stage — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Rose Mandel, Waiting For Godot (Window Series - Pleated Curtain), Gelatin silver print, 11.7 x 9.21 centimeters, 1957, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: RoseMandel , photography , WindowSeries , PleatedCurtain , gelatinsilverprint , LACMA , LosAngeles , Belgium , DeMorgen , PresidentJoeBiden , What'sNext? , afterdepartureofJoeBidenas presidentialcandidate? , stage , bluecurtain , plants , manwalkingoffthestage , 'TheDemocratsareenteringintocompletelyunchartedterritory' , BidenpushesVicePresidentKamalaHarrisforward , goodidea? , TomorrowlandForTwentyYearsToday , Withgrandeurcomesgreatresponsibility , RemcoEvenepoel , Beingthirdinfirsttour , 'Andnowthewhiningabouthisteammaystop' , sunny , warm , clouds
Tags: MayStevens , portraitpainting , acryliconcanvas , figuration , WhitneyMuseumofAmericanArt , NewYork , NYTimes , politicalrally , starsandstripes , stage , Americanflag , FormerPresidentDonaldJ.Trump , graph , onlinedonations , IndictmentsBecameaPoliticalAssetforTrump , Fund-RaisingWindfall , BumpinPollingAftertheCharges , RoughTrip , GovernorRonDeSantis , tauntedandovershadowed , IowaStateFair , InsidetheEffortbyTrump , ToFlipTheGeorgiaVote , MajorCaseMayLoom , TwoMonthsofTactics , CrucialStateAfter2020Election , Mauiwildfires , DryHydrants , DoomedBattleWithMauiFire , LahainaHawaii , Town'sSystemStrainedbyDroughtinRegion , windturningstreamsofwaterintomist , MakingCounteroffensiveWork , MinusAirCover , F-16sWouldHelp , KyivDoesWithout , Ukrainewar , FastLife'sLure , F.B.I.SpyHunter'sRiseandFall , ConnectiontoOligarchLeadstoArrest , CharlieMcGonigal , TheMetropolitanMuseumofArt , “BélizaireandtheFreyChildren” , TheStoryofanEnslavedYouth , EmergesFromBehindthePaint , JacquesAmans , FrenchportraitistofLouisiana'selite , artrestoration , artconservation , periodicrain , thunderstorms
Tags: ThomasRolandRathmell , swimmingpool , oiloncanvas , figuration , portraiture , NewportMuseumandArtGallery , Newport , Wales , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , performingartist , microphone , stage , silverlamécostume , VanOscar&TheWolf , SylvieKreusch , Belgiumontop , BestKeptSecret , GoodNews , swimmersinlake , rafts , cranes , buildingsites , QualityofOurSwimmingWaterIsExcellent , playfulaction , moreopenbathingwater , Ghent , Houtdok , MuslimCouncil , MinisterofJustice , VincentVanQuickenborne(OpenVld) , OPENVLD , withdrewrecognitionofMuslimexecutive , replacementseemsready , establishmentofnewnon-profitorganization , willhavetoseeksupport , ThepresenceofwomenwasproblematMuslimexecutive , councilhasfemalechairwoman , EsmaUçan , ManchesterCity , (Finally)WinChampionsLeague , TriumphforKevinDeBruyne , Belgianfootballer , 'WeHaveAnswersTheyJustDon'tGetAcross' , OpenVldParty , despitedisastrouspolls , groupofmen , selfies , sunnyconditions , muchwarmerweather
Dmitri Prigov, Wherever the Motherland May Send Us , Ink and correction fluid on paper, 163 x 163 centimeters, 1978, Tate , U.K.
