Kerry — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Pablo Picasso, Footballeur , Unglazed ceramic and wood, 32 x 24.5 centimeters, 1965, National Football Museum , Manchester, U.K.
Tags: PabloPicasso , footballeur , unglazedceramic , wood , sculpture , NationalFootballMuseum , Manchester , U.K. , IrishExaminer , Historymakers , DonalLenihan , SimonLewis , PeterJackson , Ireland'srugbyheroes , greenuniforms , summerspecials , unrivalledfootballchampionship , Planstoincreasefarmers'solargrant , farmers , couldsellbackunusedelectricity , nationalgrid , solarpanels , TargetModernisationScheme , Kingdomofjoy , Kerry , greengolduniforms , KillianSpillane , AdrianSpillane , SeánO'Shea , celebratelast-gaspwin , Dublin , All-IrelandSeniorFootballchampionship , semi-final , CrokePark , ScrappingTVlicense , 'won'thappen' , RTÉ , statefunding , FutureofMediaCommissionreport , StatecannotoverturnHyde'splanningrulings , AnBordPleanála , PaulHyde , OfficeofthePlanningRegulator , BantryHouse , GrahamNorton , Nortontoastsmarriage , starrysong , dancebash , holidayhome , Ahakista , NohousesinCork , HAPrecipients , housingassistancepayment , CorkCity , adryandbrightstart , somelateafternoonshowers , windslightandsoutherly
Áine Phillips, Bannerettes, R-E-P-E-A-L , Artists’ Campaign to Repeal the Eighth Amendment , Embroidered satin, dress and curtain lining, polyester, cotton, gold lamé, linen and rayon, 44 x 31 centimeters, 2017, Installation view, At the Gates , 2018, Talbot Rice Gallery, The University of Edinburgh.
Tags: ÁinePhillips , textiles , bannerettes , R-E-P-E-A-L , Artists'CampaigntoRepealtheEighthAmendment , AttheGates , TalbotRiceGallery , TheUniversityofEdinburgh , Goneforever , Familyopposeskiller'sparole , photographs , halfwayhouse , CanthisGovernmentlastitsfullterm? , Eyesore , BrawlmarsGalway'spenoshootoutwin , sports , Childrendeprivedofproperclothes , hand-me-downclothes , pyjamasasdaywear , familiesstruggle , cost-of-livingcrisis , worstdeprivationsince80's , Barnardos , Kerry , DavidClifford , greenorangeuniform , celebratesgoal , Mayo , All-Ireland , footballchampionship , Familiesurgeaction , Gardacustodydeaths , Gsoc , Irelandfacingwinterfoodcrisis , extremeweather , Ukraineinvasion , averagehouseprice , rises9.5% , €312000nationally , NewEUlawstoscreeninvestors , EUInvestmentScreeningRegulation , fumepollution , hikesdeathrisk , ratherovercast , chancesofshowers , moderatesouth-westerlywinds , 'Nocomplacencyonrights' , afterUSabortionruling , protestsigns , USembassyinDublin , BinnaMa , condemndecisiontooverturnRoev.Wade , forcedbirth=violence , IrishExaminer