TateUK — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Liliane Lijn, Headborn , Glass, bronze and leather, 414 x 303 x 285 millimeters, 1987-90, Tate , U.K.
Tags: LilianeLijn , sculpture , glass , bronze , leather , mixedmedia , bluelines , TateUK , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , animation , Futurama , Season12getsunderway , Doescultseries'Futurama'stillhaveafuture? , Noisesurveyof'TheCause' , Annoyancenumberone , fouroutoffiveFlemings , trafficnoise , Thensummerafterall , icecream , children , Butarebarsandpotatocropsstillsalvageable? , 'TheyDumpedMeInTheDesert' , themigrationdealwithTunisia , FranciscoSchuster , Belgianvoiceactor , "Proust'sQuestions" , 'InhighschoolIstartedpraying' , 'Itgivesmecourageandstrength' , RemcoEvenepoel , portraiture , helmet , Cycling , Olympicgoldagainsttheclock , nowontotheroadrace , HealreadyhadEuropeanandworldchampiononhisrecord , nowRemcoEvenepoelcanaddOlympicchampiontothatlist , Onaslipperycourse , Heclockedthefastesttimeinthetimetrial , WithEvenepoeleverythingispossible , Olympics2024 , sunny , warm , clearskies
Rita M. Ling, Galway Cow , Limestone, 273 × 286 × 356 millimeters, 1954, Tate , U.K.
Tags: RitaM.Ling , limestone , sculpture , GalwayCow , TateUK , DeStandaard , Belgium , farmers , cattle , Whatdoourfarmersreallywant? , "Wepayourselves1000Eurospermonth" , Badnewsforthesnackers , chocolatebar , silverwrapping , sandybeachfront , fences , DunesofDePanne , rescuedfromhandsofdevelopers , Notonlyfarmers , fishermenhaveconcerns , quotasandsubsidies , Afteryearsofrecovery , fishstocksaredecliningagain , Itwasalreadyabadshrimpyear , nowfishermencatchlesssole , atgloballevel , effortsbeingmade , endsubsidiesthatencourageoverfishing , EuropeanandFlemishsupportforseafisheries , 5to6billionEurosannually , "Ilovemyboysbutstrugglewithroleastheirfather" , verywindy , cold , cloudyskies
Miriam Cahn, City , Charcoal on two sheets of paper, 2720 x 3790 millimeters, 1985, Tate , U.K.
Tags: MiriamCahn , charcoalonpaper , drawing , city , blackandwhite , TateUK , NYTimes , CaughtOffGuard , IsraelFightsBack , MissedWarningSigns , SlowResponses , Israeliairstrike , explosion , fire , smoke , GazaStrip , Palestiniansdiggingthroughrubble , relativesingrief , family , missing , Hamas , ReadyingForBattle , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , NetanyahuwarnsIsraelis , "longanddifficultwar"ahead , BeershebaIsrael , AtDanceandKibbutz , AttackersSlippedInandUnleashedHorror , 'ShakentotheCore' , IsraelisQuestionNation'sSecurity , JailedWithoutCharges , PressuredtoTestify , MigrantsAreDetainedforSmugglingTrials , so-calledmaterialwitnesses , federalcriminalproceedings , BidenAlliesTrytoQuash3rd-PartyCandidates , Fearing'Spoiler'Votes , MayHelpTrump , centristorganizationNoLabels , partlysunny , breezy , cool
Jim Dine, Walking Dream with Four Foot Clamp , Oil paint, charcoal and steel on canvas, 1524 x 2743 x 29 millimeters,1965, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: JimDine , WalkingDreamwithFourFootClamp , feet , legs , mixedmedia , painting , canvas , TateUK , DeStandaard , Brussels , feetinmotion , runners , whatyouneedtoknow , togetbetteratrunning , blur , Americansweets , ontherise , moresour , sweeter , morespicy , LaffyTaffy , Takis , JellyStraws , OlivierVandecasteele , humanitarianaidworker , isbackhome , joy , alsocriticismaboutexchange , prisonerswap , Iran , airport , tarmac , embrace , MeskeremMees , singersongwriter , 'Withoutself-doubtbewhoyouare' , 'dowhatyouhavetodo' , 'therestdoesn'tmatter' , Putclimatepolicyonhold? , 'We'vebeendoingthatforfiftyyears' , blackandwhitephotography , portraiture , PaulGheysens , broughtoldestfootballclubbacktolife , Ex-presidentofUkraine , 'Russiaisnowmoredangerousthanayearago' , sunnyconditions , periodicclouds , windy
Dmitri Prigov, Wherever the Motherland May Send Us , Ink and correction fluid on paper, 163 x 163 centimeters, 1978, Tate , U.K.
