Texas — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: MargaritaCabrera , mixedmedia , sculpture , ceramic , paint , metal , MuseumofFineArtsHouston , Texas , LeSoir , harassment , studentsfromBrusselsConservatory , breakthesilence , Football , Standardisstillnotsafe , Cycling , VismaandVanAert , strikefromthestart , FarmersReturntoPutPressure , AfterarowdyagriculturalshowinParis , severalhundredtractors , onceagain"descend"onBrussels , 4500emptyaccomodations , Researchersestimatednumberofemptyhomes , potentially"mobilizable"homesinBrusselsRegion , thelandregistermustenablemunicipalitiestoact , Electorallists , goodgovernancebeginsintheparties , Elections , SophieWilmès , undeniablenewfaceofMR , WesternersclingtohopeofUkrainianvictory , Liège , Nightdivewithpoliceinlivelyneighborhood , cold , cloudy , rainy
Tags: AlejandroCartagena , Carpoolers , inkjetprint , portraiture , aerialphotography , MuseumofFineArtsHouston , Texas , NYTimes , migrants , crossing , U.S.MexicoBorder , Lukeville , Arizona , U.S.CustomsandBorderProtection , desert , cacti , menwaitinginline , bluesky , BorderClampdown , SeversArizonaLifeline , EndtoLegalCrossings , SeparatesFamilies , HarmsEconomy , ForcedToFleeGaza , StuckInABottleneck , EgyptSteelsBorder , PalestiniansSeekShelter , OnlyToFindMorePerilandPain , AntisemitismonCampus , collegecampuses , LetsRightRestartCultureBattle , highereducation , speech , MayorEricAdams , AsTroublesPileOnAdams , FoesBegintoCircle , PresidentAbdelFattahel-Sisi , Egypt'sLeader , ReceivingLiftInGazaChaos , conduitforhumanitarianaidtoGaza , Bogotá , Colombia , cablecars , rapidbuses , highways , RapidBusLines , EasedBogotá’sGridlock , StrugglesRemain , urbanplanning , morningrain , strongwinds , cloudsbreaking , somesunlate
Tags: AthenaTacha , gelatinsilverprint , collage , MFAH , Houston , Texas , crowds , flags , procession , PresidentLuizInácioLuladaSilva , PaláciodoPlanalto , grouprepresentingBrazil'sdiversity , BrazilInstallsLulaasLeader , LoserIsAbsent , JairBolsonaro , BolsonaroIsinFlorida , InquiriesMount , inauguration , green-and-yellowsash , WatchingChina , U.S.PoursCashIntoChipMaking , AColdWarInTech , Ramp-upIsNoSilverBullet , PushtoCutForeignSupplies , 'IAmUltra-MAGA' , InventionofEliseStefanik , RepresentativeTradedIdealsandFriends , Ambitions , IdahoSuspectIn4Murders , StudiedKillers , fourUniversityofIdahostudents , WasteMixesWithWarmWater , BlightingtheShoresofCapeCod , MashpeeRiver , Massachusetts , poisonousalgae , takingoverCapeCod'sriversandbays , summer , risinglevelsofnitrogen , antiquatedsepticsystems , blackandwhitephotography , nature , molecules , plantlife , openhands , palmlines , fragments , themysteryofhumanlife , wrestledbyphilosophersandscientists , feltbymothersandmidwives , WhenDoesLifeStart? , APost-RoeConundrum , QuestionThatGoesBeyondPolitics , Law , Science , mild , periodiccloudsandsunshine
Tags: HannahRyggen , textiles , tapestry , woolandlinen , Kunstindustrimuseet , Oslo , Norway , NYTimes , flags , pollingstation , Mariupol , Ukraine , pseudoreferendum , whethertosecedeandjoinRussia , travelerswithsuitcases , linestoRussiancheckpoint , exodustoGeorgia , Moscow'smobilizationorder , bodiesofRussiansoldiers , roadside , abandonedartillery , Oskil , arrestbyRussianpoliceofficers , St.Petersburg , protestagainstmobilization , RussianDraft , PitsUkrainianVs.Ukrainian , Kyiv , Kremlin'sconscriptiondrive , U.S.Factories , SeeRareSight , ReturnofJobs , 67000MoreWorkers , ThanBeforeCovid , enginesofrecovery , pharmaceuticalplants , craftbreweries , icecreammakers , GiorgiaMeloni , Italy'snextprimeminister , WinProjectedForHardRight , ItalyElection , NationalistsTriumph , Country'sFirstFemaleLeader , BrothersofItaly , partydescendedfromremnantsofFascism , right-wingcoalition , majorityinParliament , RichmondVirginia , BigChainSuckedProfits , OutofaPoorHospital , RichmondCommunity , ProfitsOverPatients , ExploitingaDrugProgram , BonSecoursMercyHealth , highestprofitmargin , ofanyhospitalinVirginia , portraitureingarden , benches , Michael , hismotherAnnie , BreastRemovalSurgeryonRise , forTransTeens , AHot-ButtonProcedure , That'JustFeltRight' , betteralignbodies , withtheirexperienceofgender , MigrantFlights , LifttheVeil , onG.O.P.Rivalry , GovernorRonDeSantis , Florida , GovernorGregAbbott , Texas , MovebyDeSantis , HitsAbbottbySurprise , breezy , sunshine , someclouds
