speech — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: AlejandroCartagena , Carpoolers , inkjetprint , portraiture , aerialphotography , MuseumofFineArtsHouston , Texas , NYTimes , migrants , crossing , U.S.MexicoBorder , Lukeville , Arizona , U.S.CustomsandBorderProtection , desert , cacti , menwaitinginline , bluesky , BorderClampdown , SeversArizonaLifeline , EndtoLegalCrossings , SeparatesFamilies , HarmsEconomy , ForcedToFleeGaza , StuckInABottleneck , EgyptSteelsBorder , PalestiniansSeekShelter , OnlyToFindMorePerilandPain , AntisemitismonCampus , collegecampuses , LetsRightRestartCultureBattle , highereducation , speech , MayorEricAdams , AsTroublesPileOnAdams , FoesBegintoCircle , PresidentAbdelFattahel-Sisi , Egypt'sLeader , ReceivingLiftInGazaChaos , conduitforhumanitarianaidtoGaza , Bogotá , Colombia , cablecars , rapidbuses , highways , RapidBusLines , EasedBogotá’sGridlock , StrugglesRemain , urbanplanning , morningrain , strongwinds , cloudsbreaking , somesunlate
Ruth Asawa, Untitled (S.001, hanging seven interlocking double trumpets) , Brass wire, 30 x 36 x 36 inches, 1958, de Young museum , San Francisco, California
Tags: RuthAsawa , sculpture , brasswire , installation , interlocking , doubletrumpets , deYoungmuseum , SanFrancisco , LATimes , NaftaliBennett , politician , podium , speech , bluewhiteflag , goldfringe , handsinair , addressesparliament , 60-59voteofconfidence , Israel'snewgovernment , thehard-liner , YairLapid , centrist , splitprimeminister'sfour-yearterm , Bennettwillgofirst , Anepochends , Netanyahuispushedout , unusualnewgovernment , ejectslongest-servingprimeministerofIsrael , Jerusalem , PrimeMinisterBenjaminNetanyahu , 120-memberKnesset , rulingcoalition , Motheranddaughtervanish , husbandspillsabizarrestory , Anallegedkidnappingin2019 , continuestobaffleIrvinepolice , ChengZhang , Uberdriver , AmberAiaz , MelissaFu , parallelinvestigationbyFBI , SongGirlsinquiry , hasechofrom2016 , USCprogramanditslongtimecoach , subjectofTitleIXinvestigation , LoriNelson , famedcollegiatedancesquad , cheerleaders , whiteuniforms , redpompoms , footballfield , maroonyellowuniforms , USCSongGirls , raceontofield , Trojans , schoolofficialsdeclinedtocomment , TitleIXprobeoftheprogram , Dr.Dre , mogultostartmagnetschool , L.A.UnifiedSupt. , AustinBeutner , campusinLeimertPark , couldbe'thecoolest'inAmerica , JimmyIovine , musicindustrymogul , Dr.Drewantstoreach , "theinner-citykidtheyoungerme" , rareinvestmentbyentertainmentelite , Withouttrust , apost-COVIDnormalwillnotbepossible , coronavirus , emotionaljourney , PresidentBiden , G-7allies , condemnChina , criticismforitsuseofforcedlabor , andotherhumanrightsabuses , Downtownfire , destroyedstudios , Artistsmayhavelostmanypieces , inlastweek'sblaze , theystillhavetheirspirit , 19thGrandSlamTitle , trophy , kiss , FrenchOpen , NovakDjokovic , celebratescomebackvictory , mostlysunny , warm
Mathilde ter Heijne, 1, 2, 3, …10, Wie Niet Weg Is, Is Gezien , Radios, CD players, central control unit, 1 + 1 AP, 70 x 220 x 200 centimeters, 2000, Migros Museum für Gegenwartskunst , Zurich, Switzerland
Tags: MathildeterHeijne , mixedmedia , installation , audio , radios , CDplayers , speech , sound , MigrosMuseumfürGegenwartskunst , Zurich , NYTimes , BlackSuburban , reflectivesurface , windows , PresidentTrump , wavestocrowd , briefouting , somemedicalexpertssaid , reckless , endangeredSecretServiceagents , TroublingFacts , FromPhysicians , UndercutTrump , Steroid , MaySignalSevereCase , Covid-19 , dexamethasone , reservedforsevereillness , TakingRiskyRide , ProjectOptimism , WalterReedNationalMilitaryMedicalCenter , doctorsrewrote , officialnarrativeofpresident'sillness , CredibilityLost , president'sphysicianconfessed , hehadmisledthepublic , losingtrustofsomepeers , Humility'sBenefits , positivetests , amongpresident'sallies , showwhypoliticiansadvisedtobehumble , WashingtonMemo , NYC , AdoptsTargetedShutdowns , HotSpotsEmerge , RollingBackReopening , 20Neighborhoods , Brooklyn , Queens , MajorSetback , experiencingrisingpositivityrates , blackemptyfoldingchairs , greenlawn , WashingtonNationalMonument , Seating , ThoseWhoAreNoLongerHere , OrganizersinWashington , setup20000chairs , tohonor200000victimsofCovid-19 , Doha , Qatar , ItWasTheirFathers'War , TheyAimtoEndIt , childrenofmen , playedkeyrolesinSovietconflict , 1980s , fourdecadesofviolenceandloss , FacingLegaciesofStrife , AfghanPeaceTalks , Afghangovernment , Taliban , BidenFacingQuestions , AboutTesting , beyondpublicexamples , safetyprecautions , Mr.Biden'shealthprotocols , remainedlargelyunderwraps , SenatorKamalaHarris , Americanflagbackground , VicePresidentMikePence , setfordebate , UniversityofUtah , PreparedtoGrabtheReins? , ADebateGainsinImportance , Mr.Trump'sdiagnosis , potentiallylethalvirus , at74yearsold , Democraticrival , JosephR.BidenJr. , at77yearsold , starkreminder , eitherMr.PenceorMs.Harris , couldendupbeingpresidentthemselves , passingmorningshowers , afternoonsunshine , seasonable
Paul Neagu, Tactile Object (Hand) , Wood, metal, plastic, leather, textile and paper, 185 x 315 x 235 millimeters, 1970, Tate , U.K.
