProject , NewYorkCity , CrystalBridgesMuseumofAmericanArt , Arkansas , NYTimes , TelAviv , Israel , Thousandsprotesting , downtown , lackofceasefirewithHamas , 6hostagesfounddead , flags , banners , crowds , IsraeliHostagesFoundDead , AngerRises , 6BodiesinTunnel , GrowingSplit , BetweenVengeanceandCease-Fire , PatientsHeldAgainstWillByHospitals , AcadiaHealthcare , TopChainIncentivizesPsychiatricStays , Gaza , RacetoHaltPolio'sSpread , War'sFleetingPauses , poliovaccination , hundredsofthousandsofchildren , undertheageof10 , doctors , globalhealthemergency , SixmilebridgeIreland , AsAshTreesDie , AncientIrishGameAdapts , PlayersinHurlingFindBambooMightDo , hurling , Irishsports , "theclashoftheash" , woodworkshop , WillieBulfin , craftinghurleys , formidablewoodensticksinsportofhurling , JDVance , Vance'sCombativenessMayVexSomeVoters , TrumpLikesIt , presidentialelection , GratitudeWanesWithProliferationofGratuities , tipping , No-TaxIdea , CouldEndUpHurtingWorkers , mostlysunny , breezy , lesshumid
Egypt, New Kingdom, Ramesside, Statuette , Dynasty19-20, Pottery, red and black paint, 24 x 9.3 x 0.4 centimeters, 1295-1070 B.C., Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York
Tags: statuette , Egypt , NewKingdom , Ramesside , pottery , paint , sculpture , AncientWorld , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , LeSoir , Brussels , Belgium , Gaza , Belgiumwantstoinfluencegenocideproceedings , Football , LeStandard , beatenbutsafe , Cycling , RemcoEvenepoel , happytohave'givenithisall' , TheTriumphof'Dalva' , LoveAccordingtoDalva , film , womeninfilm , EmmanuelleNicot , 13thMagritteAwards , Belgianfilmawards , groupportrait , winners , Magritteawardsstatues , Teambehind'Dalva' , winssevenMagritteawards , BestFilm , BestFirstFilm , BestEmergingTalent , ZaventemAirport , moreflightslessnoise , forpastyear , noisiestandmostpollutingaircraft , payingmorefortheirairtrafficcontrolcosts , decisionwithencouragingresults , Israel-Hamaswar , thesmallpoweroflaw , Justiceiscrucial , canonlyexistoncommonattemptattruth , LegislativeElections , Portugalturnstoright , thefarrightgainsground , SalahAbdeslam , lawyerdenounces'delusional'solitaryconfinementregime , Europeunpreparedforimpactsofclimatechange , rainyconditionsmostoftheday , colder , cloudy
Tags: HenryVarnumPoor , head , woman , portraiture , muralstudy , fresco , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , hungrycrowds , Gaza , womenandchildren , foodshortage , criteriaofafamine , emptybowls , starvation , InsideAccountsofStrainsBetweenU.S.andIsraelis , U.N.Warns , HalfofGazansFaceRiskofStarvation , WarTestsTies , MoreThanAnyEpisodeinPast50Years , RedSeaClash , Iranian-backedHouthi , firedonAmericanhelicopters , MindanaoPhilippines , Impoverishment , LegacyofU.S.Colonialism , AsNeighborsProsperviaManufacturing , FarmingPersists , YusefSalaam , exonerated , FromOneof'CentralParkFive' , ToMemberofCityCouncil , SantiagoChile , CatsFilledChileanPrison , "thePen" , largestprisoninChile , hometoabout300cats , inmatesinformallyadoptandcareforcats , Ex-PentagonOfficials , FlockingtoJoinVentureCapitalFirms , UrgingU.S.toFundStart-Ups , DesigningWeaponsofFuture , morningdrizzle , cloudy
Dan Halter, Rifugiato Mappa del Mondo (Refugee Map of the World) , Stitched-together new and used plastic-weave shopping bags, edition: 7 (unique) from a series of 8, 72 x 150 inches, 2016, Buffalo AKG Art Museum , New York
