TruceinGaza — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
René Burri, Dutiful Delegates , 25.4 x 20.3 centimeters, Gelatin silver print, 1962, Eastman Museum , Rochester, New York
Tags: RenéBurri , blackandwhitephotography , portraiture , DutifulDelegates , politics , EastmanMuseum , Rochester , NYTimes , FriedrichMerz , chairmanChristianDemocraticUnion , Germanelection , winner , promisedtoneverjoinfar-rightAfD , GermansSwitchToConservatives , GroundShifts , FarRight2ndInVote , MerzIsExpectedNewChancellor , AfterFormingCoalition , campaignpromises , kick-starteconomicgrowth , Jerusalem , IsraelHamaswar , TruceinGaza , UnderStrainOverPrisoners , Gazacease-firedeal , GeneralCharlesQ.BrownJr. , testifyingbeforeCongress , chairmanJointChiefsofStaff , abruptfiring , GeorgeFloydkilling , TurnedTrumpAgainst2ofHisTopGenerals , TrinityTexas , AngeratTownHallsHintsatBroaderBacklash , RepublicansStrugglingtoDefendTrump'sPolicyBlitz , KyivUkraine , CallingSummit , ZelenskyResistsU.S.MineralDeal , TapsEuropeanAllies , UkraineLeaderOfferstoQuit , IfItMeansPeaceorSpotinNATO , RachelPowell , ThoughRachelPowellexpressedregretsincourt , attimessheisunremorseful , "We'rethepeoplewholoveourcountry." , AfterTrump'sPardon , PickingUpthePiecesWitha'J6'Identity , January6 , sunny , alittlewarmer
Gitte Dæhlin, She Who Carries the Memory of this Earth, Where Does this Earth Carry Her? , Leather, textile, horsehair, metal, burlap and canvas, 260 x 175 x 52 centimeters, 1980-1983, Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo, Norway
Tags: GitteDæhlin , mixedmedia , sculpture , textiles , earth , rubble , BattlesinNorthernGaza , DisplacedPalestinians , northernGazaStrip , newfightingovertheweekend , TruceinGaza , HingesonManBehindOct.7 , IsraelHamaswar , MichaelD.Cohen , FixerofTrump'sProblems , HasBecomeOneofThem , CohenPoisedtoTestifyatCriticalMoment , foraTrialandAmericanPolitics , Ukrainewar , RussiansPlungeDeeperIntoNorthernUkraine , UnclearifIncursionIsJustSetbackforKyiv , oraTurningPoint , ElonMusk , MuskIsWooingGlobalLeadersOnRightWing , JavierMilei , Argentina , lithium , "thenewoil" , maincomponentinTesla'scarbatteries , Tesla , dogportraits , Irishwolfhounds , Frenchbulldog , PetitBassetGriffonVendéen , WestminsterPooches , MightHaveMoreMilesThanYou , ShowDogsCanTravelOften , WestminsterKennelClubDogShow , warmer , patchymorningfog , partlycloudy