Niamey — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Bella May, Protest sign, with slogan ‘Keep it Cool’, used at the youth strike against climate change, London, 15 March 2019 , Cardboard, paint and paper, 780 x 422 x 3 millimeters, 2019, Science Museum Group , London
Tags: BellaMay , Protestsign , slogan , 'KeepitCool' , youthstrike , climatechange , cardboard , paintandpaper , ScienceMuseumGroup , London , NYTimes , youthprotesters , handpaintedsigns , 'PlasticKills' , 'CancelWillow' , 'DivestReinvest' , NewYorkCity , CallingforaClimatePivot , AheadofU.N.meetings , thousandsaredemandingworldleaders , stopfossilfueldrilling , BidenPlansCrackdown , OnIndustries'Emissions , PushforCostlyNewRegulations , ifHeWinsSecondTerm , CreatesPoliticalRisks , portraitofPresidentBiden , claspedhands , Republicansdenouncedpolicy , Bidenaidesaredevisingpolicy , Niamey , AfterItsCoup , NigerStrugglesWithSanctions , militarycoup , foodpricesandshortagesgrowing , UmanUkraine , UkraineStillHostsHasidim'sPartyoftheYear , PilgrimsFlocktoCity , MarredbyAtrocitiesDuringHolocaust , JewishNewYear , meninprayer , thousandsofOrthodoxJewstraveltoUman , celebrateRoshHashanah , ItTookDecadesToAct , DrugFoundLacking , decongestant , coldmedicine , phenylephrine , WinforPaxton , PutsHardRightOnTopinTexas , impeachmenttrial , KenPaxton , Texasattorneygeneral , BritaintoBanDogBreed , AfterBrutalAttacksandFierceDebate , AmericanBullyXL , EchoesofPitBulls , rain , theremaybepondingonroads
Vong Phaophanit, Neon Rice Field , Rice and neon tubes, 15,000 x 5000 millimeters, 1993, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: VongPhaophanit , ricefield , neon , sculpture , installation , TateUK , NYTimes , Niamey , Niger , UnitedNations , asylumseekers , compound , barbedwire , family , brickroad , walls , prison , interviewees , maygetfreepassage , FranceGrantsAsylum , SelectFew , Migrants , TravelingtoNiger , immigration , Beijing , China , PresidentXiJinping , SurprisePlan , EndTermLimits , GivePresidentVastControl , StayInPowerForYears , LimitlessPower , renewedfears , strongmanpolitics , Chineseflag , portraiture , WebofDonors , SeesChance , ToCurbLabor , unions , fair-sharepayer , havemorefreedom , notboundbyunionrules , SaudiArabia , LowOilPrices , SpurSaudis , ToPlaytheField , Psst! , TheCompetition'sOver , WinterOlympics2018 , closingceremony , elation , skating , France , MorganCiprès , VanessaJames , multicoloredlights , LED , gridoflights , nationalflags , pixels , victorypose , WashingtonDC , PressuretoAct , OnGunLimits , TestsCongress , massshooting , Parkland , Florida , HugsInTheHalls , Studentsreturnedtoschool , ScarredByAMassacre , Ifthepastisprologue , Congresswilldonothing , gunlaws , stalledlegislation , sunshineandclouds , milder