cold — Monday's Image — Lisa Blas
Ingo Günther, Global Trade Currents , Acrylic sphere, LED lights, gyro-meridian 12 inch diameter, 30 inches, 2015, Hood Museum of Art , Hanover, New Hampshire
Tags: IngoGünther , globaltradecurrents , mixedmedia , sculpture , digitalart , HoodMuseumofArt , HanoverNewHampshire , NYTimes , ToughGuyAct , ForAlliesandFoesAlike , Trump’sRejectingSoft PowerHasRisks , globaltariffs , Mexico , newpickuptrucks , HeadingtoinspectionfacilityinSanDiego , Mexicangoodswillface25%tariff , China , stackedcontainersatshipyard , YangshanPortShanghai , Beijingpromised“countermeasures”toprotectinterests , Canada , AmbassadorBridgebetweenOntarioandDetroit , Canadaalsofaces25%tariff , Trump'sTariffsSaidToImperillGlobalTrading , TiltsInChina'sFavor , SpeedandScope , SeenasCripplingIndustriesandRaisingCosts , "WILL THERE BE SOME PAIN? YES , MAYBE (AND MAY- BE NOT!) , ” , PresidentTrumpsocialmedia , Brussels , EuropeWeighsHowtoBolsterMilitaryMight , RussiaUkrainewar , KenMartin , DemocraticNationalCommittee , ForDemocratsUnityIsAbsentAgainstTrump , NASADiversityGoalTrumpOnceAccepted , NowinDanger , D.E.I.BanSettingUpClashWithAgency , NASA , cold , clearskies , cloudyafternoon
N.N. Rimzon, Speaking Stones, Resin, fiberglass, marble dust, stones, photographs, acrylic sheets. Installed as life-size figure encircled by stones, photographs, 500 x 90 centimeters, 1998, Haus Der Kulturen Der Welt , Berlin, Germany
Tags: N.N.Rimzon , SpeakingStones , mixedmediainstallation , sculpture , stones , HausDerKunstKulturenDerWelt , BerlinGermany , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , IsraelBlocksAccessToNorthernGaza , crowds , ambulances , TrumphintsatforcedPalestiniandeparture , BrusselsIndiePopTalent , Uwase , StandsforaBreakthrough , 'Myideasweretoobig.' , 'Ihadtogotothestudio.' , CrisisinCongo , RebelGroupM23ReadytoTakeGoma , "Whatweareseeingisahumanitariancatastrophe" , 'Proust'sQuestions' , MarcHerremans , 'IconsidermyselfaSundaychild' , Upordown:deadlineformationremainsFriday , Belgiangovernment , Despitedifficultweekendheremainsatrainer , BartDeWever , (N-VA) , Hewantstoworktowardsa'makeorbreak'moment. , Everythingonthetable , politicalnegotiation , TheRulesoftheGame , relationships , “Everyoneislyingtoday , that'sthespiritofthetimes , ” , cold , clearskiesinthemorning , cloudyafternoon
Susan Hiller, Thoughts are Free , Jukebox, music, wall text and benches, plastic, metal, chipboard, and paper, 2011-2012, Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo, Norway
Tags: SusanHiller , ThoughtsareFree , multimedia , installation , jukebox , music , walltext , songs , dOCUMENTA(13) , Kassel , Germany , Oslo , Norway , DeMorgen , Brussels , Belgium , Firsthostagesfreeafterdifficultceasefire , Emily Damari(28)takenfromthekibbutzKfarAzaOctober 7 , 2023 , hesitantstartofthetruce , anomenforadifficultpeaceprocess , long-awaitedceasefirebetweenIsraelandHamas , ThreeIsraeliwomenreleasedbyHamas , reunitedwiththeirfamilies , PresidentTrump , DeportationsRevenge , MaybeJustCallPutin , PresidentTrumpplansradicalinterventions , THEVERYRICHEST , CONTINUETOGETRICHERATAHIGHRATE , 'By2024thegapwillgrowfasterthanever' , EnoughoftheBelgiandarkness? , Tothesuninlessthansixhours , emojis , Empire , AmericaandEurope , OrangemanisbackintheWhiteHouse , lightsnow , cold , afternoonclearing
Norman Ackroyd, Spilling Cloud , Aquatint in black, gray, yellow, and orange on Rives BFK paper, 49.8 x 65.1 centimeters, 1979, National Gallery of Art , Washington, D.C.