Tags: DmitriPrigov , poetry , text , drawing , poetrygrams , visualpoems , ink , blackandwhite , TateUK , DeMorgen , Brussels , 'Val'Bachmut , possiblechanceforUkraine , RussiasaysithasfullcontrolofBachmut , after9monthsoffighting , Ukrainedeniesclaim , battleforcity , become"anopportunityforKiev" , Ukrainewar , Ukrainiansoldiers , Gradmissilelauncher , Bachmut , militaryuniforms , camouflage , sighting , inposition , brownolivegreen , portraiture , TinneOltmans , actress , 'TheQuestionsOfProust' , 'Ihavearathercrazyrelationshipwithmybody' , municipalities , maps , getshortpractice , 'Thespreadisnotgood' , Howstrongisthecordonstillstanding? , BartDeWever , consideringstrategies , mapofBachmut , yelloworangepeach , territories , Whiskydrinker , COREFestival , stage , strobelights , stagelights , performance , cloudyconditions
Fred Williams, Burnt Landscape II (Bushfire Series) , Oil paint on canvas, 1748 x 1368 millimeters, 1970, Tate , U.K.
Tags: FredWilliams , burntlandscape , oiloncanvas , painting , TateUK , NYTimes , cemetery , crosses , flowers , wreaths , GravesofWagnerfighters , ex-prisoners , southernRussia , 40000inmatesjoinedwar , BackFromWar , ConvictFightersWillTestRussia , HardenedInBattle , AfterStintWithWagner , CriminalsRejoinWarySociety , RussiaBehindBars , prisoners'rightsassociation , MemphisUnit , WasDeployedToGetTough , Chief'sPrizedSquadMadeSomeUneasy , Scorpion , StreetCrimesOperationtoRestorePeaceinOurNeighborhoods , arrestandkilling , TyreNichols , MemphisPoliceChiefCerelynDavis , ForCalifornia , SoulSearchingOnGunLaws , N.F.L. , PlayersInjuredYoungFaceUncertainty , HamlinEpisode , PointstoHolesinCare , fortheLessFamous , ZekeMotta , DamarHamlin , footballplayers , orangeyellowuniforms , SuperBowlBound , PatrickMahomes , KansasCityedgedtheBengals , advancedtofacetheEagles , RepresentativeMattGaetz , portraiture , GoingUpAgainstMcCarthy , GotGaetzClout , What'sNext? , GasStovesAreJustFine , ClaimstheScientistPaidtoSaySo , UtilitiesPushtoRebutHealthHazards , mostlycloudy , acoupleofsprinklesinthevening
William Roberts, Study for ‘Parallel Bars’ , Graphite on paper, 191 x 133 millimeters, 1970, Tate , U.K.
Tags: WilliamRoberts , StudyforParallelBars , graphiteonpaper , portraiture , gymnastics , TateUK , NYTimes , rehabilitationcenter , FindingCamaraderieinRecovery , oldmedicalcenter , westernUkraine , waramputees , formingacommunity , theyadjusttonewlives , wheelchair , crutches , prosthesis , healing , TestingRevealsAlarmingDrop , MathSkills , ReadingAlsoSuffers , MostDefinitivePictureYet , Pandemic'sMarkonStudents , NationalAssessmentofEducationalProgress , SuspicionandBlame , TheirAmericaVanishes , DemocracyChallenged , WhereElectionDoubtThrives , RepresentativeTroyNehls , FortBendCounty , downtown , sunnyday , RichmondTexas , formerwhitemajority , hasfallento30percent , ColumbusOhio , TimRyan , Stressing'Ohio'Over'Democrat' , PutsSenateRaceinPlay , stumpspeech , "Mygrandfatherwasasteelworker" , BorisJohnson , EndsComebackBidAsRivalRises , PathClearsintheRacetoLeadBritain , RishiSunak , PennyMordaunt , London , Sunak'sVision , OnceIgnoredNowLiftsHim , XiJinping , InThirdTerm , XiStrengthensGriponPower , China , CommunistParty , cloudy , abitofraininthemorning
Thomas Hirshhorn, Drift Topography , Cardboard, tape, shoeboxes, alarm clocks, plastic, books, cotton wool and printed papers, 2200 x 4600 x 2800 millimeters, 2003, Tate , U.K.
