SenatorChuckSchumer — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: MauricedeVlaminck , Larouteenforêt , oilonlinen , painting , landscape , forest , path , walking , route , MuseumBoijmansVanBeuningen , Rotterdam , Netherlands , NYTimes , aftertwoyears , pubertyblockers , EmmaBasques , prescribedestrogen , tostarthertransition , PressingPauseonPuberty , DrugsCanBuyTimeforTransYouth , IsThereaCost? , transgender , genderdysphoria , PresidentBiden , FacingBigDecisionOnHisFuture , EnteringHis80s , Pondering'24Race , history-defyingmidterms , midtermelections , SenateWin , GivesBidenABulwark , AgainstTheG.O.P. , HouseIsUndecided , PowertoConfirmJudges , ImpedethePlansofRepublicans , SenatorChuckSchumer , portraiture , victory , ModerationWins , battlegroundstates , swingdistricts , midtermvoters , shunnedextremists , fromtherightandleft , TrumpOftenSoughtTaxAuditsOfHisFoes , Ex-TopAideSays , formerchiefofstaff , JohnF.Kelly , PrivateEyes , SteeredtoSpyOnDissidents , surveillance , Ukrainiansoldiers , camouflageuniforms , childrenwrappedinUkrainianflags , yellowandblue , AUkrainiansoldiersignedaflag , mainsquare , Kherson , newlyfreedfromRussia , AssimilationIsFutile , HowaCityDefiedRussia , KhersonResistedPush , toEraseItsIdentityasUkrainian , mostlysunny , cool , clearskies
Manuel Álvarez Bravo, La Operacion Hospital, Juarez, Mexico , Gelatin silver print, 25.22 x 20.14 centimeters, 1935, The Nelson-Atkins Museum of Art , Kansas City, Missouri
Tags: ManuelÁlvarezBravo , gelatinsilverprint , portraiture , LaOperacionHospital , JuarezMexico , TheNelson-AtkinsMuseumofArt , KansasCity , MIssouri , NYTimes , hospitalroom , hospitalbed , PPE , whitesheets , mustardyellowfabric , bluemasks , tubes , monitors , fluids , patient , familyvisit , MartinLutherKingJr.CommunityHospital , L.A. , ForLatinosinLosAngeles , theCostofInequality , Death , TwoImmigrantFamilies , LoseTheirPatriarchstoCovid , OverstretchedHospital , minibusdriver , cook , EmilioVirgen , GabrielFlores , bothdiedfromCovid-19 , Hispanics , highestCovid-19deathrates , inL.A.County , NewYork , MayorBilldeBlasio , OrdersBroadReview , OfAllShelters , ReportsofAbuseintheBronx , SetOffAudit , homelessshelters , VictorRivera , chiefexecutive , accusedofsexualharassment , sexualassault , BronxParentHousingNetwork , subways , HomelessNewYorkers , strugglingthiswinter , stationshaveclosed , WashingtonDC , TrialStrategy , AimsToRekindle , CapitolOutrage , BarrageofRiotVideo , AnImpeachmentLesson , HoldTrumptoAccount , NottheG.O.P. , "Thestoryofthepresident'sactionsisbothrivetingandhorrifying" , RepresentativeJamieRaskin , DemocratofMaryland , GeorgeP.Shultz , obituary , 1920-2021 , headshot , workedforPresidentsNixonandReagan , StatesmanWhoGuidedU.S. , TowardtheEndoftheColdWar , redblackwhiteconfetti , SuperBowl , football , TrophyCase? , MoreLikeaWing , TomBrady , wonhisseventhSuperBowltitle , leadingtheBucspasttheChiefs , Right-WingOutletsFlinch , asLawsuitsRollOut , ANewFront , WarOnMisinformation , FoxBusiness , canceledhighestratedshow , "LouDobbsTonight" , ToHeadOffaPrimary , SchumerCourtstheLeft , CentristTiedtoWallSt. , UpdatesPlaybook , SenatorChuckSchumer , partlycloudy , increasinglycloudy , chilly
