IsraelHamaswar — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
René Burri, Dutiful Delegates , 25.4 x 20.3 centimeters, Gelatin silver print, 1962, Eastman Museum , Rochester, New York
Tags: RenéBurri , blackandwhitephotography , portraiture , DutifulDelegates , politics , EastmanMuseum , Rochester , NYTimes , FriedrichMerz , chairmanChristianDemocraticUnion , Germanelection , winner , promisedtoneverjoinfar-rightAfD , GermansSwitchToConservatives , GroundShifts , FarRight2ndInVote , MerzIsExpectedNewChancellor , AfterFormingCoalition , campaignpromises , kick-starteconomicgrowth , Jerusalem , IsraelHamaswar , TruceinGaza , UnderStrainOverPrisoners , Gazacease-firedeal , GeneralCharlesQ.BrownJr. , testifyingbeforeCongress , chairmanJointChiefsofStaff , abruptfiring , GeorgeFloydkilling , TurnedTrumpAgainst2ofHisTopGenerals , TrinityTexas , AngeratTownHallsHintsatBroaderBacklash , RepublicansStrugglingtoDefendTrump'sPolicyBlitz , KyivUkraine , CallingSummit , ZelenskyResistsU.S.MineralDeal , TapsEuropeanAllies , UkraineLeaderOfferstoQuit , IfItMeansPeaceorSpotinNATO , RachelPowell , ThoughRachelPowellexpressedregretsincourt , attimessheisunremorseful , "We'rethepeoplewholoveourcountry." , AfterTrump'sPardon , PickingUpthePiecesWitha'J6'Identity , January6 , sunny , alittlewarmer
Unidentified artist, Ethiopian, Prayer Scroll for Healing , Leather, ink and pigment, 3.5 x 70 inches, between 1850 and 1900, Detroit Institute of Arts , Michigan
Tags: Artistunidentified , Ethiopia , Africa , PrayerScrollforHealing , leather , ink , pigment , DetroitInstituteofArts , Michigan , NYTimes , SurvivingGaza , wounded , children , disfiguration , IsraelHamaswar , MahmoudAjjour , portraiture , NYC , LoveandHateInHometown , Leans...Love? , DonaldJ.Trump , CityThawsforTrump , GuyFromQueens , President-electDonaldJ.Trump , keepingsecret , TransitionFundForTrump , KeepsDonorsCloaked , RiskOfEthicsBreach , Hasn'tSignedUsualPactRequiringDisclosures , politicaldonations , ImmigrantsSeekingSafeguards , ThreatofDeportationNears , FraudHuntersEarnWindfalls , TiedtoCovid , PrivateCitizensSetUpTheirOwnInquiries , Covid-19pandemic , federalgovernmentassistance , PaycheckProtectionProgram , loans , chasingpandemicrelieffraud , earnlargesumsofmoney , sportstadium , crowd , sportsfans , TheJetsandGiants , TakeDifferentRoutesTowardRockBottom , TheJetshavenotmadeplayoffssince2010 , NewYorksportsteams , cloudsandsunshine , morningrain
Richard Mantel, U.S. Voter , Colored film and ink on paper and acetate overlay, 35.3 x 28.3 centimeters, 1980, National Portrait Gallery , Washington, D.C.
Tags: RichardMantel , mixedmedia , worksonpaper , portrait , U.S.Voter , NationalPortraitGallery , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , AnEagerElectorate , InsideandOut , longlineofvoters , AmericanMuseumofNaturalHistory , NYC , earlyvoting , setsrecords , pollingstation , TrumpOfferingPromises , HeWoosBigBusiness , Candidate'sStancesReverse , HeChasesMoneyHeDeniedNeedingin2016 , VapingIndustry , baseballhat , stickers , politicalcampaign , "YESon3" , DonaldJ.TrumpbackinglegalmarijuanainFlorida , HamtramckMichigan , MuslimMayorBacksTrump , RoilsHisCity , AmerGhalib , LiberalResidentsSeeBetrayal , OfTheirWelcomingSpirit , Pennsylvania , LuzerneCounty , BeforeaVote , PanicButtonsAndBoulders , securitymeasures , boulderinstallationaroundcountybuilding , BureauofElections , StrikesCouldCornerIran , HasteningNuclearPush , IsraelHamaswar , Corngrownwithalteredbacteria , morerobust , requireslessfertilizer , Missouri , ModifyingDNAtoHelpClimateChange , ManipulatingNatureataRisk , UkraineRussiawar , Ukraine'sSurpriseIncursion , EpisodesofBrutalityandMercy , Korenevo , plentyofsunshine , mainlyclear
October 22, 2024
performance , news , museums , Monday'simage , frontpages , exhibitions , dance , currentevents , contemporaryart , arthistory
Eszter Salamon in collaboration with Boglárka Börcsök, MONUMENT 0.5: The Valeska Gert Monument , Performance trailer, 2:58, Video documentation: Walter Beckmann, 2019, Tanzforum Berlin , University Library of the Berlin University of Arts, Germany