Keith Edmier, Untitled (Wreath) , Silicon, dental acrylic, acrylic paint, polyurethane, polypropylene, steel and enamel paint, 34 x 20 x 20 inches; 8 x 21 inches diameter, 1999, Denver Art Museum , Colorado
Tags: KeithEdmier , UntitledWreath , sculpture , mixedmedia , dentalacrylic , steel , polyurethane , enamelpaint , DenverArtMuseum , NYTimes , PresidentBiden , thefirstlady , JillBiden , visitingmemorial , victimsofmassshooting , Uvalde , Texas , flowers , facesofchildren , cardboardstandees , photographs , FamiliarRitualofPain , BidenComfortsBereaved , PresidentTravelstoSite , SchoolShooting , HeaingaPlea , 'DoSomething' , RobbElementarySchool , ChurchVeneratedinUvalde , BecomesHubforTown'sGrief , SacredHeartCatholicChurch , "We'reafamily" , ArchbishopGustavoGarcía-Siller , WouldPhotosOftheBodiesChangeViews? , Woulddisseminatinggraphicimages , resultsofgunviolence , joltthenation'sgridlockedleadership? , TheThreeMen , Lostto20BrucknerBoulevard , OneofDeadliestConstructionSites , NewYorkCity , Bronx , MarcoMartínez , MichaelDaves , YoninPineda , MauricioSánchez , Uber , billboard , seriesofelectronicads , 20BrucknerBoulevard , visiblefromnearbyhighways , AsNATOSeeksUnitedFront , TurkeyDisrupts , TussleOverExpansion , MayBenefitRussia , PresidentRecepTayyipErdogan , BasquiatorNot? , F.B.I.IsSizingUp25Works , “Untitled(Cat and Firetruck)" , oneof25paintings , saidtobebyJean-MichelBasquiat , OrlandoMuseumofArt , F.B.I.ArtCrimeTeam , investigatingauthenticityofpaintings , mostlysunny , warm , becomingmorehumid
Olli Miettinen, Men from Hatjalahti, study , Charcoal, crayon, cardboard, 167.5 x 239.5 centimeters, 1943, Finnish National Gallery , Helsinki
Tags: OlliMiettinen , soldiers , Hatjalahti , study , charcoal , crayon , cardboard , FinnishNationalGallery , Helsinki , NYTimes , AsWarRages , Ukraine , AgreesToTalksWithRussians , 'WithoutPreconditions' , crowds , Ukrainians , Industry , Gatheringemptybottles , Dnipro , Molotovcocktails , Tenacity , localmen , diggingbunker , erectingcheckpoint , villageofHushchyntsi , dirt , earth , Charity , cardboardsigns , handwrittentext , yellowtape , Offeringrefugeesfreerides , Polishborder , Polandandbeyond , ArmedorNot , VillagersRushToJoinFight , Khomutyntsi , grass-rootsmovement , mobilizationofcivilians , MoreThan350CiviliansHaveBeenKilled , Kyiv , Ukraine'sPresident , VolodymyrZelensky , Censorship , RussiapressuringGoogleandApple , seekstorestrictonlinematerial , Sidelined , Putindistanceshimselffromadvisers , couldberisky , InTurnaround , GermanyVowsMilitaryBoost , ChancellorOlafScholz , 100BillionEuros , Berlin , Putin'sNuclearArsenalRhetoric , PushesBoundsofBrinkmanship , nuclearforces , "specialcombatreadiness" , Americanforces , Defcon3 , TheWoodlands , Texas , AfterPartisanRedistricting , PrimariesMatterMost , RepresentativeDanCrenshaw , hadhisTexasdistrictredrawn , risingRepublicanstar , Baltimore , policecadets , takepartincourse , ethicalpolicing , PoliceTraintoStepIn , WhenPoliceStepTooFar , mostlysunny , breezy , cold
Purvis Young, Graveyard Warriors, Sad Day , Paint on wood, 48 x 96 inches, Early 1990s, Baltimore Museum of Art , Maryland
