wreckage — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas


Monday's image: January 16, 2023

Roman Stańczak, Cupboards, Wood, glass, 240 x 360 x 60 centimeters, 1996, Muzeum Sztuki, Warsaw, Poland

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Monday's image: November 8, 2021

Graham Sutherland, Devastation, 1941: East End, Wrecked Public House, Crayon, ink, pastel and gouache on paper on plywood, 1030 x 928 x 148 millimeters, 1941, Tate, U.K.

Monday's image: October 15, 2018

Mary Miss, Arrivals and Departures: 100 Doors, Hinged painted wood and mirrors, one hundred parts, 274.3 x 707.4 x 152.4 centimeters, 1986, Museum of Modern Art, New York