mild — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: DavidInshaw , November11sky , RemembranceDay , WorldWarI , oiloncanvas , RoyalWestofEnglandAcademy , Bristol , England , NYTimes , PrayersforVictims , IsraeliStrike , militarybombedhouse , Jabaliya , Gaza , burial , mourningthedead , community , grief , handsinprayer , UnionsGirdingforBlowbackofHarrisLoss , InPublicSector , WorryofBeingEliminated , SheddingUnionLabel , LatinosShiftRight , A.F.L.-C.I.O. , TrumpIsPulledToward2PathsOnRetribution , RevengeVersusUnity , PickForAttorneyGeneral , MayIndicateStanceOnAdversaries , ThreatofU.S.ReversalMuddiesClimateTalks , AsHeDidBefore , COP29meeting , BakuAzerbaijan , PuertoRico , Somos , AConsensus:BeatAdamsAndCuomo , NYCmayoralrace , MayorEricAdams , AndrewCuomo , HowtheTechThatConnectsUs , HasSettheStageforIsolation , RicherCommunicationandPausesHelp , socialmedia , lonelinessepidemic , JudithJamison1943-2024 , RadiantDancerforAlvinAiley , WhoLeapttoTroupeDirector , projected"superhumanpower" , autobiography"DancingSpirit" , partlysunny , breezy , mild
Tags: DominiqueBlain , Village , sculpture , installation , mixedmedia , light , Muséed'artcontemporaindeMontréal , Canada , NYTimes , Rwandans , armsoutstretched , looktothesky , commemoration , 30thanniversaryofgenocide , 800000peopledied , KigaliRwanda , RwandaJoinsToRecallPainOfGenocide , IsraelPullsItsLastTroopsFromCityinSouthGaza , ForcesRemainElsewhere , MediatorsPushCease-Fire , War's6-MonthMark , KhanYounis , crowd , rallyinJerusalem , calledforHamastoreleasehostages , MillionsEagerlyAwaitMarvelofEclipse , AlongPathofTotality , ontheMovetoTakeInaRareView , historicalphoto , blackandwhitephotography , totalsolareclipse , AviewinginTimesSquareJuly91945 , GazansTurntoWildPlantToCombatWartimeHunger , khobeza , foraging , ForTrump'sManhattanJudge , JusticeJuanM.Merchan , LongCareerofNoNonsense , HowBigTechCutCorners , HarvestDataforTheirA.I.Models , SuppliesFromInternetSettoBeDepleted , OpenAI , Whisper , sunshine , someclouds , mild
Tags: AthenaTacha , gelatinsilverprint , collage , MFAH , Houston , Texas , crowds , flags , procession , PresidentLuizInácioLuladaSilva , PaláciodoPlanalto , grouprepresentingBrazil'sdiversity , BrazilInstallsLulaasLeader , LoserIsAbsent , JairBolsonaro , BolsonaroIsinFlorida , InquiriesMount , inauguration , green-and-yellowsash , WatchingChina , U.S.PoursCashIntoChipMaking , AColdWarInTech , Ramp-upIsNoSilverBullet , PushtoCutForeignSupplies , 'IAmUltra-MAGA' , InventionofEliseStefanik , RepresentativeTradedIdealsandFriends , Ambitions , IdahoSuspectIn4Murders , StudiedKillers , fourUniversityofIdahostudents , WasteMixesWithWarmWater , BlightingtheShoresofCapeCod , MashpeeRiver , Massachusetts , poisonousalgae , takingoverCapeCod'sriversandbays , summer , risinglevelsofnitrogen , antiquatedsepticsystems , blackandwhitephotography , nature , molecules , plantlife , openhands , palmlines , fragments , themysteryofhumanlife , wrestledbyphilosophersandscientists , feltbymothersandmidwives , WhenDoesLifeStart? , APost-RoeConundrum , QuestionThatGoesBeyondPolitics , Law , Science , mild , periodiccloudsandsunshine