Tags: PurvisYoung , painting , figuration , abstraction , horizontal , BaltimoreMuseumofArt , Maryland , NYTimes , funeralprocession , coffins , blackandgolddrapery , victimsoftheBronxfire , takentoIslamicCulturalCenter , securityguards , hearsts , CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention , FastMoves , ScantData , PragmaticChangeofPace , StirsDiscomfort , Omicronvariant , ChinaLockdown , RampsUpStress , SupplyChain , NewVirusRestraints , FearsThatCovidPolicy , MayFurtherDisrupt , GlobalTrade , WashingtonDC , hazmatsuits , machinery , spray , disinfectingshoppingmall , Xi'an , westernChina , 20millionpeopleinlockdown , zero-tolerancepolicy , ForthWorth , Texas , TexasSynagogueHostageTaker , FlewFromU.K. , AuthoritiesSay , CongregationBethIsraelofColleyville , InsideFatalBronxFire , ScenesOfChaos , DesperationandLove , AsSmokeEncroached , Life-or-DeathChoices , WereBeingMade , FordhamHeights , amassfuneral , hundredsofmourners , 15victimsfromWestAfrica , AsAttendanceFalls , NowIstheWinter , Broadway'sDiscontent , emptyseats , theater , "GirlFromtheNorthCountry" , audiencesarevanishing , GovernorRonDeSantis , Florida , futurecompetitor , DeSantisLurks , TrumpStews , G.O.P.FacesLoyaltyTest , Ex-PresidentExpectingFealty , ofaProtégé , for2024Run , cloudy , strongwinds , rainearly , afternoonflurries
Tags: CyThao , oiloncanvas , figurepainting , landscape , MinneapolisInstituteofArt , NYTimes , U.S.BorderPatrolagent , menonhorseback , DelRio , Texas , water , bluereflections , Haitianmigrants , RioGrande , river , peopleinwater , plasticbags , triedtostopHaitianmigrants , fromenteringacamp , HaitiObjects , U.S.SendsMigrantsBack , about14000Haitians , willbeexpelledfromU.S. , encampmentformedinTexasbordertown , Haitianappeal , suspensionofdeportations , WashingtonDC , JoeManchin , powerfulDemocrat , WestVirginia , SenatorHasFossilFuelLinks , andaPotentPen , ManchinBacksCleanEnergy , CanAlterBiden'sPlans , crucialup-or-downvote , sharplydividedSenate , Mr.Biden's$3.5trillionbudgetbill , couldreshape , nation'ssocialwelfarenetwork , FirstLadyJillBiden , classroom , desks , students , raisedhands , Americanflag , TheFirstLady'sAgenda , AsPresidentBidentriestorestorebipartisanship , JillBidenisnotstandingonsidelines , ARevolvingDoor , KeepsTaxPolicyonClients'Side , Lawyers'BriefLucrativeRoundTrips , FromAccountingFirmstoTreasury , PwC , giantaccountingfirm , helpingworld'sbiggestcompaniesavoidtaxes , younggirls , AMerkelnamesake , SeaofAngelas , GivesThanksToChancellor , Wülfrath , Germany , HibajaMaai , gavebirththreedaysafterarrivinginGermany , fledSyria , "AngelaMerkelsavedourlives" , UsingVirusTest , WaytoKeepPupilsinSchool , "testtostay" , modifiedquarantine , VirginiaBeach , DemocratsLooktoAbortionFight , toMotivateSuburbanWomen , RattlingaVirginiaRace , Loomingin2022 , abundantsunshine , mild
Ceal Floyer, Double Act , Slide, gobo, theatre light, projection, colour, Dimensions variable, 2006, Tate , U.K.
Tags: CealFloyer , doubleact , multimedia , lightprojection , installation , stage , TateUK , NYTimes , nightscene , redlights , glow , ambulance , EMT , medics , transportedpatientonstretcher , stairs , banisters , railing , fences , Houston , casessurged , 100000Covidpatients , hospitalizedintheU.S. , AsVirusSurges , AmericansDreadGoingBackward , 1500DeathsMostDays , MillionsRefuseVaccines , DrivingCasestoRiseSixfoldinSummer , OverlandPark , Kansas , flashbackto2020 , resurgenceleftcountryexhausted , lesscertainwhennormalcymightreturn , GrandIsle , Louisiana , AthletesMeetFiercestRival , PotentStorms , CoachDennyWright , GrandIsleSchool , "Noschool.Nopractice.I'llletyouknowwhen." , Managua , Nicaragua , NicaraguansAreLivinginFear , AsOrtegaComesforOpponents , PresidentDanielOrtega , questtosecurefourthterm , MedardoMairena , oppositionleader , TheWelcomeMatIsOut , forAfghanRefugees , ThousandsOfferAid , FromBothSidesofPoliticalSpectrum , donationsarepouringin , nonprofits , Limbo , TheTalibanhavelefthundredsstranded , awaitingapprovaltoleave , militarycostumes , nineteenthcentury , red , black , goldtassels , feathers , whitecoffin , Moscowceremony , transferringGeneralCharlesÉtienneGudin’sremains , toFrancefromRussia , NapoleonicGeneral , FailstoHelpFranceandRussiaMakePeace , LeBourget , France , HélèneCarrèred’Encausse , FrenchhistorianofRussia , “Itwasnottherepatriationthatwasoriginallyconceived" , Richardson , Texas , BehindaDriveInTexas , toHaltMostAbortions , LawReflectsCulturalandJudicialShifts , Abortionclinicsemptiedoutlastweek , Texaslawwentintoeffect , enactingnear-completebanonabortion , culminationofyearsofRepublicancontrol , conservativejudicialappointments , Texas"feelsanobligationtoleadandbebold" , JohnSeago , legislativedirectorforTexasRighttoLife , partlytomostlysunny , seasonablywarm , lesshumid
