glass — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Liliane Lijn, Headborn , Glass, bronze and leather, 414 x 303 x 285 millimeters, 1987-90, Tate , U.K.
Tags: LilianeLijn , sculpture , glass , bronze , leather , mixedmedia , bluelines , TateUK , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , animation , Futurama , Season12getsunderway , Doescultseries'Futurama'stillhaveafuture? , Noisesurveyof'TheCause' , Annoyancenumberone , fouroutoffiveFlemings , trafficnoise , Thensummerafterall , icecream , children , Butarebarsandpotatocropsstillsalvageable? , 'TheyDumpedMeInTheDesert' , themigrationdealwithTunisia , FranciscoSchuster , Belgianvoiceactor , "Proust'sQuestions" , 'InhighschoolIstartedpraying' , 'Itgivesmecourageandstrength' , RemcoEvenepoel , portraiture , helmet , Cycling , Olympicgoldagainsttheclock , nowontotheroadrace , HealreadyhadEuropeanandworldchampiononhisrecord , nowRemcoEvenepoelcanaddOlympicchampiontothatlist , Onaslipperycourse , Heclockedthefastesttimeinthetimetrial , WithEvenepoeleverythingispossible , Olympics2024 , sunny , warm , clearskies
Tags: KitPaulson , lungs , glass , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , lungscans , 3-Dmedicalillustration , bluewhite , ViewofCovid'sDamageFromInside , rarelook , shrunkenairways , scarredtissue , Covid-19pandemic , healthyairwayslookliketreebranches , lungsofahealthyperson , lungsdamagedbyCovid , WagnerFuture , AsShadowyAsItsBusiness , Ukrainewar , GroupWithTentaclesBeyondItsFighters , YevgenyV.Prigozhin , GeorgiaDefendants , SparOverTrialDatesandSites , LawyersforTrumpandOthersTangleCase , SomeSeekMovetoFederalCourt , RealtorsChief , FacingClaimsofMisconduct , KennyParcell , presidentofNationalAssociationofRealtors , sexualharassment , JindiresSyria , AfterWarandQuakes , SyriansFeelForgotten , PoliticalTurmoilComplicatedEffortstoProvideRelief , makeshifthouse , rubble , Fatimaal-Mireeandfamily , livingintent , damagedhouse , moviegoerswithdogs , movietheater , EarsPerkUpAndTailsWag , AtShowTime , London , CurzonCinemas , 16locationsinBritain , dogsattendmoviescreeningswithowners , U.S.DrugLaws , ThreatenaSiteThatAidsUsers , OnPointNYC , EastHarlem , NewYork , partlysunny , dry
Tags: RomanStańczak , mixedmedia , sculpture , wood , glass , cupboards , MuzeumSztuki , Warsaw , Poland , NYTimes , brokenconcrete , wreckage , Dnipro , Ukraine , rescuingwomanfromapartmentbuilding , destroyedbyRussianmissile , emergencyservices , DniproMourns , DozensDieInRussiaStrike , InApartments'Rubble , SignsOfTacticalShift , warcrimes , ARomanceAuthor'sTwist , FakingHerDeath , DramaInBookWorld , OnlineFansLearnTruth , "Romancelandia" , SusanMeachen , mentalhealth , Atlanta , SubduedSermon , ReflectsDefeatsOnVotingRights , PresidentBiden , BidenAtKingChurch , EffortsThwarted , InYearSinceFierySpeech , BlackAllies , Rev.Dr.MartinLutherKingJr. , EbenezerBaptistChurch , CollegesFaceMajorChangesInRecruitment , diversity , highereducation , SCOTUS , widelyexpectedtooverturn , orrollbackaffirmativeaction , collegeadmissions , Brasília , yellow-green , crowdscenes , smoke , riotpolice , PlottingOpenly , RiotersinBrazil , BreachedSecurityWithEase , January8 , attackonBrazil'sgovernment , announcedplansonsocialmedia , Williamsport , Pennsylvania , LycomingCounty , DespiteRecountof2020Ballots , County'sDeniersClingtoDoubts , conspiracytheories , mostlysunny , turningwarmer
Philippe Parreno, Fraught Times, FZRA January 1998 , Cast and painted stainless steel, glass, resin, 270 x 180 x 180 centimeters, 2018, Fondation Beyeler , Basel, Switzerland