Tags: DmitriPrigov , poetry , text , drawing , poetrygrams , visualpoems , ink , blackandwhite , TateUK , DeMorgen , Brussels , 'Val'Bachmut , possiblechanceforUkraine , RussiasaysithasfullcontrolofBachmut , after9monthsoffighting , Ukrainedeniesclaim , battleforcity , become"anopportunityforKiev" , Ukrainewar , Ukrainiansoldiers , Gradmissilelauncher , Bachmut , militaryuniforms , camouflage , sighting , inposition , brownolivegreen , portraiture , TinneOltmans , actress , 'TheQuestionsOfProust' , 'Ihavearathercrazyrelationshipwithmybody' , municipalities , maps , getshortpractice , 'Thespreadisnotgood' , Howstrongisthecordonstillstanding? , BartDeWever , consideringstrategies , mapofBachmut , yelloworangepeach , territories , Whiskydrinker , COREFestival , stage , strobelights , stagelights , performance , cloudyconditions
Tags: MaryBethEdelson , Venus , painting , sculpture , plywood , installation , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , earth , diggingtrenches , curvingline , landscape , DiggingOuttheFrontLines , Ukrainewar , Ukrainiansoldiers , Toretsk , Civilianevacuations , steppedupinKharkivregion , relentlessshelling , RegulatorsMoveToProtectFunds , NewBankFailure , SiliconValleyBank , $175billionincustomerdeposits , TreasuryFedandF.D.I.C. , TrytoRelieveFearsTaxpayersWillFootBill , bankcollapse , Silvergate , SignatureBank , couldaffecttechfirms , involvedwithclimateissues , NeutralStatusInTimeofWar , TeststheSwiss , Switzerland , 'Toxic'Professor'sSpeech , TestofTenure , UniversityofPennsylvania , SeeksHearing , InstructorAccusedofRacistRemarks , AmyWax , lawprofessor , MichelleYeoh , AcademyAwards2023 , Oscars , stage , WinningJustAboutEverything , "EverythingEverywhereAllatOnce" , BudgetTalks , BidenRejectsObama'sPath , taxingcorporationsandhighearners , DealonOpioids , $21billionsettlement , pharmaceuticaldistributors , attorneysgeneral , TurmoilEngulfsBBC , SoccerIconMeetsPoliticalDivide , DoubtsonImpartialityAfterSuspension , GaryLineker , cloudyandbreezywithrain
Ceal Floyer, Double Act , Slide, gobo, theatre light, projection, colour, Dimensions variable, 2006, Tate , U.K.
Tags: CealFloyer , doubleact , multimedia , lightprojection , installation , stage , TateUK , NYTimes , nightscene , redlights , glow , ambulance , EMT , medics , transportedpatientonstretcher , stairs , banisters , railing , fences , Houston , casessurged , 100000Covidpatients , hospitalizedintheU.S. , AsVirusSurges , AmericansDreadGoingBackward , 1500DeathsMostDays , MillionsRefuseVaccines , DrivingCasestoRiseSixfoldinSummer , OverlandPark , Kansas , flashbackto2020 , resurgenceleftcountryexhausted , lesscertainwhennormalcymightreturn , GrandIsle , Louisiana , AthletesMeetFiercestRival , PotentStorms , CoachDennyWright , GrandIsleSchool , "Noschool.Nopractice.I'llletyouknowwhen." , Managua , Nicaragua , NicaraguansAreLivinginFear , AsOrtegaComesforOpponents , PresidentDanielOrtega , questtosecurefourthterm , MedardoMairena , oppositionleader , TheWelcomeMatIsOut , forAfghanRefugees , ThousandsOfferAid , FromBothSidesofPoliticalSpectrum , donationsarepouringin , nonprofits , Limbo , TheTalibanhavelefthundredsstranded , awaitingapprovaltoleave , militarycostumes , nineteenthcentury , red , black , goldtassels , feathers , whitecoffin , Moscowceremony , transferringGeneralCharlesÉtienneGudin’sremains , toFrancefromRussia , NapoleonicGeneral , FailstoHelpFranceandRussiaMakePeace , LeBourget , France , HélèneCarrèred’Encausse , FrenchhistorianofRussia , “Itwasnottherepatriationthatwasoriginallyconceived" , Richardson , Texas , BehindaDriveInTexas , toHaltMostAbortions , LawReflectsCulturalandJudicialShifts , Abortionclinicsemptiedoutlastweek , Texaslawwentintoeffect , enactingnear-completebanonabortion , culminationofyearsofRepublicancontrol , conservativejudicialappointments , Texas"feelsanobligationtoleadandbebold" , JohnSeago , legislativedirectorforTexasRighttoLife , partlytomostlysunny , seasonablywarm , lesshumid