Tags: PaulNeagu , mixedmedia , sculpture , participatoryart , TateUK , NYTimes , smartphone , cameraphone , holdinghands , flags , stage , multicolorbackground , yellowcab , performersincostume , redpurpleblue , latexgloves , surgicalmasks , coronavirus , castsapallonnewyork , couplemarriestosecurehealthinsurance , charactersinTimesSquare , cabdriver , cleaninghisoffice , casesontherise , anxiety , Rome , ItalyBegsCitizens , NottoThwartRulesonVirus , "WearethenewWuhan" , ElenaLofino , TrackingAnOutbreak , oil , SaudiArabiacutprices , targetingRussia'srefusaltocutproduction , numberofcasesinU.S. , growntomorethan500 , inalmost36states , toprotectstudents , manyschoolsareclosing , FailuresonJapanCruiseLiner , ShadowLatestOutbreakatSea , PrincessCruises , emailpepperedwithtypos , awkwardgrammar , PalmBeach , Florida , TwitterPulpit , NoMatchForViralFoe , PresidentTrump , "Whowouldhavethought?" , WashingtonDC , HowtheTrumpCampaign , TookControloftheG.O.P. , SeizingVoterData , Fund-RaisingArms , toAmassPower , TurnaProfit , portraiture , bluesuit , speech , BradParscale , campaignchairmanforPresidentTrump , ParscaleStrategy , billed$35million , toTrumpcampaignandR.N.C. , Detroit , Michigan , ForSanders , MichiganLifeline , GetsHardertoGrabThisTime , SenatorBernieSanders , Paris , France , CelebratingSisterhood , march , InternationalWomen'sDay , blueredgreenblackwhitepurple , globaleffortstowardequality , plentyofsunshine , verymild
Tags: MarieWatt , sculpture , textiles , text , speech , wool , embroidery , CrystalBridgesMuseumofAmericanArt , Benton , Arkansas , NYTimes , Lisbon , EarningRiches , ByExploitingAPoorNation , AngolanEntrepreneur , BuildsShellEmpire , IsabeldosSantos , countryrichinoilanddiamonds , hobbledbycorruption , DeGrisogono , jeweler , CannesFilmFestival , partytheme , "LoveontheRocks" , winterlandscape , utilitypole , missingpersons , sign , reward , redbluewhite , trees , road , KayseraStopsPrettyPlaces , 18-year-oldgirl , fromHardinMontana , founddeadinAugust , daysaftershewentmissing , BigHornCounty , Montana , AnOutcryGrows , AsNativeWomenKeepVanishing , killingsanddisappearances , Indigenouswomen , nightvigil , mothers , children , gatheraroundthefire , RelativesofSelenaNotAfraid , teenagegirl , lastseenathighwayreststop , onNewYear'sDay , Democrats'PushToTapWitnesses , HasNewUrgency , AnEffortToFillGaps , SeekingToSwaySomeinG.O.P. , BeforeStartofPresident'sTrial , WashingtonDC , Democratsintensifydemands , moretestimonyanddocuments , WhiteHouse'sdecisionnottocooperate , Tensions , Journalistsareupinarms , aboutaccessrulesduringSenatetrial , Denver , Colorado , AsTrialNears , G.O.P.SenatorDodgesHisBase , toStayAfloat , SenatorCoryGardner , membersofcovetedgroupsinelectoralpolitics , suburbanwomen , "Idon'thearhimspeakingoutonthings" , JenniferGremmert , Baylor'sHandlingofRapeCases , StillDogsStarr , KenStarr , formerpresidentBaylorUniversity , LawyeronTrumpTeam , HadMixedRecordasSchool'sPresident , Starrignoredwomen'scriesforhelp , sexualassault , redwhitegolduniforms , footballplayers , stadium , crowd , abstraction , SuperBowl , MatchupIsSet , PatrickMahomes , ChiefsbeattheTitans , willmeetthe49ersinSuperBowl , Danville , Virginia , DemocraticCandidates , StruggletoWintheTrustofBlackVoters , WomenWithWarren , campaignsign , Supporterslistened , SenatorElizabethWarren , givespeechhonoringblackwomen , ClarkAtlantaUniversity , sunshine , breezy , Northerlywind , 12to25milesperhour