Tags: ThomasHirshhorn , mixedmedia , installation , sculpture , printedpaper , TateUK , NYTimes , soldiersinaline , landscape , AndrewMilburn , founderofMozartGroup , privatemilitarycompany , SoledarUkraine , Richie , rescuedmutt , mascot , dog , AmericanFindsinUkraine , theWarHeSought , AMorallyClearEffort , AfterToursinIraqandAfghanistan , evacuation , "Pleasecomewithme." , retiredMarinecolonel , Kyiv , FearofReprisal , ForBridgeBlast , DimsKyiv'sJoy , KerchStraitBridge , EastpointeMichigan , HowLocalRaces , CouldHelpTiltDirectionofU.S. , ACriticalCourtCase , JusticesConsiderGivingStatesPowerOverFederalElections , struggleforMichiganSenate , federalelections , SCOTUS , independentstatelegislaturetheory , NourishingLifeandThreateningIt , mansittingonledgeoverlookingwater , SouthAsiamonsoon , growingmoreviolentanderratic , climatechange , CostsSoaring , BulletTrainGoesNowhere , PoliticalDeals , SnarledinCaliforniaProject , connectLosAngelesandSanFrancisco , FromWorkingtheDairyFarm , ToOwningtheBest-SellerList , author , ColleenHoover , portraiture , InGeorgia'sSenateRace , EvangelicalsFindaWayWithWalker , SupportingHimDespiteAbortionAllegations , HerschelWalker , twoincreasinglydivergentversions , AmericanChristianity , sunshine , patchycloudy , seasonable
Catherine Yass, Corridors , Photograph, dye destruction print on transparency on lightbox, 890 × 725 × 140 millimeters, 1994, Tate , U.K.
Tags: CatherineYass , photography , transparency , lightbox , dyedestructionprint , TateUK , candlelight , public , worshipers , OrthodoxEaster , TroitskaChurch , Dnipro , Ukraine , bearinggifts , basketsfilledwithcakes , fruits , goodies , forsoldiersatfrontlines , U.S.boostingmilitaryaid , afterKyivvisit , SecretariesofStateandDefense , traveltoUkraine'scapital , Russiakeepsupitsbarrage , intheeast , $300million , newmilitaryaid , They'rewarmingtoicehockey , Mexico , thesportgainingtoehold , L.A.Kings , otherNHLteams , chancetodevelopfanbase , southoftheborder , icerink , youth , youngicehockeyplayers , skatethroughdrills , MexicoCityrink , Only2690playsportinMexico , 1600arejuniorplayers , BeverlyHills , increasessurveillance , cityhas2000closed-circuitcameras , planstobuy900more , privacyadvocatesandpolicecritics , seeroomformisuse , handholdingolives , leftoverolives , super-high-densityplantingdemonstration , UCDaviscampus , bitterconflict , oliveoillabels , Whocanuse'California'name? , fighthaswideimplications , Petaluma , McEvoyRanch , Womendumpedathospitals , bringscopsbacktorapecases , Allegedpatterncomestolight , afterdeaths , HildaCabralesArzola , ChristyGiles , drugcocktails , Travelersshouldtakeprecautions , CDC , topCOVIDdoctor , howtoreducerisk , L.A.paystribute , sixrevolutionarycomposers , ensuringsoundsliveon , What'soldisnewagain , vintagegasguzzlers , transformintoEVs , mostlysunny , warm , LosAngelesTimes , LATimes
Boris Mikhailov, At Dusk , Gelatin silver print on paper, tinted, 116 x 274 millimeters, 1993, Tate , U.K.