Tags: NormanAckroyd , SpillingCloud , aquatint , printmaking , RivesBFKpaper , NationalGalleryofArtWashingtonDC , DeMorgen , Brussels , WhyAreTheyProtestingAgainstToday? , PensionReforms , 'Thiswillincreaseteachershortage' , L.A.continuestoburn , LosAngeleswildfires , Firebrigadesurveysthedamage , Hollywoodstarsseehousesgoupinflames , Thefiresarefarfromundercontrol , President-electDonaldTrumpblamesprogressivegovernor , GovernorGavinNewsom , California , MarijkePinoy , 'Proust'sQuestions' , 'Lifehasalreadygivenmemanyscars' , HowcloseareweinFlanderstoself-drivingcars? , 'DowewantaRyanaironfourwheels?' , KieranCulkin , OscarCandidate , 'ARealPain' , 'Idon'tknowanyonewhoenjoyscelebrity' , HollywoodianFeminism , NicoleKidman , 'Babygirl' , clearskies , fullmoon , cold
Tags: ValeriusDeSaedeleer , Snowscape , Flanders , oiloncanvas , 1930s , MSKGent , Belgium , DeMorgen , GrandTheftAutoVI , videogame , NineOtherTopPlayers , Whygameyear2025isalreadyabull'seye , snowday , fatherandchild , sledding , FluSeason , Backtoschool , AfterAWeekendTheSnowmanAgain , TheArizonaRecipeofBouchez , George-LouisBouchez , Makeallpartyleadersministers , Dotheywantthat? , ZelenskyEstablishesHopeForTrump , 'ItistobefearedthatPutincanbetternegotiate' , FrenchspeakerskeepSenatealive , SenatehasdefactobecomeamatterforFrenchspeakers , AllFlemishpartiesareinfavorofabolition , FrenchspeakersregarditasquintessentialBelgiansymbol , cold , cloudy , windy , rainy , Oostende
Tags: MargaritaCabrera , mixedmedia , sculpture , ceramic , paint , metal , MuseumofFineArtsHouston , Texas , LeSoir , harassment , studentsfromBrusselsConservatory , breakthesilence , Football , Standardisstillnotsafe , Cycling , VismaandVanAert , strikefromthestart , FarmersReturntoPutPressure , AfterarowdyagriculturalshowinParis , severalhundredtractors , onceagain"descend"onBrussels , 4500emptyaccomodations , Researchersestimatednumberofemptyhomes , potentially"mobilizable"homesinBrusselsRegion , thelandregistermustenablemunicipalitiestoact , Electorallists , goodgovernancebeginsintheparties , Elections , SophieWilmès , undeniablenewfaceofMR , WesternersclingtohopeofUkrainianvictory , Liège , Nightdivewithpoliceinlivelyneighborhood , cold , cloudy , rainy
Pearl Perlmuter, Political prisoner , Terracotta, plaster, paint, 50.5 x 39 x 27 centimeters, 1951, Kröller-Müller Museum , The Netherlands
Tags: PearlPerlmuter , politicalprisoner , sculpture , terracotta , plaster , paint , Kröller-MüllerMuseum , TheNetherlands , LeSoir , Brussels , SurafromKoraninparliament , backgroundofthecontroversy , Cycling , RemcoEvenepoel , portraiture , firstwins , afterTourofAlgarve , Soccer , UnionandAnderlechtdowell , protesters , poster , #freenavalny , crowd , AlexeiNavalny , theworldinsearchofthetruth , manyquestionsremainunanswered , Navalny'sdeath , manytributesinRussiaandelsewhere , Autopsystillpending , Thecoalitionsystemisnolongerconvincing , Belgiumisnotimmunetopolarization , studybyULBandLeSoir , Votersaremoredivided , lessandlesssupportiveofpoliticalcompromise , Belgianshavelesssympathyfortheextremes , survey , measureslevelofsupportorrejectionofpoliticalpartiesbypopulation , VlaamsBelang , PTB , viewedwithgreatestdistrust , especiallyvotersforotherparties , ecologistsviewedpositively , FlemishmorepositiveaboutWalloonsthanviceversa , Theeternal"usversusthem"threattodemocracy , Theconclusionsarecrystalclear , whoeversowsdivision , byshoutingtheloudestreapsdistrust , cloudyskies , cold , rainshowers
