war — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Artist unidentified, Wreath of Flowers with Mourning Doves and Nest , Reverse painting and foil on glass, 18.5 x 14.5 x 1.5 inches, circa 1870s, American Folk Art Museum , New York
Tags: Artistunidentified , reversepainting , foilonglass , 1870s , AmericanFolkArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , wreathofflowers , mourningdoves , nest , foil , painting , funeral , wreathlaying , soldiersinuniform , AlonShamriz , oneofthreeIsraelis , killedbyIsraelisoldiersinGaza , kidnappedbyHamas , bouquetofflowers , wreaths , grave , sorrow , mourning , crowds , community , NetanyahuVowsToKeepUpFight , DespiteCriticism , 200TargetsInADay , ChangingTone , GermanandBritishOfficials , CallforCease-Fire , "sustainable"cease-fire , WarErasesFullBranchesofGazanFamilyTrees , AClanLosesOver100Members , IncludingDozensofChildren , funeralformembersofAstalfamily , CiviliansinGaza , havevirtuallynosafeplacestohide , VoterSupportForAbortionFacesLimits , SomeStatesTryingtoKeepIssueOffBallot , yardsigns , signsbeforeOhiovoted , tocodifytherighttoabortion , CampusAlliesofPalestiniansFeelMuzzled , collegecampuses , SolitaryConfinementPoisedtoEnd , DespiteAdams'sWishes , MayorEricAdams , NewYorkcityjails , Iran , viraldancecraze , It'sNotJustaSongandDance , It'saNationwideProtest , PublicOpinionRevoltsAgainstCrackdown , crowdofmen , fathersholdingtheirchildren , war , heavyraininmorning
Emery Blagdon, Untitled (Individual element from the Healing Machine) , Paint, aluminum, copper, foil and wood, 6 x 6 x 1 inches, 1955-1986, Smithsonian American Art Museum , Washington, D.C.
Tags: EmeryBlagdon , mixedmedia , individualelement , sculpture , theHealingMachine , assemblage , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , portraiture , StolenChildhoods , Iraq , couples , children , wedding , interiorscene , SulaimanFayadhSulaiman , paralyzedsince3-years-old , war , generationofIraqiswhowerechildren , USinvasionofIraq20yearsago , stories , lingeringtrauma , hope , HostilePolitics , ShapedSearchOfVirusOrigin , HowLabLeakTheoryTookPartisanTurn , CovidTurmoil , Floridahospital , shakenbycampaignagainstU.S.guidelines , FedCaughtWindOfBank'sIssuesBeforeCollapse , RiskyPracticesSeen , SiliconValleyBank , Got6Citationsin2021 , FullReviewin2022 , "horizontalreview" , SaleOfCreditSuisse , SwissleadersarrangedforUBStobuybank , XiBrokeringUkrainePeace? , WestIsSkeptical , PresidentVladimirV.Putin , Mariupol , GestureofDefianceinOccupiedTerritory , IraqMIsstepsRetainPowerToHauntU.S. , U.S.spentestimated$2trillioninIraq , SexAbuseAccusation , NamesaRowingLegend , TedNash , JenniferFox , "TheTale" , FilmmakerSaysCoachTargetedHerat13 , Olympicmedalist , PornActress , Payoff , TrumpontheBrink , Ex-PresidentMayFaceHistoricIndictment , StormyDaniels , milderair , plentyofsunshine , muchwarmerweather
Edward Hopper, Tennis Players , Opaque watercolor and graphite pencil on board, 37.1 x 25.1 centimeters, 1916-1920, Whitney Museum of American Art , New York
Tags: EdwardHopper , tennisplayers , watercolor , graphite , pencil , portraiture , painting , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , Kharkiv , Ukraine , war , Russianmilitaryretreat , twosoldiers , camouflageuniforms , road , destroyedbyfire , militarytank , rust , detritus , rubble , bluesky , StunnedMoscow , AdmitsToLosingMostOfKharkiv , RetreatDentsImage , MightyPutin , "regroupingoperation" , "StrengthistheonlysourceofPutin'slegitimacy" , AbbasGallyamov , ScotlandTensions , QueenElizabethII , flag-drapedcoffin , crowdspayrespect , hearst , arenewedquestforindependence , royalflags , SomeinFormerColoniesAsk , WhyDoWeEvenNeedaKing? , Honiara , SolomonIslands , Melanesianculture , prioritizelocalknowledge , mixedemotions , often-cruellegacyofBritishEmpire , AQuietDramaticBlow , ChildhoodPoverty , BroadenedSafetyNet , Drives59%DeclineOver30Years , TeenagerRulesTennis , CarlosAlcaraz , wonU.S.Open , gainedNo.1ranking , green , tenniscourt , AtlantaD.A. , TakesOnCrimeandaPresident , LongtimeProsecutor , FaniT.Willis , UnruffledbyCritics , PoorerNations , GetLittleHelpOnMonkeypox , scrambleforvaccinesandtreatments , wealthynationsboughtupavailabledoses , LimaPeru , Dr.AlbertoMendoza , "Ihavenooptions" , WorldHealthOrganization , mostlycloudy , humid , showers , thunderstorms , warmer
Sophie Ristelhueber, Untitled from the series FAIT , Chromogenic color print, Edition: 1/3, 100.97 x 125.73 x 5.72 centimeters, 1992, Albright-Knox Art Gallery , Buffalo, New York
Tags: SophieRistelhueber , FAIT , scarredlandscape , war , destruction , chromogenicprint , photoedition , Albright-KnoxArtGallery , NYTimes , landscape , houses , massgrave , trench , pileofdirt , burial , tocoverbodies , Bucha , Ukraine , yellowbrown , ochre , blackplasticsheeting , ScoresofBodies , KyivSuburb , 'TheyShotEveryoneTheySaw' , CiviliansWereFoundTiedandExecuted , CoronerSays , UkraineAccusesRussianSoldiers , WarAtrocities , OutragedWestDemandsNewSanctions , Putin'sTroopsPivottoDonbas , plumeofblacksmoke , explosion , Russianairstrikes , hittingOdesa , Trostyanets , FleeingNortheast , OccupiersLeaveBitterMemoriesinWake , storiesofviolence , frontyard , motheranddaughter , AntoninaPomanzanko , withbodyofherdaughterTetiana , waskilledinFebruary , Paris , France , DaysBeforeFrenchElection , LePenSeesSurgeinPolls , EmmanuelMacron , Macron'sUkraineFocus , TookTimeFromTrail , firstcampaignrally , MarineLePen , hard-rightcampaign , Sacramento , NewLawsRevealWideChasm , StatesVeertoLeftorRight , DividedOverAbortion , GenderandVoting , SCOTUS , WhenDiabetesandCovidCross , ResultIsOftenHealthDisaster , ConditionPlaysPart , In30%ofVirusDeaths , Covid-19 , mostlysunny , seasonablycool
Jackson Pollock, The She-Wolf, Oil, gouache and plaster on canvas, 41 7/8 x 67 inches, 1943, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: JacksonPollock , MoMA , painting , portraiture , abstraction , landscape , NYTimes , Alaska , polarbears , whalebones , climatechange , ice , articthaw , starvation , carnage , Iraq , war , slavery , lifeinsurance , NewYorkLife , AmericanHistory , voterfraud , validityofvote , 2016election , DonaldTrump , debunkedstatements , blueandred , states , WashingtonDC , USsenators , governmentinquiry , meddlinginelection , Russia , documents , cybersecurity , partlysunny , colderday
Tiffany Chung, finding one's shadow in ruins and rubble , Mixed media, 31 parts in different dimensions, 86.5 x 300 x 75 centimeters, 2014, Louisiana Museum of Modern Art , Denmark
Tags: TiffanyChung , sculpture , installation , photography , ruins , Homs , antiquity , ancienttimes , LouisianaMuseumofModernArt , Denmark , NYTimes , Americanpublic , 2016election , politicalcampaign , DonaldTrump , voteranger , women's rights , riggedvote , irresponsiblespeech , MikePence , Republicans , Iraq , Mosul , armies , war , stockpilingfood , civilians , shelter , morningshower , sunshine , warmweather
Alberto Burri, Composizione (Composition) , Burlap, thread, synthetic polymer paint, gold leaf, and PVA on black fabric, 86 x 100.4 cm, 1953, Guggenheim Museum , New York
Tags: AlbertoBurri , Guggenheim , NYTimes , Senegal , BernieSanders , abstraction , war , delegates , USelection , burlap , landscape , soldiers , painting , stitching , textiles