Ukrainewar — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: CharlesWhite , Soldier , Tempera , painting , portraiture , TheHuntingtonLibraryArtMuseumandBotanicalGardens , SanMarino , California , NYTimes , Ukrainewar , camouflage , 126thTerritorialDefenseBrigade , volunteers , trainingfromBritishspecialoperationsforces , DniproRiver , ValorandAnguish , BrigadeTakingFightAcrossRiver , Ukrainians'EliteTeam , MountsAssaultsonRussianPositions , FightIntensifies , Syria'sRebelsSeizeMoreLand , AleppoAirportTaken , ForcesLoyaltoal-Assad , SeekingtoPushBackSuddenUprising , WashingtonDC , SenateFacesDecisiveTestOfItsPower , TrumpAimstoBluntConstitutionalJob , PartyUnrest , SomeDemocratsWanttoOustLeadersonkeyHousecommittees , SomeAlliesBackTrump'sPickofF.B.I.Chief , BentonRevenge , KashPatel , SeveralG.O.P.SenatorsSupportingPatel , LeadersAreQuiet , BrownsvilleTexas , SpaceX , launchsite , "occupyMars" , ElonMusk , HometoMusk'sStarbase , VotedTrumpAfterBlueStreak , FormFollowsFunction , U.S.PostalService , MailTruckLooksLikeaDuck , sunny , stillchilly
Christian Jaccard, Combustion 01.9.81 , Black candlewick and burn marks on paper, 100.4 x 70.2 centimeters, 1981, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: ChristianJaccard , combustion , blackcandlewick , burnmarks , drawing , workonpaper , CentrePompidou , Paris , NYTimes , NewYork , smoke , southernLebanon , Israel'spre-emptivestrike , againstthousandsofHezbollah'srockets , WarringSidesQuicklyTalkContainment , IsraelandHezbollahClaimVictoriesofSorts , predawn , IsraelExchangesHeavyAirstrikesWithHezbollah , Flare-Up , ThenAPause , FearsGrowConflictWithLebanonCouldSpreadinRegion , HezbollahdroneinterceptedbyIsrael , KamalaHarris , HarrisIsCallingOaklandHome , BerkeleyCanUnderstandWhy , TradingLiberalMeccaforCityThat'sNotQuiteSo...Rad , HowJailedMigrantWasFreed , AndChargedWithRapeAgain , FailureofCooperationBetweenICEandCityIsBlamed , FromWar'sCarnage , SpringsRenaissanceofUkrainianPoetry , Ukrainewar , Kyiv , open-micpoetryreading , ShevchenkoNationalPrize , Journalists'HotelIsHit , Reuters , journalistswoundedinstrike , Mpox-PlaguedCongoRequestedVaccineYearsAgo , ItStillWaits , globalhealthemergency , partlysunny , afternoonstorm
David Maisel, KYDOIMOS: The Din of Battle , Single-channel HD (1:1) video projection, with surround sound, 31:38 minutes, Dimensions variable, 2017, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art , California
Tags: DavidMaisel , blackandwhite , singlechannelHD , video , battle , SFMoMA , California , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , 'UkraineputspressureonPutinwithraid' , 30kilometersdeepintoRussianborderregion , Kursk , UkrainewantstoshiftwartoRussia , Kamikazeactionorcleverstrategicmove? , 'ThepoliticalpressureonPutinwillbeenormus.' , Paris , ParisOlympics2024 , 'Belgiumdeliveredbestperformanceever' , portraiture , NafiThiam , trackandfield , goldmedals , Politicsawakensfromitssummerslumber , TsarB , musician , 'TheQuestionsOfProust' , 'Goingtothepsychologististhegreatestgiftyoucangiveyourself' , UkrainiansoldiersinSemyregion , Ukrainewar , military , tank , camouflageuniform , KBC , KBCturnsfarmyear , courtesyofKate , IsitagoodideatooutsourceyourbankingtoAI? , pinkheart , EmilyinParis , Naivelycontinuetobelieveingreatlove , Thetriumphantreturnoftheromcom , verywarm , sunny , humid
