dirt — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Jeppe Hein, Geometric Mirrors VI , Aluminum, stainless steel and high polished steel (super mirror), Edition 1 of 3, plus 2 artist proofs, 200 x 200 x 100 centimeters, 2011, Chrysler Museum of Art , Norfolk, Virginia
Tags: JeppeHein , multimedia , GeometricMirrors , installation , sculpture , ChryslerMuseumofArt , Norfolk , Virginia , PortlandPressHerald , Portland , Maine , Housingadvocates , planapartments , forasylumseekers , AvestaHousing , DanaTotman , we’relevelingtheplayingfield , emergencyshelter , nonprofitaffordablehousing , Despitelackoftransparency , grantprogramprotectsfunds , MaineTechnologyInstitute , $42million , taxpayermoney , constructionequipment , fences , dirt , Westbrook , VerticalHarvest , urbanhydroponicfarm , carexplosion , Moscow , DariaDugina , daughterofPutinally , AlexanderDugin , humidityrises , rainarriveslate
Olli Miettinen, Men from Hatjalahti, study , Charcoal, crayon, cardboard, 167.5 x 239.5 centimeters, 1943, Finnish National Gallery , Helsinki
Tags: OlliMiettinen , soldiers , Hatjalahti , study , charcoal , crayon , cardboard , FinnishNationalGallery , Helsinki , NYTimes , AsWarRages , Ukraine , AgreesToTalksWithRussians , 'WithoutPreconditions' , crowds , Ukrainians , Industry , Gatheringemptybottles , Dnipro , Molotovcocktails , Tenacity , localmen , diggingbunker , erectingcheckpoint , villageofHushchyntsi , dirt , earth , Charity , cardboardsigns , handwrittentext , yellowtape , Offeringrefugeesfreerides , Polishborder , Polandandbeyond , ArmedorNot , VillagersRushToJoinFight , Khomutyntsi , grass-rootsmovement , mobilizationofcivilians , MoreThan350CiviliansHaveBeenKilled , Kyiv , Ukraine'sPresident , VolodymyrZelensky , Censorship , RussiapressuringGoogleandApple , seekstorestrictonlinematerial , Sidelined , Putindistanceshimselffromadvisers , couldberisky , InTurnaround , GermanyVowsMilitaryBoost , ChancellorOlafScholz , 100BillionEuros , Berlin , Putin'sNuclearArsenalRhetoric , PushesBoundsofBrinkmanship , nuclearforces , "specialcombatreadiness" , Americanforces , Defcon3 , TheWoodlands , Texas , AfterPartisanRedistricting , PrimariesMatterMost , RepresentativeDanCrenshaw , hadhisTexasdistrictredrawn , risingRepublicanstar , Baltimore , policecadets , takepartincourse , ethicalpolicing , PoliceTraintoStepIn , WhenPoliceStepTooFar , mostlysunny , breezy , cold
Vladimir Tatlin, The Sailor , Tempera on canvas, 71.5 x 71.5 centimeters, 1911, The State Russian Museum , Saint Petersburg, Russia
Tags: VladimirTatlin , sailor , portraiture , tempera , canvas , painting , TheStateRussianMuseum , SaintPetersburg , Russia , NYTimes , Ukraine , Ukrainiansoldier , camouflagenet , frontlines , pro-Russianseparatists , Donetsk , dirt , trenches , shovels , uniforms , rocks , PutinStaysFixed , OnUkraineClaim , UsingHistoryandTroops , toSignalIreatWest , Moscow , PresidentVladimirV.Putin , Kremlinthesis , Ukrainiansare"onepeople"withRussians , generations , linguisticculturaleconomicties , familyties , HowOmicronStayedaStepAhead , Undetected , BeforeItHadaName , VariantStalkedNewYorkEvent , animeconference , coronavirus , BobDole , obituary , 1923-2021 , SenateLeader , TenaciousSonofthePrairie , lastofWorldWarIIgeneration , towintheRepublicannominationforpresident , suitandtie , BuiltUponSyria'sRuins , ADrugEmpireFlourishes , AmphetamineProduction , BringsinBillions , fortheWorld'sNewestNarcostate , beige , pills , captagon , illegalandaddictive , popularintheMiddleEast , WithoutRoe , PathtoAbortion , WouldBeIntricateandCostly , Roev.Wade , SupremeCourt , arguments , MIssissippiabortionlaw , cloudy , turningwindy , warmer , showers