Pablo Martínez Díez, Mar Santamaria-Varas, 300.000 Km/s, dataWar, big data in times of war , Multi-media installation, Architecture Ukraine: Beyond the Front, Biennale Architettura 2016, Venice, Italy
Tags: PabloMartínezDíez , MarSantamaria-Varas , 300.000Km/s , architecturefirm , Barcelona , Spain , dataWar , multi-mediainstallation , bigdataintimesofwar , ArchitectureUkraine:BeyondtheFront , BiennaleArchitettura2016 , VeniceItaly , NYTimes , RussiaBombardsStrategicPort , FromLandAirandSea , aerialmap , orangeandpurpledots , reddots , locations , WidespreadAttacks , ResidentialAreasofMariupol , satelliteimagery , 391buildingsdamagedordestroyed , ForPutin , 'Truth'IsJustAnotherFrontLine , "specialmilitaryoperation" , disinformationinwartime , Mariupol , PortcityMall , TerraSport , Governmentbuilding , Azovstalsteelplant , SchoolandTheaterbombed , Maternityhospitalbombed , Regionalintensivecarehospital , hundredsheldhostage , ArtSchoolIsHit , HundredsTrytoHide , Lviv , Ukraine , WarThreatenstoCauseGlobalFoodCrisis , crucialportionofworld'swheatcornandbarley , trappedinRussiaandUkraine , largerportionofworld'sfertilizers , stuckinRussiaandBelarus , WhenRussiansCameandTookTheirHomes , RussianforcespushedtowardKyiv , stormedapartmentcomplex , heldresidentshostage , caughtoncamera , burningbuilding , smoke , camouflageuniform , surveillancevideo , JudgeKetanjiBrownJackson , Harvardportrait1989-1990 , AtHarvard , JacksonWeighedRaceJusticeandAcademics , mostlysunnyskies , breezyconditions , mild
Tags: CyThao , oiloncanvas , figurepainting , landscape , MinneapolisInstituteofArt , NYTimes , U.S.BorderPatrolagent , menonhorseback , DelRio , Texas , water , bluereflections , Haitianmigrants , RioGrande , river , peopleinwater , plasticbags , triedtostopHaitianmigrants , fromenteringacamp , HaitiObjects , U.S.SendsMigrantsBack , about14000Haitians , willbeexpelledfromU.S. , encampmentformedinTexasbordertown , Haitianappeal , suspensionofdeportations , WashingtonDC , JoeManchin , powerfulDemocrat , WestVirginia , SenatorHasFossilFuelLinks , andaPotentPen , ManchinBacksCleanEnergy , CanAlterBiden'sPlans , crucialup-or-downvote , sharplydividedSenate , Mr.Biden's$3.5trillionbudgetbill , couldreshape , nation'ssocialwelfarenetwork , FirstLadyJillBiden , classroom , desks , students , raisedhands , Americanflag , TheFirstLady'sAgenda , AsPresidentBidentriestorestorebipartisanship , JillBidenisnotstandingonsidelines , ARevolvingDoor , KeepsTaxPolicyonClients'Side , Lawyers'BriefLucrativeRoundTrips , FromAccountingFirmstoTreasury , PwC , giantaccountingfirm , helpingworld'sbiggestcompaniesavoidtaxes , younggirls , AMerkelnamesake , SeaofAngelas , GivesThanksToChancellor , Wülfrath , Germany , HibajaMaai , gavebirththreedaysafterarrivinginGermany , fledSyria , "AngelaMerkelsavedourlives" , UsingVirusTest , WaytoKeepPupilsinSchool , "testtostay" , modifiedquarantine , VirginiaBeach , DemocratsLooktoAbortionFight , toMotivateSuburbanWomen , RattlingaVirginiaRace , Loomingin2022 , abundantsunshine , mild
Olivia Erlanger, Sideways Time , Filing cabinet, bentonite clay, LED, porcelain, 52.75 x 17.75 x 22.15 inches, 2016, Kadist , San Francisco, California