Tags: MartinBlank , torso , glass , sculpture , bluegreen , transparent , TheRinglingMuseumofArt , Sarasota , Florida , NYTimes , NewYork , crowd , mourning , CityFacesEchoofDarkerPast , vigil , TessMajors , studentatBarnardCollege , killedinMorningsidePark , Edinburg , Texas , StatesUnequalInPreparation , FortheCensus , PartyinControl , IsKeytotheDifferences , partheadcount , partpowerstruggle , SenatorChuckSchumer , Democraticleader , SchumerFramesFullSenateTrial , OnImpeachment , McConnellChallenged , CallingforSubpoenas , UkraineRecords , Trump'sTopAides , WashingtonDC , SenatorMitchMcConnell , "takingmycues" , fromtheWhiteHouse , InSecret , U.S.ExpelsEnvoysSentbyChina , espionagethreat , Seattle , Washington , PrimeLeverage , ARetailGiant'sHoldonTech , Amazon , DominanceintheCloud , Elastic , softwarestart-up , Amsterdam , trademarkviolation , Amazonusessamename , Elasticsearch , cloudcomputing , copyingsoftware , ClimateTalksEnd , WithU.S.CedingNothing , globalclimatenegotiations , rainbowflag , ephemera , nightscene , screens , photos , interimmemorial , 49peoplekilled , 2016Pulsenightclubshooting , Orlando , architecturaldesign , permanentmemorial , newmuseum , AtPulseShootingSite , PlantoRemember , RenewsPainforSome , ChristineLeinonen , "Myson'sbrutaldeathisnotatouristattraction" , clubowner , BarbaraPoma , creatednon-profit , onePULSEFoundation , "Thepurposeofthemuseumwillbetohonorthelifeofourchildren" , mostcloudy , snowandsleet
David Bomberg, The Mud Bath , Oil paint on canvas, 152 x 224 centimeters, 1914, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: DavidBomberg , oiloncanvas , painting , vorticists , TateUK , BritishArt , NYTimes , portraiture , VictorManuelTorres , bluestripedshirt , bluejeans , palmtrees , clothesline , hangingclothes , boats , homes , tornuplandscape , rocks , dirt , detritus , columns , pink , bluesky , clouds , "Deadistheonlywaythey'llevergetmetoleave" , 50-yearresident , barriocalledVietnam , Guaynabo , PuertoRico , HurricaneMaria , "Thestormwasapassingshower" , "comparedtowhatwehavesurvivedhere" , Laborersbuiltneighborhood , badgeofhonor , WashingtonDC , G.O.P.'sTactics , SeektoCornerDemocrats , McConnellEntersFray , ToEndShutdown , PresidentTrump , morningtweets , attackedSpeakerNancyPelosi , Ms.Pelosibehaved"soirrationally" , SenatorChuckSchumer , Mr.Trump'splan , "hostagetaking" , Shutdowninfifthweek , 800000federalworkers , stillfurloughed , RussiaDealings , SaidToContinue , TillTrumpWon , AMoscowSkyscraper , CandidateWasInvolved , forMonthsLonger , GiulianiReveals , RudolphW.Giuliani , PresidentTrump'spersonallawyer , TrumpTowerMoscowdiscussions , "goingonfromthedayIannouncedtothedayIwon" , flurryofinterviews , amidfallout , disputedreport , BuzzfeedNews , ReportInLimbo , Misstepsraisequestions , aboutBuzzfeed's"bombshell" , AsMogulandPresident , ConsistentinChaos , Trump'sHungertoWin , DrivingForce , DealMaking , wagedpublicbattle , withMervGriffin , totakecontrol , AtlanticCitycasino , JackO'Donnell , "Hehasn'tchangedatall" , rancasinoforMr.Trumpin1980s , footballplayers , tangleofbodies , redwhiteuniforms , bluewhiteuniforms , multicolorbackground , crowd , MusclingIntotheSuperBowl , SonyMichelandthePatriots , beattheChiefs , 37-31 , WhereWordsandActsClash , WhiteHouse'sRussiaPolicies , RussiaseizedUkrainianships , inNovember , Twomonthslater , PresidentTrumphasnottaken , significantaction , Mr.Trumpinsisted , "nocollusion"withMoscow , Bensalem , Pennsylvania , DNA'MagicBox' , CanSnareCriminals , butAlsotheInnocent , RapidDNAmachine , providesresultsin90minutes , RapidDNAAct , signedintolawin2017 , sunshine , patchycloud , windy , cold