increasingclouds — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: LiamO'Callaghan , mixedmedia , projection , installationart , light , IrishMuseumofModernArt , Dublin , NYTimes , soldiers , militarytank , Bakhmut , counteroffensive , NearlyEncircled , UkrainianTroopsPushBack , BakhmutBattle , Test , WhichArmyCanBreaktheOther , inthetrenches , WithCaution , SouthKorea , ArmsGlobe , Ukrainewar , armsexports , DeployingA.I. , ToFindCancerDoctorsMiss , TechnologyShowsSkill , Mammograms , KecskemétHungary , radiology , breakthroughs , breastcancerscreening , AlliesInFlorida , SetToEnactDeSantisAgenda , WishListOfTheRight , G.O.P.Lawmakers , HelpRaiseGovernor'sNationalProfile , GovernorRonDeSantis , Florida , insects , marblebutterfly , alarmingdeclines , VitaltoHumans , UnprotectedinSomeStates , WhatDon'tYouKnowAboutHomelessness? , gridofphotographs , landscapephotography , dailysights , MatthewKearney , spentdecadelivinginhisvan , SanDiego , sharingexperiences , plentyofsunshine , increasingclouds
Tags: GediminasUrbonas , sculpture , granite , metal , MuseumofContemporaryArtKiasma , Helsinki , Finland , NYTimes , pileofluggage , suitcase , backpacks , plasticbags , clothing , bloodstainedfloor , trainstation , Kramatorsk , Ukraine , 50peoplekilled , missileattack , apartmentbuilding , damagedbybombings , peopleremainingfear , willsoonbeshelledintooblivion , PerilsGrowDire , OnEscapeRoutes , ToUkraine'sWest , 'TownIsDead' , AfterStationAttack , MassingofRussians , PosesNewThreat , burnedoutcars , signsofmassacreonhighway , nearDmytrivka , tableauofhorror , photographstakenbyTarasDidych , mayorofDmytrivka , CryptoFirmsHaveWishList , StatesAreTurningItIntoLaw , Florida , warmembraceofcryptocurrencyagenda , Binance , Ethereum , Dogecoin , Bitcoin , Paris , MacronandLePen , WillBattletoLeadFrance , Right-WingSurge , MayThreatenIncumbent , extremepartiesofrightandleft , took51%ofvote , Frenchangerandfrustration , PresidentEmmanuelMacron , whitestage , campaign , crowdwavingFrenchflags , runoffvoteonApril24 , KushnerFirm , Got$2BillionFromSaudis , SovereignWealthFund , OverruledAdvisers , AffinityPartners , JaredKushner , CollegeSpreadsBeliefsofRight , InK-12Charters , HillsdaleCollege , Michigan , "1776Curriculum" , fighting"progressive"and"leftistacademics" , sunshine , increasingclouds
Artist unidentified, possibly Desire Parker, Wonderbread-Bag Rug with Ball of Twine, Plastic Wonderbread bags, 60 inches in diameter, Ledyard, Connecticut, Twentieth century, American Folk Art Museum , New York
Tags: Artistunknown , Wonderbreadplasticbags , rug , mandala , sacred , circle , abstraction , twentiethcentury , AmericanFolkArtMuseum , NewYork , NYTimes , Kattankudy , SriLanka , mosqueunderconstruction , scaffolding , steps , architecture , concrete , white , grey , manascendingstairs , filteredlight , arches , AHometown , WhereIslamGrewRadical , Wahhabism , homesdecorated , delicateswirls , Arabiccalligraphy , EasterSundayattacks , "WearelivinginSriLankanotacaliphate" , MohamedIbraheemMohamedJaseem , vicechairman , urbancouncil , Poway , California , AfterSynagogueAttack , aSharedBelief , ProtectSacredSpaces , RabbiYisroelGoldstein , atimeofsolace , turnedintoadayofhorror , Akcakale , Turkey , LifeofPerilandPoverty , inHazelnutGoldMine , SyrianRefugees , ToilingatDangerousJobs , inVastTurkishFields , ShakarRudani , $10aday , "Wereturnedwithnothing" , seasonalhazelnutworkers , lacklegalprotections , aerialview , workerrakingnuts , bluewhitepatternedshirt , blueredwhitepatternheadscarf , shadow , seaofhazelnuts , orangebrown , Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania , Biden'sAppeal , TapstheVoters , HisPartyNeeds , KeySignalsofSupport , Must-WinState , appealingtotraditionalcoalition , WashingtonDC , BarrThreatens , NotToAnswer , CallToTestify , FacesRiskOfSubpoena , ImpasseIntensifiesFeud , BetweenHouseandTrump , onInquiry , AttorneyGeneralWilliamP.Barr , wantsonlypublicqueries , profileportrait , orangeblurredline , ChairmanHouseJudiciaryCommittee , RepresentativeJerroldNadler , DemocratofNewYork , HowVictim , WithHiddeniPhone , LedtoAbuseCharge , forDirector , SeanEscobar , secretlyrecordedconversation , sexualabuse , SterlingVanWagenen , founderSundanceFilmFestival , respectedfigure , inMormoncommunity , Conglomerates , mustoverlookissues , childlabor , lowwages , sunshine , increasingclouds , cool