Gitte Dæhlin, She Who Carries the Memory of this Earth, Where Does this Earth Carry Her? , Leather, textile, horsehair, metal, burlap and canvas, 260 x 175 x 52 centimeters, 1980-1983, Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo, Norway
Tags: GitteDæhlin , mixedmedia , sculpture , textiles , earth , rubble , BattlesinNorthernGaza , DisplacedPalestinians , northernGazaStrip , newfightingovertheweekend , TruceinGaza , HingesonManBehindOct.7 , IsraelHamaswar , MichaelD.Cohen , FixerofTrump'sProblems , HasBecomeOneofThem , CohenPoisedtoTestifyatCriticalMoment , foraTrialandAmericanPolitics , Ukrainewar , RussiansPlungeDeeperIntoNorthernUkraine , UnclearifIncursionIsJustSetbackforKyiv , oraTurningPoint , ElonMusk , MuskIsWooingGlobalLeadersOnRightWing , JavierMilei , Argentina , lithium , "thenewoil" , maincomponentinTesla'scarbatteries , Tesla , dogportraits , Irishwolfhounds , Frenchbulldog , PetitBassetGriffonVendéen , WestminsterPooches , MightHaveMoreMilesThanYou , ShowDogsCanTravelOften , WestminsterKennelClubDogShow , warmer , patchymorningfog , partlycloudy
Tags: AnitaWeschler , sculpture , plaster , MartialMusic , figuresculpture , LowOnAmmunition , SoldiersinDonetskregion , Ukrainewar , military , soldiers , afternoonsunlight , goldenbronze , SpeakerMikeJohnson , portraiture , HowJohnsonTransformedOnUkraine , $95millionaidpackage , BipartisanPush , foreignaidbill , necessaryalliance , DonaldJ.Trump , Trump'sProsecutorsHaveEvidence , aSteepTask , StrippedofControlDefendantShrinks , DefensePlanning , AttackMichaelD.Cohen'sCredibility , U.S.ConsideringSanctionsForIsraeliMilitaryBattalions , AccusationsofHumanRightsAbusesinWestBank , AidUnimpeded , ForDemocrats , AnEchoof'68InWarProtests , protestsoverIsrael-Hamaswar , "fatactivist" , VirginiaSole-Smith , IntheAgeofOzempic , She'sFightingforFreedomtoBe'Fat' , "FatTalk:ParentingintheAgeofDietCulture" , ColdSpringNY , homeinterior , mostlysunny , milder , lightbreeze
Tags: JochenLempert , blackandwhitephotography , gelatinsilverprint , barytapaper , NouveauMuséeNationaldeMonaco , France , DeStandaard , Belgium , Brussels , rowofwhitecars , parkinglot , whitearrow , parkingspaces , Thetransportofthefuture? , Inthebackseat , self-drivingtaxi , SanFrancisco , Truedetectiveisback , JodieFoster , withoutdaylight , Fastfashion , Ourcast-offs , becomeXLgarbagedumps , InPoorNations , PresidentVolodymyrZelensky , Zelenskywillstillreceivemoney , thesupplyofweaponsisdraggingon , Ukrainewar , Optimismisgrowing , Europeanleadersagree , 50billionEuroaidpackageforUkraine , specialsummitFebruary1st , whenitcomestosupplyofmilitaryequipment , majormemberstatestoknow , ItalyandFrance , ConfidencegrowinginBrussels , all27EuropeanleadersincludingOrban , willagreeto50billionaidpackage , snowandice , cloudy