Tags: HockEAyeViEdgarHeapofBirds , MovingAgainstEarth , pastel , paper , language , markmaking , peachgreen , alizarincrimson , grey , black , bluegreen , olive , Africa , greenyellowredstripedflag , landscape , brickwall , bluewater , soldier , onguard , atborder , betweenEthiopiaandEritrea , twolongtimeadversaries , appearasallies , battletosubdueTigrayregion , OldFoes , FightOnSameSideinEthiopia , RefugeesGettheBrunt , ForcesFromEritrea , ReportedRampagingThroughCamps , Kenya , PrimeMinisterAbiyAhmed , "Abiyhasinvitedaforeigncountrytofightagainsthisownpeople" , AwolAllo , formerAbiysupporter , turnedoutspokencritic , PresidentSignsVirusReliefBill , AfterAidLapses , AbruptlyEndingTurmoilHeCreated , JoblessProgramsAreRestored , 5593-pagelegislation , AfterSomeBreaksinPolitics , JonOssoff , MadeaFewofHisOwn , portrait , bluebackgroundwithwhitestars , best-fundedSenatecandidateinhistory , DevastatedinNewMexico , groupofmen , loweringcoffinintotheground , earth , dirt , burial , GilbertYazzie , Navajo , whodiedofCovid-19 , cemetery , northofGallup , PandemicPutsCollegeLifeline , BeyondReach , RachelFoor , stress , worry , student , IndianaUniversityofPennsylvania , Dr.MichelePapakie , chairofjournalismandpublicrelationsdepartment , regularlycounselsstudents , OfficialsSay , NashvilleBlast , WasSuicideMission , AnthonyWarner , solitaryjob , informationtechnologyspecialist , R.V. , parkedthevehicleChristmasmorning , downtownNashville , Tennessee , becomingcloudy , turningmilder , WhitneyMuseum , NYTimes
Tags: LynnAldrich , assemblage , sculpture , breaker , green , gardenhoses , LACMA , NYTimes , river , embankment , rocks , nature , worker , pilesofdetritus , billionsofpieces , plasticwaste , exportedfromU.S. , toberecycled , endsupinriversandoceans , BigOil , PivotstoPlastics , EyesAfrica , ItsDumpingGround , grocerystoreaisle , freshvegetables , orange , yellow , red , reuseablebag , netting , Kenya , passedstringentlaw , againstplasticbags , in2017 , world'slargestchemicalmakers , fossilfuelcompanies , lobbyingtoinfluence , U.S.tradenegotiations , TreasuryChief , FeelstheSting , FromAllSides , AidDealIsaLegacy , forBetterorWorse , TreasurySecretaryStevenMnuchin , $2.2trilliongovernmentrescue , PortlandDeath , InflamesDebate , UrbanStrife , TrumpBackers'Rally , PresidentInsultsMayor , TedWheeler , BidenCallsHisRivalReckless , streetviolence , finalweeks , 2020campaign , QuickTesting , IfYouCanPay , TheSteepCost , coronavirustests , conciergemedicalpractices , InfinityBiologiX , NewJersey-basedcompany , Dr.AndrewBrooks , "Sofarwehavetested12billionaires" , AsChinaFlexes , TaiwanRevampsItsMilitary , Taiwanesemilitaryexercises , cannonfire , smoke , landscape , trenches , mounds , grass , dirt , camouflageuniforms , ThePeople'sLiberationArmyofChina , livefire-drills , lastweek , WashingtonDC , ItCan'tGetWorse... , Right? , FiveLives , Upendedby2020 , HowSomeAmericans , AreTryingtoCope , YearofPain , ChadwickBoseman , death , Hollywoodstar , trendingonTwitter , "IHATE2020" , yearoftragedy , catastrophe , upheaval , pandemic , socialunrest , wildfires , hurricanes , mostlysunny , lowhumidity