Olivia Erlanger, Sideways Time , Filing cabinet, bentonite clay, LED, porcelain, 52.75 x 17.75 x 22.15 inches, 2016, Kadist , San Francisco, California
Tags: OliviaErlanger , mixedmedia , sculpture , installation , filingcabinet , clay , LED , porcelain , Kadist , NYTimes , rowsofcardboardboxes , storageunit , corridor , EdwardStely , A.T.F.site , WestVirginia , thegunlobby , ledbyNationalRifleAssociation , blockedcreationoftracingsystem , withsearchabledatabase , FirearmsLobby , HamstringstheA.T.F. , BidenEfforttoCombatGunViolence , ReliesonAilingAgency , paper-basedrecords , gunsalesgoingbackdecades , storedinboxes , whitelabels , 'HerdImmunity' , DimsWithPaceOfVaccinations , VariantsAccelerating , AddedInoculations , WillDiminishFutureThreatofVirus , "Thevirusisunlikelytogoaway" , RustomAntia , evolutionarybiologist , EmoryUniversity , Atlanta , makeshifthospitalbeds , patients , doctor , oxygentank , UttarPradesh , India , FillingGapsinDesperateIndia , receivingoxygen , makeshiftclinic , healthcaresystematbreakingpoint , onlinegrass-rootsnetworks , racingtogetaidtopeoplewhoneedit , ElizabethCity , NorthCarolina , ClamorGrowsToGetFootage , OffBodyCams , UnevenAccessAcrossU.S. , VexesthePublic , Ma'KhiaBryant , AndrewBrownJr. , Avideocanmakethedifference , betweendrawingattention , ordyinginobscurity , lawspassed , publicdisclosureofbody-worncamerafootage , protesters , demandingvideoofkillingofAndrewBrownJr. , handmadeprotestsigns , ReleaseTheRealTape , SpendingPlan , AimstoBolsterMiddleClass , lossofconfidenceinthemiddleclass , PresidentBiden'seconomicproposals , aimingtoreinforceandrebuild , Americanmiddleclass , government , layingthefoundation , McAllen , Texas , HispanicWomen , GiveG.O.P.Life , SouthTexas , SeekingFurtherGainsAgainstDemocrats , NewYorkRetailersFret , OfficesStayEmpty , RemoteWork , LeavesVitalCultureatRisk , Manhattanstorefronts , waitingforlifetoreturn , desolatestreets , Midtown , FinancialDistrict , mainlycloudy , mild , afternoonshowers
Brian Jungen, Warrior I , Nike Air Jordans, leather, 39 x 32 x 29 inches, 2017, Dallas Museum of Art , Texas
Tags: BrianJungen , warrior , mixedmedia , sculpture , NikeAirJordans , shoelaces , leather , DallasMuseumofArt , Texas , NYTimes , streetscene , fathers , children , EnriqueValenzuela , coordinatorforMexicangovernment , migrationefforts , advisingmigrants , deniedentryintoU.S. , MigrantCascade , StrainsSheltersNearU.S.Border , ShockAndDesperation , ScoresArePushedBack , AsMoreChildrenMakeJourney , CiudadJuárez , families , walkedunsteadilyinsneakers , shoelaceswereconfiscated , allpersonalitemsdiscarded , USCustomsandBorderProtection , beachscene , sandbags , waves , bluesky , waterfronthomes , Buxton , NorthCarolina , townreplenishedsandin2018 , muchofithaswashedaway , TinyTownAsks , WhoPaystoFightaRisingSea? , EndlessStruggleWithBeachErosion , AlongtheOuterBanks , climatechange , ProudBoysGotBigger , AsPoliceLookedAway , UntilJanuary6 , AgenciesSawLittleThreat , attackonU.S.Capitol , portrait , Americanflag , EnriqueTarrio , JosephBiggs , targetoffederalinquiry , Albany , VaccineCzar , LarrySchwartz , WorksPhonesToAidCuomo , formertopaide , leadingNewYork'svaccinationefforts , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , On5thAvenue , SymbolofIrishAmericaTeeters , Uproar , GroupListsMansionforSale , hometoAmericanIrishHistoricalSociety , symbolizedimmigrantascent , IrishAmerica , BetweenPrayers , ClergyPreachFaithinVaccine , DispellingMyths , OfferingReassurance , GatheringPlace , evangelicalchurch , OrlandoFlorida , Rev.GabrielSalguero , sermononCovid-19vaccine , "Ingettingyourselfvaccinatedyouarehelpingyourneighbor" , sunshine , brisk , colder