Tags: MehrdadRashidi , ballpointpen , penonpaper , drawing , Collectiondel'ArtBrutLausanne , Switzerland , NYTimes , GazaStrip , Al-ShifaHospital , medic , bluemask , medicalworker , bluehospitalscrubs , prematurebabies , medicalequipment , 31GazaInfants , EvacuatedFromHospital , SeenAs'DeathZone' , IsraelisSayVideosBackClaim , SiteWasHamasHide-Out , PalestineRedCrescentSociety , W.H.O. , StressofWar , SnapsInformalBackChannel , 2MenEnabledIsraelandHamastoTalk , InvisibleBattleBeingFought , Ukrainewar , ControlofRadioWaves , PivotalforWeapons , drones , electronicwarfare , QuantumSystems , Mortgages , InequityFinds30-YearHome , 30-yearfixed-ratemortgage , U.S.housingmarket , gridofphotographs , youngboysinfootballuniforms , EventheYoungGetC.T.E. , degenerativebraindisease , theylovedfootballaskids , theydiedbeforereaching30 , grievingfamilies , RosalynnCarter1927-2023 , FirstLady , InfluentialPartnertoPresident , JavierMilei , far-rightlibertarian , ArgentinaElectsMilei , VictoryforFarRight , FormerTVPersonality , LikenedtoTrump , sunny , brisk , breezy
Roman Empire, Eastern Mediterranean, Fish , Glass, 10.2 x 23.6 x 3.7 centimeters,100-199 AD, Corning Museum of Glass , Corning, New York
Tags: fish , blownglass , AncientRome , RomanEmpire , flask , transparentglass , TheCorningMuseumofGlass , NewYork , NYTimes , rainbow , BurningMan , festival , thousandsstranded , BlackRockDesert , Nevada , wetground , MuckDangerAndPartyingIntheDesert , CrowdatBurningMan , ShakesOffaDeluge , torrentialrains , mud , UkraineRemovesChiefofMilitary , WarDragsOn , Ukrainewar , SeeksNewDirection , MinistryUnderPressure , InvestigationIntoCorruption , OleksiiReznikov , RustemUmerov , Beijing , SeeingThreatsEverywhere , ChinaEnlistsPublicasSpyCatchers , StokingUneaseAbouttheU.S. , socialmedia , espionage , WashingtonDC , PresidentBidenonAttack , AsG.O.P.TalksofImpeaching , RepresentativeMarjorieTaylorGreene , townhall , Georgia , womencarryingbucketsofwater , ZelenodolskUkraine , LevelingofaDam , UnleashedSufferingThatHasLingered , DrainingofKakhovkaReservoir , drinking-watercrisis , deadfish , silverwhite , irrigationplight , farmers , farmland , sunandhot
Tags: KitPaulson , lungs , glass , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , lungscans , 3-Dmedicalillustration , bluewhite , ViewofCovid'sDamageFromInside , rarelook , shrunkenairways , scarredtissue , Covid-19pandemic , healthyairwayslookliketreebranches , lungsofahealthyperson , lungsdamagedbyCovid , WagnerFuture , AsShadowyAsItsBusiness , Ukrainewar , GroupWithTentaclesBeyondItsFighters , YevgenyV.Prigozhin , GeorgiaDefendants , SparOverTrialDatesandSites , LawyersforTrumpandOthersTangleCase , SomeSeekMovetoFederalCourt , RealtorsChief , FacingClaimsofMisconduct , KennyParcell , presidentofNationalAssociationofRealtors , sexualharassment , JindiresSyria , AfterWarandQuakes , SyriansFeelForgotten , PoliticalTurmoilComplicatedEffortstoProvideRelief , makeshifthouse , rubble , Fatimaal-Mireeandfamily , livingintent , damagedhouse , moviegoerswithdogs , movietheater , EarsPerkUpAndTailsWag , AtShowTime , London , CurzonCinemas , 16locationsinBritain , dogsattendmoviescreeningswithowners , U.S.DrugLaws , ThreatenaSiteThatAidsUsers , OnPointNYC , EastHarlem , NewYork , partlysunny , dry
