surveillancevideo — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Pablo Martínez Díez, Mar Santamaria-Varas, 300.000 Km/s, dataWar, big data in times of war , Multi-media installation, Architecture Ukraine: Beyond the Front, Biennale Architettura 2016, Venice, Italy
Tags: PabloMartínezDíez , MarSantamaria-Varas , 300.000Km/s , architecturefirm , Barcelona , Spain , dataWar , multi-mediainstallation , bigdataintimesofwar , ArchitectureUkraine:BeyondtheFront , BiennaleArchitettura2016 , VeniceItaly , NYTimes , RussiaBombardsStrategicPort , FromLandAirandSea , aerialmap , orangeandpurpledots , reddots , locations , WidespreadAttacks , ResidentialAreasofMariupol , satelliteimagery , 391buildingsdamagedordestroyed , ForPutin , 'Truth'IsJustAnotherFrontLine , "specialmilitaryoperation" , disinformationinwartime , Mariupol , PortcityMall , TerraSport , Governmentbuilding , Azovstalsteelplant , SchoolandTheaterbombed , Maternityhospitalbombed , Regionalintensivecarehospital , hundredsheldhostage , ArtSchoolIsHit , HundredsTrytoHide , Lviv , Ukraine , WarThreatenstoCauseGlobalFoodCrisis , crucialportionofworld'swheatcornandbarley , trappedinRussiaandUkraine , largerportionofworld'sfertilizers , stuckinRussiaandBelarus , WhenRussiansCameandTookTheirHomes , RussianforcespushedtowardKyiv , stormedapartmentcomplex , heldresidentshostage , caughtoncamera , burningbuilding , smoke , camouflageuniform , surveillancevideo , JudgeKetanjiBrownJackson , Harvardportrait1989-1990 , AtHarvard , JacksonWeighedRaceJusticeandAcademics , mostlysunnyskies , breezyconditions , mild
Thomas Ruff, jpeg msh01, Chromogenic color print, 276.2 x 188 centimeters, 2004, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: ThomasRuff , photography , compositeimage , blackandwhite , pixelation , jpeg , MuseumofModernArt , NewYork , LeSoir , Brussels , Belgium , TheTeachersDemand , IncreaseTheirPrime , bytheendoftheyear , PoliticalReturn , CanOneMakeAGovernment , InCurrentAffairs , Muséejuif , pixelatedvideo , surveillancevideo , manwithgun , streetscene , thejurors , ofthetrial , MehdiNemmouche , designatedthisMonday , LeSoirrecounts , thepresumedterrorist , ontherun , afterattack , JewishMuseum , May242014 , penniless , improvisesescape , amateurisum , Congo , Uncertaintystilllooms , Afterpostponingelectionresults , behind-the-scenesbargaining , betweentopthreecandidates , FelixTshisekedi , Donottrust , electroniccounting , weintheopposition , requireamanualrecount , portraiture , Football , FredRutten , thechoicebydefault , Anderlecht , Cinema , LionKing , Dumbo , ToyStory , StarWars , 2019willbetheyearofDisney , PhilippeMalherbe , I'vedonethetouratRTL , Editorial , ColetteBraeckman , TheWindofHistory , Thetruthoftheballotbox , cannotbestolen , bargained , tamperedwith , TheDemocraticRepublicofCongo , mostlycloudy , rainanddrizzle
Mary Miss, Arrivals and Departures: 100 Doors , Hinged painted wood and mirrors, one hundred parts, 274.3 x 707.4 x 152.4 centimeters, 1986, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: MaryMiss , ArrivalsandDepartures , doors , wood , mirrors , sculpture , installation , offwhite , paint , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , whitedoor , goldsymbol , manpeakingout , SaudiConsulate , Instanbul , Turkey , journalist , JamalKhashoggi , surveillancevideo , lastseenonOctober2 , missingpersonsign , women'shands , policebarriers , fences , Saudigovernment , offerednoexplanation , ofhiswhereabouts , Beirut , Lebanon , ForKhashoggi , MixofRoyalService , andIslamistSympathies , CareerofCloseTies , CutbySaudiCrownPrince , MohammedbinSalman , WashingtonDC , BottomLine , SteersTrump , WithSaudis , RealpolitikCalculation , OutintheOpen , "Anypresident'sgoingtobestuckinthisawkwardplace" , StevenA.Cook , ShiftingNarrative , portraitofmodernSaudicrownprince , hasbeguntocrack , AsDebtGrows , SearsIsFacing , ABigOverhaul , LookingtoBankruptcy , andtotheHolidays , "It'sasaddayforAmericanretail" , FoundedshortlyaftertheCivilWar , SearsRoebuck&Company , builtacatalogbusiness , MexicoBeach , Florida , AmongStorm'sRuins , StandsOneHouse , Built'fortheBigOne' , FloridaPanhandle , HurricaneMichael , leftahouse , theSandPalace , almostunscathed , aerialview , flattenedhouses , neighborhood , wreckage , whitesand , bluesky , red , blue , silver , toppledpalmtrees , debris , Racine , Wisconsin , DemocratsCircle , inWisconsin , StrongEconomy , IsanObstacle , GovernorScottWalker , "FortydaysisnotenoughtotalkaboutalltheawfulthingsScottWalker'sdone" , RandyBryce , formerironworker , hopestoseizeseat , mockedthe"Scott-holes" , thatplagueWisconsin'sroads , Rebound , DrivingtoToppleaGovernor , Immigration , Republicans , haverecasttheissue , deployingfear-basedappeal , mostlycloudy , somebriefshowers , breezy