
Monday's image: August 10, 2020

Thomas Lanigan-Schmidt, A Rite of Passage: The Velvet Cat Tail and the Silk Tiger Lily, Wood, metallic foil, 45 RPM vinyl record, artificial flowers, Saran wrap, metal staples, fabric, plastic beads, and fiber-tipped pen, 98.7 x 39.4 x 38.4 centimeters, 1987-1988, Whitney Museum of American Art, New York

Monday's image: January 22, 2018

East Asia, Six Dynasties period, Northern Qi dynasty, Chinese, Two Standing, Braying Camels, One Buff, One White, Their Backs Laden with Goods, Molded, medium gray earthenware with cold-painted pigments, 35 x 27.5 x 16.5 centimeters / 33.5 x 25 x 19.5 centimeters, 550-577, Harvard Art Museums, Cambridge, Massachusetts