Tags: BorisMikhailov , photography , gelatinsilverprint , bluetint , paper , TateUK , Outgunned , Ukraine , FendsOffAttacks , Ukrainiansoldiers , rushedtoaidafamily , hitbyRussianmortarfire , Irpin , civilianskilled , AsShellFalls , Family'sDashToSafetyEnds , photojournalist , LynseyAddario , smoke , fences , destruction , Ukrainiansoldierrantocheckonfamily , WeaponsFlowFromTheWest , InAVastAirlift , AmariAirBase , Estonia , PainfulGoodbyesAtBorder , MenStaytoFightRussians , massmigration , millionsofcivilians , pouringintoPolandandHungary , Mykolaiv , ItsControlofBlackSeaLine , IsTenuous , troops , UkrainianArmy's59thBrigade , TalkingtoRelativesinRussia , UkrainiansHear'WhatWar?' , surrealbacklash , refusaltobelieve , cloudy , near-recordwarmth , windy , rainlate
Graham Sutherland, Devastation, 1941: East End, Wrecked Public House , Crayon, ink, pastel and gouache on paper on plywood, 1030 x 928 x 148 millimeters, 1941, Tate , U.K.
Tags: GrahamSutherland , painting , paper , plywood , mixedmedia , TateUK , TheIrishTimes , Ireland , SportsMonday , Gibson-Park , MalachyClerkin , culturewar , football , soccer , uniforms , UnaMullally , Togooutornottogoout? , ConorPope , Pricewatch , worstorbestcustomerexperiencein2021? , Contractsofviruscontacttracers , extendedforsixmonths , Seven-dayaverageofCovid-19cases , rises51%inaweek , hospitalityoutlets , shouldfacesanctions , forfailingtocheckcerts , 'Atfullstretch' , Boostereffectiveness , wreckage , burnedcar , twistedmetal , SierraLeonetankerexplosion , deathtollrises , Freetown , DNAtesting , Localswalkpastburnt-outcarsandhomes , aftertruckcollidedwithfueltanker , 'Thefirewasalloverhim' , Crackcocaine'epidemic' , westTallaght , Dublin , warnsreport , TDATF , 'Mostpressing' , 'byfarthemostpressingsubstanceabuseissue' , rainwillpusheastwardsearly , gooddryspellsbyafternoon , moderatewinds
Rita Donagh, affirm/deny , Neon and argon tubes, 210 x 460 x 470 millimeters / 210 x 450 x 450 millimeters, 1972, Tate , U.K.
Tags: RitaDonagh , affirm , deny , neonsculpture , installation , neon , TateUK , NYTimes , Covid-19Vaccine , BreakthroughCases , chart , orange-redlines , blue-blacklines , datashows , vaccinesworkedthroughDeltasurge , somegroups , higherrisk , breakthroughinfectionsordeath , averageweeklycoronaviruscaserates , ageandvaccinationstatus , OntheLeft , NewScrambleOvertheRightWordstoSay , BIPOC , POC , EquityorEquality? , DebateOverLanguage , Latinx , HopeforFamilyLeaveLivesOn , TheQuestionIsHowtoDoIt , DesiretoKeepWomeninWorkForce , DrivesBothParties , 12-weekpaidfamilyandmedicalleaveprogram , centristsobjectedtocost , MilitaryJurorsRebukeTorture , MoralStain , UrgeGivingClemencytoaTerrorist , GuantanamoBay , Cuba , MajidKhan , formerprisonerofC.I.A.blacksites , Glasgow , Scotland , BidenInsistsU.S.IsReady , ToLeadGlobeOnClimate , TalksOpenInGlasgow , SkepticismAbounds , President'sOwnPartySlowsLegislation , Britain'sevolutionfromfossilfuelstocleanenergy , willbeondisplay , politicalsigns , redwhitecampaignsigns , bluewhitegreencampaignsigns , GlennYoungkin , TerryMcAuliffe , candidatesforgovernorofVirginia , speakingonfinalweekend , beforeElectionDay , Alexandria , UglyInfighting , VirginiaElectionFillDemocratsWithDread , FearsofPoliticalFlops , ThatCouldSnowball , WashingtonDC , It'saMerry'Fishmas'AfterAll , NoThankstotheSupplyChain , adventcalendar , redwhitegreendesign , CatchCo. , Chicago-basedfishingcompany , massivetrafficjam , flowofgoods , AsianfactoriestoAmericanstoreshelves , mostlysunny , seasonable , breezyattimes
Ceal Floyer, Double Act , Slide, gobo, theatre light, projection, colour, Dimensions variable, 2006, Tate , U.K.