Tags: DanHalter , RefugeeMapoftheWorld , mixedmedia , textiles , sculpture , BuffaloAKGArtMuseum , Buffalo , NewYork , NYTimes , SeekingRefuge , shelter , KhanYounis , Gaza , Israel'schief , seesnopostwarroleinGazastrip , forPalestinianAuthority , fatherandchild , resting , blankets , bed , community , ClaimofHamasTunnelsUnderHospital , FacesTest , IsraelPressesInonFacility , ItSaysSitsAtopVastCommandComplex , AlShifaHospital , tents , campofdisplacedpeople , aerialphotography , plastictarps , TwoYoungDemocratsatOdds , OverIsraelandDemocraticParty'sFuture , RepresentativeAlexandriaOcasio-Cortez , RitchieTorres , millennialNewYorkers , BylasArizona , PlantoHelpNativeAmericansGetSober , EndedinaNightmare , sober-livinghouses , JohannesburgSouthAfrica , WhereLackofJobsIsSpurringDesperation , OldWorldYoungAfrica , AGenerationFeelsLeftBehind , highyouthunemployment , OchopeeFlorida , AmySiewe , snakehandler , teachespeopletofindandeuthanizeinvasivesnakes , FloridaEverglades , She'sLessThanCharmingtoEvergladesPythons , Burmesepythons , nightlandscape , MayorEricAdams , FocusOnTurkeyInAdamsInquiry , F.B.I.andfederalprosecutors , AsksifMayorDidFavorforConsulate , publiccorruptioninvestigation , sunnyandwarmer , asouthwestwind
School of Guercino (Giovanni Francesco Barbieri)1591-1666, Two Women Shown Half-Length , Pen and brown ink on cream laid paper, 21.6 x 30.2 centimeters, Princeton University Art Museum , New Jersey
Tags: SchoolofGuercino , GiovanniFrancescoBarbieri , twowomen , portraiture , penandbrownink , creamlaidpaper , PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum , PrincetonNewJersey , NYTimes , Gaza , Palestinians'bodies , deadbodiesunderwhitesheets , crowdofmen , community , Israelcontinuedairstrikesontheterritory , atleast4385havebeenkilled , ViolenceSpreadsAwayFromGaza , RiskingWideWar , MovingOutCivilians , ClashatLebanonBorder , StrikesHitSyriaandWestBank , HamasFailstoShowThatIsraelStruckHospital , AhliArabhospital , OfficialSays'NothingIsLeft' , OfMunitionThatBombedSite , deathtoll , 471people , twowomenleaders , 'ILoveYou.IAmSorry.' , Awaristestingbondoftwoleaders , LosAngelesprogramforMuslimsandJews , ClimateChange , MakingThatDrizzleofOliveOilMoreCostly , AnotherTrialofWhatConsumersWillBear , globaloliveoilpricessoar , GovernorRonDeSantis , Florida , politicalstrategy , hyper-onlinestrategy , DeSantis'sWebMisfires , CauseMajorLossofBuzzandDonors , TheRaceIsOn , ToFoilaThreatToEncryption , Q-Day , whenquantumcomputer , couldshatterprivacyandsecurity , CaseInspectsTrump'sLinkToBillionaire , AustralianGotAccess , PerhapstoSecrets , AnthonyPratt , multinationalpaperandpackagingcompany , couldtestifyagainstDonaldJ.Trump , partlysunny , startofdryandmildweather
Dylan Mortimer, The Ceiling Can’t Hold Us , Cut paper, paint, glitter, panel, 48 x 96 inches, 2018, Spencer Museum of Art , The University of Kansas, Lawrence
Tags: DylanMortimer , paper , paint , glitter , paintingonpanel , figurepainting , mixedmedia , SpencerMuseumofArt , UniversityofKansas , LawrenceKansas , NYTimes , Gaza , injuredchildren , rushedtohospital , Al-ShifaHospital , 21hospitalsinGaza , orderedtoevacuate , HospitalsFaceAnotherLayerOfImpossible , IsraeliOrder , Calleda'DeathSentence' , Jerusalem , BehindCurtains , TenseDiplomacyToCurtailSiege , FearsOfWiderWar , U.S.EgyptandOthersConfer , AidtoGazaPilesUpatBorder , fooddonations , displacedPalestinians , KhanYounis , community , DividedAttention , SomefearIsrael-HamaswarcouldtakefocusfromUkraine , ARave , ThenShatteringAwakening , IsraelIsTransformed , DrawingTogether , NationLosesItsComplacency , InBackRooms , TrumpTwistedPrimaryRules , presidentialprimary , BoardofPardons , Minnesota , meetstwiceayear , considersapplicationsforclemency , 10MinutestoPleadforGrace , AndaNewLife , SeekingPardonsinPublic , courtroom , hearing , Americanflag , Minnesotaflag , AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory , MuseumReckonsWithRemains , CollectedFromRacistResearch , 12000humanremains , Indigenousandenslavedpeople , NewYorkers , overhaulstewardship , cloudy , afternoonshower
