Dublin — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Tags: LiamO'Callaghan , mixedmedia , projection , installationart , light , IrishMuseumofModernArt , Dublin , NYTimes , soldiers , militarytank , Bakhmut , counteroffensive , NearlyEncircled , UkrainianTroopsPushBack , BakhmutBattle , Test , WhichArmyCanBreaktheOther , inthetrenches , WithCaution , SouthKorea , ArmsGlobe , Ukrainewar , armsexports , DeployingA.I. , ToFindCancerDoctorsMiss , TechnologyShowsSkill , Mammograms , KecskemétHungary , radiology , breakthroughs , breastcancerscreening , AlliesInFlorida , SetToEnactDeSantisAgenda , WishListOfTheRight , G.O.P.Lawmakers , HelpRaiseGovernor'sNationalProfile , GovernorRonDeSantis , Florida , insects , marblebutterfly , alarmingdeclines , VitaltoHumans , UnprotectedinSomeStates , WhatDon'tYouKnowAboutHomelessness? , gridofphotographs , landscapephotography , dailysights , MatthewKearney , spentdecadelivinginhisvan , SanDiego , sharingexperiences , plentyofsunshine , increasingclouds
Tags: AliceNeel , cityscape , oiloncanvas , NationalGalleryofIreland , Dublin , NYTimes , snowscene , winter , ThePeaceThatFollowsFighting , snowblanketedneighborhood , aerialview , Irpin , suburbofKyiv , Ukraine , citybadlydamagedinwar , battlesragedon , capital'sedge , War'sSanctionsSlowlyUndercutRussianEconomy , ProgressThreatened , Restrictions , StalledMoscow'sAttemptstoModernize , Atlanta , Georgia , WalkerandWarnock , LeanIntoFinalStretch , TakingtoTailgatePartyandPulpit , RunoffWindsDown , runoffelection , SenatorRaphaelWarnock , HerschelWalker , JusticesFaceNewClash , SCOTUS , OnGayRights , Colorado , discriminationlaws , CracksinIran? , MoralityPolice , SaidtoEnd , monthsofprotests , mandatoryhijablaw , nightscene , longlinesatAtlantapollingsites , VOTEHERE , TwinFriendsofAdams , DoggedbyAllegationsandDebts , QuestionableDealings , FollowConvictions , JohnnyandRobertPetrosyants , NYCmayor , EricAdams , sunnytopartlycloudyskies
Tags: HughieO'Donoghue , ALineofRetreat , oilonlinen , painting , abstraction , IrishMuseumofModernArt , Dublin , IrishExaminer , Skibbereen , Ireland , EnglandclaimEuroglory , Wembley , cominghome , heartandsoul , clubchampionships , sport , royalhighness , MeathdenyKerry , toclaimAll-Irelandcrown , €23million , trainsecurityoverfiveyears , Ministerssupport , dedicatedtransportpoliceunit , IrishRail , BusÉireann , Dart , Dealoffershope , resumedUkrainegrainshipments , photojournalist , EvgeniyMaloletka , runsfromfire , burningwheatfield , Ukrainian-Russianborder , Kharkiv , BlackSeaports , FinanceMinisterPaschalDonohue , Covid , an'existentialchallenge' , Statelookingtotheislands , tohouseUkrainianrefugees , TheDepartmentofChildrenEqualityandIntegration , AvivaStadium , temporarilyhousingUkrainianrefugees , 'Twindemic'fluandCovidfears , TheIrishNursesandMidwivesOrganisation , RioDeJaneiro , Conjoinedtwins , operationasuccess , successfullyseparated , courtruling , cuts50jailsentences , mostlycloudystart , bandofrain , moderatesoutherlywind
Pablo Picasso, Footballeur , Unglazed ceramic and wood, 32 x 24.5 centimeters, 1965, National Football Museum , Manchester, U.K.
