winner — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
René Burri, Dutiful Delegates , 25.4 x 20.3 centimeters, Gelatin silver print, 1962, Eastman Museum , Rochester, New York
Tags: RenéBurri , blackandwhitephotography , portraiture , DutifulDelegates , politics , EastmanMuseum , Rochester , NYTimes , FriedrichMerz , chairmanChristianDemocraticUnion , Germanelection , winner , promisedtoneverjoinfar-rightAfD , GermansSwitchToConservatives , GroundShifts , FarRight2ndInVote , MerzIsExpectedNewChancellor , AfterFormingCoalition , campaignpromises , kick-starteconomicgrowth , Jerusalem , IsraelHamaswar , TruceinGaza , UnderStrainOverPrisoners , Gazacease-firedeal , GeneralCharlesQ.BrownJr. , testifyingbeforeCongress , chairmanJointChiefsofStaff , abruptfiring , GeorgeFloydkilling , TurnedTrumpAgainst2ofHisTopGenerals , TrinityTexas , AngeratTownHallsHintsatBroaderBacklash , RepublicansStrugglingtoDefendTrump'sPolicyBlitz , KyivUkraine , CallingSummit , ZelenskyResistsU.S.MineralDeal , TapsEuropeanAllies , UkraineLeaderOfferstoQuit , IfItMeansPeaceorSpotinNATO , RachelPowell , ThoughRachelPowellexpressedregretsincourt , attimessheisunremorseful , "We'rethepeoplewholoveourcountry." , AfterTrump'sPardon , PickingUpthePiecesWitha'J6'Identity , January6 , sunny , alittlewarmer
Šejla Kamerić , Ballot Box , Calcareous sandstone, granite, rope, wax, 60 x 46 x 46 centimeters, 50 x 50 x 50 centimeters, 2012, Art Collection Telekom , Germany
Tags: ŠejlaKamerić , ballotbox , sculpture , plinth , sandstone , granite , rope , wax , ArtCollectionTelekom , Germany , DeMorgen , Brussels , historicballotboxforTurkey , Turkishpresidentialelection , determinesfutureofcountry , RecepTayyipErdoğan , ifcurrentpresidentmakesit , continuationofconservativeanti-Europeancourse , challenger , KemalKılıçdaroğlu , oppositionleader , possiblereversalintheworks , OneSecondIsEnough , professionalbicycleracing , timetrial , Giro-leader , RemcoEvenepoel , winner , visitingschoolgroups , Utrecht , pre-schoolerslearnwhoJuliusCaesaris , insteadofplayingshop , TheMole , floralgreen , portraiture , explainshowshesabotaged , Eurovision , adivinetorture , anti-tobaccopolicygettingstronger , JoëlDeCeulaer , lookingforwardtofirstsmoke-freegeneration , 'TheQuestionsOfProust' , 'Iprayalotthatoffersmerest' , cloudyconditions , rainanddrizzle
Luis Arenal Bastar, Head of Indian Woman (Cabeza de indígena) , Lithograph, Edition: 8/25, 50.2 x 73.4 centimeters, 1937, Los Angeles County Museum of Art , California
Tags: LuisArenalBastar , portraiture , lithography , printmaking , Mexico , LatinAmericanArt , LACMA , NYTimes , Alcalde , NewMexico , BriennaMartinez , performance , ceremonialdance , costumes , headdress , textiles , church , crowd , Albuquerque , ManyidentifyasLatino , Indianslaveancestry , DefiesMythosOfLatinoPast , identity , familyhistory , community , NewYork , SecondAvenueSubway , 86thStreetexit , residents , IfSubwayIsNearby , ShouldYouPayMoreTaxes? , UpperEastSide , RealEstatePricesIncrease , Houston , Texas , RisingOilPrices , GiveU.S.AnEdge , GlobalEnergy , ShaleDrivesComeback , DrillingFrenzy , ChangedDiplomaticLandscape , GrammyAwards2018 , star-fillednight , BrunoMars , outshonethemall , awards , winner , albumoftheyear , onstage , Seoul , SouthKorea , OlympicSpiritUnitesKorea , ButReunification'sFlameFades , twoKoreas , IngvarKamprad , IKEAfounder , SwedishEntrepreneur , PoorasaChild , BuiltEmpireThroughThrift , archipelago , over350storesworldwide , ANewLook , AtAsterisksForArtwork , ChuckCloseSidelined , sexualharassment , NationalGalleryofArt , WashingtonDC , postponesexhibition , engulfsprominentartist , controversy , IsPicassoNext? , sunshine , turningcloudy , chillier , alittlesnowlate