Heidi Bucher, Banister I, Obermuhle (Ancestral Home) , Latex, cotton, bamboo, and metal, 78 x 235 centimeters, 1980, The Israel Museum , Jerusalem
Tags: HeidiBucher , sculpture , installation , banister , TheIsraelMuseum , Jerusalem , LATimes , streaminglight , holes , architecture , lightandshadow , rubble , destroyedroom , MahmoudKhdeir , detritus , agriculture-product , storagefacility , burnedbuilding , 11-daywar , Gaza , Gaza'seconomy , smokingruins , GazaCity , businessowners , seelittlehope , forswiftrecoveryafterwar , scorchedhusks , singedmetal , meltedplastic , horsecart , smoke , bluetarp , carryingdebris , pilesofrubble , upscaleAl-Rimalneighborhood , fourdaysaftercease-fire , betweenIsraelandHamasmilitants , Gascón'sScrutinyOfPoliceKillings , Sputters , Delayinhiringspecialprosecutor , narrowstheD.A.'soptions , forchargingofficers , GeorgeGascón , LosAngelesCountydistrictattorney , SherrilWells , harvestsvegetables , plantedbyherlatehusband , RodneyWells , AfricanAmericanFarmersofCalifornia , farmland , Fresno , ReapingwhatRodneysowed , Awidow , neededareasontocarryon , founditintillingthefields , givingfoodtothehungry , L.A.inmates , getaccesstolifesavingdrug , foroverdoses , OpioidCrisis , fentanyl , naloxone , drugreverseseffectsofopioids , basketball , whiteandblackuniforms , ClippersAdvance , KawhiLeonard , L.A. , withstoodLukaDoncic , Mavericks , Game7 , Manchinrejectskeyelectionbill , overhaul , U.S.votinglaw , Ethicsconcernsraisedinrecall , GavinNewsom , Astheheatrisesthissummer , canCaliforniakeepthelightson? , morninglowclouds
Matt Bryans, Scars , Erased newspaper clipping, 13.5 x 17.5 centimeters, 2009, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: MattBryans , erasure , newspaperclipping , CentrePompidou , Paris , France , NYTimes , communityofmen , embrace , scars , mourning , bandages , whitesheet , Palestinianman , wifeandthreechildrenkilled , Israel , Israeltryingtodestroytunnelnetwork , usedbyHamas , DeadliestDayYet , Gaza , EffortsAtCease-FireFail , AirstrikeKillsatLeast42 , NetanyahuVows , ToUse'FullForce'onHamas , risinginternationalcriticism , ofIsraeliairstrikes , Anasal-Yazji , searchingforhisfiancée , ShaimaaAbulOuf , "Iwillwaithereuntilwefindher." , crowdofmourners , blacksheetwithwhitestar , weekoffighting , victims , Atleast11Israelisand197Palestinianshavedied , CivilianDeathsonBothSides , RaiseSpecterofWarCrimes , theGazaStrip , civilianspayingespeciallyhighprice , FullyOpeningSchoolsinFall , ChallengesCity , NYC , oncuspofmajorreopening , cannotreturntonormal , withoutrestoringitsschoolsystem , MayoralCandidate , FoundWaystoHelpDonors , EricAdams , Fund-Raising , PushedtheLimitsofCampaignLaws , Brooklynboroughpresident , leadingcandidate , inJuneDemocraticprimaryformayor , NewDelhi , ProfiteersPounce , ExploitIndia'sCovidMisery , PhonyMedicalSupplies , PutLivesatRisk , VarshaEngineering , scrapyard , coronavirus-relatedfraud , repaintingfireextinguishers , sellingthemasoxygencanisters , PandemicSendsNewFaces , AcrossU.S.Border , Yuma , Arizona , ArrivingFromBrazilIndiaandVenezuela , U.S.BorderPatrolagent , migrants , immigrantprocessingcenter , borderwall , sunshine , someclouds , seasonable