Sofía Gallisá Muriente, Celaje , Original score by José Iván Lebrón Moreira,16mm and Super 8 film transferred to HD video, 40:57 minutes, 2020, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: SofíaGallisáMuriente , 16millimeterfilm , Super8film , HDvideo , originalscore , JoséIvánLebrónMoreira , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , PacificOcean , sandbarriers , sanddunes , tropicalstorm , hurricanepreparation , bluelifeguardshack , HilaryDrenchesSouthernCalifornia , Beachgoers , LongBeachCalifornia , awaitingfirsttropicalstormineightdecades , Ukrainewar , UkraineTroopsOnFrontLinesLaudOffensive , UpbeatDespiteIssues , CommandersSayForcesAreinBetterShapeThanMonthsAgo , greennightvisionphotography , silhouette , Ukraine's128thMountainAssaultBrigade , Zaporizhzhiaregion , NewIberiaLouisiana , NotJustHeatButHumidity , PlaguesSouth , Mauiwildfires , FireHighlightsHawaii'sHistoryofWaterFights , AttemptstoLimitUseofScarceResource , CauseConflict , Laha , WashingtonDC , HowPleaDealWentOffTrack , ForBiden'sSon , HunterBiden , GroundShifted , DataFromI.R.S.Emerged , SpainLiftsWorldCupTrophy , HopesofGirlsBackHome , SummitOfSoccer , SpaindefeatedEngland1-0 , Women'sWorldCuptitle , orangeyellowuniforms , womenssoccer , Atlanta , Rapper'sRICOCaseinGeorgia , HintsatHowTrump'sMayGo , YoungThug , racketeering , partlysunnyandhumid , thundershower
Tags: MayStevens , portraitpainting , acryliconcanvas , figuration , WhitneyMuseumofAmericanArt , NewYork , NYTimes , politicalrally , starsandstripes , stage , Americanflag , FormerPresidentDonaldJ.Trump , graph , onlinedonations , IndictmentsBecameaPoliticalAssetforTrump , Fund-RaisingWindfall , BumpinPollingAftertheCharges , RoughTrip , GovernorRonDeSantis , tauntedandovershadowed , IowaStateFair , InsidetheEffortbyTrump , ToFlipTheGeorgiaVote , MajorCaseMayLoom , TwoMonthsofTactics , CrucialStateAfter2020Election , Mauiwildfires , DryHydrants , DoomedBattleWithMauiFire , LahainaHawaii , Town'sSystemStrainedbyDroughtinRegion , windturningstreamsofwaterintomist , MakingCounteroffensiveWork , MinusAirCover , F-16sWouldHelp , KyivDoesWithout , Ukrainewar , FastLife'sLure , F.B.I.SpyHunter'sRiseandFall , ConnectiontoOligarchLeadstoArrest , CharlieMcGonigal , TheMetropolitanMuseumofArt , “BélizaireandtheFreyChildren” , TheStoryofanEnslavedYouth , EmergesFromBehindthePaint , JacquesAmans , FrenchportraitistofLouisiana'selite , artrestoration , artconservation , periodicrain , thunderstorms
John Marin, City Construction , Watercolor and charcoal on paper, 35 x 30 inches, 1932, Buffalo AKG Art Museum , New York
Tags: JohnMarin , CityConstruction , watercolor , charcoal , worksonpaper , BuffaloAKGArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , militarycadets , marching , Moscow , militaryuniforms , childreninRussia , indoctrinatedthroughlessons , extracurricularactivities , bluewhite , sailors , militarythemes , DesireBehindPutin'sWar , WiderConflictWithWest , AppealtoHistoryandNationalism , RousesManyFrightensSome , Ukrainewar , MoreBridgesHit , Ukrainegrownbolder , attackingships , firingdronesatMoscow , RobertF.KennedyJr. , JackSchlossberg , socialmedia , Kennedyfamily , Kennedy'sBidForPresidencyJoltsCamelot , TooManyPolice? , UneasyAllianceinAustin , TexasTroopersBolsterShorthandedForce , RiftEmerges , womenssoccer , grassfield , womeninsports , UnitedStatesteamlosttoSweden , failingtoreachsemifinals , U.S.ReignatWorldCupEnds'byaMillimeter' , soccerlegacy , MeganRapinoe , leavesamarkbeyondthefield , TrashTalkAcrosstheHudson , CongestionPricingFight , Pro-ClimateGovernorSupportsDrivers , NewJersey , GovernorPhilipD.Murphy , LincolnTunnel , aerialview , connectingNewYorkandNewJersey , morningshowers , thunderstorms
