funeral — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Artist unidentified, Wreath of Flowers with Mourning Doves and Nest , Reverse painting and foil on glass, 18.5 x 14.5 x 1.5 inches, circa 1870s, American Folk Art Museum , New York
Tags: Artistunidentified , reversepainting , foilonglass , 1870s , AmericanFolkArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , wreathofflowers , mourningdoves , nest , foil , painting , funeral , wreathlaying , soldiersinuniform , AlonShamriz , oneofthreeIsraelis , killedbyIsraelisoldiersinGaza , kidnappedbyHamas , bouquetofflowers , wreaths , grave , sorrow , mourning , crowds , community , NetanyahuVowsToKeepUpFight , DespiteCriticism , 200TargetsInADay , ChangingTone , GermanandBritishOfficials , CallforCease-Fire , "sustainable"cease-fire , WarErasesFullBranchesofGazanFamilyTrees , AClanLosesOver100Members , IncludingDozensofChildren , funeralformembersofAstalfamily , CiviliansinGaza , havevirtuallynosafeplacestohide , VoterSupportForAbortionFacesLimits , SomeStatesTryingtoKeepIssueOffBallot , yardsigns , signsbeforeOhiovoted , tocodifytherighttoabortion , CampusAlliesofPalestiniansFeelMuzzled , collegecampuses , SolitaryConfinementPoisedtoEnd , DespiteAdams'sWishes , MayorEricAdams , NewYorkcityjails , Iran , viraldancecraze , It'sNotJustaSongandDance , It'saNationwideProtest , PublicOpinionRevoltsAgainstCrackdown , crowdofmen , fathersholdingtheirchildren , war , heavyraininmorning
Dominic Di Mare, Mourning Station #11 , hawthorn, horsehair, feathers, thread, and stone, 111.8 x 49.3 x 40.7 centimeters, 1988, Smithsonian American Art Museum , Washington, D.C.
Tags: DominicDiMare , mourningstation , hawthorn , horsehair , feathers , thread , stone , mixedmedia , sculpture , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , menhuddledunderatent , afather , funeral , 17-year-olddaughterkilled , strikeonahighschool , Kabul , Afghanistan , 'WhyDoWeDeservetoDie?' , BuryingHazaraGirlsinKabul , Fury , Heartbreak , CriestoTakeUpArms , inDefense , shoutedprayersforthedead , Hazaraethnicminority , hardlyanysecuritytoprotectthem , ManyFamiliesTurningAwayFromSchools , EducationCrisis , BornNotOnlyofFear , coronaviruspandemic , remotelearning , studentsworkingdayjobs , maynotreturntoschool , BattleBrewing , RegulatingCryptocurrency , BidToInfluencePolicy , RippleLabs , FirmPlansStrategy , LawyersLobbyistsConsultants , portraiture , trophy , BobBaffert , seventhKentuckyDerbyvictory , FailedDrugTest , PutsDerbyWinAtRisk , TrainerUnderFire , MedinaSpirit , 2021KentuckyDerbywinner , thoroughbredhorseracing , DetailsofClaim , ThatShookUpAMayor'sRace , ScottM.Stringer , JeanKim , clashingnarratives , Ms.Kimaccusedhimofsexualmisconduct , Mr.StringersaysMs.Kimwasapeer , "on-and-off"consensualrelationship , bluetablet , cup , doseofpsilocybin , CenterforPsychedelicandConsciousnessResearch , JohnsHopkins , PsychedelicsArePoised , toReshapePsychiatry , CollegesandInvestors , RushtoGetInvolved , MDMApairedwithcounseling , broughtmarkedrelief , patientswithseverePTSD , strayshowersearly , cloudy , partlysunnylate