Narsiso Martinez, Royal-ty , Ink, gouache, charcoal, and gold leaf on found produce boxes, 77 x 108 inches, 2021, Amon Carter Museum of American Art , Forth Worth, Texas
Tags: NarsisoMartinez , mixedmedia , painting , drawing , produceboxes , farmworkers , factoryfarms , protestsigns , cowmasks , angryfarmers , "sufferingfinancialloss" , buckets , Aalst , UnrestamongGPsreachesboilingpoint , "needforaction" , healthcare , FrustrationsindoctorsinternalFacebookgroup , callforactiongettinglouder , "Wehaveoneofthebestjobsintheworld" , "butatsunamiiscomingourway" , "Nooneislisteningtous" , "Ifthingscontinuelikethis" , "patientswillsoonhavetowait" , "twotofiveweeksforanappointment" , VjenDeBruycker , generalpractitionerLeffinge , conflictingpolicies , Vooruit , TomMeeuws , clashingwithinAntwerp'scouncil , Europewillimpose27billionincutsonnextgovernment , RussiaexpertJorisVanBladel , warnsofRussianvictory , cold , cloudysky , somesun , AmonCarterMuseumofAmericanArt , DeStandaard
Rita M. Ling, Galway Cow , Limestone, 273 × 286 × 356 millimeters, 1954, Tate , U.K.
Tags: RitaM.Ling , limestone , sculpture , GalwayCow , TateUK , DeStandaard , Belgium , farmers , cattle , Whatdoourfarmersreallywant? , "Wepayourselves1000Eurospermonth" , Badnewsforthesnackers , chocolatebar , silverwrapping , sandybeachfront , fences , DunesofDePanne , rescuedfromhandsofdevelopers , Notonlyfarmers , fishermenhaveconcerns , quotasandsubsidies , Afteryearsofrecovery , fishstocksaredecliningagain , Itwasalreadyabadshrimpyear , nowfishermencatchlesssole , atgloballevel , effortsbeingmade , endsubsidiesthatencourageoverfishing , EuropeanandFlemishsupportforseafisheries , 5to6billionEurosannually , "Ilovemyboysbutstrugglewithroleastheirfather" , verywindy , cold , cloudyskies
Tags: BethBarron , repair , mixedmedia , bandaids , beads , canvas , MuseumofArtsandDesign , NYC , NYTimes , Mariupol , TeeteringAmidSigns , RussiaIsShiftingFocus , windowcutout , vista , cloudybluesky , cityinthedistance , sandbags , destroyedroom , frames , couches , rubble , detritus , InsideRegionalStateAdministrationoffice , Kharkiv , artilleryfire , killedseveninthecity , includingtwochildren , UkraineSaysFoeMayConcentrateonEast , EfforttoSplitCountry , Kyiv , HealthCatastropheLooms , WarinUkraine , threatenstoundo , decadesofprogress , H.I.V.tuberculosisandhepatitis , Biden'sNineWords , ad-libstatement , capturesattentionofforeignpolicyexperts , Congressmembers , NATOallies , NokiaDeparts , ButCybertoolsStayinRussia , digitalsurveillance , SORM , KremlinPurgesReporters'TalkWithZelensky , PresidentVolodymyrZelensky , gave90-minute-longZoominterview , censorship , GrantTown , HowManchinAidedCoalIndustry , EarnedHimselfMillions , ASenator'sFortune , SenatorJoeManchinIII , TiedtoaPowerPlant , WestVirginia , Appalachiantown , usedpoliticalinfluence , "gob" , PentagonSeeksToOffsetRival , AsArcticMelts , DeltaJunction , Alaska , combattrainingexercise , soldiers , snowbanks , 8000Americantroops , tookpartintrainingexercise , camouflageuniform , landscape , lightblue , partlysunnyskies , breezy , cold