Tags: PhilippeParreno , FraughtTimes , caststainlesssteel , glass , resin , FondationBeyeler , Switzerland , NYTimes , glassornaments , Christmastree , LockedDownandFrustrated , Austria , Christmasmarket , Vienna , newwaveofCovidinfections , spreadsinEurope , restrictionssettingoffbacklash , U.S.VirusCasesRisingAgain , AsHolidayNears , FamilyDinnersReturn , VaccinesandTreatments , LessentheRisks , AnxietyLingers , Chicago , virusrepeatedlydefiedpredictions , G.O.P.Donors , FlocktoBack2Democrats , SenatorJoeManchinIII , WestVirginia , SenatorKyrstenSinema , Arizona , WashingtonDC , HowU.S.LostCleanEnergyTreasuretoChina , RaceToTheFuture , SecuringtheWorld'sCobalt , Freeport-McMoRan , Arizona-basedmininggiant , DemocraticRepublicofCongo , essentialrawmaterials , Chinesepurchasedmine , TenkeFungurume , IsraeliAttacks , SpurUpgradeOfIranSites , HopesDim , forRevivalof'15NuclearDeal , landscape , greenery , trees , sunlight , rocks , moss , ToekTik , temple , PrasatThomcomplex , helpfindevidenceofartifacts , hehadlooted , Ex-PlundererHelpsCambodia , ReclaimItsCulturalRelics , Exonerations , LiftOneBurden , ForanAssassinofMalcolmX , MujahidAbdulHalim , NewYork , abitofmorningrain , someclearinglate , turningwindy
Annika von Hausswolff, Ich bin die Ecke aller Räume - Screen Memory , MDF, rockwool, fabric, aluminum, glass, 254 x 65.5 x 915 centimeters, 2008, Magasin III Museum for Contemporary Art , Stockholm, Sweden
Tags: AnnikavonHausswolff , ScreenMemory , mixedmedia , installation , fabric , glass , MagasinIIIMuseumforContemporaryArt , Stockholm , Sweden , NYTimes , Guarero , Venezuela , theremainsofahouse , rubble , ruins , holes , crumblingarchitecture , residentssaytownwasdestroyed , criminalsfoughtoversmugglingroutes , women , InVenezuela , ForeignRebelsProvideOrder , insurgents , "aretheoneswhobroughtstabilityhere" , "Theybroughtpeace" , OberHernández , Indigenousleader , ELN , LatinAmerica'slargestremainingrebelgroup , fromColombia , TheReputationBusiness , HasaDirtySecret , fakecompanies , falseidentities , peoplefacilitatingslander , self-proclaimedgoodguys , whohelpremoveslander , areoftenoneandthesame , PoliceShielded , By1989Ruling , OnUsingForce , DeferenceIsGiven , Split-SecondActions , AdamToledo , Ma'KhiaBryant , TyrellWilson , shotandkilledbythepolice , officers'justificationforuseoflethalforce , relyingondoctrine , setbySupremeCourtthreedecadesago , RoyalOak , Michigan , Michigan'sSurgeofCovid , SickensYoungerPeople , WorstOutbreakInU.S. , HospitalsSeeingTwiceasManyPatients , in30sand40s , asintheFall , BeaumontHospital , nurses , corridor , hospitalbeds , I.C.U. , Phoenix , Arizona , ConspiracyTheoristsCavort , MessyRecountinArizona , "Weholdanaudit" , "Andthenwecanputthistorest." , StateSenatorEddieFarnsworth , CyberNinjas , Florida-basedfirm , Republicansenatorshiredfirm , tooverseeaudit , embracedbyMr.Trump'sbaselesstheoriesofelectiontheft , bluecurtain , stage , AcademyAwards , SociallyDistanced , "Nomadland" , wonforBestPicture , ChloéZhao , wonforBestDirector , Oscarstatue , WashingtonDC , BottlenecksHoldUpAid , RentersFallBehind , MoreThan$46Billion , FewReceiveIt , tenants , landlords , plentyofsunshine , breezy , seasonable
Michelangelo Pistoletto, Father’s Frame , Plaster, gauze and wooden frame, 102 x 69 x 6 centimeters, 1982, Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo, Norway