Tags: CealFloyer , doubleact , multimedia , lightprojection , installation , stage , TateUK , NYTimes , nightscene , redlights , glow , ambulance , EMT , medics , transportedpatientonstretcher , stairs , banisters , railing , fences , Houston , casessurged , 100000Covidpatients , hospitalizedintheU.S. , AsVirusSurges , AmericansDreadGoingBackward , 1500DeathsMostDays , MillionsRefuseVaccines , DrivingCasestoRiseSixfoldinSummer , OverlandPark , Kansas , flashbackto2020 , resurgenceleftcountryexhausted , lesscertainwhennormalcymightreturn , GrandIsle , Louisiana , AthletesMeetFiercestRival , PotentStorms , CoachDennyWright , GrandIsleSchool , "Noschool.Nopractice.I'llletyouknowwhen." , Managua , Nicaragua , NicaraguansAreLivinginFear , AsOrtegaComesforOpponents , PresidentDanielOrtega , questtosecurefourthterm , MedardoMairena , oppositionleader , TheWelcomeMatIsOut , forAfghanRefugees , ThousandsOfferAid , FromBothSidesofPoliticalSpectrum , donationsarepouringin , nonprofits , Limbo , TheTalibanhavelefthundredsstranded , awaitingapprovaltoleave , militarycostumes , nineteenthcentury , red , black , goldtassels , feathers , whitecoffin , Moscowceremony , transferringGeneralCharlesÉtienneGudin’sremains , toFrancefromRussia , NapoleonicGeneral , FailstoHelpFranceandRussiaMakePeace , LeBourget , France , HélèneCarrèred’Encausse , FrenchhistorianofRussia , “Itwasnottherepatriationthatwasoriginallyconceived" , Richardson , Texas , BehindaDriveInTexas , toHaltMostAbortions , LawReflectsCulturalandJudicialShifts , Abortionclinicsemptiedoutlastweek , Texaslawwentintoeffect , enactingnear-completebanonabortion , culminationofyearsofRepublicancontrol , conservativejudicialappointments , Texas"feelsanobligationtoleadandbebold" , JohnSeago , legislativedirectorforTexasRighttoLife , partlytomostlysunny , seasonablywarm , lesshumid
Kathy Prendergast, Lost , Digital print on paper, 855 x 1800 millimeters, 1999, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: KathyPrendergast , Lost , digitalprint , paper , TateUK , U.K. , NYTimes , maps , lightpeachlightblue , orangepeach , orangegreenblue , mapofUnitedStates , datanotavailableforAlaskaandHawaii , 30-YearTemperatures , 30-YearPrecipitation , ComparedWith20thCenturyAverage , newbaselinedata , temperature , rain , weatherevents , howemissionsfromhumanactivities , changedclimate , ClimateChange , NewDefinitionof'Normal'forWeather , 1961-1990 , 1991-2020 , CrimeSurging , CitiesReassessPolicingLimits , GunsFillStreets , aYearAfterFloyd'sKilling , LosAngeles , pandemicdespair , HelenJones , "Wedon'tneedtougherpolice" , "weneedmorealternativestohelppeoplethrive" , G.O.P.'sFuture , PuttotheTest , LittleRock , Arkansas , lightningquicktransformation , inlastdecade , fromDemocraticdominance , toRepublicanrule , Lod , Israel , PushinIsrael , ToTipBalance , InMixedCities , MovementSeeksMoreJewsAmongArabs , TorahNucleusassociation , intentiontoliftuppoor , neglectedareas , onthemarginsofsociety , inreality , presencecreatedtensions , builtupforyears , BelarusForcesPlaneToLand , SeizingActivist , FighterJetIntercepts , EuropeanOfficialsBlastMinsk , CallingEventa'StateHijacking' , prominentoppositionjournalistseized , RomanProtasevich , Ryanair , AleksandrG.Lukashenko , referredtoas"Europe'slastdictator" , personallyordered , MiG-29fighterjet , toescortRyanairplanetoMinskairport , portraiture , KyraCrawford , KamiCrawford , 2Sisters'Pain , bothexperiencedstrokes , FailureToScreen , forSickleCellCases , TheErrantGene , inheriteddisease , noticeablycooler , seasonable , partlycloudy