Tags: ReeMorton , sculpture , painting , wood , installation , PAFA , Philadelphia , NYTimes , outdoors , crowd , protesters , LincolnMemorial , NationalMall , demonstrations , overkillingofGeorgeFloyd , armsraised , greenery , blueskieswithclouds , OtherMovementsHaveFaded , ThisOne'FeelsLikeHome' , CallsforRacialJustice , AchieveMomentum , NotSeeninYears , Denver , massivegatherings , streets , publicplazas , filledwithpeople , DelicateRestart , HasComeAtLast , NewYorkCity , 400000ToBeginWork , After100ArduousDays , HintofNormalcy , AmidtheUnrest , constructionjobs , manufacturingsites , retailstores , coronavirus , pandemic , NationalGuard , LeavingCapital , Ex-Commanders , RebukeTrump , onUseofForce , "Theywillbegoinghomebutcanquicklyreturnifneeded" , WashingtonDC , MayorMurielBowser , calledthedeploymentoftroops , "aninvasion" , BombChargeShocksFriends , Of2Lawyers , protest , building"solidaritymovements" , betweenpeopleofcolor , surprise , vandalizedpolicecar , StatesScramble , AsHackersEye , RemoteVoting , mail-inballots , voterfraud , baselessclaimbyPresidentTrump , expandonlinevoting , "highrisk" , balesofhay , dirt , SarahLloyd'sfarm , Wisconsin , receivedmoreinfarmaid , thanallbuttwostates , MoreBillionstoFarms , ThisTimeforVirusAid , PayoutsHaveExceeded , AnyActualLosses , TrumpAdministration , compensatefarmersfortradewars , tiltedtowardstates , politicallyimportanttoRepublicans , mostlysunny , seasonablywarm
Outi Heiskanen, Castle in the Air and Hiding Cottage , Glass, wood, drypoint, etching, 210 centimeters, 1990, Finnish National Gallery , Helsinki, Finland
Tags: OutiHeiskanen , sculpture , windowframes , glass , wood , chairs , etching , interior , exterior , FinnishNationalGallery , Helsinki , NYTimes , openspace , fences , MarathonPetroleumplant , RiverRouge , Michigan , releasedpungentgas , stay-at-homeorder , Virus , AnotherDeadlyRisk , InShadows , U.S.Smokestacks , low-incomecommunitiesofcolor , higherlevelsairpollution , coronaviruscrisis , minoritiesdisproportionatelydying , 'Straight-UpFire' , inHisVeins , TeenBattlesCovidSyndrome , severeinflammatorysyndrome , linkedtocoronavirusinchildren , BidenPursuesIdeas , toMatchScaleofCrisis , LeftSensesOpening , forBolderAgenda , 36millionAmericansunemployed , JosephR.BidenJr. , racingtoassemblenewgoverningagenda , "therightkindofeconomicrecovery" , SecretaryofStateMikePompeo , PompeoFacingFreshQuestions , OnUseOfAssets , FiringRaisesRedFlag , DemocratsSeePatternofAbuse , byShrewdTrumpLoyalist , WashingtonDC , StateDepartmentInspectorGeneral , SteveA.Linick , whistle-blowercomplaint , What'saNewYorkDriveLike? , TouraGhostTown , of8Million , TimesSquare , crosswalk , empty , F.D.R.Drive , feelslikeGrandTheftAutogame , openroad , milesandmiles , WestSideHighway , nogridlock , norushhour , RioDeJaneiro , Brazil , 'ImpunityReigns' , InsideRio'sRecordYear , 1814PoliceKillings , hillside , motherandchildren , walkinguphill , pink , green , blue , white , brown , dirt , Childrenlisteningtogunshots , inthedistance , policeofficers , routinelygundowncrimesuspects , withoutrestraint , periodicclouds , sunshine
Jean-Marc Bustamante, Lava I , Steel and Perspex, 170 x 4380 x 8965 millimeters, 2003, Tate , U.K.