Annika von Hausswolff, Ich bin die Ecke aller Räume - Screen Memory , MDF, rockwool, fabric, aluminum, glass, 254 x 65.5 x 915 centimeters, 2008, Magasin III Museum for Contemporary Art , Stockholm, Sweden
Tags: AnnikavonHausswolff , ScreenMemory , mixedmedia , installation , fabric , glass , MagasinIIIMuseumforContemporaryArt , Stockholm , Sweden , NYTimes , Guarero , Venezuela , theremainsofahouse , rubble , ruins , holes , crumblingarchitecture , residentssaytownwasdestroyed , criminalsfoughtoversmugglingroutes , women , InVenezuela , ForeignRebelsProvideOrder , insurgents , "aretheoneswhobroughtstabilityhere" , "Theybroughtpeace" , OberHernández , Indigenousleader , ELN , LatinAmerica'slargestremainingrebelgroup , fromColombia , TheReputationBusiness , HasaDirtySecret , fakecompanies , falseidentities , peoplefacilitatingslander , self-proclaimedgoodguys , whohelpremoveslander , areoftenoneandthesame , PoliceShielded , By1989Ruling , OnUsingForce , DeferenceIsGiven , Split-SecondActions , AdamToledo , Ma'KhiaBryant , TyrellWilson , shotandkilledbythepolice , officers'justificationforuseoflethalforce , relyingondoctrine , setbySupremeCourtthreedecadesago , RoyalOak , Michigan , Michigan'sSurgeofCovid , SickensYoungerPeople , WorstOutbreakInU.S. , HospitalsSeeingTwiceasManyPatients , in30sand40s , asintheFall , BeaumontHospital , nurses , corridor , hospitalbeds , I.C.U. , Phoenix , Arizona , ConspiracyTheoristsCavort , MessyRecountinArizona , "Weholdanaudit" , "Andthenwecanputthistorest." , StateSenatorEddieFarnsworth , CyberNinjas , Florida-basedfirm , Republicansenatorshiredfirm , tooverseeaudit , embracedbyMr.Trump'sbaselesstheoriesofelectiontheft , bluecurtain , stage , AcademyAwards , SociallyDistanced , "Nomadland" , wonforBestPicture , ChloéZhao , wonforBestDirector , Oscarstatue , WashingtonDC , BottlenecksHoldUpAid , RentersFallBehind , MoreThan$46Billion , FewReceiveIt , tenants , landlords , plentyofsunshine , breezy , seasonable
Tags: PaulSharits , 16millimeterfilm , color , sound , Structuralfilm , nothing , CentrePompidou , NYTimes , Paris , Bergamo , Italy , hospitalroom , doctors , patients , PPE , bedsheets , trauma , spring , oneofdeadliestkillingfields , virus , Westernworld , InactionFueledDisaster , asVirusCreptIntoItaly , BehindTheCurve , ANorthernProvince'sEpicenter , PesentiFenaroliHospital , nationaltestingprotocol , WHO , Covid-19 , recommendedtesting , forpeoplewithlinktoChina , Covid-19alreadyarrivedinLombardyregion , NewYork , SuddenShift , WillReopenSomeSchools , ElementaryStudents , SettoReturnDec.7 , CriticismofCity , LeadstoOverhaul , MayorBilldeBlasio , Iran , StrugglesForaResponse , ToBoldStrikes , MohsenFakhrizadeh , scientist , captainofcovertattempts , toassemblenuclearweapon , assassination , onlinefootage , JavadMogouyi , documentaryfilmmaker , stage , blue , orange , spotlight , actor , silhouette , JeffersonMays , one-man"ChristmasCarol" , EbenezerScrooge , Broadway , Itwillbestreamedinstead , ClassicLivesOn , byCarScreenRadioorMail , theaters , usingcontagion-reductionstrategy , outdoorstagings , drive-inproductions , streettheater , streamingvideo , radioplays , do-it-yourselfkitbymail , BlueBlocs , VieForSenateSeat , HeldbyHarris , AlexPadilla , presidentofLosAngelesCityCouncil , emergedasfront-runner , GavinNewsom , mustnamesuccessor , steel , borderwall , trees , opening , roughterrain , government'starget , 450miles , newwallconstruction , BlitzofActivity , ToExpandWall , ByEndofTerm , Arizona , USborder , Mexico , strongwinds , heavyrain , thunderstorms
Paul Neagu, Tactile Object (Hand) , Wood, metal, plastic, leather, textile and paper, 185 x 315 x 235 millimeters, 1970, Tate , U.K.