Olli Miettinen, Men from Hatjalahti, study , Charcoal, crayon, cardboard, 167.5 x 239.5 centimeters, 1943, Finnish National Gallery , Helsinki
Tags: OlliMiettinen , soldiers , Hatjalahti , study , charcoal , crayon , cardboard , FinnishNationalGallery , Helsinki , NYTimes , AsWarRages , Ukraine , AgreesToTalksWithRussians , 'WithoutPreconditions' , crowds , Ukrainians , Industry , Gatheringemptybottles , Dnipro , Molotovcocktails , Tenacity , localmen , diggingbunker , erectingcheckpoint , villageofHushchyntsi , dirt , earth , Charity , cardboardsigns , handwrittentext , yellowtape , Offeringrefugeesfreerides , Polishborder , Polandandbeyond , ArmedorNot , VillagersRushToJoinFight , Khomutyntsi , grass-rootsmovement , mobilizationofcivilians , MoreThan350CiviliansHaveBeenKilled , Kyiv , Ukraine'sPresident , VolodymyrZelensky , Censorship , RussiapressuringGoogleandApple , seekstorestrictonlinematerial , Sidelined , Putindistanceshimselffromadvisers , couldberisky , InTurnaround , GermanyVowsMilitaryBoost , ChancellorOlafScholz , 100BillionEuros , Berlin , Putin'sNuclearArsenalRhetoric , PushesBoundsofBrinkmanship , nuclearforces , "specialcombatreadiness" , Americanforces , Defcon3 , TheWoodlands , Texas , AfterPartisanRedistricting , PrimariesMatterMost , RepresentativeDanCrenshaw , hadhisTexasdistrictredrawn , risingRepublicanstar , Baltimore , policecadets , takepartincourse , ethicalpolicing , PoliceTraintoStepIn , WhenPoliceStepTooFar , mostlysunny , breezy , cold
Guerra de la Paz, A Stitch in Time: Ghost Variations , 108 deconstructed garments, metal pole and wire hangers, Dimensions variable (approximately 9 feet wide), 2002-2016, Art Works for Change , Oakland, California
Tags: GuerradelaPaz , astroturf , green , whitepaintedlines , yellowbluewhiteuniforms , football , LosAngelesRams , FinalStoponPathtoVictory , wonSuperBowlLVI , CincinnatiBengals , defensiveplay , AaronDonald , BorderBridgeWillSoonOpen , Canada , ABlockadeIsCleared , AntigovernmentProtest , Ottawa , EntersThirdWeek , AmbassadorBridge , WindsorOntario , Detroit , automanufacturing , slowedtoanearstandstill , protestsigns , hundredsoftruckers , accumulation , AmidThreats , UkraineIsLedByOptimist , Kyiv , VolodymyrZelensky , PresidentofUkraine , formercomedicactor , Texaslawbanningabortions , 'Heartbeat' , MovestoCenterofAbortionDebate , ExaminingWordsandClaims , BehindStrictNewLaws , ForMcConnell , StealthFightForG.O.P.Grip , DraftingAllies , toFoilTrumpSenatePicks , SenatorMitchMcConnell , Kentucky , pilesofcotton , truck , laborersunloadingcotton , Kasrawad , India , Growingwithoutpesticides , producesloweryields , BehindIndia's'Organic'CottonBoom , FraudandFalseLabels , Atlanta , IntheArberyHateCrimesTrial , TheEvidenceIsLikelytoBeUgly , AhmaudArbery , federalprosecutors , federalhatecrime , mostlysunny , cold , brisk , StitchinTime , GhostVariations , deconstructedgarments , wirehangers , ArtWorksForChange , Oakland , California , NYTimes
Simon Periton, Smoke Screen I , Cut colored and black paper, 222.5 x 149.9 centimeters, 2003, Museum of Modern Art , New York
