plants — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Rose Mandel, Waiting For Godot (Window Series - Pleated Curtain), Gelatin silver print, 11.7 x 9.21 centimeters, 1957, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: RoseMandel , photography , WindowSeries , PleatedCurtain , gelatinsilverprint , LACMA , LosAngeles , Belgium , DeMorgen , PresidentJoeBiden , What'sNext? , afterdepartureofJoeBidenas presidentialcandidate? , stage , bluecurtain , plants , manwalkingoffthestage , 'TheDemocratsareenteringintocompletelyunchartedterritory' , BidenpushesVicePresidentKamalaHarrisforward , goodidea? , TomorrowlandForTwentyYearsToday , Withgrandeurcomesgreatresponsibility , RemcoEvenepoel , Beingthirdinfirsttour , 'Andnowthewhiningabouthisteammaystop' , sunny , warm , clouds
Charlotta Östlund, Bouquet , Plant parts, stone, mixed media, 79 x 60 x 60 centimeters, 2016, Finnish National Gallery , Helsinki
Tags: CharlottaÖstlund , mixedmedia , sculpture , flowers , petals , plants , branches , stone , FinnishNationalGallery , Helsinki , Finland , NYTimes , bouquetofflowers , memorial , prayer , kneelingman , messages , bottles , cups , yellowpolicetape , victimsofcrowdsurge , Itaewondistrict , Seoul , Korea , relativesofmissingpeople , weepingatcommunitycenter , 11-foot-widealleyway , deaths , over150peoplesuffocated , DeadlyCrush , LeavesSeoulInMourning , Halloween , BrazilRejectsBolsonaro , BringsBack'Lula' , AfterPrison , StunningRevivalfortheLeftist , cheeringcrowd , Brazilianflag , LuizInácioLuladaSilva , SenateContestsAreTight , In4KeyStates , Polls , FightOvertheWhiteWorkingClass , Pennsylvania , Scranton , ruralareas , smalltowns , DemocratsLeadinArizona , OtherRacesTeeter , midtermelections , StarPower , high-profiledisplay , RepublicanandDemocraticefforts , NewYork , manyracesareclose , GoingModerate , SomeRepublicansmakingheadway , distancingthemselvesfromrightwingoftheirparty , WashingtonDC , YearsofEffortstoVilifyPelosi , PrecededBrutalAttackinHome , SpeakerNancyPelosi , attackonPaulPelosi , ResearchersDefendMeat , WithIndustry'sHelp , ClearCenter , UCDavis , fundingfromindustrydonations , coordinateswithmajorlivestocklobbygroup , messagingcampaigns , somesun , givingwaytoclouds
Reign of Ibrahim Adil Shah, Probably Bijapur Court, Deccani School, Double folio from a Kitab-i hasha’ish (The book of herbs), Opaque watercolor and ink on paper, 40 x 51 centimeters, 1595, Smithsonian National Museum of Asian Art , Washington, D.C.
Tags: bookofherbs , plants , manuscript , IbrahimAdilShah , DeccaniSchool , BijapurCourt , India , Persiantranslation , MateriaMedica , botany , hospital , Wuhan , China , interior , medicalworker , PPE , window , cityscape , towers , lightblue , transparent , white , spraybottle , Insteadofusingautomaticreportingsystem , outbreak , hospitalsdeferredtolocalofficials , fearedupsettingBeijing , AfterAGrimForecast , TrumpExtendsLimits , GivingUponaGoal , ReopeningtheU.S.byEaster , WashingtonDC , PresidentTrump , retreatedonhisdesire , torelaxcoronavirusguidelines , businessesshuttered , schoolsandcollegesemptied , sociallifesuspended , Dr.AnthonyS.Fauci , extendingguidelineuntilApril30 , ChinaHadFail-SafeWay , toTrackContagions , OfficialsFailedtoUseIt , ScarredbySARSepidemic , infectiousdiseasereportingsystem , PoliticiansTestNovelPlaybook , ForEraofFear , coronavirus , drasticallyupended2020elections , portraiture , PresidentTrumpatrally , Charlotte , NorthCarolina , wavingtothecrowd , redwhiteblue , TheVentilatorsWereonOrder , TheyStillAre , breathing-assistancemachines , federalcontract , veeredoffcourse , delayeddevelopment , ofaffordableventilator , halfadecade , teacherinwoods , holdingbook , laptopwithfloralexterior , innature , LaceyTragesser , teachingfromherfamily'sNorthCarolinacabin , SwappingWhiteboardsforScreens , inaWeek , Challengefor75000NewYorkTeachers , publichealthemergency , 1.1millionstudents , backinsession , Seattle , Washington , SignsThatSocialDistancing , MayBeSlowingaVirus , containmentstrategies , beginningtopayoff , Inacrisis , thatrequiredmanufacturingacumen , thepresidentcrumpled , periodiccloudsandsunshine , afternoonshowers , SmithsonianNationalMuseumofAsianArt , NYTimes
East Asia, Six Dynasties period, Northern Qi dynasty, Chinese, Two Standing, Braying Camels, One Buff, One White, Their Backs Laden with Goods , Molded, medium gray earthenware with cold-painted pigments, 35 x 27.5 x 16.5 centimeters / 33.5 x 25 x 19.5 centimeters, 550-577, Harvard Art Museums , Cambridge, Massachusetts
Tags: NorthernQiDynasty , China , sculpture , earthenware , portraiture , SaudiArabia , expelled12000camels , Qatari-owned , actioncausedstampede , atborder , Doha , Qatar , LittleBrother , Arabfamilyfeud , emir , SheikhTamimbinHamadal-Thani , HowQatar , SmallandNewlyRich , RankleditsNeighbors , WashingtonDC , ShutdownCrisisDeepens , FurloughsTakeEffect , DonaldTrump , VascillatingPresident , ComplicatesTalks , SenateDelaysVote , Hintsof'Dreamer'PledgeEmerge , Kabul , Afghanistan , ExtendedSiege , IntercontinentalHotel , CapsViolent24HoursinRegion , burningwindow , manescapes , VenezuelaRiveted , RebelMeetsHisEnd , ÓscarPérez , sunflowers , Flowersplacedoncoffin , flag , banner , funerealdecoration , mournerspayrespect , redblueyellow , whitestars , plants , greenery , LatinosCravingBiggerPresence , OnFilmScreen , LosAngeles , Hollywood , AcademyofMotionPictureArtsandSciences , plentyofclouds , areasofmorningdrizzle , NYTimes