Qatar — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: S.E.CasadeMoneda , coin , 100pesos , specialcirculation , PesoLeyLine18.188 , aluminumbronze , MuseoHistóricoyNumismáticoHéctorCarlosJanson , BuenosAires , Argentina , NYTimes , WorldCup , goldtrophy , goldmedals , blueandwhiteuniforms , soccer , LionelMessi , celebration , twogoalsagainstFrance , helpedArgentinaend36-yeardrought , Messi'sMagic , EndsAnguishForArgentina , Qatar , Peru , PeruvianCityProcessesPain , FatalClash , 9areKilledinProtest , OverArrestofEx-President , PedroCastillo , aerialview , crowds , mourning , flagdrapedcoffin , Peruvianflag , ClemerFabricioRojas , killedwhileprotesting , Ayacuchoregion , stateofemergency , ElectionVictor , HasBigHolesInHisRésumé , ClaimsofPastSuccess , Don'tCheckOut , GeorgeSantos , Republican , electedtoCongress , LongIsland , SeditionTrialForProudBoys , January6Role , FiveAreFacingPrison , Prosecutors , AimtoShowMenPlotted , StopTransferofPower , "normies" , Trump'sWeek , theformerpresident , awaitsdecisionsonhistaxes , andcriminalreferral , Streaming'sGoldenAge , SuddenlyDimming , AfterYearsofGrowth , NewTVSeriesFlag , PeakTVhaspeaked , Telescope'sName , IgnitesFightonHomophobia , PersonalBarbs , DrivingDebateOverWebb , NASA , deep-spacetelescope , JamesE.Webb , plentyofsunshine , windy
Tags: AnishKapoor , 1000Names , mixedmedia , sculpture , redpigment , yellowpigment , whitepigment , JoshuaThurman , grieving , community , ClubQ , ColoradoSprings , dancefloor , whentheshootingbegan , AtLeast5Killed , L.G.B.T.Q.Haven , yellowpolicetape , Bullets , Blood , ActsofBravery , ColoradoNightclub , ZealousGambler , TopPitchmanForEagerCasino , UrgingFansToBetBig , FaceofSportsWagering , SeemstoGetaPassFromRegulators , DavidS.Portnoy , BarstoolSports , ARiskyWager , onlinesportsbetting , CrowdedG.O.P.Field , CouldTakeOnTrump , andHelpHimToo , NearlyaDozenPossibleRivals , PrepareAfterHis'24Declaration , SenatorTedCruz , MikePompeo , GovernorLarryHogan , GovernorRonDeSantis , "ThestateofFloridaiswherewokegoestodie" , Kuh-TarorKUH-ter? , AWorldCupInvestigation , Qatar , TournamentOpener , FansofEcuador , 2-0victoryoverQatar , yellowbaseballhats , soccerfield , WorldCup , Ecuadorianflags , InsideSaudiArabia'sStrategy , ToKeepWorldHookedonOil , UnitedNations , globalclimatesummit , SaudiAramco , government-controlledoilcompany , breezy , plentyofsunshine
Mathilde ter Heijne, 1, 2, 3, …10, Wie Niet Weg Is, Is Gezien , Radios, CD players, central control unit, 1 + 1 AP, 70 x 220 x 200 centimeters, 2000, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst , Zurich, Switzerland
Tags: MathildeterHeijne , mixedmedia , installation , audio , radios , CDplayers , speech , sound , MigrosMuseumfürGegenwartskunst , Zurich , NYTimes , BlackSuburban , reflectivesurface , windows , PresidentTrump , wavestocrowd , briefouting , somemedicalexpertssaid , reckless , endangeredSecretServiceagents , TroublingFacts , FromPhysicians , UndercutTrump , Steroid , MaySignalSevereCase , Covid-19 , dexamethasone , reservedforsevereillness , TakingRiskyRide , ProjectOptimism , WalterReedNationalMilitaryMedicalCenter , doctorsrewrote , officialnarrativeofpresident'sillness , CredibilityLost , president'sphysicianconfessed , hehadmisledthepublic , losingtrustofsomepeers , Humility'sBenefits , positivetests , amongpresident'sallies , showwhypoliticiansadvisedtobehumble , WashingtonMemo , NYC , AdoptsTargetedShutdowns , HotSpotsEmerge , RollingBackReopening , 20Neighborhoods , Brooklyn , Queens , MajorSetback , experiencingrisingpositivityrates , blackemptyfoldingchairs , greenlawn , WashingtonNationalMonument , Seating , ThoseWhoAreNoLongerHere , OrganizersinWashington , setup20000chairs , tohonor200000victimsofCovid-19 , Doha , Qatar , ItWasTheirFathers'War , TheyAimtoEndIt , childrenofmen , playedkeyrolesinSovietconflict , 1980s , fourdecadesofviolenceandloss , FacingLegaciesofStrife , AfghanPeaceTalks , Afghangovernment , Taliban , BidenFacingQuestions , AboutTesting , beyondpublicexamples , safetyprecautions , Mr.Biden'shealthprotocols , remainedlargelyunderwraps , SenatorKamalaHarris , Americanflagbackground , VicePresidentMikePence , setfordebate , UniversityofUtah , PreparedtoGrabtheReins? , ADebateGainsinImportance , Mr.Trump'sdiagnosis , potentiallylethalvirus , at74yearsold , Democraticrival , JosephR.BidenJr. , at77yearsold , starkreminder , eitherMr.PenceorMs.Harris , couldendupbeingpresidentthemselves , passingmorningshowers , afternoonsunshine , seasonable
East Asia, Six Dynasties period, Northern Qi dynasty, Chinese, Two Standing, Braying Camels, One Buff, One White, Their Backs Laden with Goods , Molded, medium gray earthenware with cold-painted pigments, 35 x 27.5 x 16.5 centimeters / 33.5 x 25 x 19.5 centimeters, 550-577, Harvard Art Museums , Cambridge, Massachusetts
Tags: NorthernQiDynasty , China , sculpture , earthenware , portraiture , SaudiArabia , expelled12000camels , Qatari-owned , actioncausedstampede , atborder , Doha , Qatar , LittleBrother , Arabfamilyfeud , emir , SheikhTamimbinHamadal-Thani , HowQatar , SmallandNewlyRich , RankleditsNeighbors , WashingtonDC , ShutdownCrisisDeepens , FurloughsTakeEffect , DonaldTrump , VascillatingPresident , ComplicatesTalks , SenateDelaysVote , Hintsof'Dreamer'PledgeEmerge , Kabul , Afghanistan , ExtendedSiege , IntercontinentalHotel , CapsViolent24HoursinRegion , burningwindow , manescapes , VenezuelaRiveted , RebelMeetsHisEnd , ÓscarPérez , sunflowers , Flowersplacedoncoffin , flag , banner , funerealdecoration , mournerspayrespect , redblueyellow , whitestars , plants , greenery , LatinosCravingBiggerPresence , OnFilmScreen , LosAngeles , Hollywood , AcademyofMotionPictureArtsandSciences , plentyofclouds , areasofmorningdrizzle , NYTimes