Kharkiv — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: FrancisPiatek , oiloncanvas , redlight , painting , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , LosAngelesTimes , soldiers , priest , church , camouflageuniforms , candles , flickeringlight , LightingTheWayToPeaceAndGoodwill , BethlehemLightofPeace , Ukrainiansoldiers , Christmasservice , Kharkiv , flamesymbolizinggoodwillandunity , Ukraine , Aregradebumpshurtingkids? , LAUSD , reportcardsshowgains , statestandardizedtesting , tellsadifferentstory , Math , English , Raisingsquishyquestions , sustainabilityvs.cruelty , Company'sgoal , tobreedoctopusesforfood , underscrutiny , Kailua-Kona , Hawaii , KanaloaOctopusFarm , visitorscanpaytoputtheirhandsintanks , 'GenderQueer:AMemoir' , becameAmerica'smostbannedbook , MaiaKobabe , readingopenbook , NorthSonomaRegionalPark , graphicnarrative , drawnNorthernCaliforniaartist , intonation'sculturalwars , "Ifeelaresponsibilitynottobequietaboutcensorship" , lettuceshortage , mayberesultofwarming , climatechange , makingCaliforniamorehospitabletocroppests , diseases , Pythiumwilt , impatiensnecroticspotvirus , boostersfortheyoungest , EvolutionofGoldenGlobes , HollywoodForeignPressAssociation , TightEnd , TylerHigbee , football , RamshammerDenver , partlysunny
Edward Hopper, Tennis Players , Opaque watercolor and graphite pencil on board, 37.1 x 25.1 centimeters, 1916-1920, Whitney Museum of American Art , New York
Tags: EdwardHopper , tennisplayers , watercolor , graphite , pencil , portraiture , painting , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , Kharkiv , Ukraine , war , Russianmilitaryretreat , twosoldiers , camouflageuniforms , road , destroyedbyfire , militarytank , rust , detritus , rubble , bluesky , StunnedMoscow , AdmitsToLosingMostOfKharkiv , RetreatDentsImage , MightyPutin , "regroupingoperation" , "StrengthistheonlysourceofPutin'slegitimacy" , AbbasGallyamov , ScotlandTensions , QueenElizabethII , flag-drapedcoffin , crowdspayrespect , hearst , arenewedquestforindependence , royalflags , SomeinFormerColoniesAsk , WhyDoWeEvenNeedaKing? , Honiara , SolomonIslands , Melanesianculture , prioritizelocalknowledge , mixedemotions , often-cruellegacyofBritishEmpire , AQuietDramaticBlow , ChildhoodPoverty , BroadenedSafetyNet , Drives59%DeclineOver30Years , TeenagerRulesTennis , CarlosAlcaraz , wonU.S.Open , gainedNo.1ranking , green , tenniscourt , AtlantaD.A. , TakesOnCrimeandaPresident , LongtimeProsecutor , FaniT.Willis , UnruffledbyCritics , PoorerNations , GetLittleHelpOnMonkeypox , scrambleforvaccinesandtreatments , wealthynationsboughtupavailabledoses , LimaPeru , Dr.AlbertoMendoza , "Ihavenooptions" , WorldHealthOrganization , mostlycloudy , humid , showers , thunderstorms , warmer
Tags: HughieO'Donoghue , ALineofRetreat , oilonlinen , painting , abstraction , IrishMuseumofModernArt , Dublin , IrishExaminer , Skibbereen , Ireland , EnglandclaimEuroglory , Wembley , cominghome , heartandsoul , clubchampionships , sport , royalhighness , MeathdenyKerry , toclaimAll-Irelandcrown , €23million , trainsecurityoverfiveyears , Ministerssupport , dedicatedtransportpoliceunit , IrishRail , BusÉireann , Dart , Dealoffershope , resumedUkrainegrainshipments , photojournalist , EvgeniyMaloletka , runsfromfire , burningwheatfield , Ukrainian-Russianborder , Kharkiv , BlackSeaports , FinanceMinisterPaschalDonohue , Covid , an'existentialchallenge' , Statelookingtotheislands , tohouseUkrainianrefugees , TheDepartmentofChildrenEqualityandIntegration , AvivaStadium , temporarilyhousingUkrainianrefugees , 'Twindemic'fluandCovidfears , TheIrishNursesandMidwivesOrganisation , RioDeJaneiro , Conjoinedtwins , operationasuccess , successfullyseparated , courtruling , cuts50jailsentences , mostlycloudystart , bandofrain , moderatesoutherlywind
Matias Faldbakken, Dobbeltherme Adolph Tidemand , Marble sculptures, pallet, polyethylene foam, cargo strap, 80 x 120 centimeters, 2014, Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo, Norway
Tags: MatiasFaldbakken , sculpture , marble , pallet , installation , Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo , Norway , NYTimes , Kharkiv , Ukraine , Russianmissilesbombardthecity , apartmentbuildingsonfire , walls , residentswatch , smoke , rainystreets , FateOfMariupol , HinglesOnBattleAtSteelFactory , BrutalityofInvaders , HasDeepRoots , flashbacksofviolence , Chechnya , Grozny , Aleppo , Bucha , Ukraine'sLastStand , inCriticalCity , AzovstalIronandSteelWorks , "Thecitystillhasnotfallen" , DenysShmyhal , Ukraine'sprimeminister , Vanished , Russian-occupiedvillage , fivemenwenttofeedcattle , neighborswonderingwhathappenedtothem , Mar-a-LagoMachine , TrumpasModern-DayPartyBoss , GainingCash , GrantingFavors , TryingtoCrushRivals , PalmBeach , Florida , WeighingRisks , VirusThreatBecomesNorm , coronavirus , aerialview , statueofGeneralStonewallJackson , camedowninRichmondVirginia , hundredsgatheredtocheer , PerilousJob , TopplingConfederateStatues , Black-OwnedCompanyMetWithThreats , TeamHenryEnterprises , hauledaway15piecesofConfederatestatuary , HowDomesticPoliticsUnravel , TheWorld'sPledgetoRefugees , Britain'sgovernmentannouncednewplan , shipforeigncitizenstoRwanda , sunshine , clouds , somerainlate , cool
Tags: BethBarron , repair , mixedmedia , bandaids , beads , canvas , MuseumofArtsandDesign , NYC , NYTimes , Mariupol , TeeteringAmidSigns , RussiaIsShiftingFocus , windowcutout , vista , cloudybluesky , cityinthedistance , sandbags , destroyedroom , frames , couches , rubble , detritus , InsideRegionalStateAdministrationoffice , Kharkiv , artilleryfire , killedseveninthecity , includingtwochildren , UkraineSaysFoeMayConcentrateonEast , EfforttoSplitCountry , Kyiv , HealthCatastropheLooms , WarinUkraine , threatenstoundo , decadesofprogress , H.I.V.tuberculosisandhepatitis , Biden'sNineWords , ad-libstatement , capturesattentionofforeignpolicyexperts , Congressmembers , NATOallies , NokiaDeparts , ButCybertoolsStayinRussia , digitalsurveillance , SORM , KremlinPurgesReporters'TalkWithZelensky , PresidentVolodymyrZelensky , gave90-minute-longZoominterview , censorship , GrantTown , HowManchinAidedCoalIndustry , EarnedHimselfMillions , ASenator'sFortune , SenatorJoeManchinIII , TiedtoaPowerPlant , WestVirginia , Appalachiantown , usedpoliticalinfluence , "gob" , PentagonSeeksToOffsetRival , AsArcticMelts , DeltaJunction , Alaska , combattrainingexercise , soldiers , snowbanks , 8000Americantroops , tookpartintrainingexercise , camouflageuniform , landscape , lightblue , partlysunnyskies , breezy , cold