herman de vries, The Face of War—Silent , Colored pencil on paper, 48.9 x 68.6 centimeters, 2003, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: hermandevries , TheFaceofWar--Silent , text , worksonpaper , coloredpencil , drawing , MoMA , NewYork , NYTimes , handwriting , dirtroad , greenery , landscape , body , militaryuniform , militarydesertboots , Russiansoldier'sremains , Staromaiorske , villagerecapturedbyUkrainiantroops , ZaporizhzhiaRegion , Ukrainewar , GrindingCounteroffensive , HandsUkraineaFlashofSuccess , F.B.I.FinancedUseofSpyTool , OutlawedbyU.S. , HuntingDownCulprit , AgencyNabsItself , RivaNetworks , Landmark , TrumpFarAheadInG.O.P.Race , DespiteCharges , 1stTimes/SienaPoll , GovernorRonDeSantis , FailstoMakeDentinNearlyEveryCategory , DonaldJ.Trump , haslargeedgeinalmosteveryregion , pointingfinger , portraiture , ExtremeHeatIsCostlyDrainOnProductivity , EncinitasCalifornia , Rentinge-bikes , concerngrowingaboutsafety , especiallyforminors , Teenagers'AccidentsExposeRisksofE-Bikes , BoomingTechnology , OutpacingFederalandStateLaws , ExcavationinRome , TurnsUpWhatMayBeNero'sTheater , archaeologicaldig , Italy , partlysunny , west-northwestwind
Uchima Ansei, Water , Woodblock print, ink and color on paper, 38.6 x 80.5 centimeters, 1959, Honolulu Museum of Art , Hawaii
Tags: UchimaAnsei , water , woodblockprint , printmaking , landscape , HonoluluMuseumofArt , Hawaii , NYTimes , ocean , bluesea , ADreamVoyage , ASlowDescent , AndThenDebris , Titansubmersible , loweringintothesea , 5peopleonboard , includingfounder , OceanGate , itslastdive , FinalHours , DoomedAttempt , ToVisittheTitanic , G.O.P. , PrimedToCurbVoting , NorthCarolina , ClashingOverControl , 2024Battleground , ClimateLaggard , PlansShiftFastAsDamageGrows , MichiganFeelsAlarm , DemocratsCouldFaceFight , BidforNewPollutionRules , Michigan'scherrytrees , atriskfromrisingtemperatures , "MIHealthyClimate" , GovernorGretchenWhitmer , planoffered , RussiaBuildingVastIndustryofSpyingTools , Ukrainewar , soccerfield , yellow-blueuniforms , MamaDiakité , women'ssoccer , stoppedplayingsocceronclubteam , shewasnotallowedtowearhijab , Paris , HijabBanandaKilling , BareFrance'sDivisions , ReligiousFreedomInvoked , InFightAgainstAbortionBans , LawsuitsBorrowTacticofChristianRight , Roev.Wade , someclouds , heavystorms
Tags: TonyBloom , sculpture , publicart , steel , ball , letters , numbers , AlbertaFoundationfortheArts , Canada , DeMorgen , Brussels , landscape , militarytank , soldiers , camouflage , openroad , YevgenyPrigozhin , showsresistancetoPutinispossible , intheenditdidnotcometoabloodshed , mutiny , Wagnertroops , leavetracesinRussia , PrigozhinwentdirectlyagainstPutin'snarrative , Ukrainewar , Wagnersoldiersblockstreets , Rostov-on-Don , highlyuncertainwhetherPutincanrelyonsupport , WagnertroopsinUkraine , HarryStyles , performingartist , Werchter , musicfestival , RobbieWilliams , women'sbasketball , basketball , orangebasketball , sports , womeninbasketballuniforms , BelgianCats , historicaltitle , Europeanchampionship , upordown , HadjaLahbib(MR) , portraiture , womeningovernment , houroftruth , Vivaldi , cloudyconditions , windgusts
Dmitri Prigov, Wherever the Motherland May Send Us , Ink and correction fluid on paper, 163 x 163 centimeters, 1978, Tate , U.K.