Tags: SimonPeriton , smokescreen , cutpaper , coloredpaper , blackpaper , landscape , abstraction , MoMA , NYTimes , soot , ashes , ashesinwinter , snow-coveredsuburbs , afterwildfireragedthroughsuburbs , Colorado , residents , facinglongroadtorecovery , ExtraChildBenefitEnds , AsCovidExplodesinU.S. , ProgressivesExpectedAidtoBeExtended , butOpponentsQuestionedtheCost , ThePaycheckProtectionProgram , portrait , DemocratStaceyAbrams , abilitytobridgepartyfactions , crucialinherrunforGeorgiagovernor , LeftandMiddleClaimAbrams , Who'sRight? , HowSheIsDefinedIsKeytoGeorgiaRace , voting-rightschampion , symbolofherstate'schangingdemographics , shadows , reflection , doubling , CivilianDeathsDismissedByU.S. , BasicInternetSearches , BypassedbyPentagon , IraqiSpringMediaCenter , Facebookpost , Siha , GoogleMaps , Wikimapia , SerbNationalist , PresidentMiloradDodik , PutsMatchNearFuseinBosnia , BanjaLuka , "peacefuldissolution"ofBosnianstate , forgedin1995inDaytonOhio , oxygenforCovid-19patients , meantforuseinindustrialmachines , ATribalPurge , ARareCallForFederalAid , Everson , Washington , NooksackIndianTribe , beingdisownedbytribe , bitterdisenrollment , InaPandemic , BrightStoriesOfResilience , MarkFinazzo , OhioStateUniversity , highereducation , hopingtobecomeresearchscientist , variablycloudy , breezy , cold , someshowers
Simon Starling, Inverted funicular bridge , Mixed media, 768 x 278 x 254 centimeters, 2004, Museion Foundation , Bolzano, Italy
Tags: SimonStarling , bridge , mixedmedia , hempropes , resin , installation , sculpture , MuseionFoundation , Bolzano , Italy , NYTimes , RyanSanford , patrolofficer , Kittery , Maine , landscape , greenery , water , boat , portraiture , encounteredbruisedandshakingTanyaNeal , hegotherintoashelter , Tear-StreakedFace , ScrambletoHelpinMaine , motherdaughter , embrace , daughterJusticeStone , shedidn'tusuallyturntopoliceforaid , BidenExploresTalks , asChinaBuildsArsenal , SeekingWaystoAvoidAccidentalConflict , nuclearcapability , armscontrol , RacingToAssessHowShotsWork , Vs.NewVariant , 26UniqueMutations , VaccineMakersPrepare , ReformulateDosesforOmicronStrain , Pfizer-BioNTech , Moderna , 2300newdailycases , provinceofGauteng , SouthAfrica , VirgilAbloh , obituary , 1980-2021 , DesignerWhoBrokeBarriers , WhileReimaginingLuxury , Hehadhisownbrand , Off-White , artisticdirector , LouisVuittonmen'swear , bridginghypebeastcultureandluxuryworld , Honolulu , Hawaii , $4billiontransitproject , hasrisento$11.4billion , WhenU.S.BuildsBig , CostsandTimelinesSwell , AsU.S.HuntsForChinaSpies , ScientistsRecoil , AnmingHu , accusedofespionage , trialendedinhungjury , surveillance , universityprofessor , periodicclouds , sunshine , breezy , cold
Michelangelo Pistoletto, Father’s Frame , Plaster, gauze and wooden frame, 102 x 69 x 6 centimeters, 1982, Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo, Norway
Tags: MichelangeloPistoletto , mixedmedia , monochrome , white , plaster , gauze , frame , Nasjonalmuseet , Oslo , NYTimes , churchinterior , families , embrace , tears , masks , framedphotograph , wreath , redroses , hat , note , ribbon , SaraCagliani , consoled , Mass , forherfather , AlbertoCagliani , unabletocarryout , hislastwish , toburyhiminuniform , Nembro , Italy , HollowedOutbyCovid , StrugglingtoCope , TraumaandDespair , PlagueSurvivors , ItalianProvince , CinziaCagnoni , "Ineedpeoplemorethanever" , "Idon'tliketobealone." , SurprisePick , ForTopOffice , InVirusFight , BidenSelectsXavierBecerra , SecretaryofHealthandHumanServices , Dr.RochelleWalensky , selectedtolead , CentersforDiseaseControlandPrevention , VaccineMayShipInDays , CasesSurpassRecord , CrisisGripsCalifornia , TrumpTeamEmphasizesSpeed , ExpertsWarnofDelays , MoncefSlaoui , chiefscienceadvisor , OperationWarpSpeed , coronavirus , Pfizer , vaccinemanufacturer , parkinglot , orangetrafficcones , cars , lineup , mobiletestsite , DodgerStadium , LosAngeles , Decatur , Georgia , SuburbsTiltedGeorgiatoBiden , SenateBattle , NewGame , CrossoverVoteaPuzzle , ForTwoDemocrats , BlackLatinoAsianresidents , movingintoformerlywhitecommunities , Wilmington , Delaware , shopwindow , reflections , glass , cardboardcutout , JosephR.BidenJr. , clothingstore , signage , customt-shirts , WithNewPresident , AllEyesonWilmington , 'ALittleMystique' , forLittleBusinessHub , president-elect , transformedcity , federal-government-in-waiting , PublicTransit , FacesBigCuts , AndLittleHelp , Congress , bi-partisangroupoflawmakers , $15billionforpublictransit , pandemic-reliefpackage , sunshine , clouds , blustery , cold
Evan Holloway, Dialectic , Cinder blocks, plaster, steel, brass, lighting, and lighting controller, 22.3 x 189.2 x 279.4 centimeters, 2006, Museum of Contemporary Art Chicago , Illinois
Tags: EvanHolloway , dialectic , mixedmedia , sculpture , installation , MuseumofContemporaryArtChicago , NYTimes , Florida , crowd , neighborhood , LakeWorth , campaignsigns , lastdayofearlyvoting , battlegroundstate , longlines , Texas , IVOTED , stickers , Americanflag , votingcontinued , stateSupremeCourt , deniedefforttothrowout120000ballots , Wisconsin , polling , PresidentTrumpistrailing , inkeynorthernstate , hewonin2016 , women , raisedhands , cheering , ballotdropbox , VOTEHERE , KeySwingStates , SetUpShowdown , AsRaceNearsEnd , BidenPollingAhead , in4Battlegrounds , JosephR.BidenJr. , holdsclearadvantageoverPresidentTrump , bolsteredbysupportofvoters , whodidnotparticipatein2016election , Philadelphia , BothCampaignsVieforPennsylvania , nationalearlyvote , climbspast93million , Pennsylvaniahas20ElectoralCollegevotes , Pennsylvaniacrucialtovictory , chart , NewYorkTimes/SienaCollegepoll , ArizonaFloridaPennsylvaniaWisconsin , WashingtonDC , InEraofTrumpFictions , TrustLoomsasCasualty , "alternativefacts" , democracy , duringfinalweekendofcampaignrallies , Mr.Trumpsowsdoubt , aboutvalidityofelection , OnVenezuela , U.S.StrategyRunsAground , JuanGuaidó , youngoppositionleader , recognizedbyPresidentTrump , StateoftheUnionspeech , Florida'sLatinovoters , Venezuelanexpatriates , CubanAmericans , Trumpadministration'ssanctions , failedtooust , NicolásMaduro , ChineseRussianIranianinterests , morefirmlyentrenchedinVenezuela , ACityatOdds , OntheMoment , ToOpenSchools , SanFrancisco , thirdwave , coronavirus , debatehowtosafelyeducate , low-incomeandminoritystudents , Henderson , Nebraska , InNebraska , Seeking4MoreYearsofBelonging , Trump'sRuralBackers , SpeakofaKinship , peoplesay , PresidentTrumprepresents , theirdeepconvictions , stronglyheldbeliefs , goodversusevilframework , verywindy , gusts40to50m.p.h. , cold
Unidentified (American), Underpass-New York , Oil on photograph on canvas mounted on paperboard, 50.6 x 60.8 inches, 1933-1934, Smithsonian American Art Museum , Washington, D.C.
