mostlysunnyskies — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Pablo Martínez Díez, Mar Santamaria-Varas, 300.000 Km/s, dataWar, big data in times of war , Multi-media installation, Architecture Ukraine: Beyond the Front, Biennale Architettura 2016, Venice, Italy
Tags: PabloMartínezDíez , MarSantamaria-Varas , 300.000Km/s , architecturefirm , Barcelona , Spain , dataWar , multi-mediainstallation , bigdataintimesofwar , ArchitectureUkraine:BeyondtheFront , BiennaleArchitettura2016 , VeniceItaly , NYTimes , RussiaBombardsStrategicPort , FromLandAirandSea , aerialmap , orangeandpurpledots , reddots , locations , WidespreadAttacks , ResidentialAreasofMariupol , satelliteimagery , 391buildingsdamagedordestroyed , ForPutin , 'Truth'IsJustAnotherFrontLine , "specialmilitaryoperation" , disinformationinwartime , Mariupol , PortcityMall , TerraSport , Governmentbuilding , Azovstalsteelplant , SchoolandTheaterbombed , Maternityhospitalbombed , Regionalintensivecarehospital , hundredsheldhostage , ArtSchoolIsHit , HundredsTrytoHide , Lviv , Ukraine , WarThreatenstoCauseGlobalFoodCrisis , crucialportionofworld'swheatcornandbarley , trappedinRussiaandUkraine , largerportionofworld'sfertilizers , stuckinRussiaandBelarus , WhenRussiansCameandTookTheirHomes , RussianforcespushedtowardKyiv , stormedapartmentcomplex , heldresidentshostage , caughtoncamera , burningbuilding , smoke , camouflageuniform , surveillancevideo , JudgeKetanjiBrownJackson , Harvardportrait1989-1990 , AtHarvard , JacksonWeighedRaceJusticeandAcademics , mostlysunnyskies , breezyconditions , mild
Clarissa Tossin, Spent , Porcelain and trash, Dimensions variable, 2009, Harvard Art Museums , Cambridge, Massachusetts
Tags: ClarissaTossin , castporcelain , trash , detritus , white , installationart , HarvardArtMuseums , NYTimes , ash , yellowbrown , rubble , desks , twistedmetal , fragmentsofwood , Californiawildfires , destroyedBerryCreekElementarySchool , studentsequipped , remotelearning , RelentlessBlaze , EngulfsTheWest , InSmokeAndFear , SchoolsAdaptPlans , SecondCrisis , WindsGainStrength , RisksIncrease , red-orangebackground , firefighter , watching , out-of-control , BearFire , BigBend , California , "massivewalloffire" , SanFrancisco , climate-changedisaster , SenatorJeffMerkley , DemocratofOregon , "Idrove600milesupanddownthestateandIneverescapedthesmoke" , Trump , BoldClimateDenier , ConfrontsaCharredCalifornia , WashingtonDC , acresofscorchedearth , ash-filledskies , AmericanWest , rolledbackregulations , weakeningfederalpolicy , tocombatdangerousemissions , HowNewYork'sPoliceUnions , EmbracedTrump , LeadershipDoesNotReflect , DiversityofLowerRanks , PatrickJ.Lynch , PoliceBenevolentAssociation , ThousandsstrandedinLesbos , Greece , firerazedrefugeecamp , LivinginMisery , AfraidoftheFuture , familiesdisplaced , red , blue , yellow , grey , waterbottles , IsraelisSenseMideastShift , Jerusalem , normalizeties , UnitedArabEmirates , Bahrain , back-to-backagreements , ScientistsUrgeTransparencyonVaccines , IncreasePublicTrust , coronavirusvaccine , AstraZeneca , Pfizer , vaccinerace , mostlysunnyskies , lowhumidity
Poklong Anading, Counter Acts , Chromogenic transparency in lightbox, four parts, approximately 90 x 48 x 5 inches each, 2004, Guggenheim Museum , New York
Tags: PoklongAnading , chromogenictransparency , lightbox , spotlight , Guggenheim , NYTimes , HongKong , nightscene , crowd , orange-yellowlight , buildings , poppingchampagne , Democracysupporterscheered , "Therehasbeenaverydeepawakening" , AlanLeong , headofCivicParty , ABannerDay , ForDemocracy , ProtestsMovetoPolls , inRebuketoBeijing , victoryinlocalelections , Vienna , Austria , RudolphW.Giuliani , WhyGiulianiEyed2Oligarchs , ToHelpDigDirt , AStrategytoEntangle , LegallyVulnerableUkrainians , DmitryFirtash , IhorKolomoisky , leveraginginformation , frompoliticallypowerful , legallyvulnerableforeigncitizens , federalbriberycharges , vastbankingscandal , NavalSecretary , ToldToResign , ByDefenseChief , AtOddsOverSealCase , HeAngeredTrump , SaidtoHaveTried , ToCutaSideDeal , WashingtonDC , DefenseSecretary , MarkT.Esper , losttrustinNavysecretary , RichardV.Spencer , portrait , maninbluesuit , Mr.Esperwas"deeplytroubledbythisconduct." , ChiefPettyOfficerEdwardGallagher , accusedofwarcrimes , Concord , NewHampshire , 'PublicOption' , DrawsVoters , WaryofMore , "Medicareforall"system , SenatorElizabethWarren , SenatorBernieSanders , WhenanIceFloe , IsYourOffice , redsnowsuits , orangecables , extremelight , snowbank , 300milesfromtheNorthPole , Ateamisstudying , theArctic'schangingclimate , 2ndLeak , ShowsSecretOrders , forChina'sCamps , governmentaccelerated , massdetentionsofMuslimminorities , guards , round-the-clock , videosurveillance , topreventescapes , St.Louis , Missouri , St.Louis'sUneasyMix , BlackWhiteandBlue , ImperfectUnion , AnOfficerShootsanOfficer , mostlysunnyskies , aseasonableday