Tags: MichelangeloPistoletto , mixedmedia , monochrome , white , plaster , gauze , frame , Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo , NYTimes , churchinterior , families , embrace , tears , masks , framedphotograph , wreath , redroses , hat , note , ribbon , SaraCagliani , consoled , Mass , forherfather , AlbertoCagliani , unabletocarryout , hislastwish , toburyhiminuniform , Nembro , Italy , HollowedOutbyCovid , StrugglingtoCope , TraumaandDespair , PlagueSurvivors , ItalianProvince , CinziaCagnoni , "Ineedpeoplemorethanever" , "Idon'tliketobealone." , SurprisePick , ForTopOffice , InVirusFight , BidenSelectsXavierBecerra , SecretaryofHealthandHumanServices , Dr.RochelleWalensky , selectedtolead , CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention , VaccineMayShipInDays , CasesSurpassRecord , CrisisGripsCalifornia , TrumpTeamEmphasizesSpeed , ExpertsWarnofDelays , MoncefSlaoui , chiefscienceadvisor , OperationWarpSpeed , coronavirus , Pfizer , vaccinemanufacturer , parkinglot , orangetrafficcones , cars , lineup , mobiletestsite , DodgerStadium , LosAngeles , Decatur , Georgia , SuburbsTiltedGeorgiatoBiden , SenateBattle , NewGame , CrossoverVoteaPuzzle , ForTwoDemocrats , BlackLatinoAsianresidents , movingintoformerlywhitecommunities , Wilmington , Delaware , shopwindow , reflections , glass , cardboardcutout , JosephR.BidenJr. , clothingstore , signage , customt-shirts , WithNewPresident , AllEyesonWilmington , 'ALittleMystique' , forLittleBusinessHub , president-elect , transformedcity , federal-government-in-waiting , PublicTransit , FacesBigCuts , AndLittleHelp , Congress , bi-partisangroupoflawmakers , $15billionforpublictransit , pandemic-reliefpackage , sunshine , clouds , blustery , cold
Outi Heiskanen, Castle in the Air and Hiding Cottage , Glass, wood, drypoint, etching, 210 centimeters, 1990, Finnish National Gallery , Helsinki, Finland
Tags: OutiHeiskanen , sculpture , windowframes , glass , wood , chairs , etching , interior , exterior , FinnishNationalGallery , Helsinki , NYTimes , openspace , fences , MarathonPetroleumplant , RiverRouge , Michigan , releasedpungentgas , stay-at-homeorder , Virus , AnotherDeadlyRisk , InShadows , U.S.Smokestacks , low-incomecommunitiesofcolor , higherlevelsairpollution , coronaviruscrisis , minoritiesdisproportionatelydying , 'Straight-UpFire' , inHisVeins , TeenBattlesCovidSyndrome , severeinflammatorysyndrome , linkedtocoronavirusinchildren , BidenPursuesIdeas , toMatchScaleofCrisis , LeftSensesOpening , forBolderAgenda , 36millionAmericansunemployed , JosephR.BidenJr. , racingtoassemblenewgoverningagenda , "therightkindofeconomicrecovery" , SecretaryofStateMikePompeo , PompeoFacingFreshQuestions , OnUseOfAssets , FiringRaisesRedFlag , DemocratsSeePatternofAbuse , byShrewdTrumpLoyalist , WashingtonDC , StateDepartmentInspectorGeneral , SteveA.Linick , whistle-blowercomplaint , What'saNewYorkDriveLike? , TouraGhostTown , of8Million , TimesSquare , crosswalk , empty , F.D.R.Drive , feelslikeGrandTheftAutogame , openroad , milesandmiles , WestSideHighway , nogridlock , norushhour , RioDeJaneiro , Brazil , 'ImpunityReigns' , InsideRio'sRecordYear , 1814PoliceKillings , hillside , motherandchildren , walkinguphill , pink , green , blue , white , brown , dirt , Childrenlisteningtogunshots , inthedistance , policeofficers , routinelygundowncrimesuspects , withoutrestraint , periodicclouds , sunshine