Tags: Artistunknown , American , FederalArtProject , WorksProgressAdministration , oilonphotograph , documentary , NewDeal , roads , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , NYTimes , winterlandscape , snow , cars , headlights , yellowlights , glow , nighttime , TheColdTreacherousDriveHome , Fearingicyroads , officialsinNewYork , nearbystates , urgedfamiliestoendholidayweekendsearly , WashingtonDC , BigQuandaryForDemocrats , OnTradeDeal , AWinforProgressives , butAlsoforTrump , NorthAmericanFreeTradeAgreement , Trumpadministrationagreedonrevisions , withCanadaandMexico , newUnitedStates-Mexico-CanadaAgreement , Atlanta , Georgia , AFracturedCoalition , LosesGroundonAbortion , openhandwithcircularpins , redandwhitedesign , newanti-abortionlaws , Georgiajoinedotherstates , outlawingabortion , earlieststagesofpregnancy , 1973Roev.Wade , SupremeCourtruling , ALoyalHand , AdvisesTrumpOnLegalIssues , JaySekulow , prodigiousfund-raiser , evangelicaltelevision , Hearings , TheHouseJudiciarypanel , willconvene , withoutthepresident'sparticipation , AsAngryCitizens , StagedProtests , IranOpenedFire , ATollInTheHundreds , DetailsAreEmerging , ActionsbyLeadersUnderStrain , politicalunrest , fourdaysofintenseviolence , London , England , PalaceStruckbyScandal , King-in-Waiting , AssertsHisRole , QueenElizabethII , 70thanniversaryofNATO , HouseofWindsor , PrinceCharles , theFirm , InSunnyLosAngeles , OnlythePrivilegedFew , EnjoytheShade , streetscene , EstherGarcia , stoodinshade , waitingforabus , JeffersonPark , clearbluesky , "liquor"signage , parkinglot , busstop , shadeispreciouscommodity , crisesofclimatechange , inequality , goalofplanting90000shadetrees , breezy , cold , rainandwetsnow
Tags: GeorgeSegal , TheCurtain , mixedmedia , sculpture , installation , thefigure , portraiture , window , brick , painting , white , ivory , SmithsonianAmericanArtMuseum , WashingtonDC , NYTimes , Mobridge , SouthDakota , bluelandscape , snow , winter , blackdiagonalline , road , MobridgeCareandRehabilitationCenter , closedinJanuary , residentsmoved , toothernursinghomes , manymilesfromtheirfamilies , snow-sweptruralroads , RuralNursingHomesShutter , FamiliesSplinter , corporatebuyouts , unpaidbills , financialruin , HaroldLabrensz , farmingandranching , rollingDakotaplains , sentoff , 220-mileroadtrip , nursinghomeinNorthDakota , LorettaLeonard , portraitinmirror , bedroom , framedphotos , husbandwife , paintingofholyfamily , Christianity , religion , cross , rosarybeads , dressingtable , bouquetofflowers , red , green , pink , gold , tan , grey , 'SometimesIwonderwhetherheknowsmeanymore' , can'tmake20-miletrip , tovisit91-yearoldhusband , whohasdementia , theelderly , mentalillness , McAllen , Texas , BravingHeatandCoyotes , ToBeRaped , attheBorder , MigrantWomen , SeekingSafetyinU.S. , FindaNightmare , inLockedRooms , lookaway , concealedidentity , anonymity , firstname , Melvin , outdoors , branches , bluesky , blackhair , rapedbysmuggler , sexualabuse , ubiquitousthreat , undocumentedwomenonborder , liveinshadows , of#MeToomovement , Seattle , Washington , Amazon'sOfferToCities , TakeItOrWe'llLeave , threats , closedwarehouses , stophiring , leastoutspace , demandtaxexemption , NYCmayor , BilldeBlasio , "shocktothesystem" , Amazondroppedplans , tobuildNYCheadquarters , NewDelhi , India , India'sMilitary , AilingandPoor , NearsItsBrink , IndianAirForce , dogfight , PakistaniAirForce , agingSovieteraplane , MiG-21 , armyequipmentconsidered"vintage" , Cambridge , Massachusetts , BattleErupts , OverTreatmentThatOnceRepelled , F.D.A.Ruling , WillPickWhoProspers , FromFecalTransplants , F.M.T. , revolutionarytreatment , Clostridioidesdifficile , debilitatingbacterialinfection , eyeofcrocodile , tailofcrocodile , yellowblackbrown , TheScalyPredatorNextDoor , Crocodilesarefactoflife , Balabac , Philippines , someconsiderreptilessacred , otherswantrevenge , forattacks , countlessdogsandgoats , snatchedaway , PresidentTrump , TradeStatisticsRivetPresident , BoredbySpies , intelligenceagencies , focusoneconomicsandtrade , hisrepeatedquestion , Whoiswinning? , cloudsgivingwaytosunshine , breezy , cold