Mona Hatoum, Light Sentence , Wire mesh, electric motor, timer, light bulb, cables, electric wire, 198 x 185 x 490 centimeters, 1992, Centre Pompidou , Paris, France
Tags: MonaHatoum , LightSentence , sculpture , installation , wiremesh , light , shadows , confinement , CentrePompidou , Paris , NYTimes , KhostProvince , Afghanistan , twomen , mountainlandscape , clouds , grey , blue , silver , lightfilteringthroughholeinclouds , barren , rocky , brownearth , UnitedNationsreport , accusedC.I.A.-sponsoredunits , operatingoutside , oflocallaw , C.I.A.-LedAfghanForces , LeaveGrimTrail , ofAbuse , CovertCampaign , AlienatesResidents , SpursAccusations , WarCrimes , raidingforce , "committedanatrocity" , RazoKhan , watchedhishome , goupinflames , portrait , childandman , AdelShah , 10yearsold , woundedinnightattack , bystrikeforce , NangarharProvince , Hisfatherkilledinraid , blueshirts , bluegreypattern , tanbackground , texture , lightpatches , manconsolingchild , grief , Vienna , Austria , PowerPointSlide , TangledMcKinsey , inU.S.BriberyCase , Boeing , 787Dreamliner , titaniumpartsshortage , threatenedproduction , sought"bestpractices"advice , consultingfirm , goldenpedigree , Ukrainianoligarch , DmitryV.Firtash , "characterduediligence" , bribingIndianofficials , minetitaniuminIndia , Westminster , California , CulturalShifts , SweepAway , CaliforniaBastionofConservatism , BolsaAvenue , signswritteninVietnamese , CalleCuatro , Latinoclientele , OrangeCounty , transformedAmericansuburb , intoDemocraticoutpost , StunningFall , Nissan'sBrashSavior , AccusedofHidingIncome , CarlosGhosn , (Again) , FacesJapan'sIre , portraiture , outdoors , porchonlake , trees , forest , mansittinginwoodenchair , CarlosGhosnjailedinTokyo , amidaccusations , financialwrongdoing , WhatsApp , grouptexttochildren , "GameofGhosns" , "GameofThrones" , "OnmywaytoTokyo!" , "Loveyouguys!" , TrumpDigsIn , DimmingHope , OfBudgetDeal , WashingtonDC , governmentshutdown , 800000federalworkers , affectedbyshutdown , SenatorLindseyGraham , saidpresidentwouldnotaccept , anydeal , withoutfundingforthewall , increasingclouds , afternoonrain
Tags: IsaGenzken , sculpture , concrete , window , void , whiterectangle , MCAChicago , NYTimes , Tanzania , LakeVictoria , whitesheets , emergencyworkers , tents , stagingarea , tanuniforms , greenuniforms , massgraves , whitetents , earth , surgicalmasks , MassBurial , Funerals , beganonSunday , morethan200people , perished , ferrycapsized , Springfield , Missouri , CampaigningonCourtPick , GetsComplex , BoonBecomes , PossibleLiability , Midterms , JudgeBrettKavanaugh , JoshHawley , Missouriattorneygeneral , accusesDemocrats , "ambush" , Surburbanwomen , pivotal , thisyear'scampaign , PresidentTrump , frustrated , watchesnominationspectacle , beyondhiscontrol , BrettM.Kavanaugh'sconfirmation , onceseemedassured , WashingtonDC , AccuserCommits , DetailEpisode , BeforeSenators , ChristineBlaseyFord , TestimonyHasPotential , DerailKavanaugh'sElevation , toCourt , 2ndWomanSpeaksOut , U.N. , SawFieryTrump , in2017 , NowAidesFear , He'llPlayNice , nowcallsNorthKoreanleader , "veryhonorable" , "alwaysavailable" , formeetingwithIran'spresident , Beijing , China , FacingU.S.Hostility , VowstoComeOutSwinging , UnitedStates , begintaxing$200billion , importsfromChina , tradewar , strongmanleader , XiJinping , CollateralDamage , Technologyandtelecomcompanies , warn , America'sdominanceatrisk , TigerWoods , caddieJoeLaCava , embrace , winningTourChampionship , golf , red , blue , CocaCola , Atlanta , Georgia , After5PainfulYears , WoodsReturnstoPinnacle , 80thPGATourwin , ForSevereHeartFailure , TinyClipOffersHope , TrialShowsFixingValve , SharplyCutsRateofDeath , FDA , somesunshine , increasingclouds