Lubaina Himid, Carpet , Acrylic paint on canvas, 1219 x 1524 millimeters, 1992, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: LubainaHimid , abstraction , painting , acryliconcanvas , TateUK , NYTimes , sunset , mencarryingcoffin , cemetery , crosses , flowers , red , white , turquoiseblue , flag , blackt-shirt , landscapeindistance , AViolentEnd , ToADesperateDream , Guatemala , Grieving13ofitscitizens , whowereshotandburned , U.S.-MexicanBorder , Brookfield , Wisconsin , UntruthsFlowFromSenator , ShakingTrust , ConspiraciesSpread , byWisconsin'sJohnson , SenatorRonJohnson , speaking , portraiture , saysthe"radicalleft"istargetinghim , purveyorofmisinformation , 'Stimmies'PayForStockPlays , FuelingMarket , stockmarket , stimuluscheck , Robinhood , onlinetrading , AMCEntertainment , ShotsinArms , SeniorsBecomeLifeoftheParty , AsYoungPeopleWait , TheirGrandparentsAreHavingaBall , fullyvaccinated , olderpeople , emergingthisspringwiththedaffodils , twowomen , restaurantmenus , waiter , "Iamjustenjoyingmylife" , RobbieBell , outtodinnerwithherfriend , LorettaMcNeir , MissedChances , ToShareDoses , InPoorNations , PatentControlIssue , WealthyCountries , AvoidProddingDrugFirms , ToPublishRecipes , Covid-19vaccine , Westernsuccesscreatedstarkinequity , PostalService , YettoRecover , PlanMayMakeDelaysaNorm , mail , lostintransit , China , WalledOffFromCovid , theBarrierstoEntryAreSteep , BorderControls , UpendCommerceAndLives , banstourists , bansshort-termbusinesstravelers , plentyofsunshine , mild
Paul Neagu, Tactile Object (Hand) , Wood, metal, plastic, leather, textile and paper, 185 x 315 x 235 millimeters, 1970, Tate , U.K.
Tags: PaulNeagu , mixedmedia , sculpture , participatoryart , TateUK , NYTimes , smartphone , cameraphone , holdinghands , flags , stage , multicolorbackground , yellowcab , performersincostume , redpurpleblue , latexgloves , surgicalmasks , coronavirus , castsapallonnewyork , couplemarriestosecurehealthinsurance , charactersinTimesSquare , cabdriver , cleaninghisoffice , casesontherise , anxiety , Rome , ItalyBegsCitizens , NottoThwartRulesonVirus , "WearethenewWuhan" , ElenaLofino , TrackingAnOutbreak , oil , SaudiArabiacutprices , targetingRussia'srefusaltocutproduction , numberofcasesinU.S. , growntomorethan500 , inalmost36states , toprotectstudents , manyschoolsareclosing , FailuresonJapanCruiseLiner , ShadowLatestOutbreakatSea , PrincessCruises , emailpepperedwithtypos , awkwardgrammar , PalmBeach , Florida , TwitterPulpit , NoMatchForViralFoe , PresidentTrump , "Whowouldhavethought?" , WashingtonDC , HowtheTrumpCampaign , TookControloftheG.O.P. , SeizingVoterData , Fund-RaisingArms , toAmassPower , TurnaProfit , portraiture , bluesuit , speech , BradParscale , campaignchairmanforPresidentTrump , ParscaleStrategy , billed$35million , toTrumpcampaignandR.N.C. , Detroit , Michigan , ForSanders , MichiganLifeline , GetsHardertoGrabThisTime , SenatorBernieSanders , Paris , France , CelebratingSisterhood , march , InternationalWomen'sDay , blueredgreenblackwhitepurple , globaleffortstowardequality , plentyofsunshine , verymild
Jean-Marc Bustamante, Lava I , Steel and Perspex, 170 x 4380 x 8965 millimeters, 2003, Tate , U.K.