Tags: Jean-MarcBustamante , Lava , sculpture , steel , perspex , orange , TateUK , NYTimes , silverwhite , greyrubble , green-goldlandscape , yellowochre , brown , dirt , site , NorthwesternSyria , raid , aerialphotography , LeaderOfIslamicState , DiesInRaid , U.S.Says , World'sMost-WantedTerrorist , BuiltISISIntoGlobalThreat , AbuBakral-Baghdadi , seatedportrait , videostill , sonofpiousSunnifamily , parlayedreligiousfervor , hatredofnonbelievers , powerofInternet , WashingtonDC , PresidentKnewofHunt , HisSyriaWithdrawal , MadeItHarder , intelligenceofficials , al-Baghdadi'sdeathinraid , occurredinspiteof , notbecauseof , Mr.Trump'sactions , TrumpHeraldsSuccessofMission , Seekingal-Baghdadi , daringAmericancommandoraid , five-yearinternationalmanhunt , "Hediedlikeadog" , "Hediedlikeacoward" , Mr.Trumpsaid , OnCamera , Theannouncementofraid , gavePresidentTrump , made-for-televisionmoment , hehaslongcraved , decentralizedIslamicState , encouragedfollowersandfranchises , tocarryoutideology , PresidentTrumpatpodium , redstripedtie , StrategiesDeridedbyPresident , FuelaTriumph , andaDebate , nighttimeraid , vindicatedthevalue , threetraditionalAmericanstrengths , robustalliances , faithinintelligenceagencies , projectionofmilitarypoweraroundtheworld , Fieryredlandscape , glowingembers , roadway , Kincadefire , forcedmandatoryevacuation , 180000people , NorthernCalifornia , FireandWind , FlailCalifornia , StrewingChaos , Petaluma , California , PacificGasandElectric , cutpowerto2.7millionpeople , largestintentionalblackout , inCaliforniahistory , BeforeCrashes , Boeing , PushedToUndercut , F.A.A.Oversight , craftlegislationtotheirliking , FederalAviationAdministration , "notbeinthebestinterestofsafety" , Boeing737Maxjet , cloudyskies , somesunshine
David Bomberg, The Mud Bath , Oil paint on canvas, 152 x 224 centimeters, 1914, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: DavidBomberg , oiloncanvas , painting , vorticists , TateUK , BritishArt , NYTimes , portraiture , VictorManuelTorres , bluestripedshirt , bluejeans , palmtrees , clothesline , hangingclothes , boats , homes , tornuplandscape , rocks , dirt , detritus , columns , pink , bluesky , clouds , "Deadistheonlywaythey'llevergetmetoleave" , 50-yearresident , barriocalledVietnam , Guaynabo , PuertoRico , HurricaneMaria , "Thestormwasapassingshower" , "comparedtowhatwehavesurvivedhere" , Laborersbuiltneighborhood , badgeofhonor , WashingtonDC , G.O.P.'sTactics , SeektoCornerDemocrats , McConnellEntersFray , ToEndShutdown , PresidentTrump , morningtweets , attackedSpeakerNancyPelosi , Ms.Pelosibehaved"soirrationally" , SenatorChuckSchumer , Mr.Trump'splan , "hostagetaking" , Shutdowninfifthweek , 800000federalworkers , stillfurloughed , RussiaDealings , SaidToContinue , TillTrumpWon , AMoscowSkyscraper , CandidateWasInvolved , forMonthsLonger , GiulianiReveals , RudolphW.Giuliani , PresidentTrump'spersonallawyer , TrumpTowerMoscowdiscussions , "goingonfromthedayIannouncedtothedayIwon" , flurryofinterviews , amidfallout , disputedreport , BuzzfeedNews , ReportInLimbo , Misstepsraisequestions , aboutBuzzfeed's"bombshell" , AsMogulandPresident , ConsistentinChaos , Trump'sHungertoWin , DrivingForce , DealMaking , wagedpublicbattle , withMervGriffin , totakecontrol , AtlanticCitycasino , JackO'Donnell , "Hehasn'tchangedatall" , rancasinoforMr.Trumpin1980s , footballplayers , tangleofbodies , redwhiteuniforms , bluewhiteuniforms , multicolorbackground , crowd , MusclingIntotheSuperBowl , SonyMichelandthePatriots , beattheChiefs , 37-31 , WhereWordsandActsClash , WhiteHouse'sRussiaPolicies , RussiaseizedUkrainianships , inNovember , Twomonthslater , PresidentTrumphasnottaken , significantaction , Mr.Trumpinsisted , "nocollusion"withMoscow , Bensalem , Pennsylvania , DNA'MagicBox' , CanSnareCriminals , butAlsotheInnocent , RapidDNAmachine , providesresultsin90minutes , RapidDNAAct , signedintolawin2017 , sunshine , patchycloud , windy , cold