Tags: PabloPicasso , footballeur , unglazedceramic , wood , sculpture , NationalFootballMuseum , Manchester , U.K. , IrishExaminer , Historymakers , DonalLenihan , SimonLewis , PeterJackson , Ireland'srugbyheroes , greenuniforms , summerspecials , unrivalledfootballchampionship , Planstoincreasefarmers'solargrant , farmers , couldsellbackunusedelectricity , nationalgrid , solarpanels , TargetModernisationScheme , Kingdomofjoy , Kerry , greengolduniforms , KillianSpillane , AdrianSpillane , SeánO'Shea , celebratelast-gaspwin , Dublin , All-IrelandSeniorFootballchampionship , semi-final , CrokePark , ScrappingTVlicense , 'won'thappen' , RTÉ , statefunding , FutureofMediaCommissionreport , StatecannotoverturnHyde'splanningrulings , AnBordPleanála , PaulHyde , OfficeofthePlanningRegulator , BantryHouse , GrahamNorton , Nortontoastsmarriage , starrysong , dancebash , holidayhome , Ahakista , NohousesinCork , HAPrecipients , housingassistancepayment , CorkCity , adryandbrightstart , somelateafternoonshowers , windslightandsoutherly
Paul Mosse, Untitled (green) , Gouache on paper, 34.2 x 79.4 x 3.5 centimeters, Not dated, Hugh Lane Gallery , Dublin, Ireland
Tags: PaulMosse , untitled , green , abstraction , gouache , paper , HughLaneGallery , Dublin , IrishExaminer , KielyvCody , LimerickedgeGalwayinthriller , hurling , coaches , Corkconundrum , Kingstonstepsdownashurlingmanager , DonalLenihan , AllBlackshaven'tseriesunderlockandkeyyet , Golfbusters , GolferAdamScott , actorBillMurray , GAAuniforms , stripes , logos , supportingLimerick , All-Ireland , seniorhurlingsemi-final , CrokePark , greenuniforms , JPMcManuspro-amgolftournament , Adare , Cork , benefitinDáilexpansion , HouseofRepresentatives , ElectoralBoundaryCommission , 'Huge'barrierstodisclosingsexualviolence , Irelandcoach , VeraPauw , DRCC , welfareandfuel , targetedinearlybudget , Cabinetsettospendextra€2billion , Budget2023 , runawayinflation , risingprices , DeployingarmytoDublinAirport , 'lastresort' , ForeignMinisterSimonCoveney , AerLingus , cancelledflights , staffabsences , Covid-19 , DefenseForce , "delicateindustrialrelationssituation" , Escortedfromthebuilding , SiobhanHopkins , ActiveRetirementIreland , GundeathsinCopenhagen , Denmark , Fieldsshoppingcentre , Warningaboutsurveillancelaw , "vulnerabletolegalchallenges" , Oireachtascommitteewarned , slightlywetmorning , cloudcovervariable , someclearspells , moderatewinds
Graham Sutherland, Devastation, 1941: East End, Wrecked Public House , Crayon, ink, pastel and gouache on paper on plywood, 1030 x 928 x 148 millimeters, 1941, Tate , U.K.
Tags: GrahamSutherland , painting , paper , plywood , mixedmedia , TateUK , TheIrishTimes , Ireland , SportsMonday , Gibson-Park , MalachyClerkin , culturewar , football , soccer , uniforms , UnaMullally , Togooutornottogoout? , ConorPope , Pricewatch , worstorbestcustomerexperiencein2021? , Contractsofviruscontacttracers , extendedforsixmonths , Seven-dayaverageofCovid-19cases , rises51%inaweek , hospitalityoutlets , shouldfacesanctions , forfailingtocheckcerts , 'Atfullstretch' , Boostereffectiveness , wreckage , burnedcar , twistedmetal , SierraLeonetankerexplosion , deathtollrises , Freetown , DNAtesting , Localswalkpastburnt-outcarsandhomes , aftertruckcollidedwithfueltanker , 'Thefirewasalloverhim' , Crackcocaine'epidemic' , westTallaght , Dublin , warnsreport , TDATF , 'Mostpressing' , 'byfarthemostpressingsubstanceabuseissue' , rainwillpusheastwardsearly , gooddryspellsbyafternoon , moderatewinds