Tags: DmitriPrigov , poetry , text , drawing , poetrygrams , visualpoems , ink , blackandwhite , TateUK , DeMorgen , Brussels , 'Val'Bachmut , possiblechanceforUkraine , RussiasaysithasfullcontrolofBachmut , after9monthsoffighting , Ukrainedeniesclaim , battleforcity , become"anopportunityforKiev" , Ukrainewar , Ukrainiansoldiers , Gradmissilelauncher , Bachmut , militaryuniforms , camouflage , sighting , inposition , brownolivegreen , portraiture , TinneOltmans , actress , 'TheQuestionsOfProust' , 'Ihavearathercrazyrelationshipwithmybody' , municipalities , maps , getshortpractice , 'Thespreadisnotgood' , Howstrongisthecordonstillstanding? , BartDeWever , consideringstrategies , mapofBachmut , yelloworangepeach , territories , Whiskydrinker , COREFestival , stage , strobelights , stagelights , performance , cloudyconditions
Tags: MaryBethEdelson , Venus , painting , sculpture , plywood , installation , WhitneyMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , earth , diggingtrenches , curvingline , landscape , DiggingOuttheFrontLines , Ukrainewar , Ukrainiansoldiers , Toretsk , Civilianevacuations , steppedupinKharkivregion , relentlessshelling , RegulatorsMoveToProtectFunds , NewBankFailure , SiliconValleyBank , $175billionincustomerdeposits , TreasuryFedandF.D.I.C. , TrytoRelieveFearsTaxpayersWillFootBill , bankcollapse , Silvergate , SignatureBank , couldaffecttechfirms , involvedwithclimateissues , NeutralStatusInTimeofWar , TeststheSwiss , Switzerland , 'Toxic'Professor'sSpeech , TestofTenure , UniversityofPennsylvania , SeeksHearing , InstructorAccusedofRacistRemarks , AmyWax , lawprofessor , MichelleYeoh , AcademyAwards2023 , Oscars , stage , WinningJustAboutEverything , "EverythingEverywhereAllatOnce" , BudgetTalks , BidenRejectsObama'sPath , taxingcorporationsandhighearners , DealonOpioids , $21billionsettlement , pharmaceuticaldistributors , attorneysgeneral , TurmoilEngulfsBBC , SoccerIconMeetsPoliticalDivide , DoubtsonImpartialityAfterSuspension , GaryLineker , cloudyandbreezywithrain
Tags: LiamO'Callaghan , mixedmedia , projection , installationart , light , IrishMuseumofModernArt , Dublin , NYTimes , soldiers , militarytank , Bakhmut , counteroffensive , NearlyEncircled , UkrainianTroopsPushBack , BakhmutBattle , Test , WhichArmyCanBreaktheOther , inthetrenches , WithCaution , SouthKorea , ArmsGlobe , Ukrainewar , armsexports , DeployingA.I. , ToFindCancerDoctorsMiss , TechnologyShowsSkill , Mammograms , KecskemétHungary , radiology , breakthroughs , breastcancerscreening , AlliesInFlorida , SetToEnactDeSantisAgenda , WishListOfTheRight , G.O.P.Lawmakers , HelpRaiseGovernor'sNationalProfile , GovernorRonDeSantis , Florida , insects , marblebutterfly , alarmingdeclines , VitaltoHumans , UnprotectedinSomeStates , WhatDon'tYouKnowAboutHomelessness? , gridofphotographs , landscapephotography , dailysights , MatthewKearney , spentdecadelivinginhisvan , SanDiego , sharingexperiences , plentyofsunshine , increasingclouds
Elena Tejada-Herrera, The Girls Train To Fight, Video, 15’44, 2019 |Who Will Write The History Of Tears, Artists on Women’s Rights, 2021-2022 | Muzeum Sztuki Nowoczesnej w Warszawie , Poland
Tags: ElenaTejada-Herrera , TheGirlsTrainedToFight , video , socialpractice , community , WhoWillWriteTheHistoryOfTears:ArtistsonWomen'sRights , MuzeumSztuki , Warsaw , Poland , NYTimes , landscape , sunset , terrace , stone , gridpattern , lightbluegrey , groupexercise , KungFuNuns , CrackGenderBarriers , Nepal , Buddhistreligiousorder , Himalayanregion , challengingrulesandcustoms , mixingmeditationwithmartialarts , environmentalactivism , FewEmployersOutsideOfTech , OptForLayoffs , DespiteFed'sActions , Pandemic , LeftManyCompaniesFearingStaffShortages , ToppenishWashington , snowystreetscene , twowomen , portraiture , AstriaToppenishHospitalshutdown , JazzminMaldonado , withherwifeSofia , MaternityClosuresLeaveRuralAreasinLurch , WardsShutDown , EvenasPregnancy-RelatedDeathsClimb , childbirth , low-incomecommunities , EnergyDepartment , SuspectsVirusWasFromLab , coronaviruspandemic , accidentallaboratoryleakinChina , WashingtonDC , InWartime , TalkofPeaceAddstoFight , Ukrainewar , WhereCanYouCarryGuns? , It'saLegalJumble , ToppledNewYorkLaw , UpendsRulesinU.S. , IndianAmericans , RisingForceinPolitics , BidsforPresidentin3StraightCycles , increasingcloudiness , rainsnowandiceintheafternoon