Tags: MaryFrank , RunningMan , men , fleeing , stoneware , clay , figuresculpture , MinneapolisInstituteofArt , Minneapolis , NYTimes , manshotinleg , Mandalay , Myanmar , militaryandpolice , openedfireonprotesters , AtLeast18Die , CrackdownJoltsMyanmar , portrait , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , facesoutragefrombothparties , VoicingRegrets , CuomoMakesBid , ToLimitDamage , SaysAccusers'Misinterpreted'Remarks , AgreestoHarassmentInquiry , Albany , sexualharassmentclaim , CharlotteBennett , FormerPresidentDonaldJ.Trump , looksinmirror , BackintheSpotlight , gaveconservativesalist , ofRepublicanstooust , HowaLieTookWing , asCapitolRiotRaged , RightQuicklySowedFiction , ThatInvadersWereAntifa , FirstforShots , Doctors , Nurses , Olympians? , Tokyo , Japan , OlympicGames , coronavirusvaccinedistribution , Delta-8-THCgummies , GeorgiaHempCompany , NotQuitePot , ThisHighSlipsPastMostBans , HometownHeroCBD , Austin , Texas , AroundPhliadelphia , ParentsRebel , AgainstRemoteSchooling , They'reSuing , SeekingOffice , MovingOut , morningshowers , someclearing , breezy
Antoni Muntadas, Monumento genérico (Generic Monument) , Printed methacrylate, photographs, iron and fluorescent light, 400 x 173 x 75 centimeters, Photographs with frame: 52.5 x 42.5 x 4 centimeters (each), 1987-88, Museo Nacional Centro De Arte Reina Sofia , Madrid, Spain
Tags: AntoniMuntadas , mixedmedia , installation , photography , sculpture , fluorescentlight , monument , MuseoNacionalCentrodeArteReinaSofía , Madrid , NYTimes , lightbluesky , clouds , horizontal , powerlines , orangetarp , utilityworkers , Houston , Texas , repairwork , winterstorm , causedoutagesformillions , TexasOfficials , HadFewRules , ForPowerGrid , WeakPointsinSystem , RaisedBlackoutRisk , near-collapse , stateelectricitygrid , 1999decision , deregulation , market-basedpatchwork , privategenerators , transmissioncompanies , energyretailers , "Deregulationwassomethingakintoabolishingthespeedlimitonaninterstatehighway" , "Thatopensupshortcutsthatcausedisasters." , EdHirs , UniversityofHouston , WashingtonDC , BreakforMiningTycoon , inTrump'sFinalDays , SanctionsWereLifted , onIsraelibillionaire , DanGertler , AccusedofAbusesinAfrica , corruption , dealswithleadersoftheDemocraticRepublicofCongo , EconomistsSeePossibleBoom , Post-Pandemic , intriguingprospect , post-Covidboom , economistssurveyed , byFederalReserveBankofPhiladelphia , predictedU.S.outputwillincrease4.5%thisyear , economistsatGoldmanSachs , forecasteconomywillgrow6.8%thisyear , PleaForBackup , FacedConfusion , AsRiotBlewUp , CriticalHoursWasted , HearingSeekstoDissect , HowaMobBreachedSecurity , attheCapitol , CapitolPolice , chaoticdecision-making , congressionalhearing , StevenA.Sund , CapitolPolicechiefatthetime , portrait , NationalGuardtroops , patrollingthegroundsattheCapitol , aftertheJanuary6riot , interiorscene , daylight , menandwomen , laptops , bookshelves , MonumentstoWomenandLearning , TwolibrariesinAfghanistan , builtinhonorofwomen , whowerekilledinbombings , gainsinwomen'seducation , remainfragile , asgovernmentcontinuestalks , withtheTaliban , DemocratsGetJump , OnLobbyingfortheCourt , UrgingBidentoLookPast , 'Elitist'Choices , JudgeJ.MichelleChilds , ofU.S.DistrictCourt , wouldfulfillMr.Biden'spledge , toappointfirstBlackwomantotheSupremeCourt , SCOTUS , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , Cuomo'sBullyingStyle , ComesUnderScrutiny , BringingSometoTears , IssuingThreats , Albany , cloudy , breezy , rainandsnow , thenallrain
Evan Holloway, Dialectic , Cinder blocks, plaster, steel, brass, lighting, and lighting controller, 22.3 x 189.2 x 279.4 centimeters, 2006, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago , Illinois