Tags: Jean-MarcBustamante , Lava , sculpture , steel , perspex , orange , TateUK , NYTimes , silverwhite , greyrubble , green-goldlandscape , yellowochre , brown , dirt , site , NorthwesternSyria , raid , aerialphotography , LeaderOfIslamicState , DiesInRaid , U.S.Says , World'sMost-WantedTerrorist , BuiltISISIntoGlobalThreat , AbuBakral-Baghdadi , seatedportrait , videostill , sonofpiousSunnifamily , parlayedreligiousfervor , hatredofnonbelievers , powerofInternet , WashingtonDC , PresidentKnewofHunt , HisSyriaWithdrawal , MadeItHarder , intelligenceofficials , al-Baghdadi'sdeathinraid , occurredinspiteof , notbecauseof , Mr.Trump'sactions , TrumpHeraldsSuccessofMission , Seekingal-Baghdadi , daringAmericancommandoraid , five-yearinternationalmanhunt , "Hediedlikeadog" , "Hediedlikeacoward" , Mr.Trumpsaid , OnCamera , Theannouncementofraid , gavePresidentTrump , made-for-televisionmoment , hehaslongcraved , decentralizedIslamicState , encouragedfollowersandfranchises , tocarryoutideology , PresidentTrumpatpodium , redstripedtie , StrategiesDeridedbyPresident , FuelaTriumph , andaDebate , nighttimeraid , vindicatedthevalue , threetraditionalAmericanstrengths , robustalliances , faithinintelligenceagencies , projectionofmilitarypoweraroundtheworld , Fieryredlandscape , glowingembers , roadway , Kincadefire , forcedmandatoryevacuation , 180000people , NorthernCalifornia , FireandWind , FlailCalifornia , StrewingChaos , Petaluma , California , PacificGasandElectric , cutpowerto2.7millionpeople , largestintentionalblackout , inCaliforniahistory , BeforeCrashes , Boeing , PushedToUndercut , F.A.A.Oversight , craftlegislationtotheirliking , FederalAviationAdministration , "notbeinthebestinterestofsafety" , Boeing737Maxjet , cloudyskies , somesunshine
Leonilson (José Leonilson Bezerra Dias), The Penelope , Fabric, 2220 x 830 millimeters, 1993, Tate , U.K.
Tags: Leonilson , fabric , sewing , textiles , repair , TateUK , London , NYTimes , turquoisebluewall , hospitalroom , patient , nurse , windowshades , light , transparency , oxygentank , blankets , pillows , Léogâne , Haiti , hospitalhadtodecide , whetheritcouldspareoxygen , GislaienMilord , strokepatient , AllbutPovertyandDespair , IsataHaltinHaiti , AmidtheBarricades , EvenOxygenIsn'tAlwaysaGiven , Haiti'spoliticalcrisis , strugglebetweenPresidentJovenelMoïse , surgingoppositionmovement , demandinghisouster , violentdemonstrations , weekofunrest , Emboldened , ErdoganSeeksNuclearBomb , TurkishLeader'sGoals , GoFarBeyondSyria , portrait , RecepTayyipErdogan , redblue , Qamishli , Syria , FormerU.S.Ally , WarnsOfDanger , ToKurdsInSyria , EthnicCleansingFear , Turkish-BackedMilitias , PlantoDeploy , AfterCease-FireEnds , MazlumKobani , commanderofSyrianDemocraticForces , "Americaneedstoworktorebuildthetrustwithitsally" , About-Face , PresidentTrumpsaid , infavorofleavingsometroopsinSyria , SanFrancisco , California , CannabisOilAndVaping , HazyHazards , e-cigarettes , vapedTHC , hasleft1479peoplesick , 33dead , AnchorsTopLate-Night , A-List , JakeTapper , CNNhost , "TheLateShowWithStephenColbert" , Stormynewscycles , audiencethirstyforcommentary , changedwhatworksonTV , 11:35p.m. , CondemnationbyRepublicans , DroveReversalonMeetingSite , TrumpNationalDoral , Groupof7summit , ChrisChristie , "Hehadnochoice" , FortWorth , Texas , InFortWorth , AHistoryofResidents , SorryTheyCalledthePolice , largelyblackandHispanicneighborhood , AtatianaJefferson , shotandkilledinherbedroom , bywhitepoliceofficer , standingoutsideherwindow , Rev.KyevTatum , "Thisisnotanisolatedincident" , sunnytopartlycloudy , seasonable
Peter Doig, Untitled , Oil paint on paper, 505 x 685 millimeters, 2008, Tate , U.K.