Tags: OliviaErlanger , mixedmedia , sculpture , installation , filingcabinet , clay , LED , porcelain , Kadist , NYTimes , rowsofcardboardboxes , storageunit , corridor , EdwardStely , , WestVirginia , thegunlobby , ledbyNationalRifleAssociation , blockedcreationoftracingsystem , withsearchabledatabase , FirearmsLobby , HamstringstheA.T.F. , BidenEfforttoCombatGunViolence , ReliesonAilingAgency , paper-basedrecords , gunsalesgoingbackdecades , storedinboxes , whitelabels , 'HerdImmunity' , DimsWithPaceOfVaccinations , VariantsAccelerating , AddedInoculations , WillDiminishFutureThreatofVirus , "Thevirusisunlikelytogoaway" , RustomAntia , evolutionarybiologist , EmoryUniversity , Atlanta , makeshifthospitalbeds , patients , doctor , oxygentank , UttarPradesh , India , FillingGapsinDesperateIndia , receivingoxygen , makeshiftclinic , healthcaresystematbreakingpoint , onlinegrass-rootsnetworks , racingtogetaidtopeoplewhoneedit , ElizabethCity , NorthCarolina , ClamorGrowsToGetFootage , OffBodyCams , UnevenAccessAcrossU.S. , VexesthePublic , Ma'KhiaBryant , AndrewBrownJr. , Avideocanmakethedifference , betweendrawingattention , ordyinginobscurity , lawspassed , publicdisclosureofbody-worncamerafootage , protesters , demandingvideoofkillingofAndrewBrownJr. , handmadeprotestsigns , ReleaseTheRealTape , SpendingPlan , AimstoBolsterMiddleClass , lossofconfidenceinthemiddleclass , PresidentBiden'seconomicproposals , aimingtoreinforceandrebuild , Americanmiddleclass , government , layingthefoundation , McAllen , Texas , HispanicWomen , GiveG.O.P.Life , SouthTexas , SeekingFurtherGainsAgainstDemocrats , NewYorkRetailersFret , OfficesStayEmpty , RemoteWork , LeavesVitalCultureatRisk , Manhattanstorefronts , waitingforlifetoreturn , desolatestreets , Midtown , FinancialDistrict , mainlycloudy , mild , afternoonshowers
José Clemente Orozco, Two Hands , Lithograph, Publisher: Delphic Studios, Edition of 100, 42.8 x 23 centimeters, Date unknown, The Cleveland Museum of Art , Ohio
Tags: JoséClementeOrozco , lithography , DelphicStudios , edition , twohands , TheClevelandMuseumofArt , Ohio , NYTimes , manholdingmobilephoneintwohands , photoofdaughter , phonescreen , 'AfteralltheseyearsIamgoingtoseehercadaver.' , MaynorMelendrez , showingaphotoofhisdaughterYesenia , whomhehadnotseensinceshewas6 , trafficaccident , aerialphotography , tractor-trailercollided , withovercrowdedcarofmigrants , lastmonth , desertnearHoltvilleCalifornia , Twelvepeopledeclareddeadatthescene , onelaterdiedathospital , 25inOneCar , ADireCrossing , EndedinGrief , HopeFearDeath , MigrationSurges , VotingLimits , RaisePressureOnCompanies , LawinGeorgia , CreatesTrickyLandscape , DeltaAirLines , steeppoliticalconsequences , ManyNeedFood , EnergizingPushToExpandRelief , Biden'sAmbitiousPlan , TensofBillionsforNow , HopestoMakeAidPermanent , WashingtonDC , Morethanonein10households , reportingtheylackenoughtoeat , RoyalConflict , ShakesJordan , RockofMideast , Amman , Jordan , long-simmeringrift , betweenKingAbdullahII , andformercrownprince , HamzahbinHussein , governmentaccusedPrinceHamzah , "destabilizingJordan'ssecurity" , UnderAttack , Asian-AmericansTurntoPolitics , GrowingForceatPolls , andontheballot , womeninbasketballuniforms , celebration , whiteblackreduniforms , StanfordTakestheCrown , TheCardinaledgedArizona , towintheirfirstwomen'sbasketballnationaltitle , since1992 , WhiteEvangelicalResistance , ObstacleinVaccinationEffort , mixofreligiousfaith , longstandingwarinessofmainstreamscience , broaderculturaldistrustofinstitutions , onlineconspiracytheories , mainlysunny , patchycloudslate , breezy , mild