Tags: PaulNeagu , mixedmedia , sculpture , participatoryart , TateUK , NYTimes , smartphone , cameraphone , holdinghands , flags , stage , multicolorbackground , yellowcab , performersincostume , redpurpleblue , latexgloves , surgicalmasks , coronavirus , castsapallonnewyork , couplemarriestosecurehealthinsurance , charactersinTimesSquare , cabdriver , cleaninghisoffice , casesontherise , anxiety , Rome , ItalyBegsCitizens , NottoThwartRulesonVirus , "WearethenewWuhan" , ElenaLofino , TrackingAnOutbreak , oil , SaudiArabiacutprices , targetingRussia'srefusaltocutproduction , numberofcasesinU.S. , growntomorethan500 , inalmost36states , toprotectstudents , manyschoolsareclosing , FailuresonJapanCruiseLiner , ShadowLatestOutbreakatSea , PrincessCruises , emailpepperedwithtypos , awkwardgrammar , PalmBeach , Florida , TwitterPulpit , NoMatchForViralFoe , PresidentTrump , "Whowouldhavethought?" , WashingtonDC , HowtheTrumpCampaign , TookControloftheG.O.P. , SeizingVoterData , Fund-RaisingArms , toAmassPower , TurnaProfit , portraiture , bluesuit , speech , BradParscale , campaignchairmanforPresidentTrump , ParscaleStrategy , billed$35million , toTrumpcampaignandR.N.C. , Detroit , Michigan , ForSanders , MichiganLifeline , GetsHardertoGrabThisTime , SenatorBernieSanders , Paris , France , CelebratingSisterhood , march , InternationalWomen'sDay , blueredgreenblackwhitepurple , globaleffortstowardequality , plentyofsunshine , verymild
Paul Kos, The Sound of Ice Melting, Two 25-pound blocks of ice, eight standing boom microphones, amplifier, and speaker, Dimensions variable, 1970, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , California
Tags: PaulKos , installation , ice , microphones , sculpture , SFMOMA , California , NYTimes , "Parasite" , BongJoonHo , director , BestPictureOscar , firstfilmnotinEnglishlanguagetowin , winners , stage , blacktuxedos , goldenstatue , celebration , 'Parasite'Win , MakesHistoryAtOscars , AcademyAwards , 92yearsofOscarhistoryshattered , SouthKoreanhit , class-strugglethriller , "Weneverwritetorepresentourcountries" , BestOriginalScreenplay , HanJinWonBongJoonHo , wincameinwakeofprotest , OscarsSoWhite , Wuhan , China , InsideTheOutbreak , ContagionRipsThroughaFamily , 3GenerationsSickened , DesperateforCareinWuhan , coronavirus , Hazmat , DisinfectingShanghaioffice , Virusconcerns , forcedsomeChinesecitiestoshutdown , DesMoines , Iowa , BadApp , JustaLink , InIowa'sChainofFailure , WeakOversight , RushedPlanning , CrippledtheDemocraticCaucuses , Shadow , "codingissue" , CEOofShadow , GerardNiemira , veteranof2016HillaryClintoncampaign , Hooksett , NewHampshire , SandersandButtigiegFaceOff , TryingtoWhittleaRacetoTwo , NewHampshireprimary , InternetDelusion , OozesOffline , IntoRealWorld , QAnon , pro-Trumpconspiracytheory , "deepstate"traitors , plottingagainstthepresident , PoliticiansandCrimes , LinkstoQAnon , Korat , Thailand , 18DeadlyHours , ShakeThailandtoItsRoots , ShootingsBeganOverRealEstateDispute , cloudy , periodicrain , breezy , notaschilly
