walls — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Matias Faldbakken, Dobbeltherme Adolph Tidemand , Marble sculptures, pallet, polyethylene foam, cargo strap, 80 x 120 centimeters, 2014, Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo, Norway
Tags: MatiasFaldbakken , sculpture , marble , pallet , installation , Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo , Norway , NYTimes , Kharkiv , Ukraine , Russianmissilesbombardthecity , apartmentbuildingsonfire , walls , residentswatch , smoke , rainystreets , FateOfMariupol , HinglesOnBattleAtSteelFactory , BrutalityofInvaders , HasDeepRoots , flashbacksofviolence , Chechnya , Grozny , Aleppo , Bucha , Ukraine'sLastStand , inCriticalCity , AzovstalIronandSteelWorks , "Thecitystillhasnotfallen" , DenysShmyhal , Ukraine'sprimeminister , Vanished , Russian-occupiedvillage , fivemenwenttofeedcattle , neighborswonderingwhathappenedtothem , Mar-a-LagoMachine , TrumpasModern-DayPartyBoss , GainingCash , GrantingFavors , TryingtoCrushRivals , PalmBeach , Florida , WeighingRisks , VirusThreatBecomesNorm , coronavirus , aerialview , statueofGeneralStonewallJackson , camedowninRichmondVirginia , hundredsgatheredtocheer , PerilousJob , TopplingConfederateStatues , Black-OwnedCompanyMetWithThreats , TeamHenryEnterprises , hauledaway15piecesofConfederatestatuary , HowDomesticPoliticsUnravel , TheWorld'sPledgetoRefugees , Britain'sgovernmentannouncednewplan , shipforeigncitizenstoRwanda , sunshine , clouds , somerainlate , cool
Lee Bontecou, Untitled , Welded steel, canvas, fabric, rawhide, copper wire, and soot, 203.6 x 226 x 88 centimeters, 1961, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: LeeBontecou , mixedmedia , sculpture , installation , weldedsteel , rawhide , fabric , MoMA , NYTimes , Afghanistan , Afghans , groupofmen , wavingtheirdocuments , U.S.Marines , standingguard , walls , HamidKarzaiInternationalAirport , barricades , ChaosAtAirport , TalibanWorkOnCreatingState , FormerAfghanPresident , HamidKarzai , Russians , TakeOnMediatorRoles , BadOptics , Democratsfear , thepandemicorAfghanchaos , mayturnoffmoderateswingvoters , whohelpedthemwin , AlarmOverIsis , PresidentBiden'snationalsecurityadviser , warnedof"acute"threatofanattack , amidU.S.evacuationefforts , U.S.PassedonTalibanSurrender , 20YearsofWarFollowed , "Wedon'tnegotiatesurrenders" , SecretaryofStateDonaldRumsfeld , ScienceofVirus , KeepsEvolvingAndFrustrating , coronavirus , FDA , expectedtoformallyapprove , Pfizer-BioNTechvaccine , suburbanworkers , maynotwanttoreturntocommuting , DeltaCripplesFallRecoveryForNewYork , Septemberwassupposedtomarkreturntonormal , upendedbyDeltavariant , bigcompanies , postponedplanstocomeback , setbackforacity , 10.5%unemployment , Waverly , Tennessee , residentsdescribed"tidalwave"ofwater , overturnedcars , propertydamage , FloodingRavagesTennessee , KillingatLeast22 , 'NoOneCouldGetOut' , WaveofWaterHitVulnerableArea , HenriSlamsNortheast , stormpromptedfloodwatchesinseveralstates , RickeyLarkin , "Wecameaboutafootfromdrowning." , "Ithoughtweweregone." , HospitalData , RevealsSecretsBehindBilling , hospitalsarechargingpatients , wildlydifferentamounts , forsamebasicservices , sunshine , humid , showers
Vong Phaophanit, Neon Rice Field , Rice and neon tubes, 15,000 x 5000 millimeters, 1993, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: VongPhaophanit , ricefield , neon , sculpture , installation , TateUK , NYTimes , Niamey , Niger , UnitedNations , asylumseekers , compound , barbedwire , family , brickroad , walls , prison , interviewees , maygetfreepassage , FranceGrantsAsylum , SelectFew , Migrants , TravelingtoNiger , immigration , Beijing , China , PresidentXiJinping , SurprisePlan , EndTermLimits , GivePresidentVastControl , StayInPowerForYears , LimitlessPower , renewedfears , strongmanpolitics , Chineseflag , portraiture , WebofDonors , SeesChance , ToCurbLabor , unions , fair-sharepayer , havemorefreedom , notboundbyunionrules , SaudiArabia , LowOilPrices , SpurSaudis , ToPlaytheField , Psst! , TheCompetition'sOver , WinterOlympics2018 , closingceremony , elation , skating , France , MorganCiprès , VanessaJames , multicoloredlights , LED , gridoflights , nationalflags , pixels , victorypose , WashingtonDC , PressuretoAct , OnGunLimits , TestsCongress , massshooting , Parkland , Florida , HugsInTheHalls , Studentsreturnedtoschool , ScarredByAMassacre , Ifthepastisprologue , Congresswilldonothing , gunlaws , stalledlegislation , sunshineandclouds , milder