satelliteimagery — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Pablo Martínez Díez, Mar Santamaria-Varas, 300.000 Km/s, dataWar, big data in times of war , Multi-media installation, Architecture Ukraine: Beyond the Front, Biennale Architettura 2016, Venice, Italy
Tags: PabloMartínezDíez , MarSantamaria-Varas , 300.000Km/s , architecturefirm , Barcelona , Spain , dataWar , multi-mediainstallation , bigdataintimesofwar , ArchitectureUkraine:BeyondtheFront , BiennaleArchitettura2016 , VeniceItaly , NYTimes , RussiaBombardsStrategicPort , FromLandAirandSea , aerialmap , orangeandpurpledots , reddots , locations , WidespreadAttacks , ResidentialAreasofMariupol , satelliteimagery , 391buildingsdamagedordestroyed , ForPutin , 'Truth'IsJustAnotherFrontLine , "specialmilitaryoperation" , disinformationinwartime , Mariupol , PortcityMall , TerraSport , Governmentbuilding , Azovstalsteelplant , SchoolandTheaterbombed , Maternityhospitalbombed , Regionalintensivecarehospital , hundredsheldhostage , ArtSchoolIsHit , HundredsTrytoHide , Lviv , Ukraine , WarThreatenstoCauseGlobalFoodCrisis , crucialportionofworld'swheatcornandbarley , trappedinRussiaandUkraine , largerportionofworld'sfertilizers , stuckinRussiaandBelarus , WhenRussiansCameandTookTheirHomes , RussianforcespushedtowardKyiv , stormedapartmentcomplex , heldresidentshostage , caughtoncamera , burningbuilding , smoke , camouflageuniform , surveillancevideo , JudgeKetanjiBrownJackson , Harvardportrait1989-1990 , AtHarvard , JacksonWeighedRaceJusticeandAcademics , mostlysunnyskies , breezyconditions , mild
Barnett Newman, Lace Curtain for Mayor Daley , Cor-ten steel, galvanized barbed wire, and enamel paint, 70 x 48 x 10 inches, 1968, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: BarnettNewman , LaceCurtain , MayorDaley , Cor-tensteel , barbedwire , enamelpaint , ArtInstituteofChicago , Chicago , NYTimes , protestsigns , hand-paintedsigns , fence , language , blackandwhitetext , ThirdPrecinct , Minneapolis , burnedinaftermath , deathofGeorgeFloyd , OnTrial'sEve , PolicingVexesScarredCity , ReclaimTheBlock , OurAncestorsAreWatching , GeorgeFloyd , residentsstillcomplain , policeofficersusingexcessiveforce , AsWorkingCultureShifts , ManhattanIsAtPrecipice , CityDependent , OnFlowofCommuters , ReckonsWiththeOffice'sDecline , ACityRemade , Half-EmptySkyscrapers , birds , greysky , officebuildings , Only15%ofNYC'sofficeworkershavereturned , WashingtonDC , OneNursingHome'sMission , ToVaccinateItsHesitantStaff , Covid-19vaccine , EnlistedinMyanmar , SupportingthePeople , 4SoldiersSpeakOut , DescribingRanksas'Brainwashed' , Tatmadaw , bluewater , landscape , satelliteimagery , SuezCanal , Ashippingbottleneck , stuckcargovessel , promptedfuelrationinginSyria , DashForSafetyTurnsFatal , MozambiqueSiege , ScoresFearedDead , MilitantsTakePort , Palma , LostinTranslation , APoem'sHopesforUnity , WhoBesttoInterpretInaugurationHit? , HadijaHaruna-Oelker , Blackjournalist , producedGermantranslation , "TheHillWeClimb" , AmandaGorman , KubraGumusay , GermanwriterofTurkishdescent , UdaSträtling , translatorwhoiswhite , theteamdebatedwordchoices , makepoliticalandsocialsignificanceclear , partlysunny , cooler , seasonable , subsidingwinds
Laure Prouvost, Eye Sting , Ceramic salt and pepper eyeballs. Salt: stoneware buff clay. Pepper: earthenware red clay. Edition of 25 copies + 10 A.P., 5 centimeters, 2016, M HKA , Antwerp, Belgium
Tags: LaureProuvost , sculpture , ceramic , saltandpepper , eyeballs , eyesting , earthenware , clay , blueeyes , limitededition , MuHKA , Antwerp , Belgium , NYTimes , portraiture , VladimirPutin , SergeiV.Skripal , weddingphoto , fatherdaughter , interior , exterior , lines , grid , architecture , doors , pinkblossoms , rockingchair , blackandwhite , red , white , Moscow , ATurncoatSpyWentFree , PutinNeverForgaveHim , Bothraisedtofight , againsttheWest , theywentoppositeways , asSovietUnioncollapsed , formerRussianspy , withhiswife , Lyudmila , anddaughter , Yulia , intelligenceofficers , SergeiV.Skripalwasalittlefish , Oneroseandonefell , LeslieMoonves , CBSChiefIsOut , MoreWomenCiteMisconduct , Executive'sSteepFall , SeverancePackage , CouldTop$120Million , CBSNetwork , sexualharassment , NewYorker , RonanFarrow , investigativejournalist , MeToo , Kingsport , Tennessee , RepresentativeMarshaBlackburn , FoeofAbortion , ChangesFocus , ForSenateBid , Shehighlightedwork , RepublicanHousemember , "getgovernmentoffyourback." , WashingtonDC , WhiteHouseMemo , WhoseSurgingEconomyIsIt? , 2PresidentsJoustOverCredit , PresidentTrump , boastingabouteconomy , "boominglikeneverbefore" , formerPresidentBarackObama , historicallegacy , theconomy'srecovery , afterplummet , newGreatDepression , blue , whitelines , tenniscourt , tennisracket , playeronground , elation , LastManStanding , KindOf , NovakDjokovic , men'ssinglestitle , U.S.Open , Sunday , addingtotriumph , atWimbledon , inJuly , Sacramento , California , NewStrategy , ToSaveLives , BulletControl , guncontroladvocates , newregulations , SenatorDanielPatrickMoynihan , DemocratfromNewYork , toldSenate25yearsago , "gunsdon'tkillpeople;bulletsdo" , Dirkou , Niger , DroneMissions , CurbedByObama , ExpandInAfrica , C.I.A.SetForStrikes , TargetingInsurgents , inLibya , FromRemoteAirBase , inNiger , satelliteimagery , surveillance , transparency , cloudy , breezy , rain