Craig Kauffman, Le Mur s'en va (The wall goes away) , Synthetic polymer on acrylic plastic, 185.4 x 120 x 22.9 centimeters, 1969, Art Institute of Chicago , Illinois
Tags: CraigKauffman , painting , acrylicplastic , sculpture , transparency , ArtInstituteofChicago , Illinois , portraiture , youngcouple , pub , interior , pintglasses , Brighton , UnitedKingdom , brownblue , lights , AlexMcIntyre , 19 , affectedbybudgetcuts , inchildhood , turnedtosocialism , "Austerity" , "that'swhatIknow" , GrowingUpLean , GivingUpOnCapitalism , Britain'sBigSqueeze , AGenerationalShift , WelfareReformAct , NovaraMedia , "crisisofcapitalism" , youngvoters , LabourParty , JeremyCorbyn , VaticanCity , Italy , FrancisInvokes , 'All-OutBattle' , OnSexualAbuse , CallsToStop'Wolves' , VividSpeech , PopeFrancis , CriticizedForLackingConcreteReforms , PopeFrancisonSunday , Vaticanmeeting , greenvestment , whitecollar , goldcross , blurrypinkhats , abusescandals , threateningcredibilityofpapacy , Jerusalem , Israel'sLeader , StakesHisFate , OnRacistParty , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , cuttingdeals , artform , turnedtoextremistparty , OtzmaYehudit , JewishPower , mergeintomainstreamparty , JewishHome , Nephi , Utah , TheModerates , TakeaGrilling , BackatHome , LeftWing's'Rhetoric' , UpsetsConstituents , RepresentativeBenMcAdams , "socialism" , "anti-Semitism" , RepresentativeHaleyStevens , RepresentativeAbigailSpanberger , interpartytussle , betweenliberalsandmoderates , WashingtonDC , U.S.DelaysRise , InChinaTariffs , CitingProgress , $200billion , Chineseimports , tradetalks , PresidentXiJinping , NoHost , NoBigSweep , wide-open , Oscarsceremony , SpikeLee , bestadaptedscreenplay , "BlacKkKlansman" , "GreenBook" , bestpicture , AlfonsoCuarón , bestdirector , "Roma" , purplesuitandhat , elation , oscarstatues , stage , menintuxedos , microphone , speeches , laughter , goldredbackround , silverglitter , Warsaw , Poland , MikePompeo , Trump'sTopDiplomat , FacesChallenge , WorldPushesBack , on'AmericaFirst' , MikePence , denouncedUnitedStates'closestallies , BritainFranceandGermany , forcoddlingIran , renouncingnucleardeal , Europeanstryingtosave , mostlysunny , colder , 50mphwinds , winddamage , NYTimes
Paul Graham, Television Portrait (Danny, Bristol) , Color photograph on paper, 1090 x 890 millimeters, 1991, Tate Gallery , London
Tags: PaulGraham , TateUK , photography , portraiture , television , NYTimes , 2016election , PresidentialDebate , HillaryClinton , DonaldTrump , stage , microphones , audience , townhall , womenvote , Trumptapes , AccessHollywoodbus , incometaxes , taxevasion , showman , feminism , sunshine , coolday , clear , chilly