Arthur Dove, Silver Sun , Oil, metallic paint, and an unidentified material (possibly wax) on canvas, 55.3 x 74.9 centimeters, 1929, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: ArthurDove , silver , blue , black , transparent , painting , ArtInstituteofChicago , NYTimes , carpet , palegreen , burgundy , diagonal , chandelier , glass , hazmatsuits , workersdisinfectingmosque , Istanbul , coronavirusinfections , Turkey , HaltingVirusWillRequireHarshSteps , ExpertsSay , Near-TotalCooperationFromPublic , KeytoIsolatingClustersofInfections , portraiture , womeninbluehazmatsuits , protectiveequipment , TheNationalGuard , drivethroughtestsite , NewJersey , PartisanDivide , ThreatensDealOnRescueBill , WashingtonDC , $2trilliongovernmentrescuepackage , failuretomoveforward , shookfinancialmarkets , TrumpShiftsImage , LeaderFor'Wartime' , TrackingAnOutbreak , Defiant , Manyhaveignoredurgentcalls , socialdistancing , Pressure , WorkersatUPSandFedEx , nochoice , keepshowingup , evenwithcoronavirus-likesymptoms , Olympics , growingpressuretopostpone , TokyoGames , InfectionClue , Doctorgroupsrecommending , testingandisolation , forpeoplewholoseabilitytosmellandtaste , OfficialsRaceToStemOutbreak , NewYorkBecomesEpicenter , 5%world'sconfirmedcases , massivemedicalbivouac , JacobJavitsCenter , SeekingaBalmfortheSoul , ButImperilingEarthlyHealth , Beirut , Lebanon , Religionissolace , "Jesusismyprotection" , Rev.MajdiAllawi , WithintheBleakestStatistics , ALifeThatWasSoMuchMore , LorettaDionisio , husbandRoddy , traveling , Philippines , cloudy , rain , chilly
Tags: MartinBlank , torso , glass , sculpture , bluegreen , transparent , TheRinglingMuseumofArt , Sarasota , Florida , NYTimes , NewYork , crowd , mourning , CityFacesEchoofDarkerPast , vigil , TessMajors , studentatBarnardCollege , killedinMorningsidePark , Edinburg , Texas , StatesUnequalInPreparation , FortheCensus , PartyinControl , IsKeytotheDifferences , partheadcount , partpowerstruggle , SenatorChuckSchumer , Democraticleader , SchumerFramesFullSenateTrial , OnImpeachment , McConnellChallenged , CallingforSubpoenas , UkraineRecords , Trump'sTopAides , WashingtonDC , SenatorMitchMcConnell , "takingmycues" , fromtheWhiteHouse , InSecret , U.S.ExpelsEnvoysSentbyChina , espionagethreat , Seattle , Washington , PrimeLeverage , ARetailGiant'sHoldonTech , Amazon , DominanceintheCloud , Elastic , softwarestart-up , Amsterdam , trademarkviolation , Amazonusessamename , Elasticsearch , cloudcomputing , copyingsoftware , ClimateTalksEnd , WithU.S.CedingNothing , globalclimatenegotiations , rainbowflag , ephemera , nightscene , screens , photos , interimmemorial , 49peoplekilled , 2016Pulsenightclubshooting , Orlando , architecturaldesign , permanentmemorial , newmuseum , AtPulseShootingSite , PlantoRemember , RenewsPainforSome , ChristineLeinonen , "Myson'sbrutaldeathisnotatouristattraction" , clubowner , BarbaraPoma , creatednon-profit , onePULSEFoundation , "Thepurposeofthemuseumwillbetohonorthelifeofourchildren" , mostcloudy , snowandsleet
Richard Marquis, Confetti Pyramid , Kiln-formed glass, 20.3 x 28.9 x 28.9 centimeters, 2007, The Corning Museum of Glass , Corning, New York
