leather — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Unidentified artist, Ethiopian, Prayer Scroll for Healing , Leather, ink and pigment, 3.5 x 70 inches, between 1850 and 1900, Detroit Institute of Arts , Michigan
Tags: Artistunidentified , Ethiopia , Africa , PrayerScrollforHealing , leather , ink , pigment , DetroitInstituteofArts , Michigan , NYTimes , SurvivingGaza , wounded , children , disfiguration , IsraelHamaswar , MahmoudAjjour , portraiture , NYC , LoveandHateInHometown , Leans...Love? , DonaldJ.Trump , CityThawsforTrump , GuyFromQueens , President-electDonaldJ.Trump , keepingsecret , TransitionFundForTrump , KeepsDonorsCloaked , RiskOfEthicsBreach , Hasn'tSignedUsualPactRequiringDisclosures , politicaldonations , ImmigrantsSeekingSafeguards , ThreatofDeportationNears , FraudHuntersEarnWindfalls , TiedtoCovid , PrivateCitizensSetUpTheirOwnInquiries , Covid-19pandemic , federalgovernmentassistance , PaycheckProtectionProgram , loans , chasingpandemicrelieffraud , earnlargesumsofmoney , sportstadium , crowd , sportsfans , TheJetsandGiants , TakeDifferentRoutesTowardRockBottom , TheJetshavenotmadeplayoffssince2010 , NewYorksportsteams , cloudsandsunshine , morningrain
Liliane Lijn, Headborn , Glass, bronze and leather, 414 x 303 x 285 millimeters, 1987-90, Tate , U.K.
Tags: LilianeLijn , sculpture , glass , bronze , leather , mixedmedia , bluelines , TateUK , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , animation , Futurama , Season12getsunderway , Doescultseries'Futurama'stillhaveafuture? , Noisesurveyof'TheCause' , Annoyancenumberone , fouroutoffiveFlemings , trafficnoise , Thensummerafterall , icecream , children , Butarebarsandpotatocropsstillsalvageable? , 'TheyDumpedMeInTheDesert' , themigrationdealwithTunisia , FranciscoSchuster , Belgianvoiceactor , "Proust'sQuestions" , 'InhighschoolIstartedpraying' , 'Itgivesmecourageandstrength' , RemcoEvenepoel , portraiture , helmet , Cycling , Olympicgoldagainsttheclock , nowontotheroadrace , HealreadyhadEuropeanandworldchampiononhisrecord , nowRemcoEvenepoelcanaddOlympicchampiontothatlist , Onaslipperycourse , Heclockedthefastesttimeinthetimetrial , WithEvenepoeleverythingispossible , Olympics2024 , sunny , warm , clearskies
Brian Jungen, Warrior I , Nike Air Jordans, leather, 39 x 32 x 29 inches, 2017, Dallas Museum of Art , Texas
Tags: BrianJungen , warrior , mixedmedia , sculpture , NikeAirJordans , shoelaces , leather , DallasMuseumofArt , Texas , NYTimes , streetscene , fathers , children , EnriqueValenzuela , coordinatorforMexicangovernment , migrationefforts , advisingmigrants , deniedentryintoU.S. , MigrantCascade , StrainsSheltersNearU.S.Border , ShockAndDesperation , ScoresArePushedBack , AsMoreChildrenMakeJourney , CiudadJuárez , families , walkedunsteadilyinsneakers , shoelaceswereconfiscated , allpersonalitemsdiscarded , USCustomsandBorderProtection , beachscene , sandbags , waves , bluesky , waterfronthomes , Buxton , NorthCarolina , townreplenishedsandin2018 , muchofithaswashedaway , TinyTownAsks , WhoPaystoFightaRisingSea? , EndlessStruggleWithBeachErosion , AlongtheOuterBanks , climatechange , ProudBoysGotBigger , AsPoliceLookedAway , UntilJanuary6 , AgenciesSawLittleThreat , attackonU.S.Capitol , portrait , Americanflag , EnriqueTarrio , JosephBiggs , targetoffederalinquiry , Albany , VaccineCzar , LarrySchwartz , WorksPhonesToAidCuomo , formertopaide , leadingNewYork'svaccinationefforts , GovernorAndrewM.Cuomo , On5thAvenue , SymbolofIrishAmericaTeeters , Uproar , GroupListsMansionforSale , hometoAmericanIrishHistoricalSociety , symbolizedimmigrantascent , IrishAmerica , BetweenPrayers , ClergyPreachFaithinVaccine , DispellingMyths , OfferingReassurance , GatheringPlace , evangelicalchurch , OrlandoFlorida , Rev.GabrielSalguero , sermononCovid-19vaccine , "Ingettingyourselfvaccinatedyouarehelpingyourneighbor" , sunshine , brisk , colder