Janine Antoni, Unveiling , Bronze bell, lead clapper, fabric tassle, Edition 3/3, 53.5 x 33 x 33 centimeters, 1994, Irish Museum of Modern Art , Dublin, Ireland
Tags: JanineAntoni , bronze , bell , tassle , sculpture , installation , IrishMuseumofModernArt , Dublin , Ireland , NYTimes , silhouette , manbehindscreen , gauze , screen , anonymity , black , grey , taupe , portrait , 'ItIsNotaCloset' , 'ItIsaCage' , ASilentCrisis , forGayPriests , FearingBlame , CatholicAbuseScandal , unspokenstories , FatherGreiten , Milwaukee , Wisconsin , "Ireallyamgay" , "Itwaslikeadeathsentence." , Munich , Germany , RiftinAlliance , LeavesEurope , FumingatU.S. , RussiaandChina , MayExploitStrainedTies , trans-Atlanticalliance , seniorGermanofficialsays , "It'sbroken" , Russianforeignminister , SergeyV.Lavrov , "weseenewcracksforming" , "oldcracksdeepening" , SanFrancisco , California , HackingofU.S.Networks , TracedtoChinaandIran , RenewedStrikes , onBanksandAgencies , SeenasReaction , toTrump'sPolicies , NationalSecurityAgency , FireEye , Boeing , GeneralElectricAviation , T-Mobile , recenttargets , Sanders'sTask , ForBlackVote , FixingDamage , SenatorBernieSanders , preparestoannounce , anotherrunfortheWhiteHouse , campaignstrategy , socialmedia , handscrossed , greysweater , MohammedKhalifa , narratedbrutalISISvideo , CanadianFace , BehindaVoice , PromotingISIS , Hasaka , Syria , facelessevangelist , anonymousnarrator , LosAngeles , streetscene , SunsetBoulevard , Hollywood , CravinganOscar , Netflix , TurnstoTirelessStar , ANewStrategist , LisaTaback , "thebestofthebest" , Roma , AlfonsoCuarón , artfilm , domesticworkerinMexico , Netflixspent , estimated$25million , topromote"Roma" , cloudy , morningshowers , cold
David Bomberg, The Mud Bath , Oil paint on canvas, 152 x 224 centimeters, 1914, Tate Gallery , U.K.
Tags: DavidBomberg , oiloncanvas , painting , vorticists , TateUK , BritishArt , NYTimes , portraiture , VictorManuelTorres , bluestripedshirt , bluejeans , palmtrees , clothesline , hangingclothes , boats , homes , tornuplandscape , rocks , dirt , detritus , columns , pink , bluesky , clouds , "Deadistheonlywaythey'llevergetmetoleave" , 50-yearresident , barriocalledVietnam , Guaynabo , PuertoRico , HurricaneMaria , "Thestormwasapassingshower" , "comparedtowhatwehavesurvivedhere" , Laborersbuiltneighborhood , badgeofhonor , WashingtonDC , G.O.P.'sTactics , SeektoCornerDemocrats , McConnellEntersFray , ToEndShutdown , PresidentTrump , morningtweets , attackedSpeakerNancyPelosi , Ms.Pelosibehaved"soirrationally" , SenatorChuckSchumer , Mr.Trump'splan , "hostagetaking" , Shutdowninfifthweek , 800000federalworkers , stillfurloughed , RussiaDealings , SaidToContinue , TillTrumpWon , AMoscowSkyscraper , CandidateWasInvolved , forMonthsLonger , GiulianiReveals , RudolphW.Giuliani , PresidentTrump'spersonallawyer , TrumpTowerMoscowdiscussions , "goingonfromthedayIannouncedtothedayIwon" , flurryofinterviews , amidfallout , disputedreport , BuzzfeedNews , ReportInLimbo , Misstepsraisequestions , aboutBuzzfeed's"bombshell" , AsMogulandPresident , ConsistentinChaos , Trump'sHungertoWin , DrivingForce , DealMaking , wagedpublicbattle , withMervGriffin , totakecontrol , AtlanticCitycasino , JackO'Donnell , "Hehasn'tchangedatall" , rancasinoforMr.Trumpin1980s , footballplayers , tangleofbodies , redwhiteuniforms , bluewhiteuniforms , multicolorbackground , crowd , MusclingIntotheSuperBowl , SonyMichelandthePatriots , beattheChiefs , 37-31 , WhereWordsandActsClash , WhiteHouse'sRussiaPolicies , RussiaseizedUkrainianships , inNovember , Twomonthslater , PresidentTrumphasnottaken , significantaction , Mr.Trumpinsisted , "nocollusion"withMoscow , Bensalem , Pennsylvania , DNA'MagicBox' , CanSnareCriminals , butAlsotheInnocent , RapidDNAmachine , providesresultsin90minutes , RapidDNAAct , signedintolawin2017 , sunshine , patchycloud , windy , cold