Lubaina Himid, Carpet , Acrylic paint on canvas, 1219 x 1524 millimeters, 1992, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: LubainaHimid , abstraction , painting , acryliconcanvas , TateUK , NYTimes , sunset , mencarryingcoffin , cemetery , crosses , flowers , red , white , turquoiseblue , flag , blackt-shirt , landscapeindistance , AViolentEnd , ToADesperateDream , Guatemala , Grieving13ofitscitizens , whowereshotandburned , U.S.-MexicanBorder , Brookfield , Wisconsin , UntruthsFlowFromSenator , ShakingTrust , ConspiraciesSpread , byWisconsin'sJohnson , SenatorRonJohnson , speaking , portraiture , saysthe"radicalleft"istargetinghim , purveyorofmisinformation , 'Stimmies'PayForStockPlays , FuelingMarket , stockmarket , stimuluscheck , Robinhood , onlinetrading , AMCEntertainment , ShotsinArms , SeniorsBecomeLifeoftheParty , AsYoungPeopleWait , TheirGrandparentsAreHavingaBall , fullyvaccinated , olderpeople , emergingthisspringwiththedaffodils , twowomen , restaurantmenus , waiter , "Iamjustenjoyingmylife" , RobbieBell , outtodinnerwithherfriend , LorettaMcNeir , MissedChances , ToShareDoses , InPoorNations , PatentControlIssue , WealthyCountries , AvoidProddingDrugFirms , ToPublishRecipes , Covid-19vaccine , Westernsuccesscreatedstarkinequity , PostalService , YettoRecover , PlanMayMakeDelaysaNorm , mail , lostintransit , China , WalledOffFromCovid , theBarrierstoEntryAreSteep , BorderControls , UpendCommerceAndLives , banstourists , bansshort-termbusinesstravelers , plentyofsunshine , mild
Bessie Harvey, Figure with Headdress , Polychrome and mixed media, found wood, paint, 47 x 26.5 x 21.6 centimeters, 1986, Harvard Art Museums , Cambridge, Massachusetts
Tags: BessieHarvey , sculpture , mixedmedia , figure , headdress , HarvardArtMuseums , Massachusetts , NYTimes , turquoiseblue , pinkflowers , orangeruffle , peacockfeathers , blackfeathers , Venetianmask , fluorescentyellow , policewoman , surgicalmask , VeniceCarnival , cutshort , coronaviruscasesrose , SanMarcoSquare , Casalpusterlengo , Italy , ClusterOfCasesInItaly , KindlesFearsInEurope , ChallengeToOpenness , InWest , VirusPosesTest , HealthPolicy , BorderControls , Anewnervousness , haspervadedEurope , Unease , Quarantineplans , forfacilitiesintheUnitedStates , facinglocalresistance , OnTheMargins , RuralChinesemigrantsaresuffering , lockdownsmakejobsscarce , SanFrancisco , California , LosingSizzle , TopStart-Ups , CutTechJobs , Zume , Getaround , 23andMe , Flexport , Mozilla , Quora , "Itfeelslikeareckoningishere" , JoshWolfe , venturecapitalist , LuxCapital , WashingtonDC , D.C.ProsecutorsFeltBesieged , LongBeforeStone , WhiteHousePressure , SeeninCaseAgainstMcCabe , RogerJ.StoneJr. , JusticeDepartmentturmoil , TimothyShea , helpinglongtimefriendandboss , AttorneyGeneralWilliamP.Barr , softensentencingrequest , topleasethepresident , Houston , SandersSeeksKnockoutBlow , AgainstBiden , SenatorBernieSanders , EnjoyingPolePosition , inCrowdedField , SouthCarolinaPrimary , tables , orangechairs , children , teacher , Elizabethton , Tennessee , TeachingChildrenintheBibleBelt , HowtoReverseanOverdose , Atpubliclibrary , childrenattendatrainingclass , onadministeringNarcan , OpioidCrisis , HoChiMinhCity , Vietnam , SoundofanOutbreak'sToll , AsianTouristSites , 'Quiet' , coronavirus , takingtollonglobaltourism , airlinesexpectedtolose , $29billioninrevenuesthisyear , increasingcloudiness , mild
Jolanta Rudzka-Habisiak, Untitled Book , Folded paper, some ink printed, mounted on board, re-plied cotton cord, 1999, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: JolantaRudzka-Habisiak , textiles , book , paper , ink , bookarts , ArtInstituteofChicago , NYTimes , aerialphotography , multi-color , crowd , hundredsofthousands , protesters , filledthestreets , HongKong , march , HumanRightsDay , 'WeDon'tWanttoBecomeLikeChina' , RudolphW.Giuliani , HowanEx-Mayor , LedaPresident , totheBrinkofImpeachment , DeniedPost , GiulianiSettledforSpotlight , "Howaboutsecretaryofstate?" , bitterdisappointment , WashingtonDC , RightRejoices , AsBarrAssailsLiberalCulture , No-ApologiesStyle , FitsthePartyofTrump , wieldedmaximalistview , executivepower , Barrbelieves , thenationneeds , "moralrenaissance" , Trauma , moremigrantfamilies , mayfacedetention , atgreatcost , tochildren'swell-being , U.S.PlansToSap , W.T.O'sInfluence , InTradeBrawls , ErasingMediatorRole , Trump'sBidtoUpend , GlobalSystem , MayInciteTariffWars , curvingsteelrods , steelrust , W.T.O.ishearingchallenges , toU.S.tariffsonsteel , Tokyo , Japan , AtGatewaytoPowerinJapan , Only1in5Students , IsaWoman , UniversityofTokyo , Todai , Thedearthofwomen , byproduct , deep-seatedgenderinequality , InsultinClass , LeftaGunman , FuriousonBase , PensacolaNavalAirStation , derogatorynickname , CarollSpinney1933-2019 , BigBird , readingtoConnorScottandTiffanyJiao , tapingof"SesameStreet" , NewYork , yellow , green , red , orange , pink , brown , PuppeteerWhoMade , DaysSunnyasBigBird , OscartheGrouch , generationsofpreschoolers , vividplaymates , subtletutors , JimHenson , Muppetmenagerie , rainthroughouttheday , cloudy , mild
Alex Hay, Crumpled Yellow Paper , Cotton paper, acrylic paint, epoxy resin, sandblasted, 48 x 164 x 113 centimeters, 1967, Moderna Museet , Stockholm, Sweden
Tags: AlexHay , sculpture , paper , resin , linedpaper , yellowgold , ModernaMuseet , Stockholm , NYTimes , brownearth , detritus , tornclothing , rescueworkers , EthiopianAirlines , planecrash , shortlyaftertakeoff , killing157peopleonboard , causeundetermined , EthiopiaCrash , RaisesScrutiny , OnBoeingJet , climbanddive , beforefinalplunge , AddisAbaba , Boeing's737Maxjet , LionAirdisaster , Indonesia , twoeerilysimilarscenes , GlobalGrief , Passengersfrom35countries , doomedEthiopianjet , Jerusalem , Israel , Trump'sHalo , LiftsFortunesOfNetanyahu , U.S.PresidentPopular , AmongIsraeliVoters , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , uphillre-electionbattle , giantcampaignbillboards , "ADifferentLeague" , defeatapossibility , BennyGantz , WashingtonDC , U.S.Accelerates , ShadowyBattle , AgainstShabab , SomaliaStrikesSurge , Conflict'onAutopilot' , TrumpCurbsMilitary , AroundtheGlobe , UnitedStatesAfricaCommand , double-digitdeathtolls , humanitariancrisis , AmericanAirstrikes , OntheRise , inSomalia , yellowgraph , Airstrikesbymonth , TrumpAdministration , IndianaMuseumofArtatNewfields , decidedtosellordonate , manystoreditems , paintingracks , flourescentlighting , museumstorage , goldframes , metalracks , WhenMuseumsGiveUp , TheirBuriedTreasures , BasementsAreStuffedWithArt , ThatMayNeverBeShown , CharlesL.Venable , "Thereisthisinevitablemarch" , "whereyouhavetobuildmorestorage" , "Idon'tthinkit'ssustainable" , Cúcuta , Colombia , MaduroBurnedAid? , FootageShowsOtherwise , RefutingU.S.Claim , onVenezuelaStandoff , VicePresidentMikePence , "thetyrantinCaracasdanced" , henchmen , "burnedfood&medicine" , unpublishedfootage , Molotovcocktail , thrownbyantigovernmentprotester , mostlikelyaccidentalfire , WestPalmBeach , Florida , InBudget , TrumpMakesAnotherPlayforWall , Requestfor$86Billion , SetsUpNewFight , borderwall , bordersecurity , LarryKudlow , "wehaveacrisisdownthere" , FoxNewsSunday , mostlysunny , windy , mild
Micheline Beauchemin, Nordic Blue Ice Flow: Homage to the St. Lawrence River , Cotton threads covered with mylar, colored silk threads and linen threads, 162 x 504.5 centimeters, 1984, National Gallery of Canada , Ottawa
Tags: MichelineBeauchemin , textiles , sculpture , installation , DecorativeArts , NordicBlueIceFlow , CanadianArt , NationalGalleryofCanada , Ottawa , NYTimes , blueice , bluesky , cracks , lines , pattern , withinmonths , coastalplain , ArcticNationalWildlifeRefuge , Alaska , couldbevisitedbytrucks , weighingupto90000pounds , ThirstForOil , ThreatensPristineArcticRefuge , TrumpAdministration , HurriestoClearWay , ExplorationinAlaska , Fairbanks , vastlandscape , mosses , sedges , shrubs , 19millionacres , lastgreatstretchofnothingness , inU.S. , TradeWarPause , NeededRespite , ForXiAndTrump , BothTookEconomicHit , TruceGivesJust90Days , FindPathThroughBitterDifferences , PresidentTrump , PresidentXiJinping , "It'sanincredibledeal." , portraiture , PresidentXiJinpingofChina , G20summit , BuenosAires , Argentina , WashingtonDC , HouseG.O.P. , ShrugsatLosses , LeavingSomeMembersBaffled , lossesneared40seats , SpeakerPaulRyan , RepresentativeKevinMcCarthy , whatcanbedone , winvotersback , RiotsRoilParis , IreisRooted , DeepinFrance , Guéret , France , FlorianDou , howtosurvive , whenmoneyrunsout , "Weknewtheyweresentintogetridofus." , "YellowVests" , protests , StateOfTurmoil , Frenchprimeminister , willmeet , YellowVests'leaders , DeathofPresidentGeorgeBush , Presidentialportrait , portraitpainting , blackcurtain , mourning , womentakingpictures , mobilephones , PresidentGeorgeBush , knownforhiscivility , kindlednostalgia , forcompromise , AKinderGentlerNation? , MaybeforaFewDays , FinalHome , forgeddeepbond , TexasA&M , wherehewillbeburied , 3rdGraftCase , NewThreat , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , IsraeliPolicePush , forIndictmentAgain , Jerusalem , corruption , bribery , fraud , tradinginfluence , forfavorablenewscoverage , leadingIsraelinewspaper , periodicclouds , sunshine , breezy , mild