Tags: EvanHolloway , dialectic , mixedmedia , sculpture , installation , MuseumofContemporaryArtChicago , NYTimes , Florida , crowd , neighborhood , LakeWorth , campaignsigns , lastdayofearlyvoting , battlegroundstate , longlines , Texas , IVOTED , stickers , Americanflag , votingcontinued , stateSupremeCourt , deniedefforttothrowout120000ballots , Wisconsin , polling , PresidentTrumpistrailing , inkeynorthernstate , hewonin2016 , women , raisedhands , cheering , ballotdropbox , VOTEHERE , KeySwingStates , SetUpShowdown , AsRaceNearsEnd , BidenPollingAhead , in4Battlegrounds , JosephR.BidenJr. , holdsclearadvantageoverPresidentTrump , bolsteredbysupportofvoters , whodidnotparticipatein2016election , Philadelphia , BothCampaignsVieforPennsylvania , nationalearlyvote , climbspast93million , Pennsylvaniahas20ElectoralCollegevotes , Pennsylvaniacrucialtovictory , chart , NewYorkTimes/SienaCollegepoll , ArizonaFloridaPennsylvaniaWisconsin , WashingtonDC , InEraofTrumpFictions , TrustLoomsasCasualty , "alternativefacts" , democracy , duringfinalweekendofcampaignrallies , Mr.Trumpsowsdoubt , aboutvalidityofelection , OnVenezuela , U.S.StrategyRunsAground , JuanGuaidó , youngoppositionleader , recognizedbyPresidentTrump , StateoftheUnionspeech , Florida'sLatinovoters , Venezuelanexpatriates , CubanAmericans , Trumpadministration'ssanctions , failedtooust , NicolásMaduro , ChineseRussianIranianinterests , morefirmlyentrenchedinVenezuela , ACityatOdds , OntheMoment , ToOpenSchools , SanFrancisco , thirdwave , coronavirus , debatehowtosafelyeducate , low-incomeandminoritystudents , Henderson , Nebraska , InNebraska , Seeking4MoreYearsofBelonging , Trump'sRuralBackers , SpeakofaKinship , peoplesay , PresidentTrumprepresents , theirdeepconvictions , stronglyheldbeliefs , goodversusevilframework , verywindy , gusts40to50m.p.h. , cold
Tags: AlessandroMendini , giacca , jacket , sculpture , goldenmosaic , paintedmetalfurniture , President'sTaxes , ChartChronicLosses , AuditBattle , IncomeTaxAvoidance , goldcoin , goldslotmachine , jackpot , goldgolfclubs , goldWhiteHouse , goldescalator , PresidentTrumppaidnoU.S.incometax , formuchofpasttwodecades , Theyearhebecamepresident , hepaid$750 , I.R.S. , auditingtaxrefund , Trumpclaimed$72.9milliontaxrefund , AtlanticCitycasinocollapsed , TheApprentice , brandingdeals , Financialpressureonpresidentgrowing , Trumpreportedlossesonsignatureproperties , earnedmillionsinlicensingfees , $3millionfromthePhilippines , $2.3millionfromIndia , $1millionfromTurkey , vastwrite-offs , fuelagildedlife , YearsOfTrumpRecords , Long-ConcealedReturns , PointtoLoomingFinancialThreats , DirectConflictsofInterest , hundredsofmillionsofdollarsindebtcomingdue , portrait , Americanflagbackground , ThepresidenthasfloutedWhiteHousetradition , shieldingfinancesfromthepublic , RansomwareMayThreatenElectionNight , OfficialsFearHackers , WillSowChaos , Texas , TylerTechnologies , cyberattack , federalofficialsfear , groupstrytofreezevoterregistrationdata , electionpollbooks , computersystemsofsecretariesofstate , WashingtonDC , VotersWantPauseonCourtSeat , HighlightingRisk , G.O.P.Push , SupremeCourt , Trump'snomination , JudgeAmyConeyBarrett , TumakaruIndia , VirusClosedSchools , World'sPoorestChildren , WenttoWork , TakingDangerousandIllegalJobs , surgeinchildlabor , coulderodeprogressachieved , schoolenrollment , literacy , socialmobility , children'shealth , coronaviruspandemic , NYTimes , FondationCartierpourl'artcontemporain , Paris , France , showers , afternoonsunshine , humid