Janine Antoni, Unveiling , Bronze bell, lead clapper, fabric tassle, Edition 3/3, 53.5 x 33 x 33 centimeters, 1994, Irish Museum of Modern Art , Dublin, Ireland
Tags: JanineAntoni , bronze , bell , tassle , sculpture , installation , IrishMuseumofModernArt , Dublin , Ireland , NYTimes , silhouette , manbehindscreen , gauze , screen , anonymity , black , grey , taupe , portrait , 'ItIsNotaCloset' , 'ItIsaCage' , ASilentCrisis , forGayPriests , FearingBlame , CatholicAbuseScandal , unspokenstories , FatherGreiten , Milwaukee , Wisconsin , "Ireallyamgay" , "Itwaslikeadeathsentence." , Munich , Germany , RiftinAlliance , LeavesEurope , FumingatU.S. , RussiaandChina , MayExploitStrainedTies , trans-Atlanticalliance , seniorGermanofficialsays , "It'sbroken" , Russianforeignminister , SergeyV.Lavrov , "weseenewcracksforming" , "oldcracksdeepening" , SanFrancisco , California , HackingofU.S.Networks , TracedtoChinaandIran , RenewedStrikes , onBanksandAgencies , SeenasReaction , toTrump'sPolicies , NationalSecurityAgency , FireEye , Boeing , GeneralElectricAviation , T-Mobile , recenttargets , Sanders'sTask , ForBlackVote , FixingDamage , SenatorBernieSanders , preparestoannounce , anotherrunfortheWhiteHouse , campaignstrategy , socialmedia , handscrossed , greysweater , MohammedKhalifa , narratedbrutalISISvideo , CanadianFace , BehindaVoice , PromotingISIS , Hasaka , Syria , facelessevangelist , anonymousnarrator , LosAngeles , streetscene , SunsetBoulevard , Hollywood , CravinganOscar , Netflix , TurnstoTirelessStar , ANewStrategist , LisaTaback , "thebestofthebest" , Roma , AlfonsoCuarón , artfilm , domesticworkerinMexico , Netflixspent , estimated$25million , topromote"Roma" , cloudy , morningshowers , cold
Roman, Republican or Early Imperial Period, Oval gem with head of man , Glass, 15 millimeters, 1st century B.C., Museum of Fine Arts Boston , Massachusetts
Tags: Roman , RepublicanPeriod , EarlyImperialPeriod , glass , portraiture , headofman , jewelry , AncientWorld , 1stCenturyB.C. , MFABoston , NYTimes , JohnMcCain , DailyNews , Maverick , AmericanHero , windowreflection , viewer , reader , tree , building , street , frontpages , newspapers , reportingdeath , SenatorJohnMcCainofArizona , Newseum , WashingtonDC , TwinBridges , Montana , Trump-McCainFeud , LivesOn , BattleforSeat , G.O.P.Hold , onSenate , MayHingeonPick , byArizonaGovernor , ALostLion , JohnMcCain'sdeath , leavesgapingvoidinSenate , ResoundingSilence , PresidentTrump , avoidednationalmoment , oftributetorival , SanDiego , California , DuncanHunter , wasagoodneighbor , APoliticalLife , FoiledbyBars , AndWalmart , McKinney , Texas , U.S.JobProgram , ComingUpShort , ForNeedyYouth , MajorReformsSought , ShieldedbyLawmakers , DespiteFailing , toEaseLaborShortage , "It'salittlebitlikeprison" , JobsCorp , iconicGreatSocietyprogram , SanFrancisco , InvestigatorsAsk , ifVapingAds , TriedtoHookTeenagers , forLife , PAXLabs , smallstart-up , electroniccigarette , Juul , "toJuul" , NeilSimon , 1927-2018 , ABroadwayMaster , WhoPavedtheWay , forSitcomExplosion , gotbiglaughs , "TheOddCouple" , "BarefootinthePark" , Thencameaculturalshift , IrvingPenn , photography , Broadwaycomedy , Mr.SimonruledBroadway , whenBroadwaywasstillworthruling , Dublin , Ireland , CriticofPope , InOpenRevolt , Vs.theVatican , AnArchbishopAccusesFrancis , ofCover-Up , PopeFrancis , CarloMariaViganò , formertopVaticandiplomat , claimedVaticanhierarchycomplicit , coveringupaccusations , CardinalTheodoreMcCarrick , sexualabuse , mostlysunny , warm , humid