Tags: PeterDoig , TateUK , painting , paper , oilpaint , portraiture , solitaryman , NYTimes , dusk , corrugatedroof , trees , nightsky , whitegeese , porchlight , woodenfencing , metalfence , GrisaMuntean , lastsurvivor , Dobrusa , 19thCenturysettlement , oncepartofRussianEmpire , LoneSurvivor , HoldsDownVillageofOne , Moldova , liveswithtwocats , fivedogs , nineturkeys , fifteengeese , fortytwochickens , fiftypigeons , onehundredtwentyducks , severalthousandbees , "Thelonelinesskillsyou" , likemanysettlements , emptiedoutafterfallofSovietUnion , 1991 , JosephR.BidenJr. , blackandwhitephotography , 1974 , Capitolbuildinginbackground , Newport , Delaware , HowBidenBecame , Anti-BusingDemocrat , TheLongRun , ATurnabout , TurbulentTimes , raciallydivisivetopicinAmerica , headshot , PresidentTrump , FanningFlames , TrumpUnleashesATaunt , 'GoBack' , AnAssumption , ThatSpokeVolumes , Twitterharangue , attackonDemocraticcongresswomenofcolor , "goback"tothecountrytheycamefrom , us-against-them , politicalstrategy , ASlur , on4NonwhiteCongresswomen , FuelsOutrage , racisttrope , stokingracialdivisions , Trump'scomments , swiftlycondemned , NovakDjokovic , RogerFederer , WimbledonFinal , LikeNoneBefore , tennisuniforms , tenniscourt , net , crowd , officialsinblazers , fifth-settiebreaker , Djokovic's16thmajortitle , LosAngeles , California , Netflix , LobbyOffersFlash , andFreebies , Hollywood'sA-List , "lobbyexperience" , "creativegateway" , 80x12footvideoscreen , wallof3500plants , livingmural , redFlamingoLilies , knownforbigpistils , SanFrancisco , mentholcigaretteban , FDA , consideringnationwideban , billsetaside , BlackNewYorkers , LendaHand , CorporateLobbyistsPrevail , tofightbanproposedbyNewYorkCityCouncil , mostlysunny , warm , lowhumidity
Oliffe Richmond, Marathon , Lithograph on paper, 483 x 251 millimeters, 1966, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: OliffeRichmond , portraiture , line , figure , blackink , lithography , TateUK , PhiladelphiaInquirer , Philadelphia , Pennsylvania , RiverfrontDevelopment , ChesterRehabRevisited , TheUnion , havenewplan , fortheirneighborhood , Chesterlanguished , fordecades , oneofnation's , poorestandmostviolentcities , TalenEnergyStadium , aerialview , nearCommodoreBarryBridge , soccerteamowners , couldplanfacilities , sportsplex , forkidsandretail , greysky , greenery , Runnin'intheRain , runners , marathon , puddles , reflection , bluetags , numbers , crowd , asphalt , doubleyellowlines , NathanSears , fromOhio , wrappedheadandupperbody , inplastic , asheranintherain , portrait , profile , Kenyan , DanielKemoi , finishedfirst , crossingtheline , 47:24 , aquagreen , steelcrowdbarriers , DespitechillyandwetSunday , 40000participants , 40thBlueCrossBroadStreetRun , "Thisislikework." , "It'sajob." , baseball , throwingapitch , Phillies , Nationals , ForElvin , AnotherImpressiveEffort , Raptors , 76ers , LeonardScores39 , TorontoGetsEven , Taxes , Abatement , gettingprimaryattention , majorityofCouncilcandidates , wanttochangetaxrelief , Apollshows , voterssharetheirsentiments , ChinaTrade , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , Trumpsays , hewillhiketariff , onFriday , $200billionworth , Chinesegoods , tradewar , calledhimself , "tariffman" , SurpriseNominee , MarkMorgan , handraised , maninsuit , yellowochrebackground , requiresconfirmation , TrumpChoosesMorgan , toheadICE , Ex-borderpatrolchief , vocalsupport , planforawall , intweet , TrumpcalledMorgan , "atruebelieverandanAmericanPatriot." , "Hewilldoagreatjob!" , borderwall , Mexico , immigration , warmer , sunny , clouds