Tags: EszterSalamon , BoglárkaBörcsök , collaboration , performance , dance , ValeskaGert , TheValeskaGertMonument , videodocumentation , trailer , TanzforumBerlin , UniversityLibraryoftheBerlinUniversityofArts , Germany , NYTimes , L.G.B.T.Q.inJapan , same-sexunionsremainoutlawedinJapan , bullyingremainsriskforchildren , thosewhoaregaytransgenderornonbinary , distinctivepaths , portraiture , liveshopesfears , DonaldJ.Trump , KamalaHarris , TrumpBecomesStarofHarris'sClosingPitch , DemocratShiftsStrategy , UsingHisWordstoPortrayHimasUnfittoServe , BidsforVotes , Drowning7SwingStates , electronicbillboards , socialmedia , televisionadvertisements , ElectoralCollege , ElonMusk , MusktheContractor , MusktheU.S.Adviser , ConflictofInterestSeen , IfHeLeadsaTrump'Efficiency'Panel , Shaabanal-Dalou , Palestinian'sDreamsofEscape , EndinFlamesSeenWorldwide , GazaStrip , HowHalloweenRetailBecameItsOwnMonster , Halloweencostumes , storessellfrightfulwaresearlierandearlier , phenomenon , "holidaycreep" , IsraelHamaswar , plentyofsunshine , warmerafternoon
Tags: CliareFalkenstein , floatingstructure , iron , sculpture , installationart , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , NewYork , AYear-OldWarEnduresandThreatenstoSpread , crowd , nightvigil , TelAviv , Israel , IsraelisandPalestiniansleftinlimbo , InTownsAttackedonOctober7 , GhostlyExistence , FewResidentsReturn , SurroundedbyHarshRealties , IsraelHamaswar , IsraelandHamasDashHopesforCompromise , SCOTUS , ForNowTermIsShapingUpAsMildOne , ButJusticesCouldBeThrustIntoElection , TrumpReignitesQuestionOfAgeWithRamblings , IncreasingStridency , AnalysisandObserversNoteChangesinHisSpeechPatterns , FormerPresidentDonaldJ.Trump , campaigntrail , MayorEricAdams , BriberyInquiryMarstheRiseOfNewYork'sBanksBrothers , PhilipB.BanksIII , DavidC.Banks , CapturingDevastationatHome , NorthCarolina , Afteryearsofdocumentingclimatechange , photographerinpathofhurricane , DisinformationIsHamperingHeleneRecovery , OfficialsWastingTimeFightingFalsehoods , HurricaneHelene , earlyshower , cloudsgivingwaytosun , breezy
Amalia Pica, Now Speak! , Cast concrete, live performance, 151 x 101.8 x 81.2 centimeters, 2011, Museum of Fine Arts Boston , Massachusetts
Tags: AmaliaPica , sculpture , performance , castconcrete , installation , MFABoston , DeMorgen , Belgium , OPENVLD , Belgianpolitics , electiondefeat , candidatesforLiberalprimarypresidencycanapply , 'Thisistheendofapoliticalgeneration' , JadeMintjens , 'TheQuestionsOfProust' , stand-upcomedian , actress , 'Fearsareafamiliarpresenceinmylife' , LessonsfromUkrainePeaceSummit , Switzerland , 'CountonthistoimpressPutin' , What'sbehindtheresignationofradiologistsatCadix? , 'Theywanttoshovetheirmergerdownourthroats' , Israeliarmysurprisedwithcombatbreaks , 'tacticalcombatbreaks' , GazaStrip , IsraelHamaswar , allowtruckscarryingaidsupplies , movesafely , KeremShalomcrossingtonorthernGaza , NigelFarage , battleforrightwingvoterinUnitedKingdom , IsBrexitsharpshooterNigelFaragereducingConservativestoashes? , rainearly , sunnyafternoon
James Ensor, Two Heads and a Hand , Pencil on paper, 118 × 85 millimeters, 1886-1890, KMSKA , Antwerp, Belgium
Tags: JamesEnsor , drawing , pencilonpaper , portraiture , nineteenth century , KMSKA , Antwerp , Belgium , DeMorgen , HamasAttacksTelAviv , Israeliwomantakescoverduringrocketfire , Herzliya , IsraelHamaswar , HamaslaunchedmajorrocketattackonTelAviv , OffensivecomesasIsraelcontinuesattackonRafah , despiteverdictitmuststop , InternationalCourtofJustice , EvaBrems , UniversityofGent , studentprotests , "Iamdisappointedinourrector" , Belgianelections , debate , pointingfingers , AlexanderDeCroo , PrimeMinisterofBelgium , BartDeWever , MayorofAntwerp , Howprimeministeristryingtorefloatblueship , Unemployed , fruitlesssearchforajob , 'TheyneversayI'mtoooldbutIfeelit' , ThrillerOnClosingDay , ClubBrugge , dragstitleoverthelineafterall , football , PetraDeSutter , womeninpolitics , cloudy , rainy
Gitte Dæhlin, She Who Carries the Memory of this Earth, Where Does this Earth Carry Her? , Leather, textile, horsehair, metal, burlap and canvas, 260 x 175 x 52 centimeters, 1980-1983, Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo, Norway
Tags: GitteDæhlin , mixedmedia , sculpture , textiles , earth , rubble , BattlesinNorthernGaza , DisplacedPalestinians , northernGazaStrip , newfightingovertheweekend , TruceinGaza , HingesonManBehindOct.7 , IsraelHamaswar , MichaelD.Cohen , FixerofTrump'sProblems , HasBecomeOneofThem , CohenPoisedtoTestifyatCriticalMoment , foraTrialandAmericanPolitics , Ukrainewar , RussiansPlungeDeeperIntoNorthernUkraine , UnclearifIncursionIsJustSetbackforKyiv , oraTurningPoint , ElonMusk , MuskIsWooingGlobalLeadersOnRightWing , JavierMilei , Argentina , lithium , "thenewoil" , maincomponentinTesla'scarbatteries , Tesla , dogportraits , Irishwolfhounds , Frenchbulldog , PetitBassetGriffonVendéen , WestminsterPooches , MightHaveMoreMilesThanYou , ShowDogsCanTravelOften , WestminsterKennelClubDogShow , warmer , patchymorningfog , partlycloudy