Tags: RichardMarquis , sculpture , glass , murrine , kiln , TheCorningMuseumofGlass , Corning , NewYork , NYTimes , Americanflag , confetti , yellow , blue , redwhiteblue , hands , celebration , trophy , champions , U.S.women'ssoccer , WorldCup , 2-0victory , overNetherlands , fanschanted , "Equalpay!" , blurrycrowd , banners , BurdensBorne , ByaU.S.Team , WithNoEqual , Lyon , France , fewathletesexpectedtolead , equalpay , gayrights , socialjustice , swaggerofpopstars , Americanwomen , clinchingsecondconsecutiveWorldCuptrophy , LasVegas , Nevada , WomenMakePrimaryFoes , StarttoSweat , "IwantsomeonewhoIknowillstandup" , "thathasabackbone" , SenatorElizabethWarren , Massachusetts , SenatorKamalaHarris , California , "They'rebothveryverystrongwomen." , IranAnnouncesPlans , ToBreachEnrichmentCap , Violationof2015Deal , PressuringU.S.andEurope , IntoOfferingSanctionsRelief , uraniumenrichment , onpathtoproduceatomicbomb , Trumpadministrationblamed , forsettingoffthecrisis , byEuropeans , "Itisaback-to-the-futuremoment" , SanamVakil , ChathamHouse , researchinstitute , London , U.K. , portraiture , GeorgeMonroeJr. , gardenlandscape , whitepicketfence , ledgerwithhandwriting , bluebackground , windowframe , lightandshadow , ConnectedtoaPresident , bySlavery , 7GenerationsHaveLived , inShadowofMonroe'sPlantation , ancestors , enslavedbyPresidentJamesMonroe , amongfirsttocarryhisname , ledgeridentifyingslavesMonroesold , tocoverdebts , afterhispresidency , Charlottesville , Virginia , Monroetown , predominantlyAfricanAmericancommunity , "Itwasjustunderstoodthatwewereconnectedtothepresident" , "notbybloodbutbyslavery" , workingtogetherwithmuseum , tochangethewayslaveryispresented , formerpresidentialplantation , NewSexChargesforEpstein , FocusonManhattan , AccusationsofLuringMinors , toaMansion , billionairefinancier , JeffreyE.Epstein , sex-traffickingoperation , under-agegirls , Berlin , Germany , PoliticalMurder , FarRight , ShockGermany , HatefulNewReality , DredgesUpthePast , WalterLübcke , defendedrefugeepolicy , ChancellorAngelaMerkel , Germany'sfirstfar-rightpoliticalassassination , sinceNaziera , partialsunshine , lowhumidity
Roman, Republican or Early Imperial Period, Oval gem with head of man , Glass, 15 millimeters, 1st century B.C., Museum of Fine Arts Boston , Massachusetts
Tags: Roman , RepublicanPeriod , EarlyImperialPeriod , glass , portraiture , headofman , jewelry , AncientWorld , 1stCenturyB.C. , MFABoston , NYTimes , JohnMcCain , DailyNews , Maverick , AmericanHero , windowreflection , viewer , reader , tree , building , street , frontpages , newspapers , reportingdeath , SenatorJohnMcCainofArizona , Newseum , WashingtonDC , TwinBridges , Montana , Trump-McCainFeud , LivesOn , BattleforSeat , G.O.P.Hold , onSenate , MayHingeonPick , byArizonaGovernor , ALostLion , JohnMcCain'sdeath , leavesgapingvoidinSenate , ResoundingSilence , PresidentTrump , avoidednationalmoment , oftributetorival , SanDiego , California , DuncanHunter , wasagoodneighbor , APoliticalLife , FoiledbyBars , AndWalmart , McKinney , Texas , U.S.JobProgram , ComingUpShort , ForNeedyYouth , MajorReformsSought , ShieldedbyLawmakers , DespiteFailing , toEaseLaborShortage , "It'salittlebitlikeprison" , JobsCorp , iconicGreatSocietyprogram , SanFrancisco , InvestigatorsAsk , ifVapingAds , TriedtoHookTeenagers , forLife , PAXLabs , smallstart-up , electroniccigarette , Juul , "toJuul" , NeilSimon , 1927-2018 , ABroadwayMaster , WhoPavedtheWay , forSitcomExplosion , gotbiglaughs , "TheOddCouple" , "BarefootinthePark" , Thencameaculturalshift , IrvingPenn , photography , Broadwaycomedy , Mr.SimonruledBroadway , whenBroadwaywasstillworthruling , Dublin , Ireland , CriticofPope , InOpenRevolt , Vs.theVatican , AnArchbishopAccusesFrancis , ofCover-Up , PopeFrancis , CarloMariaViganò , formertopVaticandiplomat , claimedVaticanhierarchycomplicit , coveringupaccusations , CardinalTheodoreMcCarrick , sexualabuse , mostlysunny , warm , humid