Tags: RichardAnuszkiewicz , InnerRed , painting , oilonlinen , abstraction , 1960s , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , ANation'sAnguish , DeathsNear200000 , neighborhood , redflags , whiteflags , grass , sunshinethroughtrees , ShaneReilly , artist , Austin , Texas , plantedplasticflaginyard , tohonoreachpersoninstate , whodiedasresultofcoronaviruspandemic , ClosetoaMillion , HavePerishedWorldwide , "Whatwillhappennobodyknows" , CatherineTroisi , infectiousdiseaseepidemiologist , UniversityofTexasHealthScienceCenter , Nearly900poster-sizephotos , coronavirusvictims , filledmemorial , BelleIsle , Detroit , Spainhonoredvictims , eternalflame , orangefire , risingfromblacksteelbrazier , Madrid , Crossesandballoons , placedastributes , CopacabanaBeach , RiodeJaneiro , redballoons , GrimReminders , HardtoEscape , MichaelDavis , dazedandgrieving , wifediedofcoronavirus , "Everything'scoronaeverything'scorona---that'sallyouhearaboutallthetime." , AdversariesGird , BattleBrews , OverCourtSeat , TrumpWantsFastVote , BidenSaysWinneroftheElection , ShouldPicktheNewJustice , futureofSupremeCourt , mourning , RuthBaderGinsburg , championofwomen'srights , herototheleft , AbortionFight , volatileissue , politicalrisksforbothsides , Mankind'sFeats , PlaceCaliforniaAtClimateRisk , thisyear , state'sworstwildfireseasononrecord , manufacturedlandscapes , tremendousgrowth , $3trillioneconomy , abundantsunshine , cool
Timothy H. O'Sullivan, High Bridge Crossing, The Appomattox, near Farmville on South Side Railroad, VA , Albumen print, Image: 17.1 x 22.5 centimeters, Support: 30.5 x 39.4 centimeters, 1865, Chrysler Museum of Art , Norfolk, Virginia
Tags: TimothyO'Sullivan , albumenprint , bridge , Appomattox , Farmville , railroad , ChryslerMuseumofArt , Norfolk , Virginia , NYTimes , EdmundPettusBridge , redpetals , bluesky , AFinalSundayinSelma , Alabama , funeralcaisson , RepresentativeJohnLewis , acrosstheAlabamabridge , horses , hefirstmarched , overahalf-centuryago , VirusCutsOffGlobalLifeline , AidingMillions , WagesSentHomebyMigrants , Plunge , London , FlaviusTudor , "It'sverytoughtimes" , "I'mlost" , remittances , coronavirus , economiesinlockdown , pandemicdamagedearningpower , 164millionmigrantworkers , whosupport800millionrelatives , Houston , Texas , 'YouDotheRightThings' , 'andStillYouGetIt' , TexasFamilyIsCaught , inUnrestrainedSpreadofVirus , supermarketbagger , Randalls , grocerystore , Seattle , Washington , CitiesAreInBind , AsUnrestFlares , OverU.S.Actions , EscalationOfProtests , NewOutrageandClashes , Response , FederalAgentsonStreets , PresidentTrump , seizedonscenesofunrest , law-and-ordermessage , riotgear , black , blue , orange , policeofficers , protesters , conflict , militarizedefforts , Misogyny , FedLawyer'sRage , AgainstJudge , "anti-feminist"lawyer , yearsofresentment , violence , MTA , platform , subway , train , TransitWorkers'Sacrifice , emotionalcost , keepingNewYorkCitymoving , duringpandemic , LakeBuenaVista , Florida , N.B.A. , SafeStrangeHaven , inHotSpot , NoDazzle , ManyRules , CarePackages , playoutrestofseason , withoutfans , confinedcampus , AVirginiaTown , RethinksItsConfederatePillars , WhereLeeIsBuried , NoMoreLeeHotel , picturesquecity , nestledinBlueRidgeMountains , sunny , hot , humid
Alan Saret, Queen’s Mesh, Enamel paint on wire mesh, 43.5 x 73.75 x 28 inches, 1967, High Museum of Art , Atlanta, Georgia
Tags: AlanSaret , sculpture , wiremesh , paint , installation , HighMuseumofArt , Atlanta , NYTimes , hospitalroom , bluePPE , surgicalmasks , birth , mother , newborn , paleyellow , KimberlyMuñoz , diagnosedwithCovid-19 , preventedfromholdinghernewbornbaby , SouthTexas , AsRollsSurge , FindingRefuge , FoodStamps , AReliableBackstop , U.S.EconomyStalls , WashingtonDC , coronavirus , SNAP , universalsafetynet , AlliesOfTrump , StartToBreakRanksOnVirus , "ThisIsNotGoingAway" , PushingMasks , Distance , GuidanceofHealthExperts , public-healthguidelines , HandsAreOut , TalksBeginOnAddingAid , Housewants$3trillioninaid , Senatewants$1trillion , extendedunemploymentinsurance , liabilityprotections , shelfofGoyacans , TrumpfansarebuyingGoya , Beans , Boycotts , thePoliticsOfPantryItems , RobertUnanue , Goya'sCEO , appearedatWhiteHouse , rollout , HispanicProsperityInitiative , graph , statistics , AfterRecentSurge , CoronavirusCases , DeathsAreNowRisingToo , London , SureofPandemicReadiness , EuropeSawPride , LeadtoaFall , FacingVirus , CountriesFoundExpertise , ResourcesLacking , BehindTheCurve , AFalseSenseofSecurity , ProfessorChrisWhitty , Britain'schiefmedicaladviser , "wealthmassivelyhardensasocietyagainstepidemics" , Edinburg , Texas , 'AStraightUpTrajectory' , HitsAlreadyStressedBorderRegion , PoorHealthandPoverty , SpuraGallopingCoronavirus , RioGrandeValley , morethanonethirdoffamilies , liveinpoverty , uptohalfofresidents , havenohealthinsurance , hot , showers , heavythunderstormslate
