clearskies — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Ingo Günther, Global Trade Currents , Acrylic sphere, LED lights, gyro-meridian 12 inch diameter, 30 inches, 2015, Hood Museum of Art , Hanover, New Hampshire
Tags: IngoGünther , globaltradecurrents , mixedmedia , sculpture , digitalart , HoodMuseumofArt , HanoverNewHampshire , NYTimes , ToughGuyAct , ForAlliesandFoesAlike , Trump’sRejectingSoft PowerHasRisks , globaltariffs , Mexico , newpickuptrucks , HeadingtoinspectionfacilityinSanDiego , Mexicangoodswillface25%tariff , China , stackedcontainersatshipyard , YangshanPortShanghai , Beijingpromised“countermeasures”toprotectinterests , Canada , AmbassadorBridgebetweenOntarioandDetroit , Canadaalsofaces25%tariff , Trump'sTariffsSaidToImperillGlobalTrading , TiltsInChina'sFavor , SpeedandScope , SeenasCripplingIndustriesandRaisingCosts , "WILL THERE BE SOME PAIN? YES , MAYBE (AND MAY- BE NOT!) , ” , PresidentTrumpsocialmedia , Brussels , EuropeWeighsHowtoBolsterMilitaryMight , RussiaUkrainewar , KenMartin , DemocraticNationalCommittee , ForDemocratsUnityIsAbsentAgainstTrump , NASADiversityGoalTrumpOnceAccepted , NowinDanger , D.E.I.BanSettingUpClashWithAgency , NASA , cold , clearskies , cloudyafternoon
Norman Ackroyd, Spilling Cloud , Aquatint in black, gray, yellow, and orange on Rives BFK paper, 49.8 x 65.1 centimeters, 1979, National Gallery of Art , Washington, D.C.
Tags: NormanAckroyd , SpillingCloud , aquatint , printmaking , RivesBFKpaper , NationalGalleryofArtWashingtonDC , DeMorgen , Brussels , WhyAreTheyProtestingAgainstToday? , PensionReforms , 'Thiswillincreaseteachershortage' , L.A.continuestoburn , LosAngeleswildfires , Firebrigadesurveysthedamage , Hollywoodstarsseehousesgoupinflames , Thefiresarefarfromundercontrol , President-electDonaldTrumpblamesprogressivegovernor , GovernorGavinNewsom , California , MarijkePinoy , 'Proust'sQuestions' , 'Lifehasalreadygivenmemanyscars' , HowcloseareweinFlanderstoself-drivingcars? , 'DowewantaRyanaironfourwheels?' , KieranCulkin , OscarCandidate , 'ARealPain' , 'Idon'tknowanyonewhoenjoyscelebrity' , HollywoodianFeminism , NicoleKidman , 'Babygirl' , clearskies , fullmoon , cold
Liliane Lijn, Headborn , Glass, bronze and leather, 414 x 303 x 285 millimeters, 1987-90, Tate , U.K.
Tags: LilianeLijn , sculpture , glass , bronze , leather , mixedmedia , bluelines , TateUK , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , animation , Futurama , Season12getsunderway , Doescultseries'Futurama'stillhaveafuture? , Noisesurveyof'TheCause' , Annoyancenumberone , fouroutoffiveFlemings , trafficnoise , Thensummerafterall , icecream , children , Butarebarsandpotatocropsstillsalvageable? , 'TheyDumpedMeInTheDesert' , themigrationdealwithTunisia , FranciscoSchuster , Belgianvoiceactor , "Proust'sQuestions" , 'InhighschoolIstartedpraying' , 'Itgivesmecourageandstrength' , RemcoEvenepoel , portraiture , helmet , Cycling , Olympicgoldagainsttheclock , nowontotheroadrace , HealreadyhadEuropeanandworldchampiononhisrecord , nowRemcoEvenepoelcanaddOlympicchampiontothatlist , Onaslipperycourse , Heclockedthefastesttimeinthetimetrial , WithEvenepoeleverythingispossible , Olympics2024 , sunny , warm , clearskies
Tags: MauricedeVlaminck , Larouteenforêt , oilonlinen , painting , landscape , forest , path , walking , route , MuseumBoijmansVanBeuningen , Rotterdam , Netherlands , NYTimes , aftertwoyears , pubertyblockers , EmmaBasques , prescribedestrogen , tostarthertransition , PressingPauseonPuberty , DrugsCanBuyTimeforTransYouth , IsThereaCost? , transgender , genderdysphoria , PresidentBiden , FacingBigDecisionOnHisFuture , EnteringHis80s , Pondering'24Race , history-defyingmidterms , midtermelections , SenateWin , GivesBidenABulwark , AgainstTheG.O.P. , HouseIsUndecided , PowertoConfirmJudges , ImpedethePlansofRepublicans , SenatorChuckSchumer , portraiture , victory , ModerationWins , battlegroundstates , swingdistricts , midtermvoters , shunnedextremists , fromtherightandleft , TrumpOftenSoughtTaxAuditsOfHisFoes , Ex-TopAideSays , formerchiefofstaff , JohnF.Kelly , PrivateEyes , SteeredtoSpyOnDissidents , surveillance , Ukrainiansoldiers , camouflageuniforms , childrenwrappedinUkrainianflags , yellowandblue , AUkrainiansoldiersignedaflag , mainsquare , Kherson , newlyfreedfromRussia , AssimilationIsFutile , HowaCityDefiedRussia , KhersonResistedPush , toEraseItsIdentityasUkrainian , mostlysunny , cool , clearskies