Arizona — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: AlejandroCartagena , Carpoolers , inkjetprint , portraiture , aerialphotography , MuseumofFineArtsHouston , Texas , NYTimes , migrants , crossing , U.S.MexicoBorder , Lukeville , Arizona , U.S.CustomsandBorderProtection , desert , cacti , menwaitinginline , bluesky , BorderClampdown , SeversArizonaLifeline , EndtoLegalCrossings , SeparatesFamilies , HarmsEconomy , ForcedToFleeGaza , StuckInABottleneck , EgyptSteelsBorder , PalestiniansSeekShelter , OnlyToFindMorePerilandPain , AntisemitismonCampus , collegecampuses , LetsRightRestartCultureBattle , highereducation , speech , MayorEricAdams , AsTroublesPileOnAdams , FoesBegintoCircle , PresidentAbdelFattahel-Sisi , Egypt'sLeader , ReceivingLiftInGazaChaos , conduitforhumanitarianaidtoGaza , Bogotá , Colombia , cablecars , rapidbuses , highways , RapidBusLines , EasedBogotá’sGridlock , StrugglesRemain , urbanplanning , morningrain , strongwinds , cloudsbreaking , somesunlate
Philippe Parreno, Fraught Times, FZRA January 1998 , Cast and painted stainless steel, glass, resin, 270 x 180 x 180 centimeters, 2018, Fondation Beyeler , Basel, Switzerland
Tags: PhilippeParreno , FraughtTimes , caststainlesssteel , glass , resin , FondationBeyeler , Switzerland , NYTimes , glassornaments , Christmastree , LockedDownandFrustrated , Austria , Christmasmarket , Vienna , newwaveofCovidinfections , spreadsinEurope , restrictionssettingoffbacklash , U.S.VirusCasesRisingAgain , AsHolidayNears , FamilyDinnersReturn , VaccinesandTreatments , LessentheRisks , AnxietyLingers , Chicago , virusrepeatedlydefiedpredictions , G.O.P.Donors , FlocktoBack2Democrats , SenatorJoeManchinIII , WestVirginia , SenatorKyrstenSinema , Arizona , WashingtonDC , HowU.S.LostCleanEnergyTreasuretoChina , RaceToTheFuture , SecuringtheWorld'sCobalt , Freeport-McMoRan , Arizona-basedmininggiant , DemocraticRepublicofCongo , essentialrawmaterials , Chinesepurchasedmine , TenkeFungurume , IsraeliAttacks , SpurUpgradeOfIranSites , HopesDim , forRevivalof'15NuclearDeal , landscape , greenery , trees , sunlight , rocks , moss , ToekTik , temple , PrasatThomcomplex , helpfindevidenceofartifacts , hehadlooted , Ex-PlundererHelpsCambodia , ReclaimItsCulturalRelics , Exonerations , LiftOneBurden , ForanAssassinofMalcolmX , MujahidAbdulHalim , NewYork , abitofmorningrain , someclearinglate , turningwindy
Matt Bryans, Scars , Erased newspaper clipping, 13.5 x 17.5 centimeters, 2009, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: MattBryans , erasure , newspaperclipping , CentrePompidou , Paris , France , NYTimes , communityofmen , embrace , scars , mourning , bandages , whitesheet , Palestinianman , wifeandthreechildrenkilled , Israel , Israeltryingtodestroytunnelnetwork , usedbyHamas , DeadliestDayYet , Gaza , EffortsAtCease-FireFail , AirstrikeKillsatLeast42 , NetanyahuVows , ToUse'FullForce'onHamas , risinginternationalcriticism , ofIsraeliairstrikes , Anasal-Yazji , searchingforhisfiancée , ShaimaaAbulOuf , "Iwillwaithereuntilwefindher." , crowdofmourners , blacksheetwithwhitestar , weekoffighting , victims , Atleast11Israelisand197Palestinianshavedied , CivilianDeathsonBothSides , RaiseSpecterofWarCrimes , theGazaStrip , civilianspayingespeciallyhighprice , FullyOpeningSchoolsinFall , ChallengesCity , NYC , oncuspofmajorreopening , cannotreturntonormal , withoutrestoringitsschoolsystem , MayoralCandidate , FoundWaystoHelpDonors , EricAdams , Fund-Raising , PushedtheLimitsofCampaignLaws , Brooklynboroughpresident , leadingcandidate , inJuneDemocraticprimaryformayor , NewDelhi , ProfiteersPounce , ExploitIndia'sCovidMisery , PhonyMedicalSupplies , PutLivesatRisk , VarshaEngineering , scrapyard , coronavirus-relatedfraud , repaintingfireextinguishers , sellingthemasoxygencanisters , PandemicSendsNewFaces , AcrossU.S.Border , Yuma , Arizona , ArrivingFromBrazilIndiaandVenezuela , U.S.BorderPatrolagent , migrants , immigrantprocessingcenter , borderwall , sunshine , someclouds , seasonable
Annika von Hausswolff, Ich bin die Ecke aller Räume - Screen Memory , MDF, rockwool, fabric, aluminum, glass, 254 x 65.5 x 915 centimeters, 2008, Magasin III Museum for Contemporary Art , Stockholm, Sweden
Tags: AnnikavonHausswolff , ScreenMemory , mixedmedia , installation , fabric , glass , MagasinIIIMuseumforContemporaryArt , Stockholm , Sweden , NYTimes , Guarero , Venezuela , theremainsofahouse , rubble , ruins , holes , crumblingarchitecture , residentssaytownwasdestroyed , criminalsfoughtoversmugglingroutes , women , InVenezuela , ForeignRebelsProvideOrder , insurgents , "aretheoneswhobroughtstabilityhere" , "Theybroughtpeace" , OberHernández , Indigenousleader , ELN , LatinAmerica'slargestremainingrebelgroup , fromColombia , TheReputationBusiness , HasaDirtySecret , fakecompanies , falseidentities , peoplefacilitatingslander , self-proclaimedgoodguys , whohelpremoveslander , areoftenoneandthesame , PoliceShielded , By1989Ruling , OnUsingForce , DeferenceIsGiven , Split-SecondActions , AdamToledo , Ma'KhiaBryant , TyrellWilson , shotandkilledbythepolice , officers'justificationforuseoflethalforce , relyingondoctrine , setbySupremeCourtthreedecadesago , RoyalOak , Michigan , Michigan'sSurgeofCovid , SickensYoungerPeople , WorstOutbreakInU.S. , HospitalsSeeingTwiceasManyPatients , in30sand40s , asintheFall , BeaumontHospital , nurses , corridor , hospitalbeds , I.C.U. , Phoenix , Arizona , ConspiracyTheoristsCavort , MessyRecountinArizona , "Weholdanaudit" , "Andthenwecanputthistorest." , StateSenatorEddieFarnsworth , CyberNinjas , Florida-basedfirm , Republicansenatorshiredfirm , tooverseeaudit , embracedbyMr.Trump'sbaselesstheoriesofelectiontheft , bluecurtain , stage , AcademyAwards , SociallyDistanced , "Nomadland" , wonforBestPicture , ChloéZhao , wonforBestDirector , Oscarstatue , WashingtonDC , BottlenecksHoldUpAid , RentersFallBehind , MoreThan$46Billion , FewReceiveIt , tenants , landlords , plentyofsunshine , breezy , seasonable
Tags: PaulSharits , 16millimeterfilm , color , sound , Structuralfilm , nothing , CentrePompidou , NYTimes , Paris , Bergamo , Italy , hospitalroom , doctors , patients , PPE , bedsheets , trauma , spring , oneofdeadliestkillingfields , virus , Westernworld , InactionFueledDisaster , asVirusCreptIntoItaly , BehindTheCurve , ANorthernProvince'sEpicenter , PesentiFenaroliHospital , nationaltestingprotocol , WHO , Covid-19 , recommendedtesting , forpeoplewithlinktoChina , Covid-19alreadyarrivedinLombardyregion , NewYork , SuddenShift , WillReopenSomeSchools , ElementaryStudents , SettoReturnDec.7 , CriticismofCity , LeadstoOverhaul , MayorBilldeBlasio , Iran , StrugglesForaResponse , ToBoldStrikes , MohsenFakhrizadeh , scientist , captainofcovertattempts , toassemblenuclearweapon , assassination , onlinefootage , JavadMogouyi , documentaryfilmmaker , stage , blue , orange , spotlight , actor , silhouette , JeffersonMays , one-man"ChristmasCarol" , EbenezerScrooge , Broadway , Itwillbestreamedinstead , ClassicLivesOn , byCarScreenRadioorMail , theaters , usingcontagion-reductionstrategy , outdoorstagings , drive-inproductions , streettheater , streamingvideo , radioplays , do-it-yourselfkitbymail , BlueBlocs , VieForSenateSeat , HeldbyHarris , AlexPadilla , presidentofLosAngelesCityCouncil , emergedasfront-runner , GavinNewsom , mustnamesuccessor , steel , borderwall , trees , opening , roughterrain , government'starget , 450miles , newwallconstruction , BlitzofActivity , ToExpandWall , ByEndofTerm , Arizona , USborder , Mexico , strongwinds , heavyrain , thunderstorms
Anne Truitt, Thirtieth , Acrylic on wood, 84 x 15 x 13 inches, 1962, Delaware Art Museum , Wilmington, Delaware
Tags: AnneTruitt , sculpture , acrylicpaint , wood , vertical , lines , DelawareArtMuseum , Wilmington , Delaware , President-electJosephR.BidenJr. , familygathering , arrivingforMass , St.JosephontheBrandywine , cemetery , fall , goldenleaves , orangeleaves , headstones , names , greystone , BidenTurnsHisAttentionToTransition , TrumpRefusesToConcedeDefeat , SilenceinG.O.P. , AidestoPresident , SeeLittleHope , WashingtonDC , Mr.Trumpmaintainedpowerfulgriponhisparty , SenatorRoyBlunt , Missouri , suggestedMr.Trumphadmostlikelylost , castdoubtonallegationsofstolenelection , 'Terrifying'Surge , AwaitsANewAdministration , U.S.VirusCasesPass10Million , Covid-19 , ColdWeatherLooms , Pittsburgh , Mr.Bidenfocusingattentiononpandemic , newtaskforceofcoronavirusadvisers , FocusOnCharacter , SpurredWinner'sSuccessfulBid , campaigned , soberandconventionalpresence , casestudy , disciplineandrestraint , PoliticalFocus , IsNowGeorgia , StateofChange , Marietta , Georgia , "IfeelliketheRepublicanPartyleftme" , AngieJones , Democraticcandidates , Rev.Dr.RaphaelG.Warnock , JonOssoff , forcedrunoffelections , January5th2021 , decidecontrolofSenate , PartiesGrappleWithEvolutionofLatinoVote , Phoenix , Arizona , Latinosbecamesecond-largestvotinggroup , forthefirsttime , 2020election , "HisentirepresidencyisanattackonmymoralvaluesandwhoIam." , TaylorValencia , "Abortionisthelitmustest" , "JesusismysaviorandTrumpismypresident." , TeresitaMiglio , AlexTrebek , 1940-2020 , obituary , UnflappableHost , WhoGaveAmericatheAnswers , "Jeopardy!" , majorappealoftheshow , intellectualchallenge , consistentformat , televisionscreens , logo , grid , blueandorange , typography , mostlysunny , near-recordwarmth
Jonathan Moller, Three women, themselves survivors of the violence, watch as the remains of relatives and friends who were killed by the military in the early 1980s are exhumed, Nebaj, Quiché, Guatemala, Gelatin silver print,16 x 20 inches, 2000, Akron Art Museum , Akron, Ohio
Tags: JonathanMoller , photography , portraiture , gelatinsilverprint , threewomen , survivors , AkronArtMuseum , Ohio , NYTimes , "It'slikeourdailybread." , "Womenreceiveitmorningafternoonandnight." , threewomenatcemetery , mountainrange , cacti , trees , greenbluegraves , framedphotograph , Jalapa , Guatemala , LubiaSasvinPérez , athermother'sgrave , withsisters , formerboyfriend , killedtheirmother , FleeingtheBlows , HeavedUponWomen , domesticviolence , nationalscourge , Kabul , Afghanistan , WhereAfghansFeltSafe , BombWreaksCarnage , KabulWeddingAttack , ISISTakesResponsibility , PeaceTalks , LeaveNationonEdge , weddinginvitationcards , "withaworldofhopeanddesire" , celebrationsoftenavoided , unnecessaryrisk-taking , violentloss , dailyreality , Bloomington , Indiana , AmidtheFruits , OftheHarvest , FearTakesRoot , farmers'market , summeroffear , protest , tension , longtimesellersoforganictomatoes , SchoonerCreekFarm , whitenationalists , "whiteAmericanidentity" , Tempe , Arizona , ChildrenatKiwanisPark , playinsprinklers , spraywater , goldenlight , silhouette , sunset , WhenYourCityBakes , 103Degrees , PlácidoDomingo , AccusationsAgainstDomingo , SplitOperaWorld , accusedofsexualharassment , #MeToo , faultlines , weregeographic , JuliánCastro , SanAntoniomayor , Texas , withhisfamily , IowaStateFair , HeHadan'ObamaMoment.' , HisFansHopeThereAreMore , grandsonofMexicanimmigrant , "Myfamily'sstoryisn'tspecial" , "What'sspecialistheAmericathatmakesourstorypossible." , keynoteaddress , 2012DemocraticNationalConvention , "APoliticalStarIsBorn" , humid , partialsunshine
Artist Unknown (possibly by Alexander Gardner), [The Wilderness Battlefield] , Albumen silver print from glass negative, 4 15/16 x 3 1/4 inches, 1865-67, The Metropolitan Museum of Art , New York
Tags: Artistunknown , possiblyAlexanderGardner , photography , nineteenthcentury , AmericanCivilWar , TheWildnernessBattlefield , MetropolitanMuseumofArt , NewYork , NYTimes , Mogadishu , Somalia , truckexplosions , destroyedbuildings , chaos , ravagedlandscape , rescueworkers , searchforsurvivors , missingshoes , missingpersons , procession , community , NorthKorea , DeploysHackers , BentonChaos , InNuclearShadow , KimJong-un , Kim'sArmy , StealsMillions , WagesDigitalWar , globalhavoc , LasVegas , FirstMedicsonScene , OtherFans , bystandercourage , volunteers , rescueefforts , cityastraumacenter , Emergencymedicalservices , WashingtonDC , JusticeDepartment , JeffSessions , AidsTransgenderCase , WhileRollingBackLegalProtections , KedarieJohnson , Scottsdale , Arizona , SenatorJeffFlake , Re-electionStruggle , ShowsRisksofCrossingTrump , HarveyWeinstein , MovieMogul , BrushWithPolice , ThenNoCharges , UsedLawyerandMoney , ToEvade2015Case , DefyingImage , someclouds , becomingmostlysunny , turningcooler , breezy