Jeffrey Gibson, Freedom , Repurposed tipi poles, rawhide lacing, artificial sinew, buffalo hide, acrylic paint, wool, glass and plastic beads, sterling silver, turquoise, and quartz, 104 x 233 x 60 inches, 2013, Denver Art Museum , Colorado
Tags: JeffreyGibson , freedom , multimedia , sculpture , installation , abstraction , painting , DenverArtMuseum , Colorado , NYTimes , youngwoman , armsoutstretched , rainbowflag , multicolored , stripes , rainystreets , crowd , 50YearsofPride , Peoplecelebratedmilestone , Pride , pouringrain , festivities , ObamaDrawnBack , PoliticalBattlefield , HeWantedtoQuit , TougherLineonTrump , MarksNewPhase , UniqueRetirement , BarackObama , CashDiscovery , TippedOffSpies , AboutBounties , Warnings , Early2020 , RussianPlotIsSuspected , atLeastOneU.S.MilitaryDeath , shadowwar , Afghanistan , SpeakerNancyPelosi , "RussiahasnevergottenoverthehumiliationtheysufferedinAfghanistan" , "andnowtheyaretakingitoutonusourtroops" , Houston , Texas , HoustonSurge , FillsHospitalsWiththeYoung , RacetoFindBedSpace , BeforethePeakHits , coronaviruscasesrisingquickly , HoustonMethodistHospital , portrait , KimVictory , Tennessee , AsBodyFights , VirusSplintersPatients'Minds , Delirium , nightmarishvisions , 3-weekhospitalstay , severerespiratoryfailure , WashingtonDC , MichaelT.Flynn , Flynn'sLawyer , EnlistedAllies , InHighPlaces , SidneyPowell , firebrandlawyer , privatecorrespondence , AttorneyGeneralWilliamP.Barr , directeddepartmenttodropthecharge , undercuttingRussiainvestigation , specialcounselRobertS.MuellerIII , twomenembrace , interior , creamcoloredsuit , surgicalmask , "IT'STIME" , sticker , RetiringaFlag , Mississippi , Statesenators , passingabill , removeemblemoftheConfederacy , DoesN.Y.P.D.GetTooMuch? , PerhapsIt'sAskedtoDoTooMuch , MoneytoFightCrime , toChaseDeer , citygovernments , turntodepartment , catchallfix , society'sills , deployingforce , 36000officers , paramilitaryapproach , protests , GeorgeFloydkilling , "defundthepolice" , CityCouncil , speakerproposesbudgetcut , $1billionfromdepartment's$6billionbudget , cloudsandsunshine , thunderstorms
Tags: MartinBlank , torso , glass , sculpture , bluegreen , transparent , TheRinglingMuseumofArt , Sarasota , Florida , NYTimes , NewYork , crowd , mourning , CityFacesEchoofDarkerPast , vigil , TessMajors , studentatBarnardCollege , killedinMorningsidePark , Edinburg , Texas , StatesUnequalInPreparation , FortheCensus , PartyinControl , IsKeytotheDifferences , partheadcount , partpowerstruggle , SenatorChuckSchumer , Democraticleader , SchumerFramesFullSenateTrial , OnImpeachment , McConnellChallenged , CallingforSubpoenas , UkraineRecords , Trump'sTopAides , WashingtonDC , SenatorMitchMcConnell , "takingmycues" , fromtheWhiteHouse , InSecret , U.S.ExpelsEnvoysSentbyChina , espionagethreat , Seattle , Washington , PrimeLeverage , ARetailGiant'sHoldonTech , Amazon , DominanceintheCloud , Elastic , softwarestart-up , Amsterdam , trademarkviolation , Amazonusessamename , Elasticsearch , cloudcomputing , copyingsoftware , ClimateTalksEnd , WithU.S.CedingNothing , globalclimatenegotiations , rainbowflag , ephemera , nightscene , screens , photos , interimmemorial , 49peoplekilled , 2016Pulsenightclubshooting , Orlando , architecturaldesign , permanentmemorial , newmuseum , AtPulseShootingSite , PlantoRemember , RenewsPainforSome , ChristineLeinonen , "Myson'sbrutaldeathisnotatouristattraction" , clubowner , BarbaraPoma , creatednon-profit , onePULSEFoundation , "Thepurposeofthemuseumwillbetohonorthelifeofourchildren" , mostcloudy , snowandsleet