
Monday's image: June 14, 2021

Ruth Asawa, Untitled (S.001, hanging seven interlocking double trumpets), Brass wire, 30 x 36 x 36 inches, 1958, de Young museum, San Francisco, California

Monday's image: May 10, 2021

Dominic Di Mare, Mourning Station #11, hawthorn, horsehair, feathers, thread, and stone, 111.8 x 49.3 x 40.7 centimeters, 1988, Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C.

Monday's image: July 8, 2019

Richard Marquis, Confetti Pyramid, Kiln-formed glass, 20.3 x 28.9 x 28.9 centimeters, 2007, The Corning Museum of Glass, Corning, New York

Monday's image: July 16, 2018

Fabrice Gygi, Dérouleur de tapis rouge, Varnished steel, blue light, carpet, rubber wheels, Dimensions variable, 1999, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Zurich, Switzerland

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