Tags: UrsulavonRydingsvard , cedar , sculpture , installation , wood , SFMOMA , California , NYTimes , PrimeMinisterBorisJohnson , Britain , PresidentTrump , Groupof7summit , Biarritz , France , twomeninsuits , maroontie , lightbluetie , curvingstaircase , ornatebanisters , Trump'sThreatsOfTariffs , WorrySummitLeaders , FrayedNervesAtG7 , IncreasinglyToughTalk , TowardChina , LeavesPresidentIsolated , tradewar , "secondthoughts" , rhetoricalwhipsaw , deepnervousness , tipglobaleconomyintorecession , Alarm , widearrayofbusinessleaders , warnofconsequences , tit-for-tat , tariffs , DiplomaticDance , Leaderspresentcollegialfront , Groupof7 , Perrysburg , Ohio , DrugtoTreatRareDisease , CostsMillions , PricingCreatesCrisis , forHealthPlans , Strensiq , multimillion-dollardrug , inthefridge , pharmaceuticalcompanies , turningtorarediseases , genetherapies , nextprofitengine , Pfizer , Novartis , WashingtonDC , Trump'sAlliesScourInternet , ToPunishPress , conservativeoperatives , discreditnewsorganizations , deemedhostiletoTrump , publicizedamaginginformation , aboutjournalists , CNN , TheWashingtonPost , TheNewYorkTimes , ElizabethWarren'sAwakening , toaWorldofDesperation , bluesuit , microphone , speech , audience , formercolleague , UniversityofTexasSchoolofLaw , teaching , shewasonce"savagelyanti-consumer" , thensomethingchanged , "roadtoDamascus"moment , academicresearch , consumerbankruptcy , averageworkingAmericans , admittingtheywerefailures , portraiture , AndrewLuck , Coltsquarterback , retirementat29 , BatteredFromHeadtoToe , AStarSaid:Enough , N.F.L. , profootball , yearsofpain , rehabilitation , injuries , Logo , TrumpInternationalHotelandTower , Manhattan , PlayingDownNamesake , CentralParkIcon , crownjewel , familybusiness , overhaulsignage , removeTrumpbranding , newaddress , OneCentralParkWest , morningclouds , someafternoonsunshine
Jenny Holzer, Inflammatory Essays , One of twenty-nine offset lithographs on paper of various colors, Printed at Millner Bros., New York, Unlimited edition, 432 x 432 millimeters, 1979 - 82, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: JennyHolzer , lithography , inflammatoryessays , protest , unlimitededition , publishing , TateUK , NYTimes , crowds , Harare , Zimbabwe , watchingTV , PresidentRobertMugabe , televisedaddress , greenlight , portraiture , flags , microphone , MugabeRefusestoLetGo , GriponPowerSlips , PoliticalFall , AmidFirings , Feuds , PolemicFirstLady , maneuvering , countrygoingthroughdifficultpatch , expelledfromgoverningparty , ZANU-PF , Hecrossedtheredline , SouthThomaston , Maine , EdwardBlum , One-ManLegalFactory , orchestratedlawsuits , challengingaffirmativeaction , votingrightslaws , FightsHarvardOverAffirmativeAction , CharlesManson , mastermindedamassacre , joltedthenation , obituary , HelenaAlabama , AlabamaDemocratsOfferCheers , butLittleElseinSenateRace , Democraticcanvasser , Thisisouronlyopportunity , tightSenatecontest , GOP , RoySMoore , Democrat , DougJones , Weneedtoseizeit , BirminghamNews , SundayFrontPage , StandforDecency , RejectRoyMoore , Alabamapastorsstruggle , withwhattosay , ifanything , QuandaryForChurches , XalapaMexico , HauntedbyLoss , ChasingGhosts , waiting , searchingformissingchildren , Wedecidedtospendourlivestogether , livethisstruggleunited , holdinghands , streetlights , AffordableCareAct , SubsidiesKeepManyInsured , AndSatisfied , GOPtaxbill , repealACA , Whatif? , freeupbillionsofdollars , payfortaxcuts , corporationsandindividuals , mindthestep , glow , speech , language , mostlysunny , breezy , chilly
Barbara Kruger, Untitled (We Will No Longer Be Seen and Not Heard) , Photo-offset lithograph and screenprint, nine prints, Image/sheet (each): 20 3/4 x 20 5/8 inches, Peter Blum Edition (Publisher), 1985, Smithsonian American Art Museum , Washington, D.C.
Tags: BarbaraKruger , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , lithography , printmaking , language , photography , gestures , speech , portraiture , NYTimes , DonaldTrump , CIA , Russia , computerhackers , USelection , Boeing , Iran , deals , victory , women , dresscode , erasure , mural , governmentprograms , pretrialdiversion , socialjustice , money